Crimes of the Covestapo Part 14

This is Part 14.










Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Friends, About 18 months ago I penned a two part critical overview of the medical establishment for its response to the confected Covid crisis. It was titled “Whistling Past the Graveyard”. (You will see links in the comments section below.)
In a couple of weeks Celia Farber’s seminal book Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS–which has been sadly out of print–is now thankfully being republished (on March 23rd).
One of the principal inspirations for the own above-mentioned effort on my part was the extraordinary work done by Celia in exposing the gigantic fraud that was behind the HIV/AIDS crisis. This is revealed in her book, which unsurprisingly did not receive any where near the attention it should have done when first released.
As Mark Crispin Miller says in his foreword to the new edition, the HIV/AIDS was in effect a “dress rehearsal” for what we all experienced with Covid, albeit with the latter playing out on a much larger scale. This included very much how the medical establishment responded in kind. Taking my cue from Celia (and others), I document some of these uncanny similarities in my own two-parter. (I hope to have Celia Ingrid Farber as a guest on my TNT Radio program “The No Fly Zone” in due course. Stay tuned.)
BOTTOM LINE: I cannot recommend Celia’s book highly enough. Given what has taken place in the past three years, it will likely make you question a lot of things. Not least the integrity and the standing of our medical and healthcare profession, and the degree to which we can (or should) accord faith, confidence and trust in our chosen medical service providers.
And after 👉🦠 the 👉💉, we should be asking some very serious questions. Go here for more details.

👀 ICYMI: Whistling Past the Graveyard: Expose of the Medical Establishment (In Two Parts), by Greg MAYBURY
Friends, 👀👉A definitive indictment of the medical and healthcare establishment, which three years after the declaration of the pseudo-pandemic, is still ‘whistling past the graveyard’.
📃 Article: Whistling Past the Graveyard Part One: The Crimes & Betrayals of the Medical Establishment, by Greg Maybury, Perth, WA.

BRIEF: Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the global conspiracy that is the Covid “pandemic”, is the ease with which the vast majority of those in the medical, healthcare, and affiliated scientific fields embraced the official dogma and complied with the dictates imposed under its regime.
The stark reality is that the arch-criminal globalist confederacy that is the World Economic Forum—in tandem with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organisation and others—could hardly have imagined much less attempted this monstrous deception without the imprimatur and complicity of the medical and scientific establishment. Along with ditching their solemn oath to ‘do no harm’ and betraying their ethical principles, they’ve become fully owned chattels of the Big Pharma crime cartel.
In this two part series, from the personal to the political and back again Greg Maybury applies the ‘blowtorch to the belly’ of this once revered profession. It’s not a pretty sight. They have much to answer for, little to fall back on by way of excuses, and no ‘alibis’.

📃 Article: Whistling Past the Graveyard Part Two: The High Priests of Public Health & Modern Medicine, by Greg Maybury, Perth, WA.


A follow up on a previous story:

Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Bibi betrayed the citizens
Runs World’s Biggest Medical Experiment On Its Own People

Bibi signed a contract with China to manage the port in Haifa, signed a contract to purchase surveillance cameras , which are now installed on the streets of Israel . There are a lot of things Bibi has done , just as the R& D political group in our country their politicians are the same – Lots of people in that country have been protesting against the vac, digital I.D. etc. Bibi is now working on enforcing global warming / climate change scam rules on the people as this government of ours is going to do ,





Apparently the Florida GOP axed some bills that would have prevented all vaccine mandates and other tyrannical measures, and instead created bills that only applied to Covid 19, in other words, useless (as most of the damage has already been done by covid 19 measures and this would leave people unprotected from future pandemic measures like happened under covid 19):




Here is a post on the wall of a friend of mine:

I must admit there was quite a while where I really thought Senator Ron Johnson’s panel might come to something, but just last week I read a piece from Sasha Latypova where she was discussing how she, and her research partner, Katherine Watt (Bailiwick News), spent months preparing documentation re: DOD being the primary driver of the jabs, utilizing the pharmaceutical industry as their front, only to have Johnson completely drop the matter once all their materials had been submitted and reviewed.

Just more bread and circuses… which is not to ding all the people who have testified as their voices certainly aren’t being heard anywhere else, but only that this avenue appears to be a box canyon and not a court of last resort…




Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Mexican Cable Company Commercial Shamelessly Pushes The J@b And Attempts To Normalize J@b Induced Magnetism As “Mainstream”…
This advertisement for the Mexican Company Megacable shamelessly offers a free ZTE (Chinese brand) Smartphone to recently j@bbed people, and also shows brazenly the magnetic effect as a way to verify that the person is j@bbed….
What More Brazen And In Your Face Can They Possibly Be ???
This commercial is for Megacable in Mexico. In the commercial, they give you a free cell phone for being v@cc!n@ted and pull no punches, to prove he was v@cc!n@ted, a guy sticks a 10 peso coin to his arm and at the end, they show the cell phones sticking to people’s arms.
This is obviously to normalize people being magnetized and call it amusing and funny.
The genie was let out of the bottle when a national daytime talk show tried to debunk the v@cc!ne magnetism and ended up with j@bbed people in the audience that had magnets and cell phones stick. The hosts were obviously terrified because they did not expect it to be true and they cut the segment short. This did so much damage to the acceptance of the j@b that now Megacable is making it look FUN!!!

Gotta normalize it by joking about it…

Source Video:
Este Buen Fin al contratar Mega móvil… ¡Te regalamos un celular!
Nov. 3rd, 2021 – Video 30 secs
Megacable Comunicaciones
70.7K subscribers
¡Vacunadito ganas con Megacable! Contrata tu Mega Móvil con datos ilimitados, presenta tu certificado de vacunación Covid-19 ¡Y LLEVATE UN CELULAR BLADE A31 GRATIS!
Vacunadito win with Megacable! Hire your Mega Móvil with unlimited data, present your Covid-19 vaccination certificate AND TAKE A BLADE A31 CELL PHONE FOR FREE!

June 11th, 2021


Official Megacable Comunicaciones – Youtube Channel

Found the TV news report from a local Mexican Channel, in it the magnetism is being shown and suggested as if it was a way to prove one had got “the good j@b”.
May 29th, 2021 – Video 2 mins 38 secs


And another post from him:

I understand fully why the DoD funded censorship groups were watching the internet intensely for the word c o v i d, 3 months before the virus was even named.

They wanted to make sure this IoBNT plan did not leak out too early onto the net.

These videos were they talk in detail about it all, have very few views on them, and they know that nobody watches them or pays attention to their conferences and webinars.

No wonder it was successful.


Here is a post on the wall of a friend of mine:

Elon wins the X prize from DARPA. His Tesla 3D printer is responsible for the mRNA Neuralink jabs.




Here is a post on the wall of a friend of mine:

This is from the (Canadian) National Citizens Inquiry that just took place in a few major cities across Canada. It’s an excellent presentation by a former CBC reporter (Rodney Palmer), giving a thorough review of how the CBC used propaganda & misinformation during COVID to manage public opinion, censor, spread fear, etc. They lied. Lots of details, facts and examples all the way to end.
Law Professor was given $381,000 by government to push propaganda and not news, Health Canada gave him $1.75 million dollars to push that “vaccines are safe and effective”.
Canadian Mother, Carol Pearce, died 6 minutes after her 3rd vaccination.
NDP and Liberal photographers for Trudeau and Singh took photos of Nazi flags unfurled for them so that Trudeau could get out of meeting with the truckers saying that he does not meet with racists.









Here is a post from a friend of mine:

50 Dictators – Emergency States Act
“Our Liberty at Stake Again” – The Next Pandemic Preparations
The “Model Public-Health Emergency Authority Act,” is a new legislative draft to be proposed by the Uniform Law Commission in ALL 50 American states.
“The intention of the Act is to clarify “the powers of a governor to declare a public health emergency and to issue orders in response to that emergency.”
(A vote on the Act by the full ULC is on the agenda for the Commission’s annual meeting in July. For all 50 states)
An explanation of limitless power your governor would be granted if your state passes the “Model Public-Health Emergency Act”.
Read the Act.
Contact your state legislators on all fronts, venues and means. Respectfully outline your opposition and concerns.
Clearly explain the powers, authority and responsibilities of the legislators that will be taken away and solely given to the governor and can be extended “at will” on a perpetual basis. Ask your legislators to defund ULC.
Get this out.
If passed as written, this bill will allow Governors;

  • limitless authority (see subsection d),
  • The authority to declare a public health emergency
  • Exempt Governors “from any rule-making procedures that might otherwise apply under state law to administrative statements of general applicability,” as stated under subsection k….and more
    For context, the Chicago-based ULC is also responsible for an attempt to redefine “money,” criminalize decentralized cryptocurrency, and institute Central Bank Digital Currency as a medium of exchange.
    The following is a link to their documents published on June 1, 2023, outlining the policy proposals:

The ULC is an influential interstate organization that works to make state laws more uniform. Since 2021, the group has worked to draft a “Model Public Health Emergency Authority Act” promoting unchecked executive authority for all 50 governors in America
June 12th, 2023
“It is now clear that those responsible for the COVID response aren’t looking for amnesty or forgiveness… Publicly, they are searching for any ‘emergency’ to increase their power. Privately, they are looking to put that system into law.”
The fight is no longer about COVID origins or remedies but rather control of the history of the event itself…
It was never about protecting anyone from a virus. That was only the pretense for all the rest that comes afterwards.

According to the Uniform Law Commission – “ULC”;
“This project emerged from the uncertainties in state law that the COVID-19 pandemic
made acutely apparent. These legal uncertainties contributed to the decision of many individuals, businesses, and some legislatures to file lawsuits challenging the statutory and constitutional authority of Governors and other executive officials to respond to the risks posed by the pandemic.
“Moreover, these same legal uncertainties have resulted in state legislation clawing back core public health powers from Governors and executive branch officials. Consequently, Governors and health officials in many states may no longer have the legal authority needed to protect public health adequately during the next emergency.”
The ULC also notes this will create better accountability for Governors during a public health emergency, and give increased access to challenge emergency declarations…

However, if you read beyond the flowery introduction, the legalese translation for “accountability” is defined as “political accountability,” as in, the Governor can be voted out. In addition, that increased “access to challenge,” is limitedly defined to those with standing in Administrative courts. Yet the bill exempts Governors, and their declarations, from the Administrative Procedures Act.

An Influential Yet Little-Known Document May Determine Your Civil Liberties
June 8th, 2023
A commission of law officials from all fifty states is in the process of creating a legal framework to give wide powers to governors and state authorities during emergencies.

Archived 🌐
2023jun1_MPHEAA_Inf. Sess. Issues Memo.pdf
In 2021, the Uniform Law Commission’s Scope and Program Committee approved the formation of a drafting committee to draft a model law related to public health emergency authorities.
A drafting committee was created and charged with drafting a model law addressing:

  • the allocation of authority between state executive branch officials and the legislature (including with respect to preemption of local governments) and the processes that should apply to the use of such authorities.
    The MPHEAA Drafting Committee has fulfilled its charge and presents to the Uniform Law Commission for approval the Model Public-Health Emergency Authority Act (MPHEAA).
    The Committee believes that the MPHEAA balances the need to empower Governors to respond
    to public health emergencies and the need to hold Governors accountable to the facts of a public
    health emergency and to the interests of individuals, businesses, and other stakeholders.
    This memorandum highlights key issues the Committee addressed as it drafted the MPHEAA.

2023jun1_MPHEAA_Informal Session Draft.pdf
Model Public-Health Emergency Authority Act
June 1, 2023 Informal Session

Nov. 27-29, 2001 Workshop:
“Biological Threats and Terrorism: Assessing the
Science and Response Capabilities: Workshop
-This started in motion MSEHPA, which would drastically alter state’s power in health emergencies.

MSEHPA was written by the CDC, then revised by the “Center for Law and Public Health” . This is a collaboration between Georgetown Univ. & Johns Hopkins Univ., both of who are playing a major role today in public policy and narrative control for COVID.

It is my understanding that this Act also removes peoples ability to sue if the governors use this authority.
Your only allowed to sue if the governor fails to enact these emergency powers.
That is a critical difference between covid and the next plandemic they are working on for all of us.




Here is a post on the wall of a friend of mine:

NEW — A Mysterious Chinese Lab Has Been Uncovered in California w/ ‘Mice Bioengineered to Incubate the COVID-19 Virus’
“I’ve never seen anything like this…According to court documents experts determined that at least 20 potentially infectious viral, bacterial, and parasitic agents were being stored inadequately including E. Coli, malaria, and even COVID.”


Here is a post from a friend of mine:

The US State Department, this morning just launched the “Bureau Of Global Health Security & Diplomacy” in a big address that probably went under the radar of most people.

I will show show more on this tomorrow.

Essentially giving up more control to the WHO even before any plandemic treaty is signed in Jan of 2024. Unilaterally.

A Global responce to plandemic preventions etc..

I put this out here tonight so that others can also start looking into it because time matters.

Update to previous post:

Global Health Security…
Plans for this first began in 2011…See last link in post.
Buckle up friends. What laws and rights does this violate now?
Focused upon plandemic preventions…
The US State Department, yesterday morning, just launched the “Bureau Of Global Health Security & Diplomacy” in a big address that probably went under the radar of most people.
The United States has been a global leader in death, destruction and depopulation efforts here at home and around the world, since World War 2.
If you only knew the true extent of it..
Our hands are not clean…
Seems to have been launched in order to demand global compliance to US rules regarding health and safety. Because this bureau’s name is no less than: ‘Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy’. The US with it’s totally dysfunctional health care system seems to be aspiring to impose health care rules on all sovereign countries, many of them which have health care system that actually works well.
The first plandemic came from the US, China and many friends. They even wargamed it at Event 201, together, and they might be planning new plandemics, with which they again are going to try to police the whole world with illegal mass-detention of everyone in their own homes for weeks on end.
When politicians are concerned with your health, they are not concerned with your health. And they can never be trusted in health matters, ever again.

They lost that trust.

Full Video Remarks
August 1st, 2023 – Video 30 mins

Anthony Blinken says another plandemic will occur in his remarks.
“We have to be ready, and the world at large has to be ready. That is the central mission of the new bureau,” the secretary of state said.
“A pandemic is not only a health crisis. It’s a security crisis. It’s an economic crisis. It’s a humanitarian crisis,” Blinken said.
Samantha Powell in her remarks says the chance of a new plandemic in our lifetime is 40%…
Secretary Xavier Becerra @SecBecerra
There is no stability or security without health. There is no health without equity.
The Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy, launched today, helps us ensure that no one is left behind in our commitment to a healthier, safer, more equitable world.
Secretary Xavier Becerra says getting those 700 million Covid j@bs into American arms, may not get him headlines but he is in the room when it happens..
What does that mean?
Becerra said the American “way of life [is] tied intrinsically to that of everyone else” and that the country’s medical resources and technology “belong to them just as much as they belong to us.”

The creation of the bureau was announced by Blinken in December with the intention of merging several public health, biodefense, and scientific arms of the State Department into one new structure to “allow our health security experts and diplomats to work more effectively together to prevent, detect, and respond to existing and future health threats.”

Fortify the global health security architecture…
This new Bureau will seamlessly integrate global health security as a core component of U.S. national security and foreign policy, underscoring the Department of State’s commitment to advancing human health worldwide.

Launch of the Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy

Learn more about this new bureas efforts here:
The Bureau elevates and integrates global health security as a core component of U.S. national security and foreign policy.

Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy

Our office leads efforts to monitor and respond to international infectious disease outbreaks and serves as the coordination node for the Department on outbreak response.
Under the leadership of Dr. John Nkengasong @USAmbGHSD
It will provide U.S. leadership on global health security and diplomacy…
At the press conference, Nkengasong called for a “whole-of-government approach” to address rising public health threats due to globalization, climate change, and an increase in the world’s population.
Health diplomacy must become “part of the DNA” of the State Department, Nkengasong said.

Under his leadership, the new bureau will use the “full force of U.S. diplomacy to advance the concept of the four Cs” of healthcare, which are cooperation, coordination, collaboration, and communication, in terms of working with global partners to address public health concerns that could have a sizable geopolitical impact.

Global health diplomacy: advancing foreign policy and global health interests
5 Page PDF

Plans for a Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy
Originally published Dec. 13th, 2022

What is ‘Global Health Diplomacy’? A Conceptual Review
While global health diplomacy (GHD) has attracted growing attention, accompanied by hopes of its potential to progress global health and/or foreign policy goals, the concept remains imprecise. This paper finds the term has largely been used normatively to describe its expected purpose rather than distinct features. This paper distinguishes between traditional and “new diplomacy”, with the latter defined by its global context, diverse actors and innovative processes.’Global_Health_Diplomacy’_A_Conceptual_Review



Here is a post from Shannon Joy:

My upcoming lawsuit against the Monroe County Department of Health, Health Commissioner Mike Mendoza, Monroe County Sheriff & Fairport Police involves their sending armed police & 2 health officials to my HOME on a Saturday morning to SERVE my 11 year old daughter with a quarantine order in 2021.😤
We argue this was an act of intimidation & harassment to get me to stop publicly reporting on COVID lockdown abuses and a violation of my 1st amendment rights along with unequal protection under the law.
They terrified my children.
They’re monsters …
Same here ———>


And a reply to this post:

When they kicked my son off his High School Football team making him miss 2 games for riding in a car with a person who tested positive a day later, but my son was negative all along, I disputed it with HF-L School, none of the other kids the positive student was in School with or at practice with that day was removed (even though hundreds were within 6 feet of the student all day) they blamed Monroe County Health, I called Monroe County, they blamed the State, I called the State, they blamed the County. Nobody knew WTF they were doing or why they were doing it. Im willing to bet all those people you are suing defense will be to blame the State of NY, and the Democrat run State of NY is untouchable. I will never ever forget as long as I live what Cuomo and the Dems did to us in 2020!!










More covid fearmongering:


















Brazil Gov. warns parents they won’t receive welfare benefits if they don’t get their children vaccinated for COVID-19,,,…


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