Public Schools or Public Screwels? Part 15

stop common core 15

This is part 15.

Here is a post from the parent anti-Common Core resistance group ParentStrike:

States & school districts are embracing student digital badges, programs like i-Ready, adaptive computer-based education & data mining Ed-Tech products in exchange for money and/or devices. In Consider Yourself Warned, Deb Herbage explores K-12 data mining and the grave threat it poses to student privacy.


Here is a post from an anti-Common Core page:

Karen Effrem: The latest report of the National Commission on Social Emotional and Academic Learning continues to promote questionable brain science in the service of having government schools, corporations, or their foundations set norms for and assess the values, attitudes, beliefs, and emotions of students from cradle to career.


And here is a post from the same page as the one above.  It is in reply to where people were talking about the Florida teacher that had her textbooks taken away:

A special ed teacher got a phonics program taken away when my oldest was having trouble learning to read with the whole language program they were using. Superintendent said it wasn’t approved curriculum. Public education sucks everywhere.


And here is a post in reply to an article about the fired whistle blower in the Oregon Department of Education:

Strangfield isn’t the first person pushed out by the ODE for questioning overzealous data collection. Now the ODE wants to emulate Colorado in joining student behavior data to the Department of Corrections! What happened to expunging juvenile records? What happened to keeping all parents informed?

Meanwhile, states and feds already want to apply predictive algorithms to much government data, even though they’re wrong 35% of the time. What a way to fill the school-to-prison pipeline!


Here is a post shared by Alice Linahan:

This brave, frustrated veteran teacher is from Milsap, Texas. Milsap is in Parker Co. just west of Ft. Worth. She articulates very clearly and passionately, the main issue, in my opinion, for teachers. I’ll let her testimony speak for itself.
If your political candidate is not talking about this issue in education, they are either not aware of the true nature of the problem with the Accountability System, or they are choosing to keep the status quo. This election is so important for educators. Hold your candidate accountable to this issue, even if you are not in public education.

[name withheld]
17 hrs
Posted by [name withheld]. I don’t know her, but she so eloquently expresses what we all have felt:
“Today I got my summative evaluation…from last year. “Last year” ended five months ago, but we had to wait for all the test scores to come in and tell us what kind of teachers we are. Highly Effective. I was genuinely congratulated by my principal for the great growth of my students and having a perfect score for the second year in a row. After this brief meeting, I went back to my classroom…and I cried. I cried because this job I LOVE, this job I am so passionate about, this job I am so good at, this job I was born to do…is no longer the same job. I cried because of the increasingly overwhelming amount of paper work and meeting and trainings (oh my). I cried because we are SO micromanaged! Everyone wants to tell us what is best for OUR classroom. I cried because of the entire evaluation process. What other professional is evaluated this way? With an entire booklet of what they will be looking for when they come in our rooms for a short period of time. I cried because of the testing. My God, the testing. (3rd-5th graders will take a TWO HOUR research based writing test tomorrow. Their first of FOUR this year.) I cried because every single teacher I know goes above and beyond. Every single teacher I see is highly effective. I cried because many of them will be made to feel less than that. I cried because I’ve never stayed as late as I’m staying this year. I cried because I’m supposed to take a 300 hour course for free…on my own time. A course for a subject I’ve been teaching for over a decade! I cried because I’m being forced to choose between what’s best for my kids, and time with my daughter. I cried because I shouldn’t have to make that choice. I cried because of so many other issues that are plaguing teachers. I cried because this isn’t the first time I’ve cried this school year. I cried because this job I used to love, has become a job that overwhelms me beyond belief most days.
There are countless teachers in my school, district, state, and country that feel the exact same way. Yet they stay. They stay because they love to teach. They stay because they were born to teach. They stay because their kids are more than a test score. They stay because their kids are THEIR kids. Teaching has always been a hard job, but those in charge these days seem to be asking a dangerous question. How much more can the teachers handle? Starting the year with at least 93 open positions in our county, 4000 in Florida, and a national shortage across the country, the answer seems to be clear. Not much more.”


And here are some replies to said post:

Oh my and it’s so true. They make it harder and harder for the kids who want to become teachers to be a teacher the testing is absolutely ridiculous stuff they give you to study for ask you to study for is not on the test how can you become and start your future as a teacher when you can’t even study for the test that makes you a teacher


the strangle-hold on the profession is reaching critical mass. The TEA is making it more and more difficult to get certification in all fields in education at every level. Why?? The principal exam is tripling in price and going to two parts in January. Why?? Why make it more difficult when more teachers and administrators are needed to fill the positions? They are purposely killing the profession.


When will teachers rise up and say “this is not education?” If they did it in mass numbers, it would make a statement. Parents and school boards aren’t making enough noise.


as you know, this is what you and I and so many others have been trying to communicate for years, now. It’s going to have to come from the profession itself. We must save our profession!


Some of us rise up as citizens advocating for children…and then we get emails from high up administrators who CC your principal. Can you say target? I don’t care, but it makes folks jumpy.


This is the way teachers stay locked in doing the same thing marching to the agenda. It is a system run on fear. Fear has no place in public education. I know this is hard to do, but teachers are going to have to get past the fear. It’s what holds them in place keeping the status quo.


yep…I’m trying…


Same. So same. Every single day is a struggle…and the kids are NEVER the struggle.


Gosh, isn’t education run by and for the most part staffed by progressive leftists? I worked in this field for 20 years (support staff) and realized long ago many things were wrong. One notable random fact in my area was how many teachers and admins were childless. Little tiny things like this have all added up to the mess we have today. But what does someone like me know, an uneducated peon.


George Bush, when he was governor pushed the No Child Left Behind legislation that started this horrible cycle of state-mandated tests. I’m a veteran Texas teacher, retired with 31 years. It started back with him. I was there. It is not a progressive leftist mandate.


yes, it’s a left/right agenda. Actually it’s a globalist agenda that the leadership of both parties have adopted.


Education, I would say, is not so much run by leftist, as by globalist. There is a slight difference. But it does not need to remain that way. It takes numbers, like this brave teacher, coming forward willing to be counted and heard.


I call education the Preschool to University to Fascist Leftist Pipeline.


There are many in education who are strong constitutionalists. They need to begin overcoming their fear and speaking up. [name redcated] you might enjoy my book. It addresses the problem from inside the profession.


I was going to mention your point exactly—- Texas is as conservative a state, over all, as they come . How quickly we forget where high stakes testing originated, right here in the 90s under George Bush. It then spread nation wide when he became president. We had business millionaires like Bill Gates and the Koch brothers advising national policy to put us in the position we find ourselves today. Data has become the new educational buzz word, not rigor, differentiation, PBL, etc. We left the focus of better instruction for ways to track our students and their ability to take multiple choice tests. Until teachers band together with parent support to take back’ our public schools—- we’ll continue to see teachers leave the profession and parents take their children out and put them in private or charter schools where they don’t focus on testing!


I don’t see how anyone (on either side) at the teacher or administrator level could be leading anything at all. Maybe there’s something different in CA? In Texas, ed is so highly regulated at the state and fed level, there’s simply nothing anyone (not even at school board level) can do to impact it. It’s all prescribed at higher levels. Again, Texas is red beyond red and we have the same problem. I think it’s profiteering by state and fed reps and tons people in between with money interests (on both sides). I was in ed 16 years, and I never saw anyone at the local level have any real impact. Too tightly controlled higher up. People tried but it just too big and too much money. Profiteering seems to be the common thread between CA and TX, I think. And evidently the blue vs red makes no difference. Greed and ignorance of what would help ed abounds on both sides.


Follow the money—- testing companies and test prep companies are making a fortune off of public school testing. Who owns and has interest in those companies? Texas spends tens of millions of dollars every year devising new and more convoluted STAAR tests that prove little in assessing children’s achievement.


The system is killing and bogging down creativity. Teachers are told what to do minute by minute. How do you have discussions on books? How do you use creativity to extend learning when you don’t have time?
Teachers are struggling to keep up with everything.


I have 1 kid off to college in 2019 and another in 2020. I am telling my kids when they mention maybe majoring in education that they must have a 2nd major to fall back on. I know too many teachers who are on the verge of a nervous breakdown or have quit either because when they started they realized how much they hated all the non-teaching stuff or after a very few years they’re sick and tired of everything. Also because the pay is lousy and here in Texas they’re slowly loosing their benefits which used to be so good that it made up some for everything else they had to deal with in education nowadays.


We are fools
We vote for people who hate us and try to destroy us. I have at least 5 hours of work to do today and my son whom I haven t seen in two months is here. I would never encourage anyone I love to teach


I know what you mean


This is hard to read and pray for common sense to return.


Our profession, [name redacted], has the power to right the ship, but it will take everyone speaking in a unified voice.


All school board members and superintendents need to take heed these comments from teachers and parents. It is not business as usual.


The paperwork and micromanagement is what I remember as a classroom teacher. I remember my colleagues in tears because planning time was used for anthing but planning because we were in this or that meeting. I struggledto make 5, 10, or 15 minutes work to be totally prepared for the next lesson. I started arriving to work early enough to wait for custodial staff to open the building. I stayed late to the point my principal thought I was trying to get a promotion. Something need’s to change. There is an urgency here, and we must look into ways to foster more of a focus on effective teaching and student learning. Cheers.


Here is a post from a Washington anti-Common Core group:

Can anyone please affirm any examples (without naming a student, unless you want to indicate it was your kid) of someone who passed Algebra 2 last year with at least a B, but did not pass the Math SBA. Then was summarily placed in an easy non-Precalculus math class designed for kids that ‘failed’. Asking for a friend.


And another post from this group:

For those who are relatively new (and a refresher for those well acquainted) this article reflects a blueprint of Corporate Ed Reform just as Common Core was being formulated. I characterize this as Elitist Corp Ed Reform. The people pushing this are Elitists who view your children and mine as “human capital”.

December 1, 2008 12:01 AM
Lessons From 40 Years of Education ‘Reform’
Let’s abolish local school districts and finally adopt national standards.

While the economic news has most Americans in a state of near depression, hope abounds today that the country may use the current economic crisis as leverage to address some longstanding problems. Nowhere is that prospect for progress more worthy than the crisis in our public education system.
So, from someone who realized rather glumly last week that he has been working at school reform for 40 years, here is a prescription for leadership from the Obama administration.

We must start with the recognition that, despite decade after decade of reform efforts, our public K-12 schools have not improved. We can point to individual schools and some entire districts that have advanced, but the system as a whole is still failing. High school and college graduation rates, test scores, the number of graduates majoring in science and engineering all are flat or down over the past two decades. Disappointingly, the relative performance of our students has suffered compared to those of other nations. As a former CEO, I am worried about what this will mean for our future workforce.
It is most crucial for our political leaders to ask why we are at this point — why after millions of pages, in thousands of reports, from hundreds of commissions and task forces, financed by billions of dollars, have we failed to achieve any significant progress?
Answering this question correctly is the key to finally remaking our public schools.
This is a complex problem, but countless experiments and analyses have clearly indicated we need to do four straightforward things to bring fundamental changes to K-12 education:
1) Set high academic standards for all of our kids, supported by a rigorous curriculum.
2) Greatly improve the quality of teaching in our classrooms, supported by substantially higher compensation for our best teachers.
3) Measure student and teacher performance on a systematic basis, supported by tests and assessments.
4) Increase “time on task” for all students; this means more time in school each day, and a longer school year.
Everything else either does not matter (e.g., smaller class sizes) or is supportive of these four steps (e.g., vastly improve schools of education).
Lack of effort is not the cause of our 30-year inability to solve our education problem. Not only have we had all those thousands of studies and task forces, but we have seen many courageous and talented individuals pushing hard to move the system. Leaders such as Joel Klein (New York City), Michelle Rhee (Washington, D.C.) and Paul Vallas (New Orleans) have challenged the system, and elected officials from both sides of the political spectrum have also fought valiantly for change.
So where does that leave us? If the problem isn’t “what to do,” nor is it a failure of commitment, what is stopping us?
I believe the problem lies with the structure and corporate governance of our public schools. We have over 15,000 school districts in America; each of them, in its own way, is involved in standards, curriculum, teacher selection, classroom rules and so on. This unbelievably unwieldy structure is incapable of executing a program of fundamental change. While we have islands of excellence as a result of great reform programs, we continually fail to scale up systemic change.
Therefore, I recommend that President-elect Barack Obama convene a meeting of our nation’s governors and seek agreement to the following:
– Abolish all local school districts, save 70 (50 states; 20 largest cities). Some states may choose to leave some of the rest as community service organizations, but they would have no direct involvement in the critical task of establishing standards, selecting teachers, and developing curricula.
– Establish a set of national standards for a core curriculum. I would suggest we start with four subjects: reading, math, science and social studies.
– Establish a National Skills Day on which every third, sixth, ninth and 12th-grader would be tested against the national standards. Results would be published nationwide for every school in America.
– Establish national standards for teacher certification and require regular re-evaluations of teacher skills. Increase teacher compensation to permit the best teachers (as measured by advances in student learning) to earn well in excess of $100,000 per year, and allow school leaders to remove underperforming teachers.
– Extend the school day and the school year to effectively add 20 more days of schooling for all K-12 students.
I can predict that three questions will be raised about these measures:
First, how can we set national standards when we have a strong tradition of local school autonomy? The answer is that the American people are way ahead of our politicians here: Poll after poll shows they support national standards.
Second, won’t this take many years to implement? No, if we follow a focused, pragmatic approach. While ideally we want all 50 states to participate, we can get started with 30. The rest will be driven to abandon their “see no evil” blinders by their citizens as the original group achieves momentum and success. Moreover, we do not have to start from scratch on the national standards. Experts can quickly develop an initial set just by drawing on existing domestic and foreign programs.
Third, how do we pay for all of this? In three ways: We will save billions by consolidating the operations of 15,000 school districts. The U.S. Department of Education can direct all of its discretionary funds to this effort. And we need to drive into the consciousness of every American politician that education is not an expense. It is, rather, the most important investment we can make as a country.
H.G. Wells remarked that “history is a race between education and catastrophe.” For the first time in America’s history, we may be losing that race. We can win, but we have to act quickly and decisively.
Mr. Gerstner, a former CEO of IBM, was chairman of the Teaching Commission (2003-2006), which reported on ways to improve the quality of public school teaching.

Gerstner believes: “the problem lies with the structure and corporate governance of our public schools. We have over 15,000 school districts in America; each of them, in its own way, is involved in standards, curriculum, teacher selection, classroom rules and so on. This unbelievably unwieldy structure is incapable of executing a program of fundamental change.”

**”Gerstner’s legacy among corporate education reformers was cemented in 1996 when he brought together the corporate world with state governors at the IBM headquarters in Palisades to establish the education reform agenda for the nation. This meeting brought us Achieve — the organization that is credited with the development of the Common Core standards. In 2008, Gerstner summarized what he had learned over the years as a leading voice in education reform for the The Wall Street Journal. “–

This illustrates one blueprint towards the end game to privatization. Louis Gerstner also founded Achieve, Inc. that helped bring us the Common Core State Standards Initiative. I take articles like this very seriously.


Here is a post from an Oregon anti-Common Core group:

I just got this letter from the school on one of my children stating SPECIFICALLY, “Federal law states that all students 7 yrs old or younger, or any who are entering a U.S. school for the first time, must have the following health screens ON FILE with their school before the 120th day of school.”
And then it lists vision, hearing and dental.

It states that my son does not have this and they included a permission slip to fill out for dental… my blood is boiling so hot right now. I cannot find ANYTHING in federal law saying anything like this. All I can find is a state law stating that schools must PROVIDE these services but nowhere have I found they must have this information on file or that I must submit it. He has had all these things through his normal dentist and pediatrician.


And here are the replies to this post:

ask them to provide you with a copy of the statute (state and/or federal) that requires you to do this.
I did. I called and said I was confused because nowhere can I find a FEDERAL law requiring this. The first words I received in response was, “Jyn do you think I would send out hundreds and hundreds and letters without checking the facts first?”
Wow! Welp! My bad! I guess that should have been telltale sign it’s all a 100% legit and bonafide law then, right?
From what I’ve found there are two laws in OREGON (2017 ORS 336.211 and 2017 ORS 336.213. ) that state they need cert of vision and dental on file.
This is an Oregon statute not federally mandated and the dental is required to offer an opt out for the school screening. Mind you, we have already done all our medical stuff through our dentist and pediatrician. All they had to do was request this information in the new school year packet- without sending a: “THIS IS FEDERALLY MANDATED AND HERE IS THE PERMISSION FORM FOR OUR SCHOOL TO DO IT even though we share information”.

I have not been able to find anything mandating hearing screenings.

I found OAR 581-022-0705 (1996) requires school districts to provide vision and hearing screening but I cannot find pages on it any longer as it seems they have all been deleted. Did they overrule that law?
I was always under the impression that they were required to offer it/make it available to students (as many cannot afford it), but not that it meant that it was required to do.

Again, it’s a good idea to do, but the federal government shouldn’t have a say in mandating anyone doing it.
Could you just have your dentist and pediatrician write letters saying they have recently examined your child? That way the school has record that the child has been screened, but they don’t need the details. By the way, I think it’s completely ridiculous for schools to require any such info, but could you comply without really complying???
Yep! We totally could had I had this requested of me I probably could have easily provided it. Instead I got a threatening letter with my child’s name highlighted with a marker and a form attached for their Dental3 people stating it was federally mandated.
“DENTAL3 “D3” was formed in 2014 as a unique partnership of Medicaid Dental Plans, Coordinated Care Organizations and Community Partners to advance the goals of transformation by furthering oral health in the Portland Oregon metropolitan community.
D3 and its partners provide community based services to reach those individuals who might not otherwise seek care, connecting them to the system through outreach.”
I wouldn’t do it. That’s why they get away with this kind of stuff, because parents aren’t willing to fight back so the buck keeps getting passed down the line.
I worked at a pediatric medical clinic for 14yrs. Although I’ve been out for the last 5 yrs, I am not aware of any such federal law and those aren’t easy to come by. I would call up and ask for the reference to look up. I only know of federal programs, such as head start, having requirements like this.
Oregon has tried to make Americans believe this for years

Here is a post from a New Hampshire anti-Common Core page:

A NEW comment added to my article on Sanborn and the Competency Based Ed
New comment on your post “Is Sanborn Regional School District Lying To Parents?”
As a parent having one graduated from Sanborn and one still in the system I can speak to its strengths and weaknesses. My children have been successful but not because of the school and it’s curricullym but because of the extra effort put in at home to bridge the gap of what isn’t taught in school. They are high achievers and Sanborn is not excelling at helping high achievers. The elementary schools are excellent but the middle and high school are sorely lacking in accountability and standards of excellence. Unfortunately I see the curriculum and administration catering to the lowest common denominator. No deadlines. No consequences. No finals. No reports or real projects and papers due. They can however keep retaking tests or redoing work until they get the grade they want When I spoke to Stack about this I was told the point was to ensure the student learned to concepts not penalize them for the time it took to grasp the subject matter. In effect the good grades are self inflated and our students are not learning what it takes to survive in the real world or thrive in post secondary education.
You can see all comments on this post here:

And another post from this page:

SENT to the MAYOR of Manchester and the School Board Members
Dear Board of School Committee Members:

I was made aware of Manchester Proud a short time ago by parents who told me about this new organization. As a former Bedford resident, I have seen how an organization outside the school district could be beneficial to everyone involved in the Manchester public schools. The Bedford Education Foundation has been one of those organizations that has raised funds for expenditures that are not included in the school district budget. The BEF is well-respected and appreciated in the community for that reason. They look at what needs to be supported and funded, then hold fundraisers and events to make it happen. For instance, on their Facebook page, they proudly reminded community members that they worked hard with fundraisers to support French students in a 10-day exchange. The BEF provided the funding to get all foreign language program exchanges funded. Adding foreign language to the elementary school curriculum is what one Manchester parent said she would like to have added to the elementary grades.

It was the Bedford School Board that set up a survey asking parents and community members what problems they see within the school district. That information was categorized and, made public so everyone could see what needed to be addressed. Since it was an online survey, there was no cost to the taxpayers that I’m aware of. Trinity High School has also elicited this critical information from parents in the past. It’s a great way to identify the problems, prioritize them and work on getting the problems fixed.

At first glance, Manchester Proud appeared to me as if they would be that support system for Manchester, too. An organization like that can be a real gift to a school district. However, upon further research, what I’ve discovered about Manchester Proud is causing me great concern. I’d hate to see an organization become a lightning rod in the community versus one that is respected and appreciated like the BEF.

Manchester Proud has the capacity to make a significant and positive impact on the school district. That’s something we should all support. I’m not surprised that people in the community want to add their time and talent to an organization that wants to help the school district meet some of its needs. My concern is with what appears to be a political influence within the organization. That influence now seems to be directing expenditures that could be used for genuine needs that parents have identified.

Reaching Higher NH is an organization that has been politically active for a few years. While I respect them as a political organization, they have a set agenda that has been diametrically opposed to what parents in Manchester, and across the state, have supported. Two board members at Reaching Higher NH now sit on the board of Manchester Proud: Talmira Hill and Pawn Nitichan. The Executive Director at Reaching Higher NH, Evelyn Aissa, is the daughter of Barry Brensinger, Coordinator for Manchester Proud. In watching video of school board meetings, I have seen Mr. Brensinger and others stress that they have no bias or predetermined outcome. With what I’ve learned about the direct and influential connections between Manchester Proud and Reaching Higher NH, and seeing the direction in which this effort is going, it’s hard to take that at face value, even though their intent may be pure.

Having that kind of one-sided political view on education reforms does not allow for a healthy debate when Manchester Proud seeks to influence the district on education policies. If they were there simply to provide support in the same manner as the BEF, then their participation would not matter. But since there are now examples of how Manchester Proud is also engaging in political education reforms, this concerns me, and will most likely concern the many parents who came before the BOSC several years ago in an effort to improve the local academic standards in the district. I have already heard from a Manchester grandmother of a Beech Street School student, indicating that she sees a conflict of interest.

It is critical for Manchester Proud to succeed and not become an organization that divides the community. Unfortunately, some of Manchester Proud’s political association with politically motivated education reform groups have drawn negative attention.This could bubble up to a point where Manchester Proud loses respect and appreciation in the community.

For example, on Manchester Proud’s facebook page, there is a link to a video from Reaching Higher NH highlighting Student Centered Learning. Below that post I asked this question: “In this video, Reaching Higher NH advocates for student centered learning. Could you provide peer reviewed research/studies that show student centered learning improves the quality of education (maybe in terms of test scores) versus teacher centered? Thank you”. (Please see attached screen shot)

This is an example of support for influencing how a teacher teaches in the classroom. Is this the vision for Manchester Proud? To take information provided by a political organization and advocate for the same political views?

When I returned to look at the facebook page to see what studies they would provide, I saw that the post had been removed. I did not receive an answer to my question, and you cannot see it currently on the facebook page.

I ask for independent research because other districts in New Hampshire are implementing this experimental education reform. The Atlantic reported on this experimental method back in 2014.”What Happens When Students Control Their Own Education? When a New Hampshire district found itself struggling with low test scores and high turnover, it made a radical decision: Flip the traditional model and let kids take over the classrooms.” Since then, I’ve received numerous complaints from Pittsfield parents explaining how the student-led discussions become sidetracked, and how some students use that time in an effort to talk about other things beside what should be discussed. Small group work becomes the responsibility of the student who excels, leaving that student to carry the weight for the group. Individual projects take a great deal of time, leaving less time for academic content to be covered.

Pittsfield test scores do not provide any indication that this experimental model has had any significant impact on students in the high school:
Grade 11
Reading: 57%
Mathematics: 36%

Reading: 58%
Mathematics 19%

This is why I asked for peer-reviewed research. If Manchester Proud is going to advocate for changes in the Manchester classroom by supporting experimental pedagogy, shouldn’t they at least make sure it’s best practice and has a track record of success?

Manchester Proud has also come to the BOSC to advocate for joining the Council of Great City Schools (CGCS). During the discussion with some of the BOSC members about the $30,000.00 membership fee, Mr. Brensinger indicated that he would not consider the request by Manchester parents who want funding to go towards materials in the classroom. Instead he said this kind of significant expenditure should be used to pay a membership fee to CGCS. I understand this is an effort to design a strategic plan, but if that plan is going to revolve around unproven or disproven politically-contrived education reforms, rather than meeting the needs expressed by the parents, then this does not bode well.

CGCS is a political organization funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to “promote and coordinate successful implementation of the new common core standards in major urban public school systems nationwide ” The Gates Foundation lists CGCS as a partner on their web site.

Here is a list of grants awarded to CGCS by the Gates Foundation so that they could advance their political objective:
2008 $3,735,866
2010 $ 100,000
2011. $5,446,615
2013 $ 614,954
2013 $2,000,000
2015 $1,600,017

CGCS’s political objective has a clear bias which runs counter to what scores of parents said they wanted for their children in Manchester during the debate of the Manchester Academic Standards.

No one on the BOSC asked for any proof that CGCS has a track record of success. After reviewing the CGCS web site, I could not find any peer-reviewed independent studies that showed membership in this organization improved academic outcomes.

A case in point comes in a 2014 CGCS report regarding the public schools in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The reports states: ” The Albuquerque Public Schools District has embarked on an ambitious reform agenda which includes the transition to Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and a renewed focus on improving student achievement by closing the achievement gap. The district’s strategic plan included improving Academic Achievement. However, if you look at their NAEP scores from 2017 they show Albuquerque students either making no progress or falling further behind their peers:

The percentage of students in Albuquerque who performed at or above the NAEP Proficient level was 29 percent in 2017. This percentage was not significantly different from large cities (31 percent).

The percentage of students in Albuquerque who performed at or above the NAEP Proficient level was 25 percent in 2017. This percentage was not significantly different from large cities (27 percent). It seems that they digressed in Math and reading.

Grade 8
Year/average score/difference from large cities
2017 270 -5
2015 271 -3
2013 274 -2
2011 275 -1

2017 255 -3
2015 251 -6
2013 256 -2
2011 254 -1

If the Manchester BOSC is to join a political education organization, it is critical that the BOSC look for peer-reviewed studies that show the organization has contributed to some measure of academic success in public education.

Manchester has many difficult challenges with which other districts in New Hampshire may not be dealing. Every dime spent needs to be carefully considered, whether the money comes directly from taxpayers or from other sources by way of the school district. I urge school board members to demand proof that expenditures do not come with a political agenda.

Cornerstone, the organization for which I am the Education Liaison, would like to get behind an organization working in the best interest of the students in Manchester. For all its challenges, Manchester provides many opportunities. Manchester could lead the way in education outcomes for the state. Toward that end, we encourage efforts to identify what parents see as needs for the district.

Reaching Higher NH and the Council of Great City Schools have a political agenda that leaves me concerned about Manchester Proud. Manchester Proud is an organization that has amazing people behind it who are willing to do whatever it takes to help Manchester schools succeed. It would be a mistake to let political aims take precedence over what parents believe are the real needs in the district.

After leaving the Manchester Proud meeting, I posted a question on a Manchester School Facebook Page. I asked parents what five things they’d like to see changed or improved in the school district. No one mentioned a desire to see the district become a member of a political organization whose main objective is to implement Common Core in schools. No one mentioned wanting a political organization to influence teaching methods.

Parents did say that they wanted:
1) Bullying addressed
2) Consistent curriculum across the district
3) Foreign Language added in the elementary school
4) Implement a complementary Spelling and Grammar curriculum
5) Get a systematic Math book that can be used starting on page 1
6) Stop social promotions
7) Advance children to the next subject when they’ve mastered the content
8) Get our teachers a signed contract
9) Add tech resources
10) Get rid of Common Core and go back to common sense
11) IEPs must be followed
12) Common Core has to go
13) Bring back unified arts in the Middle School
14) Updated textbooks
15) Leveling for all subjects
16) Get rid of standardized testing
17) Make sure students are competent in the subject matter before advancing

I’m sharing this because after attending Manchester Proud’s meeting yesterday, their associations with pro-Common Core political organizations indicates there may be a conflict ahead. These are concerns that the Bedford Education Foundation has avoided by making sure the individuals running the organization are focused on the needs of the teachers and students. Having a similar support group in Manchester can offer parents and teachers the much-needed support that they have been wanting. Please consider your support carefully as you go forward.


Here is a post from Shannon Joy:

Online Morality Test given to high schoolers in Bradley, Ohio.






Here is a post from a Nevada anti-Common Core group:


Dear Katy Et Al,

It’s good to hear some WCSD students are coding in school. Our Incline schools don’t teach cursive, coding, and barely teach keyboarding. Since the District came up with the language: “Getting students ready for the 21st Century digital world,” several things have happened including:
1) One of the largest EdTech vendors, Edmodo, had a data breach causing sensitive student data (including Student ID’s) to be placed for sale on the dark web.
2) A year later Edmodo sold the entire company (including) all the student data to a Chinese company, experts agree the Chinese bought Edmodo for the data of U.S. students.
3) A Cal Berkeley study, released this summer, showed many of the EdTech vendors used in our schools are not in compliance with COPPA.
4) A Fordham University study, released this summer, shows data brokers are selling “student data;” it’s unclear where/how the data is being obtained.
5) At least two states (not Nevada) have sued Google for illegally tracking students.
6) The FBI came out with a Public Service Announcement on September 13 warning parents and school districts about third party EdTech vendors.
Instead of telling parents what has happened (above) and letting them decide if their children will continue sharing school work and personal data with free (paid with student data) EdTech vendors the District has decided to keep parents in the dark. About three or four years ago WCSD told Protect Nevada Children (PNC) they do not “enter into contract” with free EdTech vendors used in WCSD schools. Katy, has something changed in regards to the free EdTech vendors or are your comments below misleading?

Two years ago 441 families opted out of being issued a WCSD email address, two questions: 1) When were the email addresses re-created? 2) Why won’t the District allow us to opt-out of District email now? My oldest is getting A’s in computer science classes at Columbia (Ivy League) and he did not use any free EdTech vendor products before graduating from IHS in 2016.

Numerous technology executives including, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, severely limited their own children’s screen time, and use of EdTech products, at least until high school. We at Protect Nevada Children believe the “free” EdTech vendors are the most problematic because without parental consent or knowledge: they collect and store student data, create profiles on students, and share student data with unknown parties. Experts on the left and right have written about how the data obtained by free EdTech vendors may affect the future of our children.

It appears the District’s policy is that parents do not deserve to know all aspects of using “free” EdTech products or how the student data collected may affect the future of their children. On the other hand, we at PNC believe parents should be educated on all aspects of using these free products, and parents should decide if their children will use them or not.


John Eppolito
President Protect Nevada Children

From: Holland, Katy []
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 5:14 PM
To: Scott Wilderman
Cc: BoardMembers; John Eppolito
Subject: Re: EdTech Devices

Dear Mr. Wilderman,
WCSD’s mission is to create an education system where all students achieve academic success, develop personal and civic responsibility, and achieve college- and career readiness for the 21st Century. To advance this mission, WCSD provides all students with opportunities to use technology. We strive to provide students with an education that prepares them for the opportunities that exist in a 21st Century digital world, in which virtually every career demands technology proficiency. To create an educational environment where some students could use technology and some students could not use technology would create inequities and would not enable students to learn these important skills. We do not encourage students to develop an online presence. We encourage them to learn skills that will be necessary for their future competitiveness. Just today I was in a first grade class that was learning coding on computers that each student built. These are the skills we are focusing on. Further, the emails that students use in our District have no access in from the outside and cannot be sent externally unless parents specifically request that their student have that access for communication with colleges, etc.

I am sensitive to your concern about the importance of protecting student data. I can assure you that I and the District take this matter very seriously. Ed Tech companies are prohibited by law (COPPA) from selling students’ personal data or using it for advertising to students. WCSD is not entering into contracts with any vendors who do not comply with COPPA. We are also implementing a Digital Citizenship curriculum that helps students to learn ways they can best protect themselves when online.

Regarding WCSD’s efforts to educate parents about the use of technology devices and student email addresses, there is substantial information for parents about WCSD’s digital learning efforts at We have also prepared a list of frequently asked questions, available at In addition, we have regular information workshops like the one on Digital Citizenship last week to which parents are invited.

I’d be happy to discuss any of these concerns with you further.

All best wishes,
Katy Simon Holland
On behalf of the Board of Trustees


Here is a post from an Arizona anti-Common Core group:

“None of the 17 states with voucher programs nor the six states with ESA programs explicitly allow parents to retain full protections under IDEA. Moreover, non of the 19 voucher, ESA, or tax incentive programs aimed specifically at students with disabilites allow them to retain full IDEA rights.” National Center for Learning Disabilities

Please vote No on Prop 305.

And another post from this group:
Please vote NO on 305: We do not want our private schools to be turned into public schools and forced to be under the same requirements and rules that public schools must follow. Many parents have fled to homeschooling and private schools —we do not want our choices to become obsolete (where the government controls everything!). We support school choice, but do not support the state controlling private schools!
Here is a post from an Ohio anti-Common Core group:
Opted my 3rd grader out of AIR, principal says she might not pass 3rd grade without this test. So tell me- how is it my 3rd grader who is in the “talented and gifted” program somehow performed high enough to enter this group…but they don’t know if she is smart enough to pass 3rd grade without this test? Smh
And some replies to this post:
This is how they strong arm parents into submission. They did the same thing to me. Most don’t have the money to lawyer up. In my case it would have taken that.
I still said she isn’t taking it and asked them to explain how is she “gifted” if you can’t test her to know she can even read. No response.

A male physical-education teacher in a Florida school district has been told he will be transferred to another school as discipline for not doing his job.   The problem was that a girl identifying as a boy was using the lockerroom and he was told to go in there as part of his duties but declined to be with a nude girl, at which point he was punished:

Here is a post from a Utah anti-Common Core group:

I found the actual bill, if you want to read it to verify the truth of the article shared below.

Ctrl+F to search for “assessment”, and you’ll see how students using the ESA money (As Arizona calls it: Empowerment Scholarship Accounts, but Utah will be calling it: Flexible Education Spending Accounts) are now being required to be accountable to statewide tests.

Take note.

Found here:…


And another post from this group:

When I first heard about Common Core (CC), I couldn’t imagine that the people of Utah would allow it to be instituted. But then the Governor and School Board officials approved it. The more I learned about Common Core, the less I liked it. When CC started operations at our schools, I thought soon leaders or parent groups would rise up and tear CC down. But they didn’t. Then when Obama had completed his second term, I thought Republicans would crush Common Core along with Obamacare. They didn’t take down anything. With Trump in office, maybe he’ll get rid of Common Core. But maybe we should stand together, protest, demonstrate, start impeachment proceedings against Herbert, impeach the school boards, generally light a fire under complacency and the status quo till we finally bring about the end of Common Core.


Here is a post from Alice Linahan:

UNREAL!! or, I mean, I wish it was unreal…

The hypocrisy of Congress holding privacy hearings, while we are at the same time pushing all these BigData bills, promoting AI in Government, building a biometric database of citizens, and not really talking about CONSENT over data… especially children. WAKE- UP AMERICA!!


Here is a post that was shared in the Parent Strike group:

Important information from IL Raise Your Hand about the new 3-8th grade state test for Illinois, and the new state rating policy for schools.

Bad news: the new school rating policy will heavily penalize schools for high opt out via lowering the ratings.

Good news: the consequences of a low rating mean more funding, not less.

You can ask ISBE why they’ve chosen to design the school ratings system this way at public meetings tomorrow night in Chicago and Thursday night in Melrose Park.


Here is a post from the group More than a Score:

PARCC is now IAR (Illinois Assessment of Readiness)

3 year contract $133,134,755.00…/Illinois-Assessment-Readiness-3-8-Ad…

IAR (Illinois Assessment of Readiness)
Notice of Award for Illinois Assessment of Readiness (3-8) Provider
ISBE has posted a letter announcing a notice of award that has been posted (reference #22041975) for the state’s procurement of an administration, scoring, reporting, and development vendor. The Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) proposed high quality, cost effective solutions to achieve our vision of a computer adaptive assessment that returns results of machine scored items within 1 week of the end of the testing window, and all results within 30 days of the end of the testing window, making results more timely and relevant. DRC, in collaboration with ISBE and Illinois educators, will build on the foundation of PARCC content and transition Illinois to a computer adaptive assessment by 2021.

Please contact ISBE’s Division of Assessment and Accountability at (866) 317-6034 with any questions.


And another post from this page:

Teachers have successfully boycotted standardized tests in the past. Recent example, the 2014 ISAT which teachers at Saucedo and Drummond elementary schools in CPS boycotted. Story here:…/a_chicago_teacher_explains…

Takes major organizing to carry out a collective action like that!


Here is a post from a New York anti-Common Core group:

Today the PoJo article reporting my resignation from the Wappingers BOE came up in my memories.
I resigned my position two years ago because the Board, the District, NYS, National Legislators AND PARENTS AND TEACHERS ACROSS THE COUNTRY (too busy working and saving to pay for their kids college tuition  #superirony), steadfastly refused to respond to the glaring concerns and blatant corruption which were staring them in the face.
The kids got destroyed.
Just like those of us paying attention knew they would.
Corruption won.
I guess we’ll just trash this generation and see if the next crop of kids will fare better?
What a travesty.
What a waste.


Here is an alarming post from a Mississippi anti-Common Core page:

Teachers are “classroom robots ” according to three lower grade teachers. A MS Dad shares his concern.

Mississippi Common Core misery


Here is a post from Alice Linahan:

This is not a good sign…
PED Threatens Homeschool Freedom

“…the New Mexico Public Education Department (PED) had drastically changed the home school form on their website that can be mailed in. The PED also sent us a letter stating that from now on only the “official” PED home school form would be accepted. The PED’s mailed in form states “NO SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED OR PROCESSED THAT ARE NOT COMPLETELY FILLED OUT AND UNCHANGED FROM THIS FORM.”
“Besides the PED stating that only their form can be used, the biggest change comes in the form of “Required Assurances” that home school parents must initial for their form to be “accepted or processed” by the PED. While most of these assurances are not extremely onerous, they are simply not required to be made by home school parents under New Mexico law. In our opinion, these assurances are simply the PED wanting to require home school parents to do more than they are legally required to do.

What the PED is attempting to do is to change New Mexico from a notice state to an approval state. Unless you submit the form and information the PED is requiring you will not be approved to teach your children at home.”


Here is a post from a Kansas anti-Common Core page:

This is the school district where I graduated high school. This is a very professional and middle to high income city. There is absolutely NO WAY IN HELL I would allow my kids to go to these schools (any of them with policies like this). These districts seriously think they can do anything they want as long as it is in the name of “safety.” It seems that not one of these board members has EVER studied American history and it seems likely that they are no longer teaching it in this posh district. What’s that little something about giving up liberty for safety means you have neither???? ANY ONE of these people even know who Benjamin Franklin is anymore????
The author concludes, “When I described the new Plano ISD policy to our daughter, she reacted indignantly. My fear is that after six years of random searches she and her fellow students will see them as no big deal, having been conditioned to accept invasive, harebrained security theater as an unavoidable cost of going about their daily lives. That is not the sort of civics lesson I want my children to absorb.”
AMEN, brother. So, in the immortal words of the Sean Connery character, Malone, in _The Untouchables,_ “What are you prepared to do?”…/my-daughters-middle-school-plans-to-te…


And another post from this page:

So, Mr. Neuenswander thinks that the teacher shortage is all about the economy, both past and present. The article explains how Western Kansas has really struggled to fill all its positions over the years. Well, I have some thoughts for Mr. Neuenswander on this. I’ll give you only three of the dozen or so reasons that immediately pop into my head.
1. Teachers, increasingly so, and in large part due to the implementation of Common Core, do not teach; they facilitate. With teaching schemes such as a “flipped classroom,” teachers are less engaged. Add on the consequences and stigma from poor test scores along with all the political correctness we are now forced to deal with, and well, this teacher, for one, walked away from K-12 education.
2. In Western Kansas, in particular, there is a huge and rapidly growing immigrant (both legal and illegal) population. Many of them come from third-world countries like Somalia. Many of these students, like their Spanish-speaking counterparts, do not have sufficient English skills in speaking, yes, but also in writing. That is an expensive, time-consuming, labor-intensive situation. If we could do it the way that I think we should, it would help a bunch, but no. We have to keep doing it this way, with increasing numbers of kids and decreasing numbers of trained staff but yet expecting some better outcome. Uh huh. Smart. (sarc on!)
3. Many of them have cultural differences that are so far removed from American culture that it makes it very difficult. Teachers are busy dealing with many, many, many other things besides actual teaching. I had one district administrator in a large Western Kansas school district tell my husband, “Many of these kids don’t even know how to use the restroom. A week or two ago they were in the bush in Africa and now they are here. We have to teach them the very basics.”
Who in their right mind would sign up for this? Most teachers, including me, believe that we can help kids, that we can make a difference. When we are set up for failure from square one, with so many things stacked against us, many choose not to bang their heads against the wall for too many years, if any at all.
I would bet my right lung that many of you could easily add dozens of additional reasons to my list here. Please, feel free to do so.…/Vacant-teaching-positions-increase…


Here is a post from an anti-Common Core Breitbart article:

I was an elementary school teacher in Rochester, NY for 11 years – When Communist Core was implemented, I raised numerous concerns to the principal. Principal told me to keep my feelings to myself, and then he said that there were many other school districts in NYS. I said f-it, and left the propaganda industry. They are implementing this in Head Start to 3 and 4 year olds – this needs to stop, and I dont feel the President and Secretary DeVos are doing enough about it!!!


And another post from this article:

I remember being called to the Board of Education when I was a Principal, and asked why I was not “on board” with the new “Common Core” curriculum. I replied, historically, education has been a state concern; I am deeply suspicious of a Federal Curriculum that can be politically, culturally and socially attuned to push agenda’s! They accepted it but didn’t like it! I retired a few years later…I think for the most part they were glad to get rid of their Neanderthal Principal! Footnote: Two years later they had a Middle School out of control and brought me back out of retirement to fix it! I did and retired again two years later!


And yet another post:

I moved to Wisconsin almost 9 years ago from NY. As a single father, my biggest concern was the school my son would be going to. The area we moved to was very expensive and I decided to move to an area that was more affordable. I intentionally kept my son out of the Milwaukee school system. I found a half way decent school and yet every day I would have to ask my son what he learned and then tell him the truth. It is sad that we have to reteach our kids after a day at school. Now, in his early 20’s, he gets it. And yes, it’s up to the parents to teach their children.


And another one:

Saw the beginnings of this back in the late 70s when I began working for a large rural school district just outside of Seattle and yes Bill Gates was just beginning to implement his social engineering project.Just to clarify, I was not an educator, but a technician.


Here is a post that was shared by Alice Linahan:

Follow the money.
“UnboundEd was born of EngageNY — an entity, supported by millions of dollars in Obama-era Race to the Top funds, created to provide Common Core curricula for New York’s classrooms.”

“UnboundEd is not the brainchild of some education school. Rather, it boasts an impressive list of reform-minded “partners,” including the likes of Achieve­ment Network, The New Teacher Project, Leading Educators, New Leaders, and Student Achievement Partners — not counting the charter-school networks that ship teachers to its institutes. As of 2017, UnboundEd had pocketed more than $20 million in philanthropy — including millions from New Profit, the Carnegie Corporation, and the Hewlett Foundation, and more than $11 million from the Gates Foundation.“


Here is a post from a Utah anti-Common Core group:

PARENTS NEED TO ATTEND. We need to show the State School Board that parents are WATCHING OUT FOR THEIR KIDS AND THEIR OPT-OUT RIGHTS!
Please reply in the comments if you plan to attend.

When: Thursday, Nov. 1, 2018 at 5:00pm

Where: Utah State School Board Offices
250 E 500 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84111

The Utah State School Board has revised Board rules for Opt-Out. Some of the wording breaks the spirit of Utah’s Opt-Out law that was written to protect parents’ rights.

Please plan to attend this hearing if you are a parent concerned about preserving your Opt-Out rights. The Board has given 3 groups a chance to speak in defense of Utah’s Opt-Out law and in opposition to the revised Board rule. The Board is also accepting written comments to be made part of the hearing record, and there is still time for parents to request speaking time.

– – – – – – – – – –

Here is the State Board’s memo with important details about the hearing:

This memorandum will serve to outline the procedures that will be followed in conjunction with the public hearing scheduled for November 1, 2018 regarding proposed amendments to Rule R277-404. Pursuant to R15-1-5(2), I have been appointed as hearing officer for this public hearing.

The public hearing will commence at 5:00 p.m. in the Board Room at the Utah State Board of Education, 250 East 500 South, Salt Lake City, Utah and will continue for at least one hour. The hearing, however, will end no later than 6:30 p.m.

Interested parties are encouraged to submit written comments, statements, or other feedback, which will be made part of the hearing record and posted on the State Board of Education’s website. Written comment should be submitted by email to Written comment to be posted prior to the hearing will be accepted until close of business, Wednesday, October 31, 2018.

This hearing follows a public hearing request by the United States Parents Involved in Education, the Salt Lake County Chapter of the United Women’s Forum, and Return to Parental Rights. Each of these groups will be permitted to present for ten minutes at the start of the meeting.
Other parties will be permitted to present as time allows, with priority given to those individuals who request to be heard in advance by emailing Lorraine Austin, Board Secretary, at, by close of business Wednesday, October 31, 2018. Individuals should provide their name and address, and indicate whether they wish to speak in favor of or in opposition to the proposed amendments to the rule. A signup sheet will also be available at the hearing.

Individuals may be allowed between 2-3 minutes as determined by the hearing officer. Individuals speaking on behalf of an organization, other than those who have filed a formal request for hearing, may be allowed five minutes to speak in lieu of individual group members presenting. An individual may not yield time to another speaker. Those making public comment are encourage to avoid restating points made in previous comments and to avoid reading written comments that may be submitted to the hearing officer.

Following the hearing, the Board will continue to accept written comment by email or mail through close of business November 9, 2018.

It is anticipated that the hearing record will be submitted to the full Board for consideration at the Board’s December 6, 2018 meeting. Further questions regarding the conduct of the hearing may be directed to the hearing officer at

And some replies to said post:

Here is the Utah State School Board’s overview of Rules.

Rule R277-404’s entire section begins on Page 15 and ends on Page 18.

This new wording is under School Responsibilities in R277-404-6. Section 1(c). It’s problematic because it sets up a scenario where students are incentivized to take SAGE/RISE/Aspire in order to fulfill a class requirement. It reads:

(c) In accordance with Subsection 53[A-15-1403]G-6-
803(1), an LEA shall reasonably accommodate a parent’s or
guardian’s request to allow a student’s demonstration of proficiency
on a state required assessment to fulfill a requirement in a course.

Imagine a child coming home and telling a parent that they can get out of an assignment IF they take SAGE/RISE/Aspire. This could cause a potential rift between parent and child and between teacher and parent. It violates the spirit of Utah’s Opt-Out law.

In addition to the above, R277-404 references the Board’s “Testing Ethics Policy”. This is Board policy that resides outside of Board Rule. But, because it is referenced, we can talk about it in the Hearing. You can find it here:…/23262a5f-48b1-4658-b79e…

The wording in the Testing Ethics Policy that raised some concerns is on Page 3 under Unethical Testing Practices. It is the last bullet point, and it reads:

“Unethical practices include, but are not limited to: Explicitly or implicitly encourag[ing] parents to opt-out their students from participating in a state assessment Utah Code 53E-4-312.”

– – – – – – – –

We are concerned that this wording threatens teacher autonomy. Do schools support teachers teaching and children learning or do they support standardized TESTS?

This wording appears to be a violation of Utah law that wholeheartedly supports parental rights. It pits teachers against parents/children and parents/children against teachers.


So a teacher could say you will get out of the 30 page research paper if you take the test instead?


I’m confused — the only changes I see are conforming changes to the newly codified Utah code. The (1)(c) [name redacted] mentions doesn’t appear to have any substantive edits in the rule beyond changing the code references. What am I missing?


I was confused at first too. I think current law allows for students to take the test in place of an entire class, but this rule change allows for the test to replace an assignment which would allow a teacher to use it as a punishment/reward system – which is expressly prohibited by the law.


But (1)(c) is already in existing rule. It’s not being newly added here.


don’t know if this answers your question, but the Board changed the rule in February without fanfare. Parents just learned about it recently and were able to request a hearing because some minor edits were made in August–which opened the rule back up to a hearing.


If you feel the rule is out of sync w/ statute, it’s best to have the Administrative Rules Review Cmte call the SBOE folks in front of them to explain themselves and be held accountable a bit.


Yes, the rule changed in February and then again in August with minor changes. Most groups/citizens don’t know about the ability to request a hearing on a rule and missed the February timeline.

Because the rule had minor changes in August, the rule was open to a hearing and several entities made a request for a hearing.

They can also appeal to the administrative rules committee.

It is always a good idea to get in front of as many elected officials as possible.

I encourage people to attend.


Here is a post from an anti-Common Core group:


Sarasota sucks


I found this tweet, which nicely ties “personalized learning” to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals:



I found this from the Common Core Diva’s, a friend of mine, blog:

“It was reported during the NASBE conference, that the State of KY is going to restrict graduation from high school for those who do not choose ‘college’ or ‘career’”

So it appears that the Career Pathways scheme of locking students into certain career paths is moving along in Kentucky.

Also, I found this too:

“Then there’s the State-wide urgency to put as much SEL (Social Emotional Learning) into schools, at least that’s what IL’s doing. If you’ve heard of “Classrooms in Action”

If you read the Common Core Diva blog entry further, you’l see how SEL is tied to “personalized learning”.


Found this post on an Idaho anti-Common Core page:

Will it come to Idaho next?

naughty Nevada


Also on this Idaho anti-Common Core page, there was an article shared.   Inside said article, the following paragraph leads me to believe that Idaho, like Kentucky, is also in the process of falling to the Career Pathways scheme:

“The proposed rule also provides more guidance and clarification on how schools can structure the senior project requirement, including experience-based and inquiry-based learning gained through internships and similar opportunities. Senior projects may also be multi-year projects completed by a group or by individuals.”

Note, this is a graduation requirement for Idaho high schoolers.


And, based on the article below, it seems that Pennsylvania has also fallen to the Career Pathways scheme:


Here is a post from a Nevada anti-Common Core group:


Please notice that Facebook blocked this article (“Yes, Common Core Is Advancing a Left-Wing Agenda”) from my page. Facebook actually banned me from posting it elsewhere on FB and shut down my own page for a period of time. I see no reason for this article (including my comments) being against Facebook’s Community Standards, and FB was never able to tell me what the article contained that was offensive. If you still want to read the article and my comments at the beginning of it, you can go to (not google) and search for “[name redacted], Yes, Common Core Is Advancing a Left-Wing Agenda.” I believe Facebook banned it because the article/comments held too much truth.


This post, shared in a Washington anti-Common Core group, shows that the state of Washington has also fallen to the Career Pathways scheme:

Washington State PTA is part of the Ready Washington coalition. Please check out the latest information: With more than 700,000 job openings coming to Washington state by 2021, our students can choose the career pathway of their choice after high school. Since 2013, the Ready Washington coalition has been providing students, families, and teachers with clear, easy-to-use information that helps students connect their learning to their career paths and aspirations. Check out our new animated video, #PlanYourPathWA, to learn more.

[The video link is dead and cannot be found on the Wayback Machine either.)


Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Here’s the junior assemblywoman Pellegrino. Posted about her couple hours ago, she was on the news – she failed to attend Democrat assembly education and mental health committee meetings while campaigning instead on….education. We knew she was shady when she was running and now a judge agrees!
PS. She’s a leader of Opt Out in Long Island too. You’ve been played folks.


Here is a post that I found in an anti-Common Core group:

If this is true, its terrible

tyranny in Georgia


And here are some replies to this post:

A friend of my moms who is a teacher said that we may not be able to opt out here in nys either. She will get back to me as soon as she has info.



I got an email from the IL BoE that stated this exact thing. Said the State has a new ranking system for schools. And that schools w/ <95% testing rate can not be rated ‘exemplary.’

It also stated that IL has droppedPARCC in favor of a diff standardized exam.

How involved is the Fed here???! I’m becoming curioussince this is occurring in multiple states

I smell fish……


funny, we were told on the down low, in school council training (GA) that we are supposed to be moving away from GMAS (GA common core test) and moving to MAP over the next 3 years. Its piloted this year in a few select counties.


Someone in DC is pulling the puppet’s strings. Devos?


Always follow the money.


I found this post in the anti-CBE group:

You saw the invoice they sent me when I asked for the names of the companies gathering my kids data, which data fields are they pulling, and with what frequency. This is what happens when you ask for information they don’t want you to get the answers to. Ask any IT person, it would not take 16 hours to get the answers!

invoice of despotism


And here are the replies to this post:

kidding me it doesnt take but a few minutes to generate a query extract off a database that is way overpriced.


yup. They only did it for one company, Bright Bytes. When I found they were pulling PII data EVERY DAY out my of kids accounts, i figured there had to be more companies data mining without my consent. That’s when i got the bill


All I asked was, what companies have access to my kids data, what data fields are accessed and with what frequency. It’s not a hard question, they just don’t want parents to know how egregious it is.


Maybe the frequency prompted them to go into web activity logs that would take a bit longer but 16 hours hm how far back are they going


are you obligated to pay that??? Or you pay it if you want the info they gathered?


no pay no info




Why are they charging you $680 to get what companies are getting your kids’s data?


excellent question !


Aha, found one already: Schoology:

Schoology is one of the Project Unicorn vendors.


It takes MINUTES to query a database…….if it is going to take them 14 hours (or even 1 hour) than that is a serious, disturbing problem. Let me help you out with this one my friend……ALL data is uploaded to the SLDS. THAT is where you need to focus the attention on. WHO has access to that data, for WHAT purpose, etc. The districts should be held accountable for the software/edtech vendors they procure with……but the real motherload of data is sitting in the SLDS. Remember – all states were mandated to setup the SLDS prior to the Common Core implementation in each state. Here in FL – that was in 2009……the FSA IS 100% aligned to the Common Core.…/statewide-longitudinal-data-sys/


The districts are still responsible for protecting our kids data……I find they are not willing to answer my questions (Pasco) other than to tell me they are doing what the FDOE tells them to do.


And another post from this group:

DonorsChoose is offering teachers $400 in gift cards to use towards projects when their students complete coding and digital skills activities. I wonder who thought of this particular way to bribe — I mean inspire — teachers to train their students to code.


Here is a post that was shared in a Utah anti-Common Core group:

I hope people come tonight to the state school board hearing. It’s at five. Here is my letter, which I have already shared with the board but hope to summarize in person to the board.

October 30, 2018

Dear State School Board,

As a mother with children in elementary and high schools; as an experienced, licensed teacher currently serving as a special needs aide in a public school; and on behalf of members of United States Parents Involved in Education, I request that rule R277-404-6c be stricken from Utah’s rules. The rule states: “an LEA shall reasonably accommodate a parent’s or guardian’s request to allow a student’s demonstration of proficiency on a state required assessment to fulfill a requirement in a course.”

Thoughtful reading reveals that the rule assumes for the state an unprecedented authority to begin to use “a state required assessment to fulfill a requirement in a course”.

There can be no “reasonable accommodation” for violation of law, nor for manipulative education policy. The new rule attempts to legitimize an illegitimate thing: to let the state (or school) tempt students to barter away legitimate course work in exchange for participation in the state’s exercise titled the SAGE/RISE assessment.

That barter is an unheard-of deviation from good education. Never before have K-12 standardized test scores been used for exchange, in trade for legitimate education. The schools will “pay” students by releasing them from some course work and will determine– at least partially if not maximally– a student’s grade in a class if he or she engages in the SAGE/RISE exercise.

It’s bad education policy, but it also violates laws.

Under Utah law, a school “may not reward a student for taking an assessment” ( It simply may not. Is this rule’s offering not a reward to students? The rule tantalizes students with the lure of easy grades– especially if schools weigh the SAGE/RISE as a large portion of course fulfillment. Meanwhile, students who opt out of the tests may face increasingly difficult class work, if schools try to strong-arm them to take SAGE/RISE, which some schools will, faced with the threat of opt outs lowering the school’s’ test-based school-grade.

Under Utah law, a school “shall consider multiple academic data points when determining an accommodation”. ( Even though this rule exalts SAGE/RISE, setting a parturient exchange rate that equates strenuous coursework with government-test taking; still, the SAGE/RISE is what it was designed to be– an attempt to measure schools, not students. It never claimed to be a replacement for individuals’ learning experiences. The test’s maker, American Institutes for Research, declared that “When you are using a test for accountability, you’re not really using it to measure the kid. You are using it to measure the school, or the teacher, or the district” (VP Jon Cohen, min. 3:07). A SAGE/RISE score is thus not a valid academic data point to consider when determining student accommodations.

Moreover, in a law called “Parental right to academic accommodations” ( we learn that “Each accommodation shall be considered on an individual basis and no student shall be considered to a greater or lesser degree than any other student”. In contrast to that law, the new rule elevates “reasonable accommodations” only for some: for those who opt in. Opting out is protected and cannot be punished. Vulnerable populations, including those with mental, academic or emotional disabilities, as well as minorities, statistically suffer most from high stakes testing, and they cannot legally or ethically be coerced to opt in; thus they will not have equal opportunity under the new rule. This is significant.

Utah law holds opting out as an important freedom: “upon written request of a student’s parent or guardian, an LEA shall excuse the student from taking a test that is administered statewide” –and the state is to remain in a “supportive role to the guardian” Utah law requires the state to be in a supportive role, secondary to the guardian. Neither the state nor the school can usurp the authority of parental, educational best judgment. Tempting students to manipulate their parents into opting them in to tests, either for easy educational rewards or other reasons, is usurping. (How is it supportive to guardians for the state to create this scenario: “Dad, Mom, I don’t have time to write my research paper; I don’t want to read this literature for the final; the state/school says I can skip requirements if I take the SAGE/RISE test –so sign this accommodation note”?)

In addition to breaking the letter and spirit of Utah’s laws, the new rule lacks wisdom, integrity and common sense. It belittles the teaching profession, it ignores the impossibility of verifying its “exchange rate”; it ignores the lack of SAGE/RISE test validity approval; it disregards the voice of the people and responds to moneyed lobbies; and it is not well-intentioned toward children..


The rule denigrates the judgment and value of a teacher. A teacher’s work is teaching, including customizing projects and finals and reports for students. Why is that life-work to be dismissed with a cheap trade for a SAGE/RISE score?

Evaluation is impossible, of the alignment between a course requirement and the SAGE/RISE. Teachers are never permitted to preview SAGE/RISE tests– nor read them after they are given– and that “confidentiality” means that equating (or trading) that test –for anything– is meaningless.

Few, if any, tests would be worthy to replace high-quality course requirements, but in the case of SAGE/RISE, there is a foundational validity abyss. SAGE, used by both Florida and Utah, went under serious scrutiny –after Utah was already using it– when Florida commissioned two independent companies to verify its validity. (This may have happened, in part, because a famous Utahn offered $100,000 to the State Office of Education if it would produce evidence that the SAGE test had been tested for validity. The State Office could produce nothing.) Then Florida, using Utah students’ scores as its guinea-pig study of SAGE validity, found pages and pages of egregious problems (see page 172-177). The independent verifiers admitted that SAGE demonstrated “notable exceptions” to the use of “best practices”. See the full report of SAGE’s defects here:…/…/pdfs/FSA_Final_Report_08312015.pdf In light of that report, does it make sense to use this test (or RISE, which is not materially different) as real currency in a trade against educational experience and work?

The rule disregards the voice of the people, who have written laws to protect the right to opt out. The rule responds instead to unelected agents and moneyed lobby groups which aim to increase Utah’s opt-in rate. The USBA lobby’s stated priority for political lobbying this year is quashing the rights of students and parents to opt out of SAGE/RISE, saying: “students… should participate in state created end-of-year assessments, and educators should be allowed to encourage and motivate students to do their best on the state exams.”, this board gets pressure, but no financial reward, from the federal government for increased opt-in rates. It also gets pressure from USBA to promote increased opt-in rates. But this board (and USBA) might remember that state law prohibits schools or educators from bribing (“encouraging and motivating”) students to take the SAGE/RISE tests. It is nothing but selfish for adults to bribe students –for the benefit of adults’ interests (school grading, school funding, etc.)

Rather than complying with USBA pressures, this board should prioritize truly child-centric, parent-and teacher-supportive, honest education. Let’s not enshrine the manipulation of children through acceptance of this rule. Let’s not become the school bullies that our state laws so firmly stand against. Let’s strike R277-404-6c from the books.


Christel Swasey

Utah Advisory Board Member

United States Parents Involved in Education


Glad that this Florida student fought back against and exposed this biased Left-wing quiz.   This needs to be done everywhere!


Thanks to a tipoff from the November 1, 2018 Truth in American Education article, I found that they are amending FERPA:

The Department of Education (Department) plans to amend the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations to change the name of the office designated to administer FERPA from the Office of the Chief Privacy Officer to the Family Policy Compliance Office and to make changes related to the enforcement procedures of the Office concerning FERPA.


Upon looking up the Orwellian-sounding Family Policy Compliance Office on DuckDuckGo, I found this:

The mission of the Family Policy Compliance Office (FPCO) is to meet the needs of the Department’s primary customers–learners of all ages–by effectively implementing two laws that seek to ensure student and parental rights in education: the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA).


So, in summation, it seems that, from what I can find so far, that they’re creating some new privacy laws, creating an office with a creepy-sounding name, and are talking about merging HIPPA and FERPA too.   I’m sure we can have LOADS of confidence that these new offices and laws won’t help create a police state…..<sarc>


Rocky Top Middle School in Thornton, Colorado decided to bring in a drag queen for career day:


Here is a post that was shared by Alice Linahan:

I told you Commit would hijack the whole school finance commission and the governor’s ear. The same guy who founded Commit is on the public school finance commission appointed by Abbott. He’s also a donor to the RISD TRE vote Yes PAC. #behindcloseddoors #TREason #txed #txlege

“I had always feared the school finance commission was window dressing,” Bernal said. “If the governor intends on creating and floating a school finance bill before we’ve finished our work and without consulting all of us, that very well could confirm my fears.”

The governor’s report appears to propose replicating a Dallas ISD program giving stipends to high-quality teachers who choose to work in struggling schools — cited as crucial in helping the district whittle down its list of low-performing schools.”


Thinking that the group Commit sounded familiar, on a hunch I decided to see if it was part of one of the StriveTogether Cradle to Career Network groups that I’d come across.   sure enough, I found this:

“We are seeing results in communities across the StriveTogether Cradle to Career Network…….

In Dallas, Texas, school districts, colleges and AT&T launched a texting service with network partnership the Commit! Partnership to remind high school seniors about college enrollment and capture data for high school counselors and college staff. In the first year, the 1,000 students who participated were 13 percent more likely to enroll than peers not in the texting program. Additionally, Black and Hispanic males who participated were 14 percent more likely to enroll than were their peers.”



Also, I found that StriveTogether was once part of a larger group called KnowledgeWorks but split off into its own group in 2017:


Here is a post from an Alaska anti-Common Core group:

Common Core has facilitated progressive indoctrination by smothering independent thought and stifling intellectual development. It effectively trains students not to think by emphasizing skills over content, process over product, and relative standards over absolute ones.
The humanities suffer the most from the focus on teaching supposedly practical skills rather than quality content. Instead of reading great poetry and literature, English teachers asked their students to read more journalistic nonfiction and develop research skills. Instead of reading for meaning and writing clearly, students read for bias and learn to write fluff.


And here is a reply to this post:

Already happening in the Matsu Borough School District.


Here is a post from the Federalist article that was shared above:

the reality is that school systems force—literally force good teachers to teach THEIR way. Young teachers, even strong, conservative teachers will either comply with the program or be pushed out—if not outright fired for insubordination. Even good teachers with tenure can be coerced into quitting as the administrative punishment tools, when enacted, are quite effective. Some dinosaurs survive, but barely. Students sit all day long in front of computer screens with headphones on so the computer voice can “read” to them. Then they answer questions in Google Docs and submit these to the teacher. No student ever gets the essential opportunity to learn from his mistakes this way or, the needed step of internalizing his understanding by virtue of writing answers on paper. Math tests disappear immediately after the answers are submitted and instantly graded. Even the teacher cannot review where a student made his mistake.

But conservatives must yet try for the sake of our children’s futures. Just understand the evil leviathan you face is determined to destroy our children’s souls. We must try because the alternative is too terrible to contemplate.


And some more posts from this article:

It is the most honorable of professions, being an educator, a TRUE teacher, and education is most certainly worth fighting for.

Even if one is coerced at every turn to teach the System of Indoctrination, there is still the interface with students, there is still the opportunity to speak with them, to be SEEN BY THEM, even if not about an assignment or test or anything particularly about their education. Your very presence makes an impression, even if they “lesson plan” is rigged against one’s best intentions to help a student TRULY learn.

Young people are smart, even when they seem they’re not. They want to succeed. They are perceptive and want to emulate what they perceive to be best, to be that which is emblematic of success. They don’t want to be slavish, they don’t want to be followers. They want to be pioneers in their OWN thinking. If we lead by example, they will want to emulate that example.

Conservatives need to be that example, even if while being that example they are forced, as you say, to comply with a system determined NOT to educate young people, but rather to indoctrinate them with Leftist/Collectivist ideology.

I know that the educators I most remember, that I most admired, looked to emulate, the teachers who had the biggest impact on me (and these were teachers both inside and outside the classroom, both formal and informal educators) were individuals who were most discernibly free-thinking INDIVIDUALS. I remember not a single “lesson plan” or assignment or test or anything from a text book. But I remember the teacher. I remember the ones who, by their example, showed me how to best be who I was, and not who and what the world wanted me to be.

Just BE THAT in the presence of young people and they WILL be drawn to you. Be a Conservative and they will not be able to help but want to be one as well.


How do you think teachers is 35 years survive? Thanks for the encouragement, but lived every bit and more of your suggestions. Not complaining of any personal plight, but presenting a dark reality for those young, hopeful teachers who think they will save the schools from being Marxist indoctrination centers. St. Francis tells us (and I paraphrase) to preach the Gospel at all times and only use words when absolutely necessary.

Schools need sacrificial, missionary-minded teachers to be sure who KNOW the cost ahead and are WILLING to pay the high price whilst their own families struggle to live on so little pay of one salary. At the end of the school year when this veteran teacher must retire for health reasons, who will be that replacement? The greatest love is laying down one’s life for others is it’s own reward.

This is my point.



Another biased quiz:


Here is a post that was shared in a Florida anti-Common Core group:

I-ready? I’d rather not. 60 out of 67 Florida school districts currently use this computer program, is your child’s school one of them?

Marketed as an adaptive tool for progress monitoring and specifically to assess student mastery of the Common Core State Standards, I-ready is supposed to show student’s strengths and weaknesses and then allow the teachers to tweak their instruction based on these results. Differentiated lessons and instruction sounds amazing.

That’s how parent company Curriculum Associates marketed and sold I-ready to Florida public and private schools in the last few years. Palm Beach County alone spent $5.6 million to implement it district-wide.

Was I-ready peer-reviewed? Nope.
Evidence-based? Not that either.
Developmentally-appropriate? Unlikely!
Did they conduct multiple studies to see how it would work with multiple-age and varying-ability students? I couldn’t locate one scientific study that isn’t associated with Curriculum Associates.

Is it good for gifted kids? No. It isn’t the “smart” program they touted it would be. When kids answer correctly, their level isn’t changed until all 20 lessons from that section (determined by the diagnostic) are completed and they take another diagnostic. Advanced kids hate it.

Is it effective for kids with learning disabilities? Only effective in making them feel frustrated. It isn’t multi-sensory—which all kids benefit from—but struggling kids must have. If a child is struggling with traditional instruction how could I-ready possibly work? It isn’t an experienced teacher. The lessons will also take them longer to complete if they have processing issues. In the words of a dyslexic student I taught she explains this about I-ready, “You do something that you hate, and you do it over and over again but you never get it right because it’s not teaching you!” Students with learning differences hate it.

While on the subject of dyslexia, if I-ready is a valid assessment then schools would refer to students’ scores especially in the areas of Phonological Awareness, and Phonics, (areas where dyslexics struggle), to illustrate a possible reading issue. Instead schools bring in other screens.

If your child is a struggling reader with an IEP in public school and is assigned further “remediation”—20 minutes of nightly I-ready homework lessons—this in violation of Florida Administrative Code 6A-6.0331. So kids who didn’t do well at school on I-ready have to do more lessons at home even though it isn’t helping them. Families hate it.

The “data” that I-ready generates is being used in some schools to promote or retain 3rd graders.

Concerned yet?

While many counties are newly adopting I-ready there are those who are protesting.

Manatee County parents are refusing I-ready for their students this school year. In Sarasota County school board candidate Pamela Gavette is a former teacher who has taught reading and is running on a platform of eliminating I-ready. Palm Beach County told teachers last year they cannot assign I-ready homework. Ever. (Remember these scores are being used to promote or detain). Among many issues, parents were logging in and doing the lessons for their kids.

While we have the American Academy of Pediatrics recently recommending less screen time, more outside “green” time, we have to wonder who is making these decisions for our kids?

But don’t just take my word for it. Do the research for yourself.…/IreadyandMAPmastheadFIN…


And some replies to this post:

When I read that schools aren’t giving kids recess to complete I-ready, I felt parents should know this info.


I have researched a lot on dyslexia and what is best for them. I am a former HS English teacher and my kids did have to take I-ready at their old school which was private. I recently started connecting all these dots together because the way it’s being used, and that curriculum decisions are being made from this “data” makes me nuts. If you read about Palm Beach County and I-ready there are lots of news articles but if you look for scholarly articles I couldn’t find one that says I-ready is effective. That is scary to me.


we started looking into it when our private school used parent-raised funds (from our version of a PTA) to acquire I-Ready. Pretty much from day 1 there was a group of us parents who were scrutinizing the program & refusing to have our kiddos do the program at home.


Very interesting!

My fifth grader finished his i-ready minutes on Thursday night. He said Friday after school that the kids that didn’t finish didn’t get to go out for extra recess. So they could have had 2 recesses I guess as a reward for finishing everything.


My daughter is in first grade, in an accelerated class, and dreads doing iready. It makes her not want to go to school. She does test very high but it gives her lots of anxiety.


It is possible to refuse IReady. This is our third year of no IReady and I have no plans to change that.


As a primary teacher, iReady is what my evaluation is based on. We need parents to fight for us because we don’t have a say. 😢👎
We don’t use minutes to punish our students, but the results are used to create iii groups and monitor progress.


That’s part of the reason we refuse my 7 year old is not responsible for their teachers pay. Especially when it comes to a horrible program like IReady.


what can you do in class for students who are above-level on iReady? If those students continue to use the program it gives them above-level instruction, right? How are you, the teacher evaluated/affected by that since you’re not teaching that material in class?


We opt out of iReady, too!


it is so wrong that teachers are evaluated by computer minutes and not by their teaching!


we are evaluated by their growth from the first assessment to the last. All students must show one year of growth no matter their level. They are not assessed on our standards that we teach.


which is why we can’t use a flawed program to determine their growth. It isn’t ok for the teachers to be punished if the assessment isn’t effective. I hate it for teachers too!


I watched several first graders being given double digit subtraction on IReady. As far as I know that isn’t a first grade standard.


here is the standard: Subtract multiples of 10 in the range 10-90 from multiples of 10 in the range 10-90 (positive or zero differences), using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used.


I opted my daughter out of FSA last year. Her teacher had only been teaching 2 years I believe. Her end of year conference with me she let me know how opting her out was more work for my daughter (on assessments for promotion) and she wish she had tested because it would have helped her class’s overall score. Teachers are in the middle of this mess and I hate that for them, especially if it affects their pay.


I had a teacher tell me, “I do what’s best for the kids. I don’t care about my evaluation because the scraps we are given just aren’t worth the stress.”


I can only imagine. I mean even if a teacher does everything absolutely by the book and all their students perform satisfactorily, what incentives do they actually get? A pat on the back, BS accolades that mean nothing? Teachers deserve so much more.


Some teachers have told me, “I wish more parents would opt out of this nonsense.” (Your wish is my command).


I am so confused. The FLDOE has iReady as one of the approved good cause exemptions, which is why we are seeing a push for this adaptive software in FL, but then FL statute states,…

Scroll down to acceptable reading intervention.

(8) Work with the Florida Center for Reading Research to identify scientifically researched and evidence-based reading instructional and intervention programs that incorporate explicit, systematic, and sequential approaches to teaching phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and text comprehension and incorporate decodable or phonetic text instructional strategies. Reading intervention includes evidence-based strategies frequently used to remediate reading deficiencies and includes, but is not limited to, individual instruction, multisensory approaches, tutoring, mentoring, or the use of technology that targets specific reading skills and abilities.”

It sounds like statute is implying that technology should be a last resort…too bad the FLDOE is the one pushing for monitoring students via an adaptive learning software, which is why iReady is a good cause exemption.🤔


I-ready is super boring and NOT for gifted kids at all. I don’t know why they rely on it so much.


Because it is a supposed to predict how well a child will perform on the FSA:(


An adaptive software should be used as a very last resort. No reason why a trained reading specialist cannot repair a deficit in a few weeks.


That line makes my skin crawl. They pulled that on me at the beginning of 2nd grade last year. I highly doubt that it predicts FSA results. Adaptive garbage.


In Osceola county, the District uses i-Ready growth to evaluate TEACHERS in K-2!!! This summer it was established that iReady scores were not a predictor of student performance on FSA in 3-5, but they are STILL using it this year! And I agree, students hate it because it doesn’t teach. GIFTED students hate it with a passion too!

P.S. I am a teacher and I don’t know anyone who likes i-Ready!


Same!! My feelings are based on watching my kids hate it and then reading more about it.


I spoke to someone who works at a school recently about why IReady is used. She said for time-strapped teachers and administrators, IReady automatically provides them the data they are required to provide to districts.
It’s all about the data. It’s easiest to plop kids on a computer program and have it compile data automatically.
In my opinion, it’s not a great program for kids. It’s a good program for the adults.


But, if the data is not accurate, how is it valuable? It was never an accurate or reliable measure for my kids. And, it was used against my children as a gatekeeper to their education. It was also used to punish my daughter in kindergarten when she didn’t do it at home by taking her center time away.

And…my children are not at school to help adults provide data to the state. Adults are at school to help my children learn.

My child does not earn a paycheck from OCPS.


At our school, IReady was used for after school remediation. It was cheaper than tutors and all the data that the district required was automatically generated.


You are 100 percent correct. It is more convenient to plop the entire class in front of computers and have the program do a reading diagnostic assessment since a teacher would have to pull each student one by one to do a running record. Why not hire a sub, so the teacher can call each student, one by one? O’s 1st grade teacher use to split up her class, so she could spend the day doing running records. The entire team took turns the second week of school. The kids never missed instruction, and equally important, they had valuable information: independent and instructional levels.


How are they more time strapped now than 10 years ago? What exactly has changed in educational instruction? It sounds like an excuse and justification.


They trust data generated by a software than notes taken during a running record conducted by a teacher. Running records cannot be used for good cause exemption, but iReady can be used to promote a child in the state of Florida. Go figure- grades and running records are not deemed accurate, and do not determine promotion in 3rd grade, here, in FL.


Are you paying attention? This plan will come to fruition in 2019 for 5 year olds- let that sink in for a few minutes. This may sound good, but contrary to many people’s beliefs, kids that practice moderation and have more outdoor, art, music, kinesthetic, and meaningful human interaction opportunities, will not be left behind, like OCPS Chair, Bill Sublette suggested when we respectfully asked for a “Safe & Developmentally Appropriate Implementation of Adaptive Learning Software and Digital Devices.” On Aug. 21, 2018, the curent OCPS board turned down workshoping the policy before 2019. Even Steve Job knew not to let his own kids use an iPad. 🤔

Ask the newly elected School Board members, Teresa Jacobs, Karen Castor Dentel, and Angie Hutchinson Gallo , if they will call to workshop a Safe and Developmentally Appropriate Implementation of Adaptive Learning Software and Digital Devices before handing out the very last lap top to a 5 year old in 2019.

I remember hearing about this initiative a few years ago.


In addition to this, here in Palm Beach County they are watching a screen for recess to a show called “Go Noodle” and dancing in place in their classrooms! Our elementary school is horrible for recess time. I don’t understand how educators who know what proven long time research has shown would implement these things. Why?


I love Go Noodle but I thought that was considered a 5 min brain break not as a sub for recess! I don’t think teachers are making these decisions. It’s all being mandated to them.


I don’t know who is making the decisions about it but it’s implemented for recess very frequently (as in my first grader didn’t have recess for 2weeks in a row and they considered Go Noodle that recess time) I could totally get on board for a few minute brain break, get the wiggles out, and have fun/decompress. That would be great! I can’t understand why we are doing this to children and then having a hard time why so many are having problems with stress coping skills and simple socialization. It’s needed in the early years!


Did you know they aren’t teaching spelling in the schools anymore? Or atleast at my daughters school they aren’t.


But they sure love to take points off for spelling errors. I’m sorry but our children did not come out of the womb knowing how to spell. They actually, have to be taught. Root word study helps with this.


I just found this out! Was it this way last year? It was our first year here (2nd grade now 3rd grade).


I’ve been told by teachers that there is also very little focus on Grammar

I can tell. Because my son didn’t know basic grammar rules. We worked on this all summer.


I guess I didn’t notice.


you will notice when they start writing more and they are taught this mechanical writing that is garbage. No creative writing. No breaking things down and practicing writing at a molecular level (solid intros and conclusions), punctuation or grammar. Everything is skimmed and glossed over. There is no inspiration.


yet, they are supposed to be great writers.

Many people can follow a formula for writing. It does not make them good writers.


Mine isn’t a great writer. His formula is 5 paragraphs with 5 to 7 sentences each. State your thesis, 3 paragraphs explaining/defending, close by restating thesis. The delightful stories he would spend days writing and illustrating…all gone. 😞


Before a district wide strike. Parents once informed would back a 100 teachers ready to leave anyway. Stop. Stop it. Get your performance reviews. Your writeups. It isn’t like there is a job on the planet that give a flyin f what the public school says. Make them go through all the union procedures to fire. This may be easier for male teachers. They are ten times more brutal to females.

We need a name for this kind of political action. The unions themselves would never ho for it because Florida practically makes them illegal as it is.


I found another post in this group about iReady:

iReady is 100% common core. Piloted in NYC ironically by CASA a consortium school middle school, that received accolades from NYDOE for highest test scores increases. He was an outspoken opt out leader oddly. Why did scores increase dramatically? Because iReady is boxed curriculum WITH tests included. Principal Jamaal Bowman a social justice advocate even competed out in California for his *fair share* of $1 million prize from Lauren Jobs (Steve Jobs) data schools initiative that had 10 $1 million dollar prizes.

Here is a post that was shared by Alice Linahan.  It’s not strictly education related, but she, like me, has noticed how data mining and surveillance can spill over from schools right into the workforce itself, often in ways that seem “fair” and logical and are done incrementally so that people don’t notice their loss of liberty to an elite ruling class:

“Most employees would know they’re being tracked for productivity,” says Michelle Miller, co-founder of US-based, an online platform that helps employees launch campaigns to improve their workplaces. “But there’s not an awareness of how that data is being used and what story it’s telling.”

She points to a range of software that can monitor and analyse everything from the tone of emails and the web searches employees make, as well as how they move around the office and the people they talk to.

“It rates your risk to the company — whether you might be looking for a job, whether you might be a whistleblower or if you’re engaged in workplace organising,” says Ms Miller. “It’s taking all this data from you and making predictions that you don’t know about.”

Similarly, companies can use the health data generated by wristbands and other workplace wearables to design fitness programmes. “But it delivers all this data about your health that you have no control of,” says Ms Miller.

While companies cannot require employees to wear fitness trackers, she adds, those who do not participate in such programmes are often locked out of company perks such as gym memberships or discounted health insurance.
With the ability to collect and analyse increasing amounts of data on employees, companies are starting to worry about a potential backlash. Six out of 10 respondents to Deloitte’s 2018 Global Human Capital Trends report said they were concerned about employee perceptions of how their data is being used.

“Companies need to make sure they have robust policies on transparency and security and open communications, so people understand what is being tracked,” says Anne-Marie Malley, UK human capital leader at the professional services firm.

Legal challenges also pose a risk to companies when it comes to their use of workforce data. In the Deloitte survey, 64 per cent of respondents said their organisation was “actively managing legal liability related to their organisations’ people data”.


Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Betsy DeVos named Bev Perdue (former Democratic Gov of NC, very pro common core, current member of RidgeLane) as Chair of National Assessment Governing Board, (NAEP). H/T Andrea Dillon…/former-north-carolina-gov-beverly-perd…

Betsy also met with Educators for Excellence (E4E)…/bulletins/2195775 …. an organization funded by all your favorite reformers…. Gates, Broad, Carnegie…

Reminds me of how we wrote about DeVos as Chair of The Philanthropy Round Table, a group that focuses on Venture Capital Philanthropy (and making “serious money“) and also promotes computer-based datamining and as an added bonus, this group Chaired by Devos was also excited about Common Core. You can read excerpts from their Blended Learning Guidebook…/


A professor at Shawnee State University in Ohio was disciplined for refusing to call a male student a “she”:


Here is a post from a Washington anti-Common Core group:

Example of a school that won OSPI’s School of Distiction in 2018 but had SBA scores dropping compared to the previous year. Westview Elementary in Spokane was the only school to win the award.

2016-17 Results (Administration Info)
Grade Level SBA ELA SBA Math
3rd Grade 47.9% 66.2%
4th Grade 66.1% 69.4%
5th Grade 78.9% 73.6%
6th Grade 76.7% 64.2%

2017 passing rates in 6th grade were 76.7% for ELA and 64.2% for Math. 2018 passing rates were 56.0% for ELA and 50.6% for Math. What happened?


And a reply to this post:

It’s important to understand — it’s all B.S. All of the tests and numbers and handwringing over graduation rates — all B.S.
The only thing that matters, that has ever mattered, is what the children actually know in these subjects and what they can do. How prepared for college or some other post-secondary life are the graduates?
On that score, the truth is grim. Abysmal.
America lets them get away with it. The school administrators blame everyone else, complain about money and threaten programs as teachers threaten to strike, they use taxpayer dollars to sue for more money, they all negotiate (collude) to give themselves raises, they set up new untested programs, adopt a new terrible curriculum (or worse, write their own), whine about how hard they’re working, with poor teachers, and poverty, and some social justice thing or other …
And shazzam. They’re good to go for another year — feeding off the system while allowing the vast majority of the children to be failed and then – someday – blamed.
Which is not to say some teachers don’t care. A minute few take it on the chin for trying to fight it or expose it. But 9 times out of 10, teachers look away from the traffic accident and accept their system-bankrupting raises, giving us some version of, “I just have a few more years to go. I can’t afford to get into trouble.”
America should grab its babies and run for the door. Find somewhere that will teach the children the ACADEMICS they need to know to be prepared for life after K-12. And let the whole government charade collapse.
Someday, I would like to see a massive #walkaway for public education and every other failed school.
I would gladly — happily — take a knee for that.


Here is a post from a Utah anti-Common Core group:

Um what the heck does this have to do with print making (logos, stamps designs) are you KIDDING ME! Not print as in writing class, print as in design making, shirts, logos and so on!!! Or so we were told anyways! She was also taught about George Washington and how mean he was to slaves and how terrified they were of him through a picture shown! What ever you believe about this topic! This is a history class and im pretty sure there are soooo many other pictures about DESIGN that exist

Utah liberal teacher


Here is a post from a South Carolina anti-Common Core group:

Quote of the day … ( why you should vote NO on amendment to do away with electing Superintendent” )

“The educrat “experts” have mostly created the SC Education system that exists now. If you really think it’s likely that someone other than an educrat who’s been steeped in this good ole boy system would EVER be appointed, you’re dreaming. At least with an election there’s a CHANCE of electing a real agent of quality change someday.”

And I’m really not interested in the opinion (on this) of anyone who hasn’t done everything in their power to get rid of Common Core

sc ballot amendment


Here is a post from a Louisiana anti-Common Core group:

If you are interested in how the Louisiana Department of Education fabricates public school performance scores (and you should be) here is an explanation of the travesty.

As promised, here is interpretation of Louisiana Growth scores by teacher Herb Bassett. Brace yourselves!

As I have been saying for a long time, this accountability method is bogus. New candidates for school board need to understand why their claims that our school system is failing based on our district performance score need to be able to explain the basis for those claims.

The use of Letter Grades was fabricated to fool the public in thinking that these grades correlated with the methodology set for assigning student classroom performance. IT DOESN’T!


And some replies to this post:

I have been saying the same thing. It’s all a scam that John White benefits through its use and acceptance by ” the sheep.”


Thanks, [name redacted], for posting Herb’s research, and trying to educate those running for school board who haven’t followed what has been happening in LA public education. They are so un-educated in so much of what they’re saying just to get elected. Too bad they haven’t attended meetings and made the trips to Baton Rouge that the rest of us have — you especially.


you seem to be the one voice that has truly listened to the classroom teachers. The curriculum changes are very concerning. It’s not just the math chaos . The elementary and middle ELA , in my opinion, doesn’t even come close to the well planned and logical, skills filled curriculum previously being used! ( Treasures). Teachers are told they are to throw it out , but I know good teachers are desperate for something skills based and are finding ways to incorporate when they can. Why?


As an 8th grade teacher – this is frustrating. On top of that, I have gifted students who are taking English 1. The state makes them take LEAP English 1 – for their final exam grade AND 8th grade ELA LEAP – which counts for my score and the schools score!



I found this post online.   It appears to be dealing with the state of Louisiana:

Parents and teachers: Election day is upon us. We need to demand change in Rapides parish where our kids are placed first in the list of priorities and teachers are treated as the hard working, professionals that they are!

The information below was sent to us anonymously in an email to our page. State law according to the DOE specifically states that the school boards of individual parishes have the right to choose curricula in the district. While the state makes “recommendations” regarding curricula they can use, the parish is not legally obligated to do so. So why the iron fisted response from the state? The only thing that makes any sense is that the district has agreed to use Eureka in return for Grant money or other compensation from the state. That is the only thing that would give them the leverage needed for the behavior and their demands outlined in the email below.

It is VERY IMPORTANT to note that the Superintendent and assistant Superintendent Bennett assured the board, parents, and teachers during a regular board meeting that although Eureka was the official math curricula being used in the classroom, teachers had been directed to bring in other supplemental curricula and materials to meet the differential learning styles and needs of their students. This is obviously not being done. The only way to resolve this issue and to provide multiple teaching strategies to our students is to remove the influence of the DOE from our classrooms – by removing Eureka as the primary math curricula. The school board and the superintendent need to be held accountable for their promise to parents and teachers!

We are calling for the board to readdress this issue and consider removing Eureka as the official math curricula in Rapides parish. Other curricula are available that incorporate the methods used in Eureka along with other, more traditional math strategies. Children DO NOT all learn best using only one strategy and it is detrimental to their learning and their well-being to force them to do so.

Here is the email we received:
“-Schools are getting wrote up for not using eureka math 100% and not on pace with the guide.
-There are state and local walk throughs taking place right now.
-They are looking through eureka math books and talking to ELA teachers to see if they are doing what they are supposed to be doing also.
-The state walk through group said at ALL the schools there were supplemental materials being used and the state only wants to see 100% Eureka. They want the students to use the Eureka tools to help with skills they are missing (even supplementing).
-The state walk throughs are seeing that all lessons are not completed thoroughly and they (the state) basically expects every single thing in those modules to be completed.
-The math teachers stated to the state walk through group that per the district (per Rapides parish school board) certain lessons could be skipped because they were either reinforcement or enhancement lessons. The state walk through group said if lessons are skipped, they (the students) aren’t building that learning.
-And what’s worse is that even in the MSP (Math Science Partnership) meetings Rapides parish school board offered math teachers (starting at least 4 years ago) they did practically all supplemental activities preparing to continue to teach eureka in the district. They (the math teachers at the MSP meetings) only spent a fraction of time reviewing Eureka lessons. The only thing they did with eureka math lessons in those meetings were going through the modules to determine which problems were must do problems, can do problems, and which ones could be skipped problems.
-The state however said all problems needed to be worked.
-They (the state walk through group) are also saying that special education teachers reinforcing, building skills, and filling in gaps should be using eureka math supplemental material. However none of the special education teachers have ever received any eureka math training since eureka has been in this district for 6 years.
-The rapides parish school district is saying one thing (and have been saying the same thing for at least 4 years) but now the state comes in with an iron fist and says another.
-Which is why every year the district loses teachers and students to other districts and private schools where they don’t even take tests.
-Once again the right hand and left hand are not working together and children are the ones ultimately hurt in the end.”

Remember this on election day…


And another post from Louisiana:

Our students hate school. I’m the teacher, and I HATE it! In JP, they are FORCING us to do Learnzillion. At the end of last year, they took all our textbooks. They made us box them up, and TOOK them! Six graders first nine weeks ELA was Steve Jobs commencement speech and other non fiction crap. It’s horrible! It’s sad! I constantly think it can’t get worse, and then it does! 😭 I’ve never seen so much apathy. It’s hard to believe it’s real.


Here are some more posts that I found in an anti-data mining group about the Manatee County invoice incident:

Do you have a friendly legislator that will ask for these documents?(for free?)


Every legislator here is a republican who support data mining. They own the charters or work fir charter management companies that benefit from this data mining


I’ve been waiting a year and a half.




seriously. FL is hiding some serious stuff from parents. I swear FL is like the wild Wild West when it comes to data mining. With a right to work union our teachers are gagged which is why we follow your work so closely.


Parents? Asking to review student records and access to them?

FERPA: parental right? “to request all records for review”?

Probably need to verify the wording but you may both – Bridie & Cindy – have grounds for a Compliance complaint.


Brightbytes is not an education record.


So the district and /or state need to provide what companies have been given access – according to law, right?

Are they just asking in the wrong place? Public authorities are supposed to know who has been given access.


yes but law says they are supposed to tell me but they have the right to charge me. Make it such an outrageous fee that the parent gives up and goes away.


Okay. So, it sounds like some letters to the editors might be a good start….right after elections. In the few days following elections, people might still be paying attention still.

If you have some citizens or grandparents that don’t mind putting their name in the paper, they are a good group to reach out to……Boy, there really are a slew of ways to get the word out (RAISE HOLY HELL) and those of you experiencing this data rape and abuse of power firsthand are the best ones to do it.

Sounds like the time is right to start a campaign to end the bullying, the tyranny of power and control. Now’s the time to organize. I’m game if you all are.


Bright Bytes tracks kids K-20. I’m thinking that I should hire an attorney before my twins graduate from HS next May and have their FOCUS accounts legally removed from Bright Bytes. I wonder if I could just have what is in my boys FOCUS accounts destroyed? Does anyone here know of anyone specializing in student data privacy laws?


This is beyond outrageous. And why wouldn’t the district have this info w/o having to especially task someone to do it. really stinks



Colorado State University deems the phrase “long time no see” as offensive toward Asians:


Here is a post from a pro-homeschooling group:

A question for those that have had kids in PS. When do you realize that your child’s weaknesses and struggles are not just their own fault for lack of effort but also the schools for not instilling discipline and learning habits?
And here are the replies to this post:

Didn’t take long.
Every teacher conference from 2nd grade until 9th grade when I pulled him. I wish I would have brought him home sooner!
My son is real lazy and he doesn’t put forth effort so I’m struggling on deciding how much of it is him or the school. That is where I’m at right now. I am not quick to blame either or but I feel like I’m done and it’d just be easier to HS.
In my experience, it seems like there is quite a learning curve when you first bring a child home. Most families do best when they don’t try to duplicate public school at home, but that’s often what happens because that’s what most of us parents who were publicly schooled know how to do. Another thing, we often expect that a child can just be given their assignments and they will be able to sit down and do it independently, when in reality, in ps they truly always had someone hovering over them with the threat of getting in big trouble if they didn’t do it. They always were told when and what to do, had no autonomy, and didn’t truly learn to study independently, so that is a skill that needs to be nurtured and grown into.
My son is 14. He is too old to have things being done for him. There is a level of responsibility now put on him but he’s not responding well to that. Teachers do not help unless the children ask. But let’s face it, children are not always comfortable asking. Sounds like it could be him but do I just let him continue to fail? Really, truly, I want him to learn to be independent and responsible. I want him to get the seriousness of his grades and how important school is. Maybe, eventually, his grades will matter to him? I don’t know.
I think thats why freshman college students have such a difficulty transitioning to a higher level of work. Much of the time, the ones who struggle the most with their course load are former ps students!
One of the reasons we homeschool is because in ps my daughter was only learning to think and act like others told her to. The first week home I asked her, “What do you think?” (just asking her opinion) and she went to pieces because nobody ever told her the answer to that question so she didn’t know what to say and she didn’t want to get the answer wrong. When I explained that I really just wanted to know her opinion, “what SHE thought,” she said, “Oh,” and her whole paradigm shifted.

As far as how to get a 14 yo to be independent and responsible, I’m sorry, I don’t know the answer to that, but I do think that you will need to help him with it because he has not learned it yet. I’m hoping some of the more experienced homeschoolers with teenagers on this group will chime in.
Yes, that was me 20+ years ago because it was so ingrained in me that I needed to be told what to do and what to think, that I couldn’t handle all of a sudden having to do it for myself, it was too overwhelming.
My son was one of the forgotten ones. He was extremely quiet and because he is gifted they basically ignored him.
When we brought him home he had several gaps in math.
We asked him why he didn’t ask for help, he told us the teacher never had time to help him.
Teachers face an impossible task in PS. I’m so thankful we brought him home. He is flourishing now.
this was me. I tested with high aptitude in math and science in 8th grade. By graduation, I was remedial in those subjects. I was very quiet and navigating a broken system. I ended up with a degree in literature.
I appreciate all of the advice. I haven’t brought him home yet because of his behavior. Tonight we are headed to an open house for the local Technical High School. I’m convinced that it is this for high school and if he doesn’t get in then it’ll be home school and I’m going to have to find some way to manage his behavior. So we will see. Thanks for all of your help and hopefully positive changes can be made!
one thing you also need to recognize is from 12-15 boys go through a couple weird growth periods in their brain as well as body. This growth process also makes them very tired and they can make them appear lazy. I found that when I brought my oldest home from public school they expected that he wouldn’t do anything so he rose to that expectation. Now he raises to the minimum level of expectations that I give. The one on one helps and as he approaches 16 it seems to be getting better.
Rather than not instilling discipline/learning habits I think it is more often a killing off a child’s innate curiosity, wonder, uniqueness, and ability to learn😭. It’s so easily to learn discipline and habits when you are intensely passionate about a goal or interest. But how often do students get to deeply dive into that in an 8 hour traditional school day? So sad….

Here is a post that I found shared in an Ohio anti-Common Core group:


(or the State Indoctrination Network – SIN)
by Joel Skousen

The key to the drift of even white voters to the left is the almost total control the Left has over public education, from secondary through college.

While the Left does the actual controlling of administration, credential certification, teacher training, textbook selection and unions, at the very top you will find globalists making sure the Left stays in control of all the top positions so that conservatives don’t take back control.

It’s no surprise to me that millennials are increasingly Left/liberal. School teachers make snide remarks about conservatives and take every opportunity to denigrate the Right. But even in districts where there isn’t open hostility to conservatives, there is the purposeful omission of any positive argumentation for free markets, much less the complete rejection of history of conspiracy in government, war, and education.

This doesn’t happen because all teachers are part of a deeper conspiracy. Most just come up through the same social, political and economics filter that current public school students do and don’t know any better. There is also an unstated threat of ridicule in colleges if you espouse conservative or religious opinions.

In short, they think they are educated but, in fact, they are ignorant of key facts and arguments about why socialism doesn’t work, and why it is always attractive to the weaknesses of human nature.

The only students who survive this tax paid propaganda machine are those whose innate spirit somehow receives the warning signals of conscience prompting them that something is wrong with what is being taught.

Sadly, a sensitive conscience is not taught to children raised in conservative families. Quite the contrary. It’s a sad commentary that most conservative parents lose their children to the lure of social welfarism and political correctness–because they send them to public schools, and don’t otherwise correct what they are learning.

But it’s not just the bad education they receive. There is a social corruptive element in public education. Students swim in a sea of bad attitudes and habits as well, which, when it takes hold of them, can contribute significantly to a diminution of their sensitivity to hear the still small whisperings of God through conscience as well as the will to abide by what they hear.

This is something that cannot be changed even if conservatives had control of government or schools. In fact, you shouldn’t attempt to reform inherently evil institutions like public schools—it only keeps good people wedded to them longer. It has to begin at home as parents address their children’s bad attitudes and innate weaknesses. And it does help to get children out of public schools. You can often supplement bad education but it’s hard to undo the bad social influences once your child gets infected.

It’s because of these factors corrupting the minds and spirits of people that Republicans increasingly lost in the suburbs, which used to be solid Republican strongholds. Young people growing up and moving in are mostly left/liberal. So are all the transplants from California that infected Oregon, Washington, and now Idaho, Utah and Texas.


Here is a post from a Nevada anti-Common Core group:

The UK is ahead of the U.S. in this issue. From the article:
“For instance 70 percent of schools in the UK now use the ClassDojo app to help monitor children’s behaviour and communicate with parents.” For the record, ClassDojo is widely used in Nevada schools.


And here are some replies to this post:

I would not be suprised if a Chinese company (government) buys ClassDojo to add to all the data they already have on U.S. children after buying Edmodo.…/2018-04-24-what-happens-to…


China doesn’t follow American privacy laws. Do they have any of their own?


Not sure, it seems like they want to know everything they can about every citizen.


Rejected the ClassDojo offer. Will be following up with district if alternative (equal opportunity) is not timely provided by arrogant wanna be dictator, I mean, teacher. 😂 1 star school so I’m having the time of my life communicating their obvious epic fails, such as school website not updated since the last school year. Zero updated reports on school anywhere. Info packets identifying admins who are long gone. CCSD identifies preK teacher as the school librarian. Reports and required disclosures are not being made. Title I required reporting stated school as a 2 star 😂 it’s 1 star. So much stupid stuff… Very entertaining to point and mock in writing. Lol



I’m sure these “social justice guides” given out at Portland public schools will be totally non-biased (rolls eyes):


I agree, this Florida anatomy assignment was way out of line:


Stay away from the University of Tennessee:


Here is a post from a Rhode Island anti-Common Core group:

Does anyone know if the tests that replaced the PARCC for elementary school is mandatory or are the opt out procedures available?…

And here are the replies to this post:

The new test is RICAS, and you are able to refuse this as well
Are there forms available or do you just deal with the bs from school administrators
Have you written a refusal before for other testing?
There is not a standard form I just write a letter letting them know which test I am refusing and I also write please do not contact me to try to change my decision because I know my rights
Beware, if you refuse and your child is at Kickemuit MS, even if they got straight A’s their entire middle school career, they will be denied recognition bc of the refusal. EVEN though, the principal could choose to still nominate them for excellence. At the time, the principal DID NOT recognize any student at graduation for their achievements (Presidents Excellence) IF they didn’t take the PAARC test. Unfair. I don’t know if this has changed under new administration

Imagine, a kid so proud of what she achieved and how hard she worked….expecting to be called for the award bc she EARNED it, only to be crushed. Only upon investigation did I find out there were several other students in her predicament and all they had in common was refusal to take PAARC, which was subsequently replaced the next yr. Further research proved that participation in standardized testing, is an and/or criteria for the award. Any student maintaining a specific grade average is eligible and should receive the award. The principal is able to issue in absence of PAARC scores. It was a punishment.

And another post from this group:

Upon reviewing a survey given to my child, I noticed the organization that produced the survey. They are “Second Step”. More than likely they, or other organizations, are providing similar surveys to your children from K-8. These surveys, under the guise of SEL (Social Emotional Learning), are established to garner grants for schools by utilizing your children as human capital. When going down the rabbit hole, I came across a few related links explaining the funding and their intent. This is one direct quote from “Edutopia” ~ “And chat participants asserted that trauma-informed and SEL practices benefit all children, building critical skills like self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and an openness to teamwork and cooperation. Adopt a “universal approach,” suggested the nonprofit Zero to Three, and “assume all children are trauma-affected and need social and emotional learning instruction and support.” This is a witch hunt to create victims out of our children for grants and at the same time eliminate parental control over their children. Links below.


And a reply to this post:

THIS whole thing, along with datamining, the subversion of our children’s individuality and the role of the parents, is the entire crux of why CCSS was established. It’s playing out right before our eyes. And Trump AIN’T helping with DeVos in position as Sec of “education”.



Public Schools or Public Screwels? Part 14

stop common core 14

This is part 14.

Another politically biased assignment:


Here is  a post from a New York anti-Common Core group:

I am researching a project for my school Parents Association and wondered — have you heard of recess being cancelled to punish or discipline a New York City public school student? It is against policy, but I’ve heard it is done at some schools and I’d like to learn if its an urban myth or a reality. Thank you!


And here are the replies to this post:

It happened to my son many years ago. Also, when he was in elementary school they only got recess every other week


Happened to my kid 2 years ago in 6th grade, so middle school. MS 839. He got in trouble for talking at the end of lunch when they were lining up to go outside. He was made to clean the lunch tables with several other students instead of go outside for recess.


My kids barely get recess to begin with. Twice a week if weather cooperates. My daughter had it 3 times total in kindergarten


Where is your school?


Brooklyn, PS229


In Dutchess County New York, this is a huge issue with our schools. Recess is constantly being taken away for punitive reasons and finishing class assignments. Our district say they only take 5-10 minutes away but it’s much more by the time the kids get to go out. It’s such a antiquated policy and they refuse to address it.


It is a big problem across the state. Our district adopted a policy that recess could not be with held as punishment – it was incorporated into the wellness policy. But, many teachers continued to do it – and they have to be reminded it is against the policy. I wrote a letter to the editor about it last year. My son was being held in detention for 40 minutes during lunch and recess for forgetting to wear his ID badge in middle school. This was an organizational issue he was being punished for against district policy. Other kids were being put in detention during recess for not having home work done or for behavioral issues.

I am in Kingston New York. Ulster county


What !!! I didn’t know this was illegal my freaking lunch aid hated me and took recess away from me atleast once a week in brentwood north elementary school located in brentwood NY 11717


I am about to contact my 4th grade son’s teacher regarding recess. His class gets it taken away just about every day. This is the third week of school and he’s only had recess a few times. What should I write in the email?


my daughter hasn’t had recess yet


Recess??? Barely exists in our school.


same here


Here is a post from Ron Paul:

It wasn’t until around 1900 that compulsory “schooling” conquered a once free America.

Americans would be considered clay in the hands of their government “educators,” molded to obey authority and to consent to what has now become the biggest government in the history of mankind.

It works … for them.

How else can you get a population of hundreds of millions to sheepishly comply with being manhandled by the TSA, or having every communication spied on by the NSA?

Compulsory “education” is the crown jewel of government control.

Fortunately, modern communication technologies are not only taking down government’s other propaganda tool (the Mainstream Media), but they’re also enabling people to get their kids out of the government’s “education” grip.

If you’re interested in opting-out your children, the Ron Paul Curriculum may be the right homeschooling option for you.

K-8 students get the basics: reading, writing, arithmetic, science, and history. There is also a year’s course on personal finance, saving, investing, and the dangers of debt.


Here is a post from an anti-Common Core group:
Here is a current assignment for a 10th grade science class ~ (The school just received The Blue Ribbon Award~today~btw)~

I e~mailed the teacher~ What is the objective of the assignment?

The answer~ I received this,unacceptable, response from the Science teacher.

“They are to write a Eulogy for the scientist from the point of view of knowing them personally. They are to do research on the scientist and get to know them well enough to speak at their funeral, and we will have the “funeral “ later on this week”

She did not use any salutations.

And they all have to wear black.

I don’t think I’m overreacting. I just want to know what is the Science teacher trying to teach them. What are the children going to take away from this assignment?

My child just experienced a loss of a friend over the up and went to school and is working on a tombstone for the assigned death of a scientist.

My child thinks I’m overreacting, doesn’t seem to mind the assignment. Just have no idea why a Science teacher would assign this type of weirdness.
And here are the replies to this post:
like our kids aren’t inundated with enough dark stuff.
I’d push for more info. What lesson is being learned in this assignment? How does it relate to science class? Were students asked if the topic of death/mock funerals were too uncomfortable for them (perhaps yours is not the only student who recently experienced a loss or has a very sick relative). Why can’t they just do a research project & presentation without eulogies, dressing in black & having a “funeral”? As parents it’s our job to ensure we are aware of not just what is being taught but how it is being taught.
Indeed my response included most of what you expressed. I thank you for more to ask. The teacher is not responding to my recent questions. What is she teaching the children by this assignment and what is she expecting they are going to take away?
I am going to push for more, right now.
I don’t know what state you’re in but here in PA we still have parental rights and that includes objecting to curriculum that we don’t want our kids exposed too. Regardless the teacher should respond to a parent especially one politely seeking info & trying to be involved.
she most likely has never been approached. Also may need to speak to a superior lest a script is needed. Authenticity went out the window a while ago.
It sounds like the objective is to learn about a scientist. However, that objective is not necessarily learning science; it’s the type of assignment you would do in an English class, but not in such a creepy way. I would say that to fulfill a science objective the assignment should be to identify something significant the scientist contributed to our understanding of a particular topic and research how and why the discovery came about, and do it without the creepola factor. Maybe in junior high a Halloween theme would be fun, but in high school it’s time to write for real.
That is what getting to me .. the creepola factor. Besides it is not scientific. I don’t appreciate Death Education.
Bizarre , and as a parent I’d ask what’s the purpose and objective of the assignment ?
You are absolutely doing the right thing by following up . If she blows you off take it up to Principal .
Unfortunately our kids tend to keep us from pokig our noses where they ARE supposed to be.
They just don’t want us to make a big deal; but it is a big deal. And this assignment would disturb me enough that I would opt my child out, and I would make sure all admin understands why. I can’t IMAGINE that there would be ANY reason that would make me feel differently. This is a Social Emotional Learning assignment, not Science.

Ed reform is killing us!
That just makes me ill!
How can parents not come together and demand that academics be fact based and not social-emotional based?
It’s all of the mind-shaping 💩 in our schools that have destroyed academics in our schools. BUT THE SOLUTION… more of it. UGH!
I guess most parents just don’t realize this new education is really so weird or they would do something. Idk…

A new blog by Kumar Mehta,
CFC board member and innovation expert, discusses the importance of social-emotional learning equity and its impact on the US workforce. SEL equity should be a priority in order to better prepare the future workforce.

“If America wants to grow its workforce domestically and compete with other countries globally, our education system must ensure that every young person is prepared for success. Educators and lawmakers alike must make it a priority to tackle inequality—individual, institutional, and societal—by applying a racial equity lens to focus on students’ social and emotional needs in addition to their academic success.”

I know it. 🙄🙄🙄
It’s DIS-GUSTING! 😷 It’s Everywhere!
Can you say exploit kids for financial gain?
The children of our nation in the pub. Ed. Are force fed their education. It’s a travesty.
said I would opt my child out, and I would; but you need to make sure your child is prepared for why you’re doing that. Kids are ALWAYS singled out when they opt out of an assignment. Other kids, teachers, and maybe parents (who know) rarely understand why you’ve made the decision, why you would single your kid out, or: “Can’t she (the opt-out mom) just deal with it” or homeschool? “Why does it ALWAYS have to be a ‘big deal’ with her? 🙄 I mean geez. Her poor kid.”
People are mean when they don’t understand something, and we have to help our kids understand us. If they don’t understand anything else, they need to understand their parents so the relationship is solid between us and our kids. It’s all about standing up for our KIDS for what we believe is best for them…and our community. …even if no one else listens to you, you do the right thing for your good reasons.
Bizarre is right!
Where am I? The Twilight Zone?
Lately, yes. And not one month past since school started. Dealing with crap.
This sounds like “death education.” Has nothing to do with science.
It is. And has nothing to do with science. Not one drop of it. Because they are fulfilling a request from a teacher who claims “
Students came up with this idea” and they are writing a eulogy on a scientist, so that makes it sciency,
Just because the students came up with the idea doesn’t mean it’s a good one. Ridiculous!
BUT that’s another problem with this “new” “education”, they want the students guiding their own learning. Can you say S-T-U-P-I-D! I mean who needs a real teacher when the students can guide their own learning anyway. Teachers might as well become “facilitators.” — Oh wait! That’s what’s happening already.
Its Common Core. Common Core demands a literacy component in every course. There isnt a lot of writing in science so this is how they work it in. The same happens in music and art. Its ridiculous.
I opted him out of the assignment. The “mock funeral” is canceled .
All done. On to the next.
Did you hear of the Ohio teacher who resigned when the sick morality quiz she assigned to 15 year olds was made public? I understand the desire to keep your student in good graces, but it is only with the public airing that it was stopped. Perhaps other parents don’t even know about the assignment.
No I have not . I look around
Which scientist are they researching? Start there, and figure out what they want the kids to learn about the person. The assignment is likely a way in which to get the kids to feel for the scientist, and then to get them to accept their work as fact that cannot be challenged. That’s my guess.

As for the teacher’s response, it sure looks like the teacher copied and pasted the assignment right out of their book. No?
[name withheld] I wish it were , but remember Common Core, as [name withheld], posted.

She is correct. Every course including gym has a writing component. SMH .
I will all my daughter is they’re writing during gym, art and music. I’m an involved parent and I had not heard of that before here.
the writing component for gym is actually a test. In that they are writing their answers down answering the questions. They also use the chrome book , those questions are tied in with SLO’s which child can refuse. As the children progress I’m finding an increase in surveys as well. Which also can be refused.

the writing component begins in sixth grade..if there is a word bank being used in music , art and gym , that is the flag saying there is a writing component. Unbelievable the crap I have been going through during this educational deform. Parent networking in my community is obsolete.
Speaking of dark stuff, have you guys noticed the common core reading curriculum? I have a fifth grader and a ninth grader, both in advanced reading. Last year when my youngest was in fourth grade, she had to read a book about a boy who is in a helicopter crash. He survives, but the pilot doesn’t. The book describes in detail Fish eating the flesh off the head of the dead pilot, divorce, the main character’s mother having a sexual affair with another man, etc. As soon as I found out she was reading this, I put a stop to it. My ninth grader just finished reading a short story that describes a boy who kills his disabled younger brother, and another story that describes a near drowning and describes the blood vessels bursting in a child’s eyes underwater from the pressure. In seventh grade he had to make a wanted sign for Osama bin laden. There is so much dark stuff in the school curriculum and it’s absolutely disgusting. I homeschooled my son until seventh grade and my daughter until second. It’s like a full-time job trying to deprogram them from other school crap. Luckily they are awake to the agenda, but I am sure this dark stuff is inserted in the curriculum intentionally.

Even in freaking band they have a dark theme. My son attends a high school with an award-winning marching band. The theme this year is a post apocalyptic zombie theme. It involves The band getting infected from a virus and then they turn into zombies. There are huge biohazard props. I mean, give me a break!!
that is crazy. What school district?
It is possible that this darkness has influenced America?
Rot for required reading and ELA assignments; and now,SEL core academics.
This kind of literature swept across the Nation’s schools and has influenced our culture entirely.
Deprograming society from this covert and dismal decay is what we need.
Absolutely! This darkness has definitely affected America!! Just look at the circus that is going on right now in the political arena and also all the mental health and confusion in our teen population. Increased suicide rate, depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems.

I don’t know if you guys have heard of the great awakening (Q anon) movement, but I highly recommend looking into it. You will have to get past the mainstream media narrative which labels it a “conspiracy”, but those of us who have been following from the beginning (October 2017) know otherwise.

This subversion and darkness has been going on for a long time and took a big uptick following 9/11. Not only our schools, but our media has become completely propagandized (research CIA operation mockingbird, which ended in 1971 but many people feel it is still in effect). America is being attacked from within and there has actually been a military operation in place. General Flynn has indirectly referenced this several times during speeches and he talks a lot about using citizen journalists to counteract the mainstream media narrative.

If you have paying attention, you may have noticed several unusual things happening, like several military planes, helicopters, and ships crashing and also odd commercial plane crashes, such as the one where a Wells-Fargo executive (woman) got “sucked out of the plane window”. There are also over 50,000 sealed indictments listed on the PACER law review website, indicating a mass arrest event. There have been hundreds of corporate CEO step-downs and an unprecedented number of politicians not seeking re-election (and also the Chicago Mayor). The deep state/corruption is being cleaned up quietly behind the scenes.

(BTW, there will be a Presidential Alert test sent to our phones tomorrow at 2:18pm Eastern time tomorrow.)

And to comment on the assignment described, I’ve seen worse, but yes it’s definitely bordering on inappropriate. I think the point of this I meant is fairly obvious-the teacher wants the kids to learn more about the life of the scientist and she thinks this is a fun gimmicky way to accomplish that goal. I would just be a little more direct with her and write to her and tell her that you understand she wants the kids to learn about the scientists but that you don’t feel the death theme is appropriate, especially since your son experienced a recent loss. You could ask if your son could complete the assignment by just writing a straightforward report about his chosen scientist.

Man, these schools are getting creepy!!
she also explained that she teaches many life lessons in her class. So of course , I need to know what lessons of life are going to be incorporated. I want to know , how is she going to present them.
And why?
They also have read a book “The Brown Dog” also very dark and this is ELA.

Thank you for your suggestions.

Ive gotten Crickets all day.
omg, I HATE when teachers tell me they are teaching “life lessons”. 🙄
Ask her where she got this idea? It is quite possible that this was in some kind of teaching PD or teacher resource. Make clear your objections to the funeral part of it. Or children are subjected to constant news reports of death. As a teacher , I know that a lot of the crap in education comes from teacher resources. I would tell her that my child will do a biography of a scientist, but not an obituary or death related assignment and that my child would be sitting in the office or counseling center if there are presentations or work on this in class. Contact the building administrator Also network and see if you can talk to other parents in this class. I bet there are other parents that are not aware and would be just as upset. Power in numbers
Response from teacher:

“This has been an activity that my students have enjoyed, in the season of Halloween.
This was an idea that students proposed.
Learning about someone’s life and making a personal connection to tell others about their life is usually a very successful learning tool.”

I appreciate your idea to network with other parents. That unfortunately and sadly is a dead end.

So he is not participating and the “funeral”has been canceled.

My hope to be informed to up and coming assignments has now fallen on deaf ears. The Science teacher also incorporates many life lessons in her class. I am still waiting for that information and what those lessons are.

I’ve intimidated her it seems because I am aware that this could not have possibly originated from students , as [name withheld] posted in this thread, “Common Core demands a literacy component in every course. There isn’t a lot of writing in science so this is how they work it in. The same happens in music and art”(gym as well.)
I expressed this to teacher and haven’t heard back from her.
I would follow up with the Principal. I would also find a School Board member to talk to. That usually gets results. Not the whole Board, just one member that would be sympathetic and ask some questions
Actual learning is not the objective in the modern classroom. It is all about methodology, feelings, and participation. I feel so much better since I retired. Now I don’t have to try and teach substance on the sneak.


And another post from this group shows an article that states that New Jersey lawmakers are proposing a bill that would require annual depression screenings for students:


Here is a post from Alice Linahan:

This is DUMBED DOWN Common Core English:

Silverman, a 30-year veteran teacher whose scores deem her one of the best teachers in the state, has been using a textbook called “McDougal-Littell Literature” for a decade, although students were using an edition from four years ago. It’s got poems, essays, short stories, Edgar Allan Poe and Shakespeare — a curriculum she says challenges and rivets her students.

But the Florida Department of Education phased out that textbook five years ago and introduced new titles that districts could use. A committee of teachers picked “Collections“ by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, a digital textbook that aligns with new Florida standardized tests that heavily emphasize nonfiction and informational texts.

Read more here:


Colorado State University doesn’t like students using “gendered emojis”:


Here is a post from a Colorado anti-Common Core group:

If your middle/high school student brought home this assignment, what would you say? Who would you call?

2.Take a moment to contemplate how you identify yourself. This could be as simple as a single white female or perhaps something more complex like vegan, dog lover, relationship hater, band geek. Take a few moments to consider HOW you identify yourself and make a list of at least 10 of them.

3.Revisit this list and identify how many of these identifiers were of your own choice and how many were ‘given’ to you by others. Would you change any of it if given a choice? Why?

4.What’s in a name? Let’s think about how you identify based on your name. How did your family choose your name? Do you like your name? Do you go by a nickname or middle name? Consider the importance of just this single word and how it has/will impact your life – tell me how your name, as it stands, impacts your life.

5.How do you feel about Sasha’s gender dilemma as well as the choice to use pronoun identifiers “they/them?” Why do you feel this way?

6. Consider the list of gender, sex, sexuality, romance terms in this section of the book. What was your first impression? What terms do you personally identify with? Is it possible to experience them separately or intertwined? Why?

7. Do you think our society sees agender and transgender as different from one another? Why? Explain your answer. Do you think agender and transgender is different than homosexuality?

8. How important is gender identification to you? Why? Explain your answer. Where did this importance come from?

9. What is the purpose of the Slater writing “Dress Code” on pages 53-54?

10. Words are powerful…they are in fact POWER! Is there power in something as simple as the pronouns we use to identify ourselves and others? Why? Explain your answer.


And some replies to said post:

Why is this the business of this teacher or the school?


My daughter had to do something a little along these lines for her college special ed class. But it was more of a reflection of how you identify yourself would affect your teaching. My daughter was very honest in her write up (how because of her identity she couldn’t support a student trying to change genders, but she could still teach them). But, it felt very different than this.


Amen [previous poster name withheld], I took an abnormal psych class in college way back when and this is close to one of the assignments then


One of the many reasons I let my kids choose a private highschool. . .


Self-pigeonholing, great. Bad enough that other people want to take away your individuality by putting you in some group box and treating you like just one in a group, but now you’re supposed to do it yourself? People are not one-dimensional, and shouldn’t be. Data gathering is the real reason behind all of this. I predict schools selling info to backfill budget cuts and companies seeking out those places that gather this info for targeted political ads.


Here is a post from an Oklahoma anti-Common Core page:

So how much of these grants will result in unprecedented data breaches regarding student’s private, personal records and, beyond that, unsubstantiated ‘diagnoses’ in their permanent records that will follow them all their lives? Good idea?


And here are the replies to this post:

A mental health diagnosis in permanent school records would certainly harm many young people when they get out of school. I certainly hope they aren’t going THERE!


To me this seems as they are using mental health just to gain money. Reminds me of something I recently read. Pathologizing poverty.


This doesn’t sound good;
” A behavioral specialist at each center will train 10 schools on transforming school climate and integrate the Positive Behavioral Intervention System.”


Here is a post that was shared in an anti-Common Core group:

SHOOTING COPS!!! This is the HALF TIME show performed by Forest Hill High School where young black students SHOOT police officers in a dramatized skit!!!

SHARE THIS until something is done about it!

football shooting cops

(Note: based on some of the comments in response to this article, it appears that the event occurred in Brookhaven, MS.  What’s more, it appears that there was a recent incident in Brookhaven where two police officers were shot and killed while on duty, so this display at the football field is even more disgusting in light of that.  Luckily, it looks like the band director that organized this has been suspended.)


Here is a post in response to the story about the digital textbooks that Alice Linahan mentioned earlier:

I examined the works and authors of the works in the 9-12 HMH Collections texts. Not only are there United Nations documents and articles, the majority of the authors are twentieth century. There is no more American literature at the eleventh grade level and British Lit at the twelfth grade level but a few selections scattered through the LESS THAN FIFTY selections in each grade level text. Many of the authors are from Marxist or Islamic backgrounds or Liberal/Progressive backgrounds. There are in some selections overt anti-American bias and other biased information (racial).
One selection in the tenth grade text is Wael Ghonim’s “Revolution 2.0,” an “informational text” about the student uprising in Egypt that led to the overthrow of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. This selection is complete with “Guidelines for Protest” and “Unified Chants.” Is this what we send our children to school to learn???
This is Common Core, Obama’s education program and put in place by his education secretary Arne Duncan!


Here is a post from Alice Linahan:

“We now know why parents have been ignored by the SBOE. The TEA plans to put all children on 1:1 devices with gamification to replace traditional educators and textbooks. They created Math Innovation Zones and partnered with Reasoning Mind and three other vendors to implement blended learning and computer adaptive assessments.”


Here is a post from a pro-homeschooling group:

Michigan residents – I was told by our local middle school principal that my 8th grade daughter could
do track in the spring. Now he is saying that it’s against the rules according to some Michigan althletic group. He said she has to be enrolled part time to be able to compete in meets. I’m not sure if what he is saying is true so I’m asking if anyone has any experience in this area. I plan on calling the althletic director as well to get more info. Thanks for any info!


And here are some replies to this post:

Yes! It is we went though this with robotics.




Try a private school? See if they require the same to participate in sports?


Find out what part time enrollment looks like. She might be able to do track plus art, photography, or other subject suitable. You never know.
How some of the public schools are doing is requiring for the students to enroll in a helps them with government funding
When I was a homeschool student in Michigan I knew multiple students who just took one or two classes like spanish or band or something so that they could play sports.

Find a state homeschooling advocacy group.

In ohio we have it written into the law that our kids can participate in PS sports.

That rule only applies to high school sports from what I have been told.
[previous poster name withheld] is correct. But she must enroll for one extra-curricular for the winter semester in order to participate in 8th grade track and stay in until the end of the year. She will not be able to participate at the high school level per MHSAA rules – she would have to be in attendance at least 60%, or 4 classes, in order to qualify for high school sports.
I am in WA and this is our first year homeschooling. Homeschoolers are allowed to participate in the extras. My 5th grader wanted to do band. So he had to be .003 credits enrolled. We can do the extras as in library, p.e., music, sports, etc…
They did that I. Utah with a group my daughter wanted to join. And then when we agreed, they said we had to report our homeschooling curriculum and grades to them in detail. I told them they were my kids, they should report to me in detail. We walked away.
Yes, we went through the same thing with band
I know in IL, IHSA says no homeschooled kids at meets
In MO the state allows part time students to do sports so my daughter enrolled in 2 classes then after 2.5 months the principal called me to said that it was against the district rules… so my 15 year d went to school board meeting asking for them to change and do what the state says is ok… and they denied us…. so I will continue to fight….
Here is a post from a Nevada anti-Common Core group:
I just received this today from the school. ZCES TEACHER-PARENT HOME VISIT PROGRAM. All I have to say is don’t do it, this is not a parent teacher conference and is stated that it’s not. So there is an agenda with the schools.DO NOT ALLOW TEACHERS OR SCHOOL OFFICIALS INTO YOUR HOMES. BEWARE!! This is an invasion of privacy and more about inspecting your home and family life. Don’t forget there are social workers assigned to Nevada school districts, if I remember upon initiation there were 9 or more. Parent teacher conferences, phone calls, emails, school visits should be sufficient communication with the teacher in order to help your child’s education in my opinion.
Nevada home visit
And here are the replies to this post:
This is a Common Core component to spy on your family. They can collect additional data to be stored permanently on your child/s or family’s record. Social/emotional record?
I have followed CC across the world. In Scotland and or England, home visits were mandatory several years ago.
I find this creepy!

Nope, nope, nope. I don’t invite people into my home unless they need to be there. And the school district does not need to be in my home. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

I wonder what they will do if you say no?

Perhaps you need to have a lawyer there is you let them in.
This is an optional program. Washoe country also offers this program.
Yeah I would pass
I was thinking if this were me, I’d attach a nice note to it saying, “No thank you. Let me know what time I can come to the school like we’ve always done.” 😂
I remember growing up our teachers would do pizza lunch or we would get to bring lunch to the classroom and those were the times teachers got to know us better. Kids spend more awake hours with their teachers then the do at home during the week if they can’t get to know my child in that time then they need to look into a different career choice.
This notice was handed out to everyone in the school Facts & Flyers. As far as I know, I am not the only parent to receive this. Here is an article from the Nevada Appeal in 2016.
After one visit from CPS for false allegations of abuse on my special needs daughter (for a documented injury) we homeschool. It’s frightening that they can make decisions like that.
The concept is good but in this day and age I don’t trust anyone. And I’m sure teachers already have enough on their plate! Can’t imagine making them do this
I don’t trust anyone in my children’s school district that’s for sure.
I couldn’t get the teachers to stay after school hours to have a parent teacher conference and now they want to come to my home at a time I choose just to get to know us???
right people sign up than all of a sudden the teacher is too busy to come so “oh we don’t want to stand you up so we sent this social worker instead!” I am afraid thats how it will go!
thanks for pointing that out. I never even thought of that scenario, I bet you’re right. Wow!
that’s exactly how it goes!! Here in Washoe county it’s never the teacher that goes it’s the school counselor and parent facilitator, they collect data and it’s usually on the low income and on assistance families, so wrong 😡
It looks like at least right now it is optional but I would keep my eye on it!

Hopefully Douglas County parents will be an absolute “No” on this…the public school system is nobody’s friend, and they have no reason to be snooping around our homes. There is no good reason to voluntarily allow the government into your home – meeting at school as usual is always the best choice.

This is based on “community organizing principles”, according to the website of the company that profits off this program. Leave the “community organizing” to the liberal big cities – we sure don’t need it in Douglas County, or anywhere else in rural America.

Oh man, is the school spending money on this? Please say no. 🤦‍♀️
Apparently they are. The PTHV website says that training sessions are $500 plus travel and expenses. Looks like a Washoe District staff member named D’Lisa Crain is who brought it into Nevada first. She discusses the program at a conference in 2016 – starts at 3:35 in this video and continues to 5:00. Note that she says “sometimes we don’t have an agenda, but just want to get to kknow the parents”. The official sales pitch says that they never have an agenda, but looks like that’s not the case:
A home visit does not have to be done by a licensed psychologist. Too professional, stiff. This can be done by what we had in MN, home school laisons who were from the same culture as those visited. These psychologists are not trained teachers nor do they have to have experience with those of different cultures. A Bill Gates mandate.
So extra creepy
WHAT the heck?!!
Fuck NO! A stealth way to see if there is anything that needs to be reported to CPS! What a parent-teacher meeting in a classroom places constraints to get to know each other?
I agree with you!
I did this while I was teaching in Washoe County and to be quite honest it helped me build really amazing relationships with my students and their families. It was not mandatory for me and the parents had the option of home visits. Nothing was ever required.
The guidelines were that we were not to discuss anything academic. It was all about spending time and getting to know my students in their own space. They were so excited.I had some students with pretty severe behavior issues that I do believe home visits helped. Just taking the time to spend time with them was everything and I feel that it built a great foundation of trust, which was very important with my students and the environment they grow up in.
I’m glad to hear your perspective
That’s weird but at least it’s a permission slip.
So far I’ve heard one positive perspective from a teacher of course but, are there any positive accounts from parents that have actually had a teacher/school appointed person home visit? I have yet to hear any parents point out how it helped their children or family. I’ve heard the exact opposite. As my form states, the reason for the home visits is for “educational success and/or academic benefit”. As [name withheld] (above) said her guidelines were not to discuss academics.

I think, however not 100% sure, that the “educational success and/or academic benefit“ could mean that having a teacher invested in a student’s home life and school life can benefit a student greatly and benefit open communication between parent and teacher. At least that’s how I interpreted it. There something amazing that happens when you are invited to a family dinner with one of your students or getting to sit down in their room and have them show me all of their favorite toys. Again this is how I used my home visits and all of the teachers at my school that did home visits did as well.

To my knowledge in Washoe County home visits are more common in lower socioeconomic schools so you likely won’t be hearing positive outcomes from
Parents because statistically parents from these areas don’t use social media to discuss such things or they don’t discuss it outwardly at all.

I would be very wary as a parent and a teacher if this was mandatory.

**a side note about me…yes I was a teacher but I left because the way I want to teach versus the way the school districts want me to teach (out of a box basically) greatly conflict. I have strong opinions on standardized testing and why we should limit testing. Im also a proponent for more recess time. I worked in Clark County and they only give students 15 mins a day of recess. I’m also a mom with my child in public school (kinder), which I find very stressful because of what I do know about teaching. I’ve been on the fence about homeschooling him to be honest.

I honestly think a better idea would be to have more regular meet ups with the family at school. A semester or quarterly parent teacher meeting for 15 min isn’t enough. How about getting together bi-monthly for 15 min just to talk abut how things are going. Give the parents a chance to get to know the teacher and vice visa. Honestly, even though I volunteered a lot, I didn’t know the teachers at all.
Absolutely agree! This would be very beneficial for most parents. On the flip side I think it could be difficult for parents who have to work though. I had a really hard time getting parents to come to conferences because the risk losing that money just that day could be detrimental for their budgets. This is just from my perspective of working in lower socioeconomic areas. If the schools could be flexible with evening conferences that would be ideal.
maybe it could be a phone call or Skype even. Just anything to get to make that connection stronger. I have always tried to be involved, but I can’t tell you how many friends I have that really don’t know what their kids are doing at school or who they spend time with for 7hrs a day. 😔
I can’t believe what I’m reading on this.
Sounds as though,the school system is upset,parents are putting a stop to the indoctrination of our children. How better to reprimand parents, than have the ability to enter your home, and harass.
This is fucking weird, pardon my mouth. I would feel invaded, we are not friends or family. If I need to talk to teachers, I do. Same with them, give me a call. My hopes, my hope is that garbage core curriculum is dumped so I can stop reteaching basics at home
Here is a post from a Washington anti-Common Core group:

Well, one of our schools districts in WA State have made the international news!
Wonder how OSPI feels about their polices now…

“A spokesperson for the Kent School District told the BBC that children got 20 minutes for lunch and 15 minutes for play but that when Mrs Matava visited time had been cut short: “This can happen when classes arrive late to the lunch room or another class takes longer to clean up.”


And here are the replies to this post:

Kids NEED unstructured play time…through middle school.


Yes, I agree. Unfortunately, recess is next up for rules and structure. It’s sad.


DrPeterGray has scientifically linked so many dangers too, to the reduction of unstructured play in these years. 😦 even later-in-life suicide rates go up 😦 , and most importantly for the bean-counters of CCSS, achievement goes UP when more unstructured play is added to the day.


Opstad Elementary in North Bend is the same. They switched to recess before lunch this year but didn’t include additional
travel/line up time in between lunch and recess. My child’s teacher actually tried to complain that my child was taking too long to eat. Excuse me, 10 mins isn’t enough time. Until this is fixed all complaints from staff are null and void in my opinion.


Here is a post from Alice Linahan:

Hat Tip Lynne M Taylor who wrote…

“A Quick Review:

Sept. 4th, 2018: I showed you the real agenda for the ‘defacto’ government educratic moves. These moves are the same ones as the globally led moves: bare minimum academics and heaps of workforce skill preparation.

Sept. 6th, 2018: DeVos signs the G20 Education Declaration. Her trip to Argentina was on our taxpayer dime to agree to the G20 (Group of 20) global education.

Sept. 18th, 2018: The in-depth look behind the new morality assessments ties to global education in big ways. This will ensnare Americans quicker than we are prepared for IF we do not arm ourselves NOW.

Next, in the phase to complete America’s shift in education to workforce prep:
Oct. 3rd, 2018, I showed you the latest initiative of UNICEF: “Generation Unlimited” .

Also for clarity:
The G20 Declaration for education was about getting the agreeing countries to align to THEIR plan. UN/UNESCO framework, agenda and all gels right in with the G20 Declaration on purpose.”

Click below to read where this is all going…


Here is a post that was shared by a friend of mine:

“Democrats have been preparing for the day, when they begin to lose their foothold, in destroying our Constitution, taking America down and giving over our sovereignty to the New World Order. They have had and used a contingency that they have developed for the last 60 years. Ask yourself, if you are over 60 years old, what was the attitude of “the people” like, when you were a teenager?

Why, how, what, has happened, to our youth, that so many, so young, all of a sudden, are stirred to aggressive, angry, physically assaulting, because of a political ideology? When you were that age, did you have such a patriotic concern or such a political interest in Socialism or Communism, or Fascism or any other ideology of national or world government? Or were you 98% concerned with fast cars, food, boys and girls, music, finding a job, getting your own place, independence, etc., etc.?

Our young are coming out of school prepared, but prepared for what? To March with VAGINA suits? To join with radical BLM? To fight in the streets for Socialism, free school, free rent, free medical care, literally suing parents for the RIGHT to live in their basements? To join, fight, and attack conservatism with a distorted ANTI-FA? Are they so IGNORANT as to not understand that ANTI-FA stands for ANTI-FASCIST, yet they attack, at school and in the streets, anyone saying or attempting to say, anything they disagree with. The very definition of “Fascism”? They will riot and set fire to their schools for even inviting a conservative speaker, a conservative opinion, a conservative ideology.

Where, how, who gave birth to this mentality, concept? How did a generation of females suddenly think that all men are mysogenist. Why are more men becoming mysandrists? Why and who set racism back 60 years? What happened to the foundation of America, “THE FAMILY”, the value and necessity of a mother, a father, children all in the home?

The key word to the young of today is RESIST. Resist what? All that has been previously thought of as conservatism or decency? In short…YES! Who would want to create that, teach that to our young? Does anyone think, in their wildest imagination, that our youth thought all this up, by themselves, that they naturally evolved to this?

Of course and it’s natural for the young wanting to be grown-up too soon. Stubborn. Resist authority and defy limitations of freedoms that they think they are ready for and deserving of. YES. WE all went through that. But it was controlled, limited, the responsibility of the parents, the adults, to require that the young demonstrate and earn the rights for more responsibility and freedoms. It was a societal, natural responsibility of parents to teach and educate and contain the youth. WHAT HAPPENED?

All parental authority, the value of “the family unit”, respect, common sense, patriotism, belief in a higher, perfect, godly authority was confiscated! Slowly and by the greatest tool of liberal, radical, government creep. It’s not a new plan, but the rebirth of something that was once crushed, for the horrid abuse that came from it.

Democrats revived Hitler’s, “Let me control the textbooks and I’ll control the state”. It began a long time ago but the left knew that it would not be received well by a nation full of patriotism, just out of two world wars, crushing fascism, nazi-ism, communism and Marx style dictator-socialism. So, like leftist government has always done, it was a “frog in the boiling water” and “Pavlov’s dog” used in a “government creep” plan. Slowly, unnoticed, methodically, effectively, relatively. The tool? The National Education Association, the United Nations and its version of the NEA, designed, built and activated by the same, UNESCO.

SLOWLY revise, edit, alter to their agenda, all textbooks. Confiscate and DESTROY parental authority, patriotism, the authority or belief in God. Point all education and authority to a New World Order. Then turn children (like Hitler) into lockstep soldiers. Send them into the streets, angry, disillusioned, brainwashed, indoctrinated to group-think by radical Marxist, communist teachers and professors.

Promise them everything free, utopia, pride in fixing everything that their evil, abusive parents of antiquated patriotism, ruined. Rid the text books of our founding, our founders, our Constitution and it’s “original intent”. Never allow the young, our future leaders to view, study, understand, discuss or debate, the FEDERALIST PAPERS or the construction of our Constitution. Distort, besmirch and redefine civic duty to a radical idiology. America is being taken down by our own Dept. of Education.”



And here are some replies to this post:

Our education failed our kids! They knew better.
We stood up to them before common core when everyone gets a trophy. Not everyone should have a trophy. You want one you earn it! But we were being mean…kids don’t understand how to lose or work harder to achieve winning…but we were being mean,
The no more birthdays, no more Christmas, no more Easter. No more traditions, no more pledge of alliance, no more god! We ask and we got answers that’s just how our policy is because we don’t want to offend anyone…
We fight and get no where but yet teachers just went along with it because it’s a job and a paycheck.
Others didn’t want to stand up because they were afraid of what others would think about them and their child. Status quo was more important.
We live in a society where kids think they are entitled and throw hissy fits and parents shut them up by giving them what they want and never punishing their kids for bad behavior. It’s ugly


Great job. Maybe consider replacing “Democrats” with “Progressives” (in both parties who have brought this mess on) whether by intent or complicity


Oh, I assure you, both parties have responsibility in this mess. The Progressives and Dems are one and the same and the Republicans are so busy lining their pockets, like the Dems that they haven’t done a damn thing to prevent any of this. The assault on education was the utmost tool to take this nation into the abyss of the NWO.
NOT ALL teachers are a part of this mess and you encapsulated the rationale of “cooperate or it’s your job”.

All in all, the only correction now is to immediately remove any chance of government’s slime tentacles touching the education of any child in this country. Even given back to the states, education will have to have an overseer to keep uniformity and meet requirements. On the world stage, we have slipped from #3 to 37th and that’s pathetic.

I respect your profession and couldn’t imagine where we would be without you.


I was a public school teacher, now a home school teacher for my own. I do appreciate your writing. But feel that the Repubs, progressive and not, should be called out equally. The sins of commission and omission, yes, are equally to blame. That’s all!


My son is 10 years old. He understands. My daughter is 42 years old. She understands. My wife is 52 years old. We’re working on it but she sees what is happening. It’s our job to educate those around us.


School became the uncensored baby sitter! Parents were more than glad to let school take over the burden of raising of our kids! And the education department made hay while the sun shone! Now we have a bunch of liberal sniveling brats! Not all of them, but way more than enough!


When I was a teen we didn’t talk back to teachers or any other adult. If an adult told us to quiet down or to leave a place, we did even if the person was a complete stranger. There was none of these entitled demonstrations from students. There wasn’t any back talk ” F*** You! I don’t have to and you can’t make me.” We had respect for ourselves and for the rights of others. I doubt I will live long enough see America go back to those small town values. In my wildest dreams I never expected to live this long and to see the mess our society has become.


Education can only be restored when true patriotic Americans rise up and say enough!
We need to unite to together or divided we will fall! We are up against the beast and if we sit by and do nothing, then nothing gets done. It’s beyond time to push back!


Then BRAVO to you. “Home schooling parents” is another tid bit of statistics, which no one seems to be able to compile accurately. This is info that the left definitely doesn’t want out.

In case you didn’t know, 6 months ago, thanks to Nikki Haley, Pres Trump/BETSY DeVos, ordered our (the U.S.A.’s) withdrawel from UNESCO. THAT is the international version of our NEA, set up by the NEA in 1946 . THAT was exciting, yet drew not 1 word from the media. Google it! Very interesting. BETSY DEVOS, Secretary of Education, appointed by Trump is now working on legislation to make home schooling easier and school choice, THE LAW. I’M PRAYING!


I’m on year #3. The school forced my hand by not providing her FAPE. What else could I do? Watching her fail was not an option





SpecEd term. Free Appropriate Public Education per IDEA



It seems that Kent State University has cancelled their production of “West Side Story”.  The reason?  Too many whites were cast:


Here is a post from Alice Linahan:

Now, understanding that it was the Rand Corporation that developed the Delphi method, it makes the Women on the Wall interview I had with Diana Anderson, and what we were told during it even more interesting.

Click to learn more…


And here are some replies to this post:

Did you know that Darling-Hammond used to work for RAND?


Wow, Very interesting, I did not know that


From wiki:
In 1985, after completing her doctorate degree program, she began working as a Social Scientist for the RAND Corporation. Darling-Hammond was a Senior Social Scientist and Director of the RAND Education and Human Resources Program when she departed for academia in 1989.


Huge Dot to connect!! Thank you!!


Here is a post from an Ohio anti-Common Core group:

My son is on 5th grade. Apparently, there is a rule, that if the substitute writes a child up, it is an automatic after school detention. It doesn’t matter what the infraction is. There were several students, including my son, who have to serve detention. What are your thoughts on this?


And here are some replies to this post:

Wow, ever since time, substitutes have seen the kids from different sides. Kids take advantage of them, they test to see how far they can get with them. That’s kids for you. Definitely do not agree with this rule. It’s stupid and unfair.


That was my thought. I know my son shouldn’t have gotten put of his seat so much. But the homeroom teacher has this blanket rule. Our schools ate truly prisons.


Here is another post by Alice Linahan:

Hat Tip [name withheld] who wrote…

“I did not allow my son to use a school issued Chromebook this year. I actually read the contract the school asked for me to sign. I printed it, and all of the hyper links attached. The technology user agreement totaled more than 70 pages when I opened every hyper link that was provided. That did not include all of the user agreements that are a part of every app that is front loaded onto the Chromebooks. They want you to check a box and agree so your child can be educated in school with a device. When you check that box you are “agreeing” to all of the verbiage in those terms of use agreements. Do you even know what they say? I do…well, for most of them. I printed off every page. That is why I refused to sign.

I work in contracts every day. I write them and I read them. I have for over 20 years now. I actually printed off the entire contract provided electronically by the school. I was horrified by what I saw. Understand this…this is not an indictment on my school. EVERY school is or will be doing the same thing. In order to get accreditation our schools are being forced to use technology. Technology is expensive and changes rapidly. Google provides the cloud and its “services” for free or greatly reduced cost. In exchange, the school must have consent. If you have parents “agree” to their terms of use, then the data belongs to Google. When you sign off, you are giving away your child’s rights to privacy. They tell you that they will own your child’s “intellectual property”. Thus, the Chromebooks come at a great price. There is a cost involved, it is just not to the school. Data is the new oil. Think about that for a second.

Ask yourself, what is being collected and where is it going? How could this harm my child? How could this affect him/her later in life? Who has this information and where is it being stored?

There is a war going on for the hearts and the minds of our children. Never forget that. YOU are the gatekeeper if you are the parent.

Google is in the news daily right now for how shady they are. They are in the news for good reason.

Please invest in watching this movie and understanding. This is a huge deal. HUGE. There is much more to this story. But, for today here is a good place to start.

You can watch it for FREE on Amazon Prime. It is worth the time to educate yourself on TRUTH.”


The state of New Jersey has told schools to allow kids to “change genders” even if their parents don’t know about it or wouldn’t want it to happen:


Here is a post from a Nevada anti-Common Core group.  It was in reply to a shared post of the Alice Linahan Chromebook post I posted to this blog earlier:

it keeps getting worse and worse…Of course NV chose the Chromebooks as the offical Nevada Ready 21 Devices. They spent at least $20 Million so Google could harvest our childrens data. Some state AG’s have filed lawsuits against Goolge. Adam Laxalt was (is) not interested in filing this type of lawsuit against Google.…/ctl-awarded-contract-for…


Here is a post from a friend of mine.  It is from last year but still relevant:

“EUREKA 3RD Grade math, this is stupidity! I am outraged ! 10 minutes”.

stupid common core math


Here is a post from a conservative Texas page:

A couple weeks ago we shared a disturbing finding that Forth Worth kindergartners were being exposed to transgender sex education without parental consent. Unfortunately, this was not just isolated to Forth Worth, and many other school districts have similar policies.…/transgendersexedtexasprobl…/


And here are some replies to this post:

The reason Texas education has gotten so liberal is because all the Conservatives have retreated to private or homeschool. Fight back, Texans! Not everyone can homeschool or private school. Fight back for your community, your neighbors, the future leaders! FIGHT!
Most conservatives are not homeschooling or in private school that’s just a fraction of people doing it, they just don’t say anything. It’s like we have given up at times or are afraid seems like. You know being called intolerant and bigots… 😳😓 all the name calling and hateful words you get when you disagree with the liberal agenda. I agree we need to push back.
the overwhelming majority of USA public school textbooks are printed in Texas yet my Katy school doesn’t use textbooks. Those in Austin making decisions about our schools are obviously predominantly liberal.
As a retired public (and private ) school teacher and librarian, I think this is sick! Thank goodness I am retired; otherwise I would probably be fired because this mess would never be on my library shelves!
exactly the same with me!!! I left whenthey started issuing in LGBT propaganda! As a (then) 3 yr old preschool teacher is was told i WOULD welcome same sex parents into my class as visitors to share alternative family lifestyles! ( along with puppets, puzzles, books, movies, role play, etc)….
you are so wise,God bless you!
The problem is, it is going on everyday and there is always something worse. It makes me sick that the government gets away with this
This is probably another reason why the Lord allowed me to retire last June .I can’t handle to teach about this topic.If they put a mandatory teaching moral values,I would say,I will be willing to go back and teach.
As soon as I saw this story and that my district was on the article, I contacted my principal and asked if any of these books exist at my kids elementary library. She replied no. But article stipulates they exist at libraries in my district so please fight! Push back! Don’t stop fighting even if your kids attend private schools. Help your community! Push back for the parents of SpED kids who can’t attend private school and need public school services! Please fight back!
I think all Texas elementary schools participate in the Bluebonnet reading program. I saw this year’s list and most of the 20 books seem to push a liberal agenda.
Parents must start attending School Board meetings and join your child’s PTA. If you don’t get active in what is happening in the schools, leftists will push their undercover agenda on your children. Monitor what they learn and talk to them about it.
This just adds to the list of reasons why my future children will be homeschooled. This is just plain ridiculous.
This is what Socialists do, take parental rights away! Just heard a story about Sweden where a couple refused a total body scan for their two year old who fell and broke her leg. The state told them that they are just employees raising that child for the state. Because they get free health care and other state benefits, they are employees of the state. Is that what we would be trading our freedom for. Wake up,you people who think that Socialism just means free stuff.
This is why my grandkids will NEVER see the inside of a public school. Totally disgusting that these schools push their own fake (not supported by science or facts) agendas on innocent children. Brainwashing 101 🤬
I was born and raised in Fort Worth. It was a great place to be raised! Now not so much! It makes me ashamed to be associated with it now. It is time for me to cut all ties with FortWorth! The city and schools don’t even know that they should be ashamed for their actions! They’re even are proud of their actions! Bye FortWorth you have sunk to low for me!
Here is a post from a Nevada anti-Common Core group:
Good Psychology Today article!
Bottom line, keep your kids away from “screen time” while at school: 1:1 Devices, “Free” third party software and apps., and the SBAC test.
And here are the many replies to this post:
Here are the schools that were foolish enough to take the money,
Nevada managed to make the worst possible choice, Google Chromebooks. “Just last month, for example, the Electronic Frontier Foundation filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. It alleges, among other charges, that Google is violating the voluntary Student Privacy Pledge by tracking the millions of students who use its Apps for Education tool suite when they venture to other Google applications such as Maps and YouTube, THEN USING THE INFORMATION TO CREATE BEHAVIORAL PROFILES.” (emphasis added)…/analytics-in-k-12-schools-big…
ERE IT IS – at about 1:37:55, school disticts not paying ‘with money’ for Google Apps. for Education. Instead they are paying by giving Google student data. If you can watch 30 minutes start at 1:30:17
Hidden computer algorithms in schools: Personalized Learning #RobotTeaching…/
“Nationwide, providers of computer software, wireless, devices and online curricula are becoming entrenched in education. New tech tools are essential. Yet who is watching for conflicts of interest, student data mining, screen-caused student vision problems or other potential pitfalls? Our boards of education should be.”
An even bigger question: Who is making money off children in this vast educational experiment?”…/bs-ed-county-technology…

Here is the email I sent to several Incline Village parents and community members titled Do NOT Opt your child into the 1:1 Program at IHS On 4/29/16 there was a private meeting at Incline High School between Superintendent Davis, several high ranking Washoe County School District (WCSD) employees, Incline High School administration, and the Incline High School (IHS) Boosters Board to discuss a new 1:1 program at IHS. I was told by: Incline High School Principal Hermann, Vice Principal Yoxsimer, a couple high ranking district employees, and Superintendent Davis I could not attend the meeting because I was only a booster’s member and not a booster’s board member. I know one community member with no children or grandchildren in Incline schools who was invited to the meeting. Prior to the meeting WCSD Trustee Howard Rosenberg, and WCSD Trustee candidate Bill Horn let WCSD district employees including Superintendent Davis know what they thought:

WCSD Trustee Howard Rosenberg:
“You go to the meeting on Friday. If anyone stops you, tell them that Trustee Rosenberg said for you to be there. And if they want to start the third world war they won’t let you stay. It’s really very simple. Every one of those kinds of meetings should be subject to the open meeting law. So go, OK!”

Bill Horn Former IVGID General Manager and WCSD Trustee candidate in District G:
“John has a right to speak at the meeting.”

The local administrators and superintendent did not waiver; I honored their request and did not attend the meeting. I did not want to start world war three, or speak. I told Superintendent Davis, I just wanted to listen and learn more about a proposed 1:1 program that would impact all Incline children when the get to high school.


I know most of the members of the IHS Boosters Board and in my opinion they are good people trying to do something good for the students of IHS. I was encouraged by WCSD employees to meet with a couple members of the booster’s board before the Friday meeting, so I did. It was apparent to me the board’s intentions are good; but unfortunately it was also very clear they had no idea about the Student Data Mining aspects of student issued 1:1 devices.

After the private meeting Vice Principal Yoxsimer sent me an email saying the 1:1 program would be an opt-in program at IHS. He also said parents who don’t want their child to participate will have more traditional types of assignments.

Our high school is so small I hope students who do NOT opt-in to the 1:1 program continue to get an excellent education. In the 2016 IHS graduating class we have at least two students who will be attending Ivy League colleges, and other students who will be attending top universities around the country – all of them had, “more traditional types of assignments,” taught by excellent IHS teachers.

In a 1:1 program a student will be assigned a laptop or tablet. That student will be the only one who ever uses that device; making it easy for software providers and companies like this,
to view, store, analyze, and share information about the student.

Here are a few articles where experts speak about student data issues with 1:1 devices:

Title – Surveillance Society: Students easy targets for data miners
“The growing education technology sector is selling the promise of improved student achievement through websites, apps and tools that analyze each child’s strengths and weaknesses. In doing so, though, ed tech companies are lapping up unprecedented amounts of information about students, while laws provide little protection and privacy policies vary wildly.”
“‘Parents are very nervous, and rightfully so, when third parties are empowered to build dossiers on their children,’ said Joel Reidenberg, a Fordham Law School professor who wrote a 2013 study on data privacy in public schools.”…/Surv…/stories/201508230018

Title – Children’s privacy at risk from software used in schools
“These interactive programs, marketed by private vendors, frequently use sophisticated software that collects massive amounts of highly personal information about the student’s behaviors, mindsets, and attitudes – the ’21st-century’ psychological skills that the government thinks he should have.”
Jane Robbins Esq.…/opinion-digital…/

Title – Common Core: Who’s Watching the Kids?
“This data will be stored forever, and parents will have very, very limited access to it, if any at all.”
Mary Anne Marcella and Cort Wrotnowski…/_common_core_whos…

In my opinion the biggest problem with a 1:1 device is the collection, storage, analyzing, and sharing of student data, but there are other issues with school issued 1:1 devices and screen time in general, learn more here.…/the-hidden-agenda…


My suggestion do NOT opt your child into the 1:1 program at IHS.

There are many things going on in Nevada that impact your child and their data that you have no control over, (I will talk more about them in the next email), but keeping your child away from a school issued 1:1 device, and away from the SBAC test, are two things you can do to help protect their data.

To learn more about 1:1 devices and Student Data Mining in general look at the pinned post here,

Please forward this email to other Incline Village parents, especially parents of 8-11th graders. If you would like to discuss this in person this please contact me.

This article links to others that shows devices do NOT lead to increased student performance.…/schools-might-want…

Here’s the email I sent to Incline parents and community members, titled: Candidates – Student Data 6/04/16

Several people have asked me about the candidates in the upcoming primary. In regards to protecting student data here is what I know:
The Pupil Information Privacy Protection Initiative (PIPPI) would amend the Nevada Constitution to protect our children’s data.…

The two candidates running against Dale have not.

David DeSilva has or would have signed the initiative but he has dropped out of the race.
Bill Horn will not sign the PIPPI but he spoke up against Washoe County School District’s Private Meeting at Incline High School to change the best high school in the district.…
Mr. Horn is in favor of the tax increase for school renovations and construction, he is a good communicator, and he is concerned about student data mining.…/embattled-school-board…/80064884/

Greg Hudson is against the tax increase, he would probably sign the PIPPI if someone presented it to him. Mr. Hudson is not nearly as polished as Mr. Horn.

In my opinion, when it comes to protecting student data Katy Simon is the worst candidate.

LISA KRASNER signed the initiative.
Jason Guinasso refused to sign.
In my opinion Ms. Krasner will work to protect student data and Mr. Guinasso will work to maintain the status quo (1-7 below).

signed the PIPPI.

I am very busy selling real estate and do not know if anyone else in any race has been asked to sign the petition.

There are only a few Student Data Mining activities Nevada parents can opt-out of. In order, by amount of student data available to third parties who otherwise would have little to no data on our children:
A) School issued 1:1 devices
B) Free third party websites and applications affiliated with your school
C) SBAC testing

Here is what we as Nevada residents have no control over and can not opt-out of:

1) The U.S. Department of Labor will: “follow individual student(s) from pre-school through their work life.”

2) The U.S. Department of Education wants states to collect over 400 Attributes of data on every child.…/datamodel/eiebrowser/techview.aspx…
Some of these Attributes have over 200 Code Sets of data. Take a look at Code Sets that are part of the Attribute titled: DISEASES, ILLNESS AND OTHER HEALTH CONDITIONS.

3) At least 47 states, including Nevada, took over $612 Million dollars from the federal government to create Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems that are compatible. Student data will be shared between states, probably with the federal government, and possibly with third parties.
Nevada calls their pre-K through work force data tracking system NPWR (Nevada P-20 to Workforce Research Data System). People call it a, “cradle to grave” data tracking system.
Student data is never deleted.…/nevadas-new-super-data…

4) The Nevada Department of Education (NDE) told us NPWR: “Will follow INDIVIDUAL students progress from pre-K through high school all the way to the work force. The system will help DIRECT students to the type of college or career ready jobs, and into a field which will allow them a successful outcome for both the student and their state.”…/nevada-wins-4-million-grant-for…

5) The K-12 subset of NPWR is called the System of Accountability Information in Nevada (SAIN); it is maintained by the NDE and at least one third party.
About a year ago the SAIN collected this data, file:///C:/Users/John/Downloads/Data%20Dictionary%207.15%20(2).pdf
The amount of data has or will likely expand in the future.


7) During the 2015 Nevada Legislative Session SB 463 would have protected student data. At the 11th hour SB 463 was gutted with Amendment 934,…/Amendm…/A_SB463_R2_934.pdf
The amendment removed the language stating our childrens Personally Identifiable Information (PII) belongs to us or the student. So in NV pupil PII does not belong to the pupil or parent. We still do not know who gutted SB 463, but we do know both Amazon and Infinite Campus testified publically against protecting student data.

You can not opt-out of any of the Student Data Mining mentioned in 1-7 above. Whatever data is stored, analyzed, and likely shared on your child will never be deleted and could impact their future.

A couple of years ago my wife and I spent four hours going over the SAIN data being stored by the Nevada Department of Education on our four children. We discovered a lot of mistakes.…/nevada-officials-seeing…

Do you know what data is being stored on your children? If it is accurate?
Who it will be shared with?
How it will affect their future?

Under current Nevada and federal law, you do not have control over items 1-7 above; you do however have control over items A, B, and C.

To learn more about Student Data Mining join our Facebook page: Protect Nevada Children,

Many NV schools use Edmodo’s website. Has you child been using it without your consent? Please know Edmodo is a free service for schools and teachers. What does/will Edmodo with all the data they are collecting on our children? “5 Business Transfers – If Edmodo, or some all of its assets were acquired or otherwise transferred, or in the unlikely event that Edmodo goes out of business or enters bankruptcy, user information may be transferred to or acquired by a third party.”…/has-your-child-been… Edmodo’s full Privacy Policy,
“Privacy advocates worry about the impact students’ data could have on their lives decades later
What if a child’s performance in a fifth-grade gym class could be used to set the rate for a life insurance policy when they’re 50? What if a computer program advertised interactive tutoring when your child struggled with long division?Privacy advocates worry these scenarios could become reality as schools increasingly rely on outside companies to collect, manage and analyze the massive amount of data gleaned from standardized tests, transcripts, individual education programs and even cafeteria purchases.”…/student-data-mining-is-a…/

“Khaliah Barnes, director of the student privacy project for the Electronic Privacy Information Center, can imagine another scenario: Companies with rich student dossiers could market aptitude and attitude profiles to college admissions or corporate recruiting offices.

‘As an employer, that’s the sort of profile I would want to buy: Who can solve a problem quickly? Who has the tenacity to finish all the problems? Who drops off quickly?’ Barnes said.”

“A model state bill drafted by the American Legislative Exchange Council, a conservative lobbying group, could make such targeting more likely; it would set up a central state database for student records and allow colleges or businesses to browse them in search of potential recruits.

Companies might also seek to mine student profiles to find customers uniquely vulnerable to their sales pitches. For instance, young adults who struggled with high-school math could be bombarded with ads for high-priced payday loans, Barnes said.

Such prospects may sound far-fetched, but the recent White House report on big data acknowledged it as a very real possibility. Data collected on children as they take advantage of educational services ‘COULD BE USED TO BUILD AN INVASIVE CONSUMER PROFILE OF THEM ONCE THEY BECOME ADULTS’ the report concluded.” (Emphasis added)…/data-mining-your-children……/data-mining-your-children…


“Yes, parents ‘distrust’ the state longitudinal data systems (SLDS) — because they can’t get straight answers about what data is collected and with whom it is shared; because data-mining proponents speak of collecting data on their children’s ‘affective states’; because under current federal law and regulations, access to personally identifiable information (PII) is available to researchers, tech companies, multiple federal agencies, and even “volunteers”; and because recent congressional hearings have exposed the horrifying lack of data security within the U.S. Department of Education [HERE and HERE].

Parents also object that in too many cases, government collects and discloses their children’s data without parental consent. They don’t appreciate hearing that it’s just too much trouble to get their consent or that their right to protect their children’s privacy by opting out of data-collection is secondary to having full data sets for “research” (as was discussed in the March House hearing’ that Leong touts).

Nor is ‘trust’ engendered when data-collection involves psychologically profiling innocent children to provide the ‘individual and micro data advocated by Leong, using creepy, Orwellian devices such as those described in a recent op-ed in U.S. News and World Report and rebutted here:

‘They also measure and monitor things like students’ saccadic eye patterns as students learn from visual and textual information sources, data from sensors tracking facial expressions and posture, and more. These data are all fine-grained, reflecting students’ learning processes, knowledge, affective states . . . .’“…/memo-to-big-data-parents-are…/

Re-posting because this is SO IMPORTANT. All these free third party education software companies like: Google, Edmodo, Prezi, ClassDoJo, Microsoft and others are paid for their products with OUR CHILDREN’S DATA.
(watch from 1:37:45 to 1:43:00)…
Yahoo can’t keep the data of it users safe. “Yahoo suspects the thief acted on behalf of a government.” Can all these third party education software and applications companies keep our children’s data safe? I’m referring to companies like: Google, Microsoft, Edmodo, Class Dojo, etc. and all the parties they will share our children’s personal data with.…/tec…/yahoo-data-breach/index.html
In the last few days we learned of several data hackings including:
1) Pippa Middleton, the sister of Kate Middleton the Duchess of Cambridge, has had her iCloud account hacked:…/pippa-middletons-icloud…/21478265/
2) First Lady Michelle Obama, Bill Gates, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Ashton Kutcher and several other “famous” people information was hacked and posted:
3) Yahoo just announces hackers stole data on 500 million users in 2014:…/technology/yahoo-hackers.html…
Can Infinite Campus, the Nevada Department of Education, Google, Microsoft, Edmodo, Class Dojo, Nearpod, and all the people these entities share students personal data with possibly keep our children’s personal data safe? I think we all know the answer to this question is NO.
You have to see it with your own eyes to believe the incompetence and lack of transparency the WCSD Board of Trustees exhibited at the board meeting on 9/27/16. (from 31:03 to 38:23)
The trustees voted to accept a $250,000 anonymous donation for Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) (page 3).…/Anonymous_Donation_for…Will this anonymous party that just donated a quarter million dollars to WCSD profit by any possible psychological profiles created via the SEL; if not will the donor somehow facilitate student psychological profiling; or are they simply a good Samaritan that wants to remain anonymous? The board will not answer the question: “Do you know who the donor is?”…/why-does-your-congressman-want-to……/noncognitive…/…/tools-for-tailored-learning…
“The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) has already come to the defense of an accused vendor and not children, and knowing that the SIIA relies on access to student data and makes money off of edtech products, and now the SIIA is actively opposing student data privacy bills, it’s a little difficult for parents to put their trust in SIIA. It’s all about protecting the kids? $$$$”…/
“Across the country, well-funded armies of technology lobbyists are mobilizing as part of a coordinated national effort to water down common-sense privacy protections for kids and parents.”
The software is called, Summit Basecamp…/2580f9fe-80c6-11e6…
It’s worse that I thought, I need to read the article and study the links a couple more times, but if these people get their way it is terrible for our children and the future of our country.…/
NV one of only 17 states on another questionable list,…/
“The battle over who will direct the hearts and minds of children is intensifying. Within the dangerous labyrinth of Common Core standards, testing, and data-mining is the even more concerning ramp-up of Social Emotional Learning (SEL). Parents and teachers who believe in genuine education rather than pseudo-psychological evaluation are facing off against bipartisan big government and its affiliated corporations and foundations.”…/think-common-core…
The most alarming aspect of the SEL in Washoe County is the fact that CASEL, is “advancing SE competence assessment in a long-term collaboration with the Washoe County School District in Reno Nevada.” I believe what this means is CASEL and others will be keeping SEL records on our children!
American School Counselor Association document titled: ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors
for Student Success:
K-12 College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Every Student…/home/MindsetsBehaviors.pdf
From the article: “The review of 20 recent studies covering four continents and more than 125,000 children found a ‘strong and consistent association between bedtime media-device use and inadequate sleep quantity, poor sleep quality, and excessive daytime sleepiness.’ Similar negative effects were found for children who had access to such devices, even if they did not use them before bedtime.”…/warning-sounded-on-tech… nd the replies are good! (under article)
Got a little air time on My News 4 to discuss Student Data Mining, or what a friend calls the spying on our children by third parties. WCSD is encouraging free third party software vendors “spying” on our children by giving teachers who use them better evaluations. We need to keep this issue on the front burner.…/parents-public-weigh-in-on-washoe…
Student Data Mining and Trump’s pick for Secretary of Education – I thought he was going to defund the Dept. of Edu.…/
Student Data Breach in MD, it is just a matter of time before this happens in Nevada.…/article_a7d3a2f7…
Student Data Breach in Chicago, when will this happen in Reno or Las Vegas?…/ct-chicago-school…
Student and staff Data Breach in Katy TX. Counting the two posts above that is “at least” three Student data breaches in three months. It is just a matter of time until this will affect Nevada children.…/Katy-ISD-warns-parents-after…
Not only is the on-line PARCC a big student data mining tool for third parties students score worse on the on-line test than taking it with a pencil and paper.…/parcc-scores-lower-on-computer…
I’ve listened to the whole program, but to save time start at around the 33 minute mark. IF YOU WANT TO LEARN WHAT IS HAPPENING IN OUR SCHOOLS THIS IS WELL WORTH AN HOUR OF YOUR TIME. Remember WCSD is one of the few districts in the country experimenting with Social and Emotional Learning.…/women-on-the-wall-with-alison…
She sums up the future of schools and Student Data Mining in four minutes.
This 10 minute video is a little hard for me to follow, but I think the information laid out is accurate.…/how-did-the-department…/

From Stop Common Core in Michigan Inc.: “Ms. DeVos supports allowing big technology companies to datamine children, 50,000 data points per hour, without parents knowing about it or ever seeing how the data are shared, used and profiled.

DeVos is Chair of The Philanthropy Round Table, a group that focuses on Venture Capital Philanthropy (and making “serious money“) and also promotes computer-based datamining and as an added bonus, this group Chaired by Devos is also excited about Common Core. You can read excerpts from their Blended Learning Guidebook here:”…/

Good 37 minute presentation by a scholar, attorney, and privacy expert – Elana Zeide on the Ethical Use of Big Data in Education.
Data Breach in Nevada – I wonder how many kid’s data was compromised, I wonder who got access to it, I wonder if it will affect any of the children. Over time there will be more data breaches affecting the children of Nevada.…/state-doesnt-know…


Washoe County School District (WCSD) has made the decision to store all students personal Cumulative Files in The Cloud, the data will include:
“Perm. Card
Legal Documents
Birth Certificates
Internal Transcripts and
External Transcripts”
There are at least five entities involved with the data and/or data transfer.
(Also see Attachments A-D)

So far, parents cannot opt their K-12 children out of the Cloud based storage…
The District answered a few of our questions here are two of their answers:
Q: “Is the District liable if/when there’s a data breach?”
A: “There is no monetary liability for a FERPA violation. However, the District would be able to file a cause of action for a breach of contract as well as other legal actions for a data breach.”
Q: “Will the District be insuring themselves against a data breach?”
A: “The District is self-insured with an overage carrier. The District carries appropriate insurance for any negligent act committed by the District. Again, a data breach of this sort, would be the responsibility of the provider.”

I believe – if/when there is a data breach the District is “protected;” our children and their data is not.

Soon Infinite Campus (IC) will be a Cloud Based system so most of the data mentioned above and all other data IC has on our children will be stored by in a different cloud.

It appears IC has had at least five data breaches so far. According to an IC representative, “The only sure-proof way to prevent data breaches is to not collect it.”…/school-districts-new-data…/…/probable-security-breach…/…/state-investigates-data…/

Every school district in the state uploads data via Infinite Campus to the NV Department of Education (NDE) nightly. The agreement between IC and the NDE says IC can share Confidential Information with individuals who have been “authorized” by IC. The NDE could not tell me who has been authorized by IC to receive our children’s most personal data.

No one can guarantee Nevada student data stored in the Cloud will not be breached. There was an unrelated data breach in Nevada last month, there will likely be others. No one knows how this data breach and those likely to occur in the future will affect our children and their future.…/nevada-takes-medical…/

Even if there is never a data breach we do not know how having all this data in the Cloud could affect the future of our children; in addition, we do not know who will be authorized by IC and then receive our children’s Confidential Information.


NFINITE CAMPUS (IC) is the company Nevada uses statewide to store ALL data on students. Some of the data IC collects and stores is uploaded to the Nevada Department of Education (NDE) nightly. Soon Washoe County School District’s IC data will be stored in the cloud.

It appears Infinite Campus has had at least five data breaches so far. According to an IC’s COO, “The only sure-proof way to prevent data breaches is to not collect it.”…/school-districts-new-data…/…/probable-security-breach…/…/state-investigates-data…/

The agreement between IC and the NDE says IC can share Confidential Information with individuals who have been “authorized” by IC [I have a copy of the document; if you want it message me].

The NDE could not tell me who has been authorized by IC to receive our children’s most personal data.

I don’t think this stops “free” third party vendors from doing everything they want to do with our children’s data. I also think it does nothing to prevent Infinite Campus from sharing our children’s confidential information with anyone they “authorize.”…/nevada-expands-pi…/
Read the Section titled: United Nations Push For Preschool Data…/
Five moms talk about the Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems most states, including Nevada, are currently using.
This doesn’t sound good for any of us,…/congress-is-poised…/…
A Call for Fewer Screens in the Classroom
By Teacher, Amy Williams
March 21, 2017A colleague of mine recently invented a new buzzword: “screen-free reading.” It refers to the act of reading a book, article, or short story with words printed on paper. It is a guaranteed break away from the eye-fatiguing, familiar blue light on which students’ eyes are glued at school and at home.In a day and age in which professional educators are trying out new tech tools, and students are increasingly huddled around screens, a return to paper seems almost innovative—particularly since research comparing reading and writing on the computer vs. on paper supports screen-free classroom time to promote learning.I am not arguing for an abandonment of technology. Plenty of research supports the use of screen reading when it’s used to differentiate instruction for students effectively. Check the hashtag #edtech on Twitter and you’ll also find a deluge of teachers and administrators praising Google add-ons and touting the benefits of apps that promise to engage students, promote collaboration, and transform formative assessment. In my own classroom, I pilot new tools like Padlet and Socrative, and I rely on mainstays like Google Docs and Schoology. I like that English-language learners benefit from dictionary look-up functions in e-readers, and I won’t deny the convenience of apps that help students to annotate articles online.But I also won’t deny the power of paper to engage students and transform learning.Promoting CollaborationA common argument for the use of technology in the classroom is that it promotes collaboration. When students write in groups using Google Docs, for instance, it’s easy for them to build on ideas and divvy up work. It’s also easy for me as a teacher to track their contributions and see their writing process. However, the interactive nature of technology platforms can also be illusory.
It’s easy for students to remain in their own discrete spaces and to avoid the difficult nature of interacting with peers when a screen functions as a mediating force. When my 7th grade students sit side by side without a screen I notice that the dynamic is, well, different. They make eye contact with each other more. They negotiate physical space and make a series of small decisions like: Who will hold the pen? How will they orient themselves so that multiple people can write at the same time?I think these small interactions might hold significance. A 2014 study published in the Journal of Computers in Human Behavior found that screen time has a negative effect on the ability of preteens to read facial cues. This study raises serious concerns about the long-term consequences of technology use on social skills development among school-age children. As our students spend more and more time in front of screens at home and in school, it is worth considering how classrooms can be a space for students to initiate spoken dialogue and to practice reading body language.Increasing FocusA 2016 study at Michigan State University found a correlation between laptop usage in university classes and lower test scores. Even students who were bright and motivated couldn’t resist the temptation to peruse social media sites and read emails in class. In a K-12 setting, teachers often more closely monitor students’ internet usage. However, it seems naive to assume that an engaging lesson paired with a clearly stated internet-usage policy is enough to prevent inappropriate multitasking.The fact remains that an open Instagram window is infinitely more interesting than any lesson to a typical teenager—who may be a pro at getting around a school’s firewalls, but not a pro at self-restraint. I agree that students need to learn how to use the internet appropriately and to be critical readers of digital content.But does that mean that they need to read and interact online in every class, every day? It’s worth considering the daily classroom experience of a typical student over the course of an entire day, week, and month to determine the appropriateness of internet usage in classes. Asking students to close their laptops is like closing a window that opens onto a noisy street.Improving Student LearningWhat this discussion boils down to is a concern about student learning and a skepticism regarding the idea that technology is always necessary or appropriate. New tech tools might promote engagement, but students might also enjoy colorful pens and giant pieces of chart paper as a change of pace in environments that are proudly, and rigidly, paperless. Virtual discussion boards might be crucial for drawing out introverted students; they might also give students permission to sit back and type canned responses.
In his 2003 book The Flickering Mind, author Todd Oppenheimer argued that education technology had failed in its promise to transform education and that it may paradoxically impede learning. Oppenheimer, a journalist who visited a range of schools and institutions in the United States to examine how technology was shaping education, found that educators often conflated sleek but content-thin presentations with evidence of deep learning.Educators also erroneously assumed that the use of tools like PowerPoint counted as relevant skill-building for the workplace. Oppenheimer suggests in the book that students are more likely to prosper if they develop “strong values and work habits,” and master “the art of discussion.”Oppenheimer also expresses skepticism over claims that education technology always engages students. Tech tools simplify the work of compiling information and conducting research, but they also allow students to skip steps, which may cause them to miss out on crucial parts of the learning process.Indeed, easier is not always better; rapt attention may not actually be evidence of engagement; and time that students spend scouring the internet might be better spent reading around course topics. Funds devoted to supporting technology could instead support the creation of drama and music programs.When given the choice between an app that allows students to post on a virtual board or a stack of Post-It notes and a white board that allow students to stand up, I often choose the paper. A discussion board is often appropriate—but so is movement in the classroom. Technology could be used to accomplish the same task. However, it’s difficult to pass up the opportunity to let students move paper around with their hands.When determining the appropriateness of technology in the classroom, we need to focus on learning. What tool, we should ask ourselves, will promote critical thinking, interpersonal skills development, and problem-solving skills? We should embrace the tech age, but with caution.Amy Williams currently teaches International Baccalaureate IB English courses for grades 7, 10, and 11 at the International School of Düsseldorf in Germany. She tweets at @MsWilliamsEng.…/a-call-for-fewer-screens-in-the…
Video from story above, Alison McDowell – What Silicon Valley Has Planned for Public Education. It’s over an hour and it would be great for teachers to watch this.
From the Washington Post article: “The College Board sells licenses to access the data through a tagging service called College Board Search… The pricing for the College Board Search student data tagging service is $0.42 cents per student, and allows college admission professionals to identify prospective students based on factors such as zip code and race and to ‘Leverage profiles of College Board test-takers for all states, geomarkets, and high schools’…The Department of Defense is among the institutions which buys student data for recruiting purposes… Why is the College Board allowed to share personal student data through the Student Search Service, in which companies are charged via a ‘license agreement’ if this is specifically prohibited by Colorado law?
Is the College Board selling personal student data in other states, through their ‘license’ agreements, despite having signed the student privacy pledge?” My guess is NV does not have any law to protect personal student data.…/how-the-sat-and…/…
This is happening in NH through the Devereux Student Strengths Assessment (DESSA). Actually, THIS MAY ALREADY BE HAPPENING IN WCSD SCHOOLS THANKS TO CASEL. In WCSD: “Schools also have the option of using the DESSA for K-8…” Look at this link under the heading Assessment and Accountability.…/washoe-county-school-district/
Social-Emotional Learning Assessment
Measures for Middle School Youth…/DAP-Raikes-Foundation…
From the article: “This kind of subjective probing of children’s attitudes, beliefs, and behavior amounts to psychological profiling that (thanks to electronic dossiers) could haunt an individual throughout a lifetime.
Dr. Karen Effrem, a pediatrician who has tracked this trend for years as the president of Education Liberty Watch, laments, ‘Parents are expected to submit their children to this kind of government profiling and psychological experimentation with no explanation, no way to express concern, [and no way to] opt their children out.'”…/do-parents-want-their-children…
New Report form Electronic Frontier Foundation titled,
Spying on Students
“Our report shows that the surveillance culture begins in grade school, which threatens to normalize the next generation to a digital world in which users hand over data without question in return for free services—a world that is less private not just by default, but by design… The data we collected on the experiences, perceptions, and concerns of stakeholders across the country sends a loud and clear message to ed tech companies and lawmakers: families are concerned about student privacy and want an end to spying on students.”…/report-school-owned-devices…/
PDF that goes with presentation above,…/1748gwQvu3DcD2k…/edit…
Another student data breach affecting 1.3 Million students, I’m not sure if any of them were NV students.…/1-3-million-american…/
Here are the data points the state of NV is collecting and storing on all children in NV public schools. Especially look at the Disipline, Psychological (under Disability), and Disability data they will collect. We do not know who will ultimately obtain access to this data. This is NOT good!…/SAINDataDictionary2016(1).pdf
School districts, including WCSD, want to get high speed internet in the classrooms quickly. Instead of installing wired networks many districts, including WCSD, install wireless networks then encourage (almost force) the use of numerous wireless devices in each classroom. According to one expert (middle four minute video in second link), “the incidence of brain cancer in younger people has more than tripled.” The third video, is an expert speaking at a school board meeting in Elk Grove, CA in 2016. Consider emailing this to your school board members.
Title – Psychological Profiling NH Students: Parents BEWARE! Something similar is happening in some WCSD schools, we are still trying to figure out which WCSD schools are using the psychological profiles.…/psychological…/…
This is one of the document that says the DESSA and SELweb (psychological profiles) are being used in some WCSD schools (Step 4 – Quality Assessments).…/APERTURE_CaseStudy_Washoe…
Chromebooks are the device of choice in Nevada. Our Dept. of Edu. either has no idea what they are doing or they don’t care. Either way it is the children of NV who’s data will be compromised! DO NOT ALLOW YOUR KIDS TO USE SCHOOL ISSUED DEVICES (ESPECIALLY CHROMEBOOKS), AND KEEP THEM FROM LOGGING INTO THIRD PARTY “EDUCATION” (I MEAN STUDENT DATA MINING) SOFTWARE!…/eff-google-chromebook-is…

“The breach at the Department of Education is something that we’ve been warning about on this committee for quite some time,” Connolly said. “The Department of Education holds data on 139 million individuals.”

“It seems like it was incumbent on the Department of Education to inform us in a timely fashion,” Connolly said. “I think it’s in violation of the law. I know we’re going to pursue that more.”…/331791-lawmakers-take-aim-at-irs…


The author, Jane Robbins. knows what she’s talking about:

“Digital learning uses interactive software to track the student’s every keystroke, and perhaps his physiological reactions, to create a personal mind-map illustrating not just what the child knows but also how his brain works. This is perfect for CBE. The student can work his way through the different benchmarks at his own pace and have all his responses recorded and incorporated into an algorithm that shows where he is and where he’s likely to go.

Knowing the student to this level of intimacy has several benefits—not to the student, but to corporations and the government. The nub of the issue is data. Among twenty-first-century corporations, data is currency, and education-technology corporations will even give away their products for free to get their hands on it.

With his every keystroke, a student on an interactive platform generates enormous amounts of data that the corporation can use to better market to him in the future. Each piece of data on the platform is tagged, and the student’s every interaction with it reveals valuable information the company can use for product development and individualized marketing. “Minority Report” comes to mind.

According to the CEO of mind-mapper Knewton, the ed-tech companies will have so much data on each student that they can predict what he will do and tell him what he should do. Few parents want the government (through the schools) to have this much information on their children, but of course, parents won’t be told how all this works.”…/competency-based-education…/

Yikes. We’re going backwards
Dr. Peg Luksik – In regards to SBAC testing. “The problem isn’t that it’s self paced, the problem is that the test is open to manipulation.” “It is not a valid assessment.” “Can’t get to next step unless you comply with what is being taught.”


Have You Seen Junior’s Psych Profile?

Public schools may be assessing your kids without your consent.…/have-you-seen-juniors-psych…


Aida Cerundolo

May 8, 2017 7:34 p.m. ET

Imagine bringing your child in for a sore throat and having the doctor administer a psychological screening test—without your knowledge—while you are out of the room. I believe most parents would be uncomfortable with this scenario. Something similar is happening in schools around the country, with many parents unaware it’s happening, let alone consenting to it.

Educators and administrators increasingly are using psychological screening tools to identify children who are at risk for social and emotional issues, and to assess programs geared toward improving social and emotional skills. One such tool, the Devereux Student Strengths Assessment covers eight domains: self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, goal-directed behavior, relationship skills, personal responsibility, decision making and optimistic thinking. The Kaplan Early Learning Company distributes the test and boasts that it was co-authored by two psychologists and a social worker in an effort to “have a scientifically-sound and user-friendly means of assessing each student’s social-emotional competencies.”

Rooted in what’s called “resilience theory,” the test comprises 72 questions that teachers answer about each student every month. They range from “How often did the child carry himself with confidence?” to “Does he cope well with insults and mean comments?” Answers are rated on a five-point scale from “never” to “very frequently.” A student’s composite score “provides an overall indication of the strength of the child’s social-emotional competence.” This information is tracked over time.

The justification for blanket screening of all students is noble—to identify those who may benefit from intervention before their social and emotional issues become a problem that impedes success in school and life. But aren’t we really creating psychological profiles that in other settings would be deemed confidential? If so, what is the privacy cost to students who are not at risk for a psychological imbalance, yet whose mental-health information is being documented by teachers and tracked over time?

In the medical field, patients and legal guardians of minors must give consent for treatment, and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act regulations protect any information that is collected. HIPAA prohibits doctors like me from sharing medical and mental-health information with unauthorized sources. In fact, even for critically ill patients, a medical release signed by the patient or a representative is required before an outside health-care facility can transmit potentially lifesaving medical information.

Health information collected by schools receiving federal money that do not offer health-care services is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. FERPA can be more lenient than HIPAA, with allowances made for schools to disclose records without consent for such vague reasons as “legitimate educational interest” or “for audit or evaluation purposes.” HIPAA is more stringent and applies to “covered entities” such as hospitals and insurance companies, which are involved in the delivery and billing of health-care services.

Schools have an obligation to students and their families to protect the privacy of the information collected in the educational setting. The mental-health information teachers are now obtaining, storing and tracking with tools like the Devereux test is equally as sensitive as that which is collected in a pediatrician’s office. It deserves the same protections.

Dr. Cerundolo is an emergency physician and mother in Greenland, N.H.

Two (2) page summary of EFF’s report titled: EFF’s “Spying on Students” Report Highlights Tech Companies’ Data Collection, Parents’ Frustrations…/effs-spying-students-report…
One of the most widely used free online education products used in Nevada schools, Edmodo, had a data breach – learn more here,…/77-million-edmodo-users…
and here,…/2017-05-11-hacker-steals-77…Click here,…
and listen for two minutes to this U.S. SUBCOMMITTEE ON EARLY CHILDHOOD, ELEMENTARY, AND SECONDARY EDUCATION HEARING as Professor Joel Reidenberg Esq. talks about how companies like Edmodo offering “free” products to schools are paid with student data.Nevada schools have put a lot of pressure on students to use Edmodo. I wonder if these same schools are informing students/parents about the data breach? In my opinion the only sure way to protect your children, their data, and their future is: do not allow them to login to any free third party software or applications used in Nevada schools.
ZDNet called Edmodo’s data breach one of the biggest so far in 2017. As far as I know Nevada schools are NOT informing parents who’s children use Edmodo that their children’s data was likely hacked.…/biggest-hacks-leaks-and-data…/3/
Here’s an example of a university looking at students social media activity then withdrawing acceptance. Third party vendors like Edmodo will end up with an incredible amount of personal data from children who use their products for maybe 10 years (starting in 3rd grade). In addition Edmodo tells they “employ” unknown parties and “need” to share data student data with them. The data Edmodo (& other third party vendors) collect, store, and share on our children is valuable to university admissions offices, employers, and military recruiters! If your child uses Edmodo (& others) you will have no idea what data is collected and stored, how it’s analyzed, and who it is shared with. Most importantly you will have no idea how it will affect the future of your children!…/harvard-withdraws…/…
I wonder why NV didn’t get any of this money. This is the kind of thing they are focusing on, tracking individual students from the cradle to the grave, anything but improving education.
“Digital personalized learning could go beyond measuring and evaluating students’ performance and actually change their attitudes, mindsets, and opinions.” What could possibly go wrong?…/pitfalls-of…/
I think the same thing could be said of NV schools, the NV DoE’s student data base – SAIN, and the NV’s cradel to grave system – NPWR.…/educ…/article156544589.html…/SAINDataDictionary2016(1).pdf
From article above listen to the U.S. SUBCOMMITTEE ON EARLY CHILDHOOD, ELEMENTARY, AND SECONDARY EDUCATION hearing on 6/28/17, listen from 39:04 to 44:12 and from 1:16:40 to 1:19:23
The SAU’s are all corrupt; the BOE’s at the State level are corrupt; the corruption extends to – and arguably initiates from-the UN. There is blessed little parents can do to protect their kids other than to homeschool. If parents cannot homeschool, then they must be fluent in the laws of their state, and fight like anything to protect their kids at the local level.
There is a lot parents can do to protect their children in NV public schools; it begins with becoming educated on the various aspects of Student Data Mining. Homeschooled kids that spend a lot of time learning on the web will likely have more data known about them by data brokers than my children who are public school. The reason is because I do not allow my children to log-in to any third party free “education” website. The “free” sites are paid with student data. The biggest problem is most parents have no idea what’s going on.
One of the worst aspects of Social and Emotional Learning is assessment. The same questions WCSD won’t answer about the psychological assessments being given to kids should be asked of these people: 1) Who will have access to these assessments? 2) Will the assessments ever be deleted? 3) Will parents be told in advance these assessments will be given to their childre and can they opt-out? 4) How will these assessments affect the future of our children?…
Well put: “We should not confuse social-emotional learning (SEL) that focuses on unnecessary data collection involving children, with helping children who have emotional difficulties. SEL is associated with online learning. Real mental health issues are about assisting students when they show up at school with difficulties, so they will feel better about themselves and others. Students with mental health difficulties are not able to learn well in school.” Thank you Nancy!…/addressing-mental-illness-in…/
This is scary and if enough parents don’t wake up soon this is the future……/Press/201708/17-071E/index.html
Here’s what Kevin Ohlandt had to say about story above.…/the…/
Actually Kevin Ohlandt was referencing this story which talks about the Sony press release,
“Most disturbing is Zuckerberg’s hawking of his education vision will proceed with even less openness than did Gates’ push for Common Core, which executed an end run around local school boards and parents. Because of its structuring as a limited-liability corporation, as opposed to a conventional foundation, CZI ‘will be able to make philanthropic donations, invest in for-profit companies, lobby for favored policies and legislation, and directly support candidates for elected office – all with minimal public-reporting requirements,’ Ed-Week reported. Parents and educators would be right to look skeptically at such a lack of transparency.”…/will-ed-tech-control-the-masses…
Remember NV is one of only six states leading this SEL experiment. WCSD is one of only about eight districts in the country leading the SEL experiment.
My suggestion – KEEP YOUR KIDS OFF EDMODO AND ALL ‘FREE’ THIRD PARTY ‘EDUCATION’ SOFTWARE! It sounds like Edmodo got caught doing something wrong, then said they would stop doing it. I don’t trust Edmodo or any of the “free” third party vendors.…/tracking-of-teachers-and…
Excellent article!
“Asleep at the Switch: Schoolhouse Commercialism, Student Privacy, and the Failure of Policymaking focuses on ‘how technological advances, the lure of “personalization,” and lax regulation foster the collection of personal data and overwhelm efforts to protect children’s privacy.’ It examines how ed-tech companies are flooding schools with untested and unvalidated products, targeting children with sophisticated marketing and urging or requiring schools to ‘effectively funnel children into a “surveillance economy” that harvests their data for profit.’ In short, students’ privacy is being obliterated and their education warped.”…/
Faith Boninger from the University of Colorado knows exactly what she’s talking about, 28 minute interview:…/gregory-smith-faith-boninger
Summit online education – My suggestion keep your kids off this and almost all online learning platforms.…/parents-cite…/…
I wonder how these companies are paid for their work with the U.S. Dept. of Education? Companies mentioned are: Amazon, Edmodo, Microsoft, Creative Commons, and Illinois Shared Learning Environment. I’m not sure are they paid with student data?…/us-department-education-launches…
Another recent data breach involving Infinite Campus in Palo Alto of all places……/data-breach-exposes…/
Companies mentioned are: Amazon, Edmodo, Microsoft, Creative Commons, ASCD, and Illinois Shared Learning Environment. I wonder if this has something to do with why Amazon testified against protecting student data during the 2015 Nevada legislative session?…/us-department-education-launches…
“This bill [HR 4174] is clearly setting up a national database that will follow Americans throughout their lives. It is much more akin to Chinese efforts, not that of a constitutional republic.” This is very bad for all of us!…/dangerous-bill-could-be…/
Nine minute video including information on SIB’s (social impact bonds).
“I overhead a parent complaining to administrators that they had always monitored screen-time, but when the laptops were sent home, everything spiraled out of control. Homework is on the computer and often online, and the parents’ ability to monitor screen-time has been hijacked.”…/
Some of our local teachers require students to use “educational” social media accounts.…/former-facebook-exec-ripping…

From the article:

“His first exposure to screens occurred in first grade at a highly regarded public school — named one of California’s ‘Distinguished Schools’ — when he was encouraged to play edu-games after class…”

“If screens are indeed digital drugs, then schools have become drug dealers. Under misguided notions that they are ‘educational,’ the entire classroom landscape has been transformed over the past 10 years into a digital playground that includes Chromebooks, iPads, Smart Boards, tablets, smartphones, learning apps and a never-ending variety of ‘edu-games.’

These so-called ‘edu-games’ are digital Trojan horses — chock-full of the potential for clinical disorders. We’ve already seen ADHD rates explode by over 50 percent the past 10 years as a whole generation of screen-raised kids succumb to the malaise-inducing glow. Using hyper-stimulating digital content to ‘engage’ otherwise distracted students creates a vicious and addictive ADHD cycle: The more a child is stimulated, the more that child needs to keep getting stimulated in order to hold their attention…”

“’I was shocked to learn that the Maryland State Department of Education had no medically sound health guidelines in place before they put so many of our children in front of a computer every day . . . The schools keep encouraging more screen time in the classroom without any regard for our children’s well-being,’ Eckard told me. ‘Our children are owed a safe classroom environment, and right now they’re not getting one.’

Some parents are opting out of public schools for less technology-dependent schools. Many Silicon Valley engineers and executives, for example, put their kids in non-tech Waldorf schools.”…/kids-turn-violent-as-parents…/

There is an insidious patent, number 6,506,148 B2 by Dr. H. Loos, in January 14, 2003 for: Nervous System Manipulation by Electromagnetic Fields from Monitors. Every person who is in front of a computer monitor screen are subject to manipulation. The US Government hired this scientist for government sponsored programs. The LESS time in front of a screen, the better. Years later, this scientist who later owned has shown signs of remorse.
THEY KNOW that they are doing this to our children. Parents need to be vocal. Trump wants to end the hold of the Common Core and is up against the Deep State. Keep being vocal and encourage the President. Let your light of righteous indignation shine and be seen. God Bless.
“’She didn’t mention the central problem with [school choice],’ the authors write. ‘[T]he danger that when the money follows the child, government regulations will be close behind to strip private schools of the characteristics that made them appealing to parents in the first place.’
The authors add:
‘[S]o-called personalized learning is actually depersonalized, computerized training rather than genuine education. It replaces a liberal arts education with pared-down workforce-development training that concentrates on “skills” corporations deem necessary for the (current) job market. It props children in front of computer screens that feed them curricula (probably not available for parental review) that children can click through without really learning anything. It indoctrinates children with government-approved attitudes, mindsets, and beliefs. It collects literally millions of data points on children that will allow the government and vendors to create profiles and algorithms that may control each child’s future life path. It minimizes human interaction, converting professional educators into data clerks.'”…/conservatives-erupt-betsy…/
As problematic as social media is, free “education” software is much worse, because the faceless entities behind the scenes will be developing profiles on our children that will likely affect their future. Most parents have no idea this is happening and even if they do, they will never see the profiles (or t,he data on their children) used to create the profiles. At the moment the only way I can see to stop this is do NOT allow your children to use any “education” software.
MUST READ THIS 2500 WORD DOCUMENT! Thank you [name withheld] for this Document. They leave off a couple things: 1) The data is NEVER deleted 2) NV is one of only 5 states that have taken something like this so far,…/nevadas-new-super-data… 3) NV is at the bottom when it comes to educating children, but toward the top of invading their privacy by tracking them from the cradle to the grave.
In addition in the document (link above) the NDE does not consider parents stakeholders in their children’s education they consider them interested parties. That pretty much sums up the attitude of the NDE, and the NDE has lead NV to the bottom in education performance, but the top in invasion of children’s privacy.
Subtitle: One of the HUGE pieces of Common Core was trading paper and pencil for electronic devices in the classroom with pre-loaded curriculum that parents were not allowed to view, and the results have been catastrophic.…/common-core-failure…/

Third party vendors like Google, Edmodo, Prezi, ClassDojo, Nearpod, and hundreds more may be illegally tracking children younger than 13 years old.

A new study from the University of California at Berkeley and the International Computer Science Institute titled: Won’t Somebody Think of the Children? Examining COPPA Compliance at Scale shows how third party applications and software companies for children are not in compliance with current COPPA laws.…/issue3/popets-2018-0021.pdf

This story did not get as much media time as the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica story but it’s much more important in regards to our children; specifically what “free” third party vendors (including education vendors) are doing with our children’s data.

We at Protect Nevada Children (PNC) have been telling parents for years: “Do not allow your children to use education apps and software.” It’s good to hear that Serge Egelman, University of California, Berkeley (NBC News article below), agrees with us.

One of the big problems is no one is policing what these free “education” vendors are doing with children’s most personal data, school work, and what type of student profiles these vendors are creating on our children. The still unanswered question we at PNC have been asking for years: “How will all this data in the hands of largely unregulated third party vendors affect the future of our children?”

When it comes to collecting, storing, and analyzing data then creating profiles on children, free “education” apps and software are much more problematic than social media and entertainment apps, because they have much more personal data about our children!

Washington Post, April 18, 2018 title: Thousands of apps in Google Play Store may be illegally tracking children
“Thousands of the tested apps collected the personal data of children younger than 13 without a parent’s permission, the study found.”…/thousands-of…/…

Education Week, April 13, 2018 titled: Thousands of Android Mobil Apps Improperly Track Children
“‘This is an important study because it sheds light on the invisible background collection of information about users that many people in education are not aware of,’ said Douglas A. Levin of EdTech Strategies.”…/android_mobile_apps_track…

NBC News, April 17 2018 titled: Thousands of Android apps may be improperly tracking kids’ data
“‘There is no way for the average consumer to tell if an app can do this, (track a child’s location and create a complete user profile)’ Egelman told NBC News. The solution? ‘Don’t use apps,’ said Egelman.”…/thousands-android-apps…

“Key findings of the reporter include:
Parents and students are generally unable to determine how and why certain student lists were compiled or the basis for designation a student as associated with a particular attribute like race, religion, and purported interests.
It is difficult to ascertain sources for student data: large school districts claim they do not sell directory information except to the military and other educational institutions.
Data brokers operating in the student information marketplace frequently change names, merge and have affiliated relationships, making it difficult to identify student data brokers.
Despite all of this, students lists are commercially available for purchase on the basis of ethenicity, affluence, religion, lifestyle, awkwardness and even a preceived or predicated need of family planning services.”…/report-reveals…/

Data brokers are selling our children’s data. Some of this data is collected from “education” software and applications our schools are pressuring our children to use. Schools expect students to share an incredible amount of personal data with these “free” third party “education” vendors. Reading the article below you see why these vendors provide “free” applications and software to school children.

From the article: “Researchers were startled to find that while they were able to easily purchase this information to sell potential products to this demographic, the 14 and 15 year old girls who were presumed to need family planning services knew very little about what data they were providing to commercial data brokers to make this assumption. Their parents were largely in the dark, too.

CLIP recently published the findings from their study, ‘Transparency and the Marketplace for Student Data,’ and found little transparency for data subjects about how student data is being used commercially. Data brokers advertise lists of students organized for traits from religion to ‘awkwardness,’ YET ALMOST NO INFORMATION EXISTS FOR STUDENTS OR PARENTS ABOUT WHERE DATA IS BEING COLLECTED, HOW HIGH LEVEL INSIGHT IS BEING DERIVED, OR WHAT RIGHTS THEY MAY HAVE TO OPT-IN OR OUT.

‘The high level takeaway is that it’s difficult for parents and students to find out much information. There’s a transparency issue,’ N. Cameron Russell, an adjunct professor at Fordham Law School and lead author of the study, told Legaltech News.

Russell and his colleagues pursued their research following a similar study intended to track the growth of cloud computing in school districts. In their followup, the researchers intended to examine some of the sources of student data and map the market landscape around it. Instead, they found those data sources to be ‘completely a black box.’”…/student-data-mining-is-a…/…

NV has zero privacy legislation. We have work to do.
Elana Zeide PULSE Fellow in Artificial Intelligence, Law & Policy
UCLA School of Law. When you have time click here to watch the last 14 minutes of Ms. Zeide’s talk!
One town in CT said NO to allowing computers (Zuckerberg) to take over their school.…/the-connecticut-resistance-to-zucks…
Yes Anita Hoge warned us years ago this was and is happening
The same thing is happening in Nevada. Actually in Washoe County (Reno) the District assigns all students an email address when they enroll (kindergarten), without parental consent. Parents used to be able to opt-out of getting a District email address, now we can’t. To make matters worse the student District email address looks like this:, the user name is also their Student ID. To me that’s like using your social security number for your email address.
you are correct
Here is a post from a Louisiana anti-Common Core page:

Louisiana received a federal grant for literacy. About 56 districts received funding through our state department of education. Districts were essentially bribed to adopt Tier I curricula—chosen by the Louisiana Department of Education under John White’s leadership and most of which were developed by Common Core promoters. The Wit and Wisdom curriculum is from Great Minds, a company formerly known as Common Core, Inc. This state did NOT get rid of Common Core. Only the name has been changed. The result? Well based on research coming out of states who have had this mess longer, student achievement in our state may not only stay at the bottom, it may just sink further still.…/new-york-common-core-produces-m…/


And another post from said page:

Your student is NOT required to fill out the ACT survey. Critically think about why LDOE/BESE is now trying to force all students to take ACT and fill out FAFSA. Research and make an informed decision about your student’s data.…/for-sale-survey-data-on-millions-…


Here is a post from a Louisiana anti-Common Core group:

Louisiana is first state to be approved for new, #innovative #English#assessment to #assess #student #achievement under the Innovative Assessment Demonstration Authority, part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (#ESSA) by the U.S. Department of Education

Louisiana Department of Education [Comments on LDOE Facebook page.]


Here is a post from a New Mexico anti-Common Core page:

Instead of more instructional days, students will have 15 more test prep days. Such a shame.


Here is a post from an Idaho anti-Common Core page:

“Istation’s computer-adaptive assessments (known as ISIP™) immediately place students on personalized instructional paths unique to their needs. An animated, game-like interface effectively engages students so well, they don’t even realize they’re being evaluated.”….. TX …..FL also.


Here is a post from an anti-Common Core page:

If the parent DOES NOT sign this form ….the child WILL BE attending. “Group Therapy” …parent needs to find out exactly what this therapy is … it’s too generalized….PATENT NEEDS SPECIFICS. IMHO… this type of note is awful…the parent should have to SIGN for child to be able to participate…this type of form letter of …”well if we don’t hear back we “assume” you are okay with us proceeding” is intentional. NOT TO MENTION THE FACT MANY PARENTS DO NOT CHECK YOUNG CHILDREN’s bookbags daily.

sneaky therapy form


And here are some replies to this post:

Haha! These people are delusional!!

“Confidentiality is expected of all group members”

they are CHILDREN for god sake! If they get dirt on any kid it will be used against the child until he graduates! What are these people thinking!?




Give the education system back to the states where it belongs,we can keep a much better eye on these indoctrination tactics. Wake up parents some of these teachers are commie socialist globalist they could care less about America. I know how the schools are,had to fight them all the time for my kids education, they got to see me much to often,they hated it. So when they say they would like to see more parents involved most of them are lying. Do not turn your back on these so called educators, remember they get their money from the government. So be there for your kids,make time they need you more then ever.


This is so crazy. Even if you’re the type of parent that checks the backpack everyday, the child could leave the letter in their desk or lose it. BUT THEY’RE JUST GOING TO ASSUME YOU’RE OK WITH IT…whatever the subjects are? I really don’t know why we (the country) put so much trust in the system.


No way. Parental signature for therapy has to be ‘opt in’ not ‘opt out’. If a school has a problem with astudent, take it up with the parent. I don’t care how hard it might be. This type of policy threatens all parental rights.


I am authorized to volunteer there so she will see me Monday morning. I do not think she knows I am able to come and go there so I won’t announce myself and hopefully I won’t leave in handcuffs like I did last time. She’s going to get an education is trickery from a master. I had to take technical writing for the NSA so I can make a sentence into a book. There is no mention of cause or effect and a non signature is authorization is going to cost her dearly. I won’t leave until it’s changed on every form they have and I will check with my attorney as well. A non signature is illegal that I already know. It’s despicable especially for uneducated parents who would not even notice it. I better take a Xanax before I go so i don’t flip out on her it’s so dirty and underhanded.


And another post from this page:

Panama City, Fla. – Bay District Schools accused the Health Department in Bay County of stealing student health records from schools Wednesday.

News 13 obtained more than 150 pages of public records including emails between principals, district staff, Superintendent Bill Husfelt and Doug Kent, the administrator of the health department.

The district and the health department terminated their contract to provide health services to students this year and the district contracted with Pancare.

Emails from principals at more than 10 schools detail instances where they say health department nurses allegedly came to the school over the summer to pack up supplies and took student information with them.

The district now says they are asking the state to launch an investigation.


And yet another post:

“A homework question that a Pickens High School student whom I tutor needed help on. He will be graded on this and must pick the “correct” answer to get credit. I also posted a copy of the article from which the answer was to be derived and which by name promotes the Democrat Party tax policies. Since this subject is not mentioned in the article, one must assume the teacher pontificated to “explain how this works”. I told the student no correct answer was offered and to just randomly select from the liberal propaganda choices provided. I am not impressed.”


Here is a post from a New Hampshire anti-Common Core group:

Dear Superintendent Minnihan,

Based on this article in the Manchester Union Leader, your school district is actively engaging students in social and emotional learning, (SEL) and screening Kindergarten students. In accordance with RSA 91-as a Right to Know Request, I am requesting the following information:

1) The name/link to the vendor who is providing the materials for screenings, and treatment for children who are then diagnosed “in need of treatment.”

2) Provide the policy that then states how each child’s data will be secured.
a) What happens to that data once a child leaves the school district?
b) What happens to that data if the vendor files bankruptcy?
c) Is this data ever destroyed? IF so, by whom?

3) Provide the peer reviewed/independent research on any program used to diagnose or treat SEL issues? I’m not looking for biased research provided by the vendor, but actual independent research that shows the effectiveness of the program.

4) Who administers the screenings in the school? Their credentials and license?

5) Who then administers the treatment if a child is flagged for needing the additional support/ treatment? Their credentials?

6) What is the percentage of false/positives that accompany the screenings?

7) What happens if there is a false/positive? Who is involved ? Their credentials?

8) Provide a copy of the contract between the school district and the SEL vendor.

9) Provide a copy of ALL questions that are asked to screen students in your school district for every grade level.

10) Provide a copy of the permission slip sent to parents/guardians requesting their consent to screen or assess their child on SEL. What, if any, information did you provide to parents on the vendor who is providing this service?

11) Did the school board members vote to approve of mental health screenings for all students? If so, when did that vote take place?

12) Did the legal team provide any details on the possibilities of a malpractice lawsuit or something similar, that could arise if a child who is being treated by the school district, acts out in a violent way or harms themselves or others? If so, what kind of information was provided to the administration and/or school board members?

13) Is the SEL program being provided though a grant or is there any financial compensation to the district ? If so, what are the details? Was it provided free of charge?

14) Since children become research subjects, have their families been offered any sort of compensation? If not, why not?

15) Are copies of all assessments sent to parents so they can review what is being asked of their children?

16) Provide the ethical guidelines the district currently uses when conducting research on children and/or assessing their mental health.

17) What are the current school board policies addressing mental health screenings/treatment in the school ?

18) What are the current school board policies guiding research on students ?

19) What credentials in child psychology do the staff members have, that were trained by Cassie Yackley?

20) In the article it states: Laconia has been hit hard over the past decade by the opioid crisis and fallout from the economic recession.

And classroom teachers were seeing the impacts in their classrooms: Defiance, disobedience, aggression toward other students and staff members, “kids picking up chairs and throwing them…,” according to McKenzie Harrington-Bacote, director of Laconia School District’s Office of School Wellness.

Have you done any research into the curriculum and teaching practices currently used in the district to see if they are contributing to any of these negative behaviors?

21) The article mentions that Cassie Yackley is a psychologist, can you provide her advanced degree, and clinical training?

22) Once these individuals are trained, what exactly will they do in terms of assessing/treating children who’ve been flagged with an SEL problem?

I was unable to access e-mail addresses for all of the school board members. Please forward this information to them.


And another post  from said group:

Where did Common core come from?? The answer will shock you!

Common Core ties to Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia
By Bethany Blankley – – Tuesday, April 7, 2015

“Where did Common Core come from?” is a question I often hear from parents as I travel the country speaking about the Islamic infiltration of America.

Because in 2014-15 America, public school students via Common Core are:

• Participating in public school-sponsored trips to mosques via taxpayer expense, girls must wear head scarves (Colorado parents complain)

• Debating whether or not the Holocaust was “merely a political scheme created to influence public emotion and gain,” (an eighth-grade assignment defended by the Rialto Unified School District, Los Angeles)

• Pledging allegiance in Arabic (New York)

• Observing two “Muslim holy days,” (New York City)

• Being taught Islamic vocabulary lessons (North Carolina)

• Being taught Islamic culture (Tennessee)

• Being taught world history from Islamic perspective (Florida) that includes learning about the five pillars of Islam (Maryland father, a Marine Corps veteran, complains and is banned from school grounds)

• Told to proselytize by creating a pamphlet about Islam to “introduce Islam to 3rd graders” that introduces Allah to children as the same God of the Christians and Jews (Michigan)

• Reciting in class the Shahada, “There is No God but Allah,” and the Muslim call to prayer (Massachusetts)

Parents in every state are outraged, protesting and asking, “Why is Islam being taught in public schools?” and “How did this happen?” “Where is the ACLU?” “Where are the people ‘protesting against’ religion being taught in public schools?”

Common Core origins

The short answer is that President Obama’s push for “hope and change” translates into completely transforming America — for the worse. Common Core is but one of many parts of an intricate plan to infiltrate every area of American society with Islam. Which is why, Common Core’s origin and funding came from Qatar, Libya and Saudi Arabia.

Globally, Common Core originated from the “One World Education” concept, a global goal orchestrated by the Connect All Schools program. Its origin is funded by the Qatar Foundation International (QFI). The director of QFI’s Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics is Tariq Ramadan, grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder, Hassan al-Banna.

According to the WND website, in 2011, QFI “partnered with the Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education to facilitate matchmaking between classrooms in the U.S. and international schools through … the ‘Connect All Schools’ project.” QFI states on its website that the initiative was founded in response to Mr. Obama’s infamous 2009 Cairo speech, during which the Muslim Brotherhood was seated in the front row.

Mr. Obama’s mentor, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, received $49.2 million from Vartan Gregorian, a board member of the Qatar Foundation, who also is involved with Mr. Obama’s White House Fellowships Commission. Gregorian is an integral part of Connect All Schools, through which Qatar invested $5 million to teach Arabic in American public schools.

Domestically, in America, Common Core was “created by” the National Governor’s Association (NGA), Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), Achieve Inc., ACT and the College Board. The Common Core State Standards are copyrighted by the NGA and CCSSO, a private company, which means they cannot be changed.

Many groups helped create these standards (chief among them, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the United Nations) but Pearson Education, an NGA donor and CCSSO’s listed business and industry partner, is integral to Common Core.

Common Core was implemented in states that accepted federal funds from the 2009 “Race to the Top” initiative, which encouraged states to receive federal money to adopt new standards that would improve their public school children’s test performance results.

In order for a state to participate, the state board of education and the state’s educational professional standards board would have voted to adopt Common Core standards. Each participating state has posted the Common Core Standards on its state department of education website.

Two years prior to the Obama administration’s Race to the Top initiative, in 2007, the FBI uncovered documents revealing the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood, and its subsidiary organizations like CAIR, planned to indoctrinate American K-12 students by teaching Islam.

The seized documents were part of the 2007 Holy Land Foundation trial, the largest terror-funding trial in U.S. history. The FBI uncovered the Muslim Brotherhood’s manifesto “on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America” (Exhibit 42945 and Exhibit 42946).

After states applied for “Race to the Top” federal funds in 2009, Pearson Education created Common Core curriculum and standards. Pearson Education is also the sole evaluator of teachers in some states. In order for New York State to continue receiving “Race to the Top” federal funds, it had to implement “reforms.” Pearson Education now solely administers the Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA).


Here is a post from the anti-CBE group:

more wearable tech …


Here is a post  that was shared on a Michigan anti-Common Core page:

YES! Whistleblower who was fired for questioning SLDS collecting and sharing student data–is suing the Oregon Dept of Ed. Let’s hope there is an investigation into the SLDS!!

She believes that top state officials forced her out because she raised privacy and security concerns about a massive database the state is building with records on millions of Oregonians, many of them children.


Looks like another Illinois school has caved to the Leftist open bathrooms agenda:


Here is a post from an anti-Common Core group:

The greatest illusion in public “education” today is the Title I school. It was the original FedEd money “hook” that allowed the national government to start their invasion in to what had been a local and State domain. And after more than 60 years of national government “help” in Title I schools, outcomes are worse today than they were in the 1960s when all of this “grand plan” was started. And the State and local educrats refuse to even talk about it because their friends and fellow educrats might no longer be needed.


And here is a reply to this post:

I did a Duck Duck Go search (I don’t use Google) on “Title 1 Schools” and this was the 1st result. It’s interesting that the big national government decided way back in 1965 that a child’s economic circumstance was paramount to that child, and in turn their whole school, being able to have academic achievement. To the point where the educrats have developed a whole “system” of methods to deal with “educating” economically disadvantaged children. Doesn’t this seem to be a bizarre measure for determining a child’s learning potential?…/11105-basics-of…/


Here is a post from Alice Linahan:

It is all becoming more and more clear….
School Choice Corporate Reformers are not pushing quality education, they are just pushing… “Choice” and “Competition”.

Who could be against “Choice” and “Competition” in America?

As my friend Michael Bohr correctly states…
“Parents, who are the first and forever educators of their children, are the only people who hold the right to determine “the best interests of their child.

Everyone one else has an agenda that puts their best interests over those of the child and they have done so by taking control of our government.

Their hope is that we continue to fight the false battles they lay down before us and forget that we, the parents, are the sole authority in determining the education and upbringing of our children.”


What has been written into the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which is the re-authorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), originally passed in 1965, which opened the door for Title 1 federal dollars to go to economically disadvantaged students; now is the access point to every American student, pre-natal through the workforce; via illegal collected private data partnered with “Blended Funding” also known as Social Impact Bonds (SIBS).

Anita Hoge clearly laid it out…..

“Specialized Student Support Services” and “Direct Student Services” mandate equitable services to all private schools, the same as in public schools. This is referred to in the ESEA legislation as “meaningful choice.”

There are specific lists of providers that must be used, as well as, an ombudsman that will oversee compliance in private schools. This is where the mandate will force teachers to identify students as being At-Risk of not meeting College and Career Ready/Common Core as a disability and perform psychological services paid for by IDEA. These interventions are defined as positive behavior intervention and supports, PBIS, multi-tiered system of supports, MTSS, response to intervention, RTI, and early intervening services, EIS, etc.

These interventions are happening NOW because of the Flex Waivers.
By identifying students as At-Risk under Title I, ALL will receive psychological treatment and interventions on your children in private, Catholic, and Christian schools, as well as homeschools (defined as a private school.)


Regular classroom teachers are being trained to identify children who would need services through PBIS, RTI, EIS, & MTSS.

Once EDUCATION SAVING ACCOUNTS (ESA)’s are in full operation, dedicated to each individual student, an individual career pathway meeting College and Career Ready/Common Core soft skills (Grit) interventions and a treatment plan which will be funded by direct student services known as psychobabble.
Because these specialized services are defined in the legislation as psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, etc, these services will be mandated. These members of the psych profession will be in a position for MEDICAID TO BE BILLED FOR SPECIALIZED STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES. This is your meaningful CHOICE.

Medicaid is on the scene as mental health wrap around services. Your family and child will be assigned a case manager. This initiates an individual family service plan. The federal government has just walked into your front living room door.


Bell has written extensively about parents not being capable to raise their own children.)


A school in Windsor, Vermont gave their fifth-grade students a survey that asked about their sexual history, preferences and gender identity:


A Virginia school has banned all songs mentioning Jesus from its Christmas concert in order to “be more sensitive”:


Here is a post from an anti-Common Core group:

From the simmering pot to the boiling kettle?! Wow eliminates Keystone Tests. BUT…must choose;

“Proficiency on the
•Passage of an Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate exam. 
•Completion of a dual enrollment program.
•Completion of a pre-apprenticeship program.
•Acceptance to an accredited four-year nonprofit institution of higher education.
•Completion of a service learning project.
•A letter of full-time employment.
•An acceptable score on a “Work Keys” assessment.”


Here is a post from an Alabama anti-Common Core page:

Memory Lane from Parent Led Reform Nevada back in 2014…This is from [name withheld] talking about CC–may God help us defend these students:Hey y’all. Thought I would update you on what is going on at my school, and what I am experiencing with Common Core.
The other day in Algebra I was asking how to solve this one problem. So of course I asked my teacher how to do it and so she showed me her way, which happened to be way to confusing. So that night I went home and asked my dad how to solve this problem. He showed me, and it happened to be super easy. The next day at school, I went to teach my friend how to do this problem and as I was teaching him, my teacher came over and told me that was the wrong way, and we knew better than that. I couldn’t believe that she told me it was wrong, so I told her “Well my answer is right, it is the same as the book.” Apparently that answer did not sit well with her, because she stopped the whole class and told us, “Listen guys, the accuracy of the answer is not as important as the steps you do to solve that problem.” I was completely shocked… But, that’s not the end of it… She proceeded to tell us that, when we do our homework problems we will not be graded on accuracy, we will be graded on participation.” I said, “what???” She then told me, “I could comment the word “boo” and I will still get credit, because at least I tried!” FYI, our homework is all done through the internet on a website called, “” and all of our testing is done on a website called, “” My teachers tell me this is all because of Common Core, when I hear this stuff, I know it is Common Core. I especially know this is Common Core, when my tests on say, “Common Core.” It is ALL around us.
Here is the question I got in math the other day, and it was on the internet so this is copied and pasted:
Write a paragraph describing how to solve the following equation:
2/3 x + 14 = 4/5 x – 2
TURN IN paragraph in response section
You MUST use words, although you may solve the problem, showing all your steps, so that you can reference the steps throughout your description paragraph.
My response was:
I don’t mean to be rude, but this whole EXPLAIN your answer in a paragraph makes me mad. I don’t understand why we have to explain in a paragraph, I feel like showing our work is better. That is how we learn. This explain in a paragraph reminds me of Common Core, which by the way is against our 10th amendment right. I am mad that I am not improving my “process” to get the answer, instead we are writing paragraphs. I am not mad at you, just mad at the curriculum.

When I hear this from my teacher it makes me want to SCREAM! It is not okay that the kid who doesn’t try is going to be able to pass, because he “at least tried.” That’s not the way life goes! We mess up, but then we learn not to do the same mistake. That goes for every day life in general, and it goes for school. I am tired of being told how to think, I am tired of it. We ALL a voice, and it is our job to USE it! Keep up the AMAZING work. I thank every single one of you adults for standing up for the truth.


Here is a post from a Nevada anti-Common Core group:

So, apparently my children’s school had the board put into place a bylaw that says that students are not allowed to opt out! They said if the children don’t take the test that they will use the progressive discipline plan. Is this something that they can do? I am so infuriated right now!!


And here are some replies to said post:

The Importance of Assessment Participation
• The Federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires a 95% assessment participation rate.
Schools with a lower participation rate run the risk of having their accountability ratings lowered
and have funding withheld.
• Statewide assessment scores allow parents and educators to see how students measure up to
statewide academic standards intended for all students in the state, something they cannot get
from traditional grades due to varying classroom curricula, expectations, and grading practices.
• Statewide assessment data enables better transparency and monitoring of how effective schools
are performing in their mission of educating students.
• Assessments provide information that lead to the improvement of classroom instruction.
• Assessments results assist parents and educators in gauging academic improvement.
• Statewide assessment results help document school progress to the Legislature as we seek to
ensure adequate and equitable funding of our schools.
Opt Out Facts
• Opt Outs are prohibited in 34 states and the District of Columbia; nine of these states are ranked
in the top 10. Nevada is ranked 51″on that same list.
• Nevada is one of four states where legislation currently permits local control, thus allowing each
district to mandate its own “Opt Out” policy.
• Example of how permitted Opt Out policy has negatively impacted states:
o In the 2014-2015 school year, 20 percent of students opted out of statewide testing in
New York state, and in Washington state, more than one-fourth of high school juniors
refused to participate. These incidents caused participation rates to fall far below the
federally required 95 percent (ACT Research & Policy,2015).
Somerset Academy of Nevada: No Opt Out
Accountability of student achievement is the primary mission at Somerset Academy of Nevada.
Assessments assist Somerset in determining student mastery of Nevada Academic Content Standards
and assist in determining whether students are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills they
need to be successful in college and career. Therefore, every child enrolled at Somerset Academy of
Nevada will participate in academic assessments.
Somerset Academy does not recognize parent opt out or parent/student refusal to test. If a parent keeps
his/her child home during mandatory testing, the school will respond as it would with any situation
where a parent keeps a child out of school utilizing the progressive attendance policy and the test will
be made up upon the student’s return to school. If a student is at school and refuses to take the
assessment, the student will be referred to administration for insubordination and progressive discipline
for the student’s refusal to participate in the assessment will be applied. Aligned with the Somerset
Academy Progressive Discipline Policy, school administrators may also choose to not allow participation
in after school activities such as clubs, athletics, and on field trips for students who refuse to participate
in statewide assessments.


This is what I found… I would put some calls in to state legislature…

Nevada stuff


Not to mention, penalizing a student for a parents decision probably won’t go over very well w most…. Hope this helps. My child is opted out so I guess we’ll see what happens this spring.


I am contacting them now. I am also contacting several news stations.


You go girl! Keep us updated 👍🏻


Will do!! I am so angry right now. I can not believe that a board would make this mandatory. They are suppose to have the best interest of our kids and forcing them to take a test for 20 hours is not what is best for them. They take enough tests as it is! One reason I quit teaching after 12 years.


Sorry to hear that we lost a good teacher 😔


And I just sent an email to the State AG 😉


Are your kids at Somerset also?


No, but that doesn’t mean it’s not far behind at her school 😑


That policy is a direct mandate from ESSA. States will be punished via loss of funding where assessments are concerned.


Not one state has lost funding from parents opting out their students. This is a scare tactic.


Correct! There are districts on Long Island and plenty of other places that have opt-out rates over 50-60% and not a single one has lost funding! Somerset specifically said its about their star rating!


before they haven’t, but the real claws of the national law are being seen. No opting out is the real truth. Ask UT and NY.


I can tell you right now, if my children are forced to take a test I will tell them to click on every wrong answer. Would they rather have a horrible test score or no score at all? Bad test scores will cause their star rating to drop more than someone not taking the test at all.


No scare here, just ESSA evidence and all which relates to it. I have had parents contact me due to the ‘opt out’ results: kids can’t graduate because all those times they exercised their right to not take the tests, the data missing from those tests cannot be filled. Too many data holes, not enough credits, not enough credits, no graduation. It is happening, ladies and gentlemen, all across the nation.…/beware-the-change/


I fought this fight 3 years ago and AG sided with me. Got a call from supers office saying that I can in fact opt my child out!!! We may have a lawsuit here!!


That’s reassuring to hear! Not sure how they can keep kids from field trips and extracurricular activities.



Upon hearing that Nevada was allowing schools to drop letter groups of students that opted out, I went to a Nevada anti-Common Core group to inquire if what I heard was true.  I got the following replies:

A year or two ago, a charter school threatened to drop a students GPA from a 4.0 to a 2.0 if the student did not take the SBAC. The mother tried everything she could think of but then had her child take the test.


I dont believe public schools can. I’ve only heard of charter school doing it.


I know an online school has said they would and one other charter school. I cannot recall the name of the charter school.


Grades are moot until 9th grade, and their subjective opinions are equally moot.


I try to tell people. For every choice there are consequences The more government choices the more rules. While a charter school may not itself love testing , it HAS to comply in order to get funds. 95% of the students need to take the tests or no federal $$. Which means bye bye school. So the school can outline its mandate for your child to test.


Here is a post from Alice Linahan:

If ever there was a book I highly recommend parents get to understand why all this sexualization is going on in our children’s schools it is Gabriele Kuby’s book… ‘The Global Sexual Revolution: Destruction of Freedom In The Name Of Freedom’.

Gabriele Kuby is from Germany and we would be wise to heed her warnings as she writes…

“It would seem that our current condition is light years away from the terror systems of Nazism and Communism. However, we can see that our freedom is becoming ever more constricted.

There is no terror-wielding police or secret service system, but thanks to digital data storage, we all live in glass houses, where there is no private nook or cranny left. This is a prerequisite for completely new forms of totalitarian monitoring and control.”

If you do not have time to read the book, I highly recommend you, at the least listen to this talk she gave recently.


Here is a post shared by Alice Linahan:

Student data can be used for high-stakes decision-making:

Because more and more data concerning student activities, behavior, and ability is being collected at earlier ages,
some companies are generating “profiles” using predictive analytics to forecast their future behavior. For example, many companies sell “early warning tools” that profess to predict which students are “at risk” of not graduating, using attendance, achievement, and/or behavior data as indicators. Teachers can track student progress over time via a mobile-ready or desktop dashboard. It’s not difficult to imagine how this data could falsely identify certain students, limit their ability to enroll in certain courses, or even cause schools to push them out by encouraging them to transfer to other schools. There is also the very real potential of teachers absorbing negative data through these dashboards and creating negative stereotypes of their students that could hamper their future success.

Student data is shared with state educationdepartments and beyond:

When student data is collected by schools, it’s often sent to the state education department and tied to individual teacher data for the purpose of tracking “teacher effectiveness” or other policy initiatives. Student data can also be linked to data sets from other state agencies, including the departments of higher education, health and human services, and workforce development, to be used for longitudinal research, evaluation, and policy-making.Many schools collect sensitive data related to students’ country of birth and date of entry into the United States
and share this information with the state. Though schools are not supposed to ask the documentation status of any student, this information could then be used as a proxy or screening device if the state or federal government decided to access it for this purpose. Similarly, disciplinary and arrest records of students are collected by schools and may be used against them and prejudice their futures.

Educational or pedagogical value:

The first and perhaps most important step to take before adopting ed tech is to evaluate whether the program will support or improve teaching and learning, rather than replace the relationship between you and your students. Confer with appropriate staff, including curriculum specialists, technology directors, school administrators, and other teachers in your subject area or discipline to obtain their opinion on the value that the program may bring to your classroom. The decision to utilize technology should not merely depend upon whether or not it frees up your time but whether it enhances learning opportunities for your students.Also look for rigorous research to show that the program will actually deliver the results promised. Ed tech companies often make inflated claims about the efficacy and value of their products, and many media outlets and organizations funded by ed tech corporations promote the use of these products without adequate proof in research or experience. Before implementing a digital product or service, check to see if there has been any independent study or evaluation done showing that it actually works to improve student outcomes.

In general, there is little research that supports the current rapid proliferation of ed tech or the claim that these products really “personalize” learning, according to a report by the Network for Public Education, Online Learning: What Every Parent Should Know. As the report points out, “Vendors often inflate claims for their products with self-serving studies of questionable quality or those commissioned and paid for by ‘consultants.’ Many students tend to become bored and disengaged and fail to learn critical communication skills and critical thinking when there is too little time devoted to human interaction and too little feedback offered by their teachers and fellow students.” You can find a link to the full report in the Resources section.”


Here is a post that was shared in an Ohio anti-Common Core group:

Just saw this on my son’s 6th grade homework. Look at question #1.

Seems like they’re trying to “plant the seed”.

Pisses me off…

sneaky police hate


Here is a post from an anti-Common Core group:

Over the 32 years teaching, I saw the grading scale drop THREE times. Each time I wondered to myself HOW they could keep doing so. It just watered down the grades. Most people don’t know this went on. They think their little darlings who get all As are doing wonderfully, while in reality, they are not true As. Sad


Here is a post from a group called Arizonans for Recess & School Wellness:

Phx area 5-8 middle school gives extra credit to students who don’t use their limited bathroom passes. Tying grades to hydration and bladder control? Absurd. Keep in mind these students only receive a 15-20 minute recess (at lunch) in their 7+ hour school day.

bathroom pass misery


And some replies to this post:

This is infuriating


Yep. Fought it at my son’s junior high. Managed to get them to stop doing this to my child, but they refused to change their policy. It’s absolutely awful.


Jobs are required to let workers have at least a 15 minute break in the morning, 15 minute break in the afternoon, and a 45 minute lunch during an 8 hour shift, so why don’t our kids get the same treatment?!


How many adults would tolerate this?


Happening to my son in 7th grade. It pisses me off.


I’m so sorry [name withheld]. I tried to fight their policy and they wouldn’t budge. You can get it changed on an individual basis though.
I can’t believe after 5 years they are still doing it. 😢


he has written in his IEP that he can take brain breaks, so he uses that so he doesn’t have to use his bathroom passes. It is not right that he has to do that but I have to pick my battles.


Some Marcos teachers are doing this. I’ve spoken with the Vice-Principal about it as initially the passes were to help control kids who misuse asking to go to the bathroom and mess around. I told my teen she could ask to go to the bathroom and that there would be no issues(per the school admin) because she’s not a kid who misused it. Then my own teen told me about the extra credit and why she wants to try to avoid using the passes. So I’ll be back to have a convo with the administrator. I’m pretty pissed.


This is awful! If you don’t get anywhere with your administrator would you be willing to speak at a CUSD District Board meeting as a concerned parent to request that they change their policy? I think it would help!

This is so wrong on so many levels.
Bathroom usage should never be tied to grades, even extra credit. Especially for teenage girls that may be menstruating, may have an irregular flow and may need to use the restroom more often. They should not be punished or not allowed the same opportunity at extra credit due to a bodily function out of their control.

And, why punish all for the actions of a few?


Some admin and teachers argue these inhumane practices serve to teach time management. It’s a narrow and self-serving way of thinking about the issue.

When 1) the school-day got longer and 2) the class periods got longer and 3) the school-day opportunities to move and play and socialize shrunk and 4) the curriculum became increasingly developmentally inappropriate and driven by standardized test prep, the bathroom became a battleground for antsy students desperate for a break. Some educators think they have a bathroom-abuse problem when what they have is a student engagement problem created by an ecosystem that manages students as widgets not humans.

First, fashion a humane day. Then consider whether you need to grade kids on their highly personal bio needs. My guess is after the first step, the second step starts to sound as ludicrous as it is.


100% agree with you. The system is so broken and those in charge are too often unwilling to see it and fix it.

I went to the CUSD school board candidate forum last week and it was very telling when Bob Rice said over and over again that he wants CUSD to be the #1 district in America (by that meaning turning out the highest performing students). I’m sick of this performance arms race and treating children like robots.

We need a complete overhaul of the current system. It isn’t working and we are breaking our children in the mean time. 💔


just goes to show its all about control


I’m not going to lie the school schedules are a little ridiculous in Arizona. At both schools I taught at we had early release EVERY Wednesday! Why? They claim they want kids in school and scrutinize instructional time and yet…??? So we had longer school days to compensate for the lost time which of course includes a pathetic 15 minute recess. I worked with a 4th grade teacher who used to give them extra recess even after we got a “nasty gram” email from the principal informing us NOT to deviate from the schedule. He was a boss and didn’t care. 😂 But it just seems like early release was a serious waste of instructional time and not needed. I come back home to NY and the schools have a handful of professional development days sprinkled throughout the year… NOT every week. Ugh! 🙄


My daughter shared today that 2 more of her teachers are offering extra credit for unused bathroom classes this quarter….3 classes total now.


Oh no! That is awful! Why won’t these teachers stop this practice?


Never works for admin to address it w/just one teacher when there’s a systemic problem, a school culture. Game of whack-a-mole unless leadership digs deep as to why educators might be resorting to such a practice and what other, more reasonable, adult responses might be.


As a substitute teacher I have seen this before. Absolutely terrible!


My older kid was complaining about this. Because she lost all of her passes.


And another post from this group:

New York here … our district decided to run a pilot recess program. This whole process from our formal request of mandatory recess to now took less than 6 months so the fact they jumped on it that fast is great… BUT… since its a pilot they arent really having structure with the plan. They allowed teachers to volunteer to do it… told teachers we prefer recess with lunch but its okay if not… they arent being held accountable if they withhold for punishment… a “chance of rain” means teachers stayed inside… out of about 35 teachers only 1 sent a note home to parents to say hey your kids get recess! and the others who mentioned it to parents only were responding to a parent asking about it. Our next step is Oct 1 send a letter to district saying thanks for starting this… here is what we have found out… and also ask for more structure in terms of temperature and weather, communicating with parents etc.. I did get our PTSA to vote on supporting recess, so i have a small window to use them for somethings.. but What else can i do to make this successful???? bottom line is some teachers are for it, some arent.. some wont even talk about it…


And some replies to this post:

A pilot without structure and leadership and review isn’t really a pilot. I hate to say it and I’m not there but it sounds like district leadership delay.

Still, awesome you are pushing!

Is there a district wellness policy committee? A legit recess pilot/study should be informed by, if not run by, that committee.

Without strong district leadership, policy, and professional development, recess will continue to be a spotty offering, at principal or teacher whim. Which doesn’t work when we are talking about what is an undisputed “critical child need.”


our wellness committee is a joke – i recently joined that. No one shows for the meetings except the teacher they placed in charge of the committee. She seems very nice but no leadership. She was very…. took orders well… when i joined a meeting and said we need to do this… (we are also trying to change food options its horrible and zero options for glutenfree, DF, peanut free..) I did get the PTSA to allow me to chair a Recess Equipment committee, and re did use PTSA money for balls and jump ropes etc… we are looking into imagination blocks… I think they want to do this, pilot idea until they create the one campus… right now we have 3 schools… but once we get the building plans passed by the state and city vote, we will build one school to house all 3 elementary schools. I feel they want to wait as that would be easier in some regards. I will work on wellness policy to see what we can do…


Here is a post that was shared in a Utah anti-Common Core group:

Currently I am attending the NASBE Conference.

HIPPA and FERPA sneaky scheme


And here are some replies to this post:

It seems that’s already happening….


Right, but currently it’s with students who have IEP’s and 504’s. The above would include ALL students.


Right, but I believe that the data is already being shared with the DOL and Workforce Services.

For all students


Currently FERPA data is being shared, and HIPAA is not. It seems their intention is to change that and combine the data systems.


again because FERPA trumps HIPAA it is being shared via IEP’s and 504’s. This move above would include all students


I still believe all students data is being shared through “research entity” clauses in contracts that supposedly scrub the personal info from the data. However, I think just enough data remains to be able to reconstruct who the data is for through the metadata servers they have that are at the government and other “research behavior” levels. It probably sounds tin foil hattish, but with everything I’ve read I’d bet on it.


FYI all if you havent already read this …


there have been a ton of side bar conversations of concern that Medicaid is now being expanded/funded at the State level and that there will be less money there. The discussion has been how to maximize that funding for SEL and or get around it.


Why on earth does the dept of workforce services need to know my child’s medical records?! That is beyond overreaching!


Do you all remember the Obama administration’s Life of Julia video? Republicans need to watch it again and check themselves. That’s where states (and particularly women) are being shoved.

The UN Conferences at UVU this month, and Salt Lake City next year, are a huge indicator. Salt Lake, under Mayor Biskupski, is becoming a Smart City where citizenry are surveilled by blockchain data. It is part of the UN’s Learning Cities where citizens’ “competencies” must serve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals—including Goals for sexualized curriculum in all subjects.

The UN Learning Cities Data Framework was built by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development—the same group that:

1. created the Obama administration’s Race to the Top policies (now in ESSA).

2. met with the major assessment companies in 2015 to: shift them into behavioral assessment and interoperable data.

3. held Teaching Summits with the USDOE and state superintendents from 2011-2013 to train teachers on tech and behavioral (social-emotional) assessment.

This workforce pipeline rhetoric is setting up a China social-credit system. Only it’s being used so that a child must become a political activist for progressive causes in order to be deemed behaviorally “Competent.”

Now, when parents tell their kids, “Go to school and get good grades”, they are actually saying, “Go to school and become a good humanist/atheist or you won’t get hired.”

We have GOT to stop talking about data privacy laws and start admitting that there is no data privacy with “personalized” computer-adaptive curriculum/assessment. THAT is what Obama’s Life of Julia told us they were building. It’s just astonishing that Republicans are the ones carrying it to the finish line through Dept. of Labor.


it is about controlling your child.


Here is a post from an Ohio anti-Common Core group:

This school board is under fire after announcing the implementation of a mandatory Islamic “sensitivity” program for all students. One pissed off dad wentcompletely nuts after attempts to silence him, and his next eight words shut the school board up.


Here is a post that was shared in an Alaska anti-Common Core group:

Thanks alot FNSB school district for your resolution to teach my children inappropriate LGBQ propaganda!!! This jazz does not belong in schools!!


And I found this follow up bulletin from the school that someone shared in reply to said post above:

Fairbanks traitors


Here is a post from a South Dakota anti-Common Core page:

Are you ready for your child to be given a mental health assessment at school?

PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Education has been awarded an $8.7 million Project AWARE grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The grant is a partnership with the Department of Social Services. Over a period of five years, the grant will be used to help raise awareness and fund a tiered support system of evidence-based training and individualized services for school-aged students and school communities in need of mental health supports.

A key component of the grant is to connect school professionals with Community Mental Health Center professionals to reach more school-aged youth who need behavior and mental health services.

“We know that the need for these kinds of services is there in our schools. We’ve been hearing growing concerns from school officials,” said Mary Stadick Smith, interim secretary of education. “This grant will help us to address some of the current gaps in service and better connect students and families with mental health resources.”

The first cohort of school districts will begin receiving behavior and mental health supports through the grant beginning in October 2018. More schools will have the opportunity to receive supports through the grant in subsequent years.

Partners including the Children’s Home Society, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI South Dakota) and the Center for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment at the University of South Dakota will help deliver evidence-based training for schools and communities.


Here is a post from a CT anti-data mining page:

I have a 10th grader who told me yesterday they are preparing for the PSAT. We opted out of all SBAC testing. Denying accommodations for testing is despicable. How is it fair to the students that CT is allowed to use the SAT on our students under such a poor review? We don’t need to prove SAT is aligned with CCSS. We need to abandon the standards and get a test that is fair to all students.


Here is a post from an anti-Common Core group:

The “School-to-Prison Pipeline” Now Extends to Preschool. “[A]cross the country, black and brown students are being criminalized as early as the age of 3, leading to the ‘school-to-prison pipeline’ that critics say now extends to even preschool.”…/the_school_to_prison_pipelin…

Taking note that a modern-day aggressive production of seat-restricted/limited-services “good” schools dovetails neatly with the test-score-mandated closure of all-student-inclusive, culture-protective schools located inside poorest — and heaviest minority —


Here are some posts, again from the above group, talking about the teacher who had her textbooks taken by admins in Florida and the article about it:

Happened to me, in a slightly different way. The retribution too.


Actually is is pretty normal  I should have added “sadly”. That was the reason I finally walked out …. on Fall Thursday


i feel defeated but will keep standing up for education and for the importance of teaching literature and grammar.


at my last school , I received a brand new set of text books and was excited until I noticed that there were only partial selections and Each was annotated in RED and I was REQUIRED to assign all questions for each selection. That was enough for me….
 deprofessionalization is so demoralizing.
Here is a post from a student privacy group:


If you have not heard, on Tuesday September 18th, my 6th grade son and wife were exposed to pornographic materials while doing homework using his school issued chromebook and a link provided through the Summit Learning Platform, which McPherson School District has adopted for the curriculum for middle school and elementary schools. The district continues to refuse to acknowledge their inability to control information placed on the Summit Learning Platform. After issuing a statement they had “updated” their networks and were “confident that this will be prevented in the future,” we found additional inappropriate materials on another student assignment provided by Summit. The USD 418 administration did NOT notify parents that inappropriate material was again accessed via the Summit Learning curriculum. Please attend the Monday, September 24th School Board Meeting at 7:00 at the Central Office, 514 N. Main to request the IMMEDIATE TERMINATION OF SUMMIT.

Videos of naked women on beds, women holding vibrators, women with shear tops and nipples clearly visible as well as articles titled “Sex Robots Aren’t as Beneficial as The Claims Make Them Out To Be” and “Shared sex toys may transmit HPV Virus, are not examples of learning we should expect or allow for our children. In addition, this content was not accessed via links to advertisements as the district stated in their email to parents. Please share this information with as many as you can to stand up against our school district’s apparent lack of concern regarding their inability to protect our children from inappropriate material provided by the Summit curriculum. FYI, Summit is also being implemented in other school districts across Kansas and other states as well. The fact that a curriculum provides such avenues for our children in the first place is wrong.

If a textbook provided inappropriate content of this nature, we would immediately remove it from our district. Why have these standards dropped?


And some more posts from said group:

Seminole county.
Both my kids have to do iready. I don’t let them do it at home anymore. My oldest has to do Khan for math. And from what I learned at curriculum night, is they have to pass or complete Khan in order to be in honors math for middle school. That upset me!

He’s playing catch-up right is because he’s behind on his progress %. If they don’t have their goals completed for the week they aren’t allowed to do second recess/fun Day on Friday.
Same for my youngest. So they basically bribe them to get it done.


I don’t allow my daughter in K to do iReady at school. We are working at it minimally at home. It is supposed to be teacher led and it’s impossible with 19 kids who wear headphones.

We are fortunate where our school has worked with us and does not use it to punish kids.


Here is a post from a Nevada anti-Common Core group:

Senator Ben Kieckhefer has removed his children from Edmodo. I recently asked him, “Don’t all parents deserve to know what you know that caused you to remove your children from Edmodo?” He said, “Yes.” Details in post below.

ACTION ITEM – Email four legislators – Mo Denis, Ben Kieckhefer, Lisa Krasner, Jim Wheeler (copy and paste their email addresses);;; and ask that they sponsor or co-sponsor a bill that would require the local school districts to educate parents on all aspects of using EdTech products and then let parents would decide if their children use them or not. If you know of other legislators who would support a bill like this this please let me know who they are and feel free to add them to your email.

Senator Mo Denis has a bill that we’ve been told will be modeled after California’s SOPIPA (Student Online Personal Information Act) that attempts to tell third party EdTech vendors how student data they collect (without parental consent) can and cannot be used.
Protect Nevada Children (PNC) will support the bill because right now NV has nothing protecting student data from EdTech vendors. But, since SOPIPA has become law in CA several things have happened to compromise students, their data, and their futures, and nothing has happened to the third party vendors (even in CA), in addition no one is required to informed parents.
a) One of the largest EdTech vendors, Edmodo, had a data breach causing sensitive student data to be placed for sale on the dark web
b) A year later Edmodo sold the entire company (including) all the student data to a Chinese company, experts agree the Chinese bought Edmodo for the data of U.S. students
c) A Cal Berkeley study, released this summer, showed many of the EdTech vendors used in our schools are illegally tracking children
d) Governors in at least two states have filed law suits against Google for illegally tracking students
e) The FBI came out with a Public Service Announcement on September 13 warning parents and school districts about third party EdTech vendors.


Here are some posts from the Nevada anti-Common Core group.  These posts are replies in follow up to the post about them making them take the tests:

parents should listen to this.…/women-on-the-wall…

Here are links to the documents discussed.

Topic: Psychographic Behavioral Modification in the Classroom
Acronyms to know…
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
Competency-Based Education (CBE)
“SEL and CBE beat down your spirit and groom your mind.”- Lynne Taylor



So UNESCO is one of the entites that wants data on our children? China already bought one of the largest EdTech vendors used in NV schools, Edmodo. Experts paying attention believe they bought the company for data on U.S. students.


Well… Appears they have to take the tests. So mine will simply have my blessing to have fun with their answers.


Be careful with that. SBAC test scores are stored forever with Infinite Campus and the NDE’s SAIN. SBAC must share all info gleaned on the SBAC with the fed. DOE, GAO, and others. In addition several other parties get raw SBAC data. All these entities get more data from the SBAC test than the local districts, teachers, and parents.…


If that wasn’t enough…. depending on the school, they are now pulling kids from their electives (even if they are straight A students) and putting them in remedial courses and other extra help type classes for poor test grades on this test!


i have seen the same type of posts on a florida opt out page. students that have done bad on a single test have been held behind a grade. you are not alone just so you are aware



Truth about the VA

So, is the VA still abusing veterans?  I’m going to do some research to find out.

Here is a post from a pro-veteran anti-VA abuse group:

‘I knew something was not right’: Mass cancellations of diagnostic test orders at VA hospitals draw scrutiny

VA canceling thousands of diagnostic tests across the country

Radiology technologist Jeff Dettbarn, alleges thousands of tests at the Iowa City VA were improperly canceled, potentially risking veterans’ lives.

Reporter Tony Leys of the Des Moines Register, a member of the USA TODAY Network, contributing.


And another post from this group:

He did’t fall, he was pushed through the cracks by the VA’s psychological battering.


And here are some replies to this post:

No crack the VA created a hole as wide and deep as the Grand Canyon. The VA has become like the Republican Party vets don’t deserve and are looking for a hand out That’s why good doctors and nurses don’t last long . The is a money pit with no bottom l. No amount of money will fix the VA . The VA is organize crime nore ruthless than the costa Nostra and as deadly as the mafia .


That’s despicable! 😔 There are so many cases like this. I can’t believe they’re getting away with it! 😶


Happens 22 times a day as far as Veterans Administration is concerned they just fall through the cracks


When you go to the VA for any mental health issue you are treated like a prisoner. First you are made to strip then you are put into pajamas that look eerily similar to POW cloths. Then at times the staff laughs and jokes about severely ill patients. This has happened to me. While I’m not proud of having PTSD I have seen one person I know kill himself as a result of being turned away from the VA. No Veteran should be left behind. If the VA had that kind of mentality we wouldn’t be in the situation we now are in with the VA!!!!


And here are some posts in reply to a post about the VA rejecting a whistleblower claim of abuse:

I have full, legal binding evidence to the back and paralysis issue in the story. They neglected me for 20 years and I ended up paralyzed, in surgery, learn to walk again, etc… I also have a youtube video of one of their doctors making it a “mental issue”. Mental issues don’t collapse into your spinal cord. Any lawyers want my info? I can bust this case WIDE OPEN….


Following- trying to learn the process… I have paralysis issues because they declared me delusional bipolar when I actually had a broken back


I had a T6-T12 Sci diagnosed then was deleted and told it was all in my head still paralyzed still in a chair. Not sure what’s more messed up is they deleted it or they still provide me stuff like my chair, ramps, lift for my truck and various other stuff including monthly stuff I don’t get full Sci care through the VA but they treat it.
Also not sure if I can say this or not but F it I wonder how a person once under an OIG investigation(I was called for a statement but already played VA games of retaliation I was all set going on record after a doc) goes from that to whistleblower Kois was a completely disrespectful ahole


They dont want any administrative cases proven by Veterans to become a case…especially by the same agency that is suppose to provide care…surely and couldnt be harming us{{INSERT SARCASM}}


HERE IS PROOF: I am battling dental care. My private practice had to threaten the VA with no longer supporting the VA outpatient program because of such long reaction time to a simple implant procedure. I went to the VA yesterday (Sept 26) to ask about payment that has been in limbo well over 2 months. Further investigation determined the VA staff sent the paperwork to the wrong department. Once the dental implant paperwork arrive to the correct department, they had up to 90 days to send out payment. Therefore, they deliberately did it wrong to meet a time line. We finally told the Manch VA dental Department if payment was received almost immediately, we would also speak with the NH Board of NH Dental Practices who would in turn speak directly with the Veteran Affairs Dental Department. MORE PROOF: This particular VA is complained to the DC VFW about me supposedly being abusive and threatening to the staff to the point that the VFW formally withdrew representing me in my otherwise legitimate appeals case that was a slam dunk to win. SOP dictates I must be notified of such commentary and perceived actions which I never was. This happened after I “FIRED” 3 physicians for not doing their job. I found them editing my appointment concerns WITH PROOF. Their response was calling security because the obviously NEW Drs suddenly felt “alarmed” learning I was not taken back by their MD titles. They vanished and security appeared and had nothing to add.


And another post from this group:

As a VA employee, I have seen how they leave veteran’s ssn’s out.I have been reporting it to the privacy officer for over a year. I also have reported it to the oig. Plus they had a doctor throw out multiple vets ssn’s. I have reported it and gave the info to the privacy officer four separate occasions. I have no idea as how to stop it. Ideas?


And here is a reply to this post:

I have made many comments on Ebenifit hacks and I really believe what is behind the uptick of the hacks/frauds is due to SSN not being protected at the VA. In Tampa we had VA employees trading Veterans SSN for drugs and linked is one in Arkansas the FBI caught by a VA employee selling SSN of Veterans. Second link is to a law office getting ready to sue on behalf of veterans who have losses over these hacks and had SSN stolen in recent scandals. If I got your SSN all I got to find is your birthdate and full name to change Ebenifits info to log into account, There have been thousands this year and the VA is still denying its happening.…/arkansas-va-employee-charged…/
