Public Schools or Public Screwels? Part 26

This is part 26.

Here is a post from a New York anti-testing group:

It’s time for Commissioner Elia to encourage principals and administrators to stop harassing parents and students about refusing the tests. Actually it is time for her to say Good-by and return to Florida where she can bask a bit more in the sun.

So many parents have come to me with horror stories. The one that I can’t get out of my head is the one where the principal knew darn well a parent wanted the student NOT to take the test and because it was on another day, the principal allowed the staff to give this poor child the test. If I had the money, I would pay for a lawyer to get this person removed from the position they are in. What happened to principal is your “pal”?
This is appalling.

Another is the ice cream gate method. Students who took the test, got ice cream; those that didn’t, well it was all over the news, so you should know.

Or how about the one principal who kept coercing the child to tell the parents to let him take the test because he was so smart?

I also want administration to stop telling teachers how horrible things are at their schools with the testing. Perhaps for a day, administration should walk in their shoes. If they can tell me they have, it is not the same. It is not the same as two years ago when I retired. Teachers have way too many demands on them. Walk a mile in their shoes. 20-25 kids in a classroom is ridiculous. I have taught in these classes and it is so very hard to say I can educate each one. We are not miracle workers. We need more one on one time. We need smaller class sizes. That’s when we can meet with success.

Oh, and throw out the tests. Better yet, sit and take them yourselves. Remember, you want the BEST answer according to the text. David Coleman doesn’t give a $$$$ about what you know. He even takes your money for the faulty SAT’s and more. It’s all a game.

I wish every parent would consider refusing the test in May for Math. If they did, imagine how awesome New York State could be for our kids?

And another post from this group:

I know a Mom that needs assistance. Her child attends Gouverneur Elementary. Principal is Charity Zawatski, , phone 315-287-2260. The mom sent in a refusal letter 3-29. She received a phone call from the principal stating that her child had to take the NYS tests because her refusal letter wasn’t in on time. The district requested them to be in by Mid March. The mom kept her daughter home on the dates that she knew the testing was taking place (the dates changed because of the computer glitches and the mom didn’t know). Upon returning to school 4-8-19 the principal made her daughter take the test! She has spoken to a board member that claims they in turn spoke to the Super and there is nothing they can do about it. This is a mom who is refusing for the first time.What can be done???????

And here are the replies to this post:

As I understand it, once they have taken the test it is what it is. I would make sure mom and kiddo knows to not even touch the pencil if they won’t accept the letter for math/science.
(our school tried to do this to my kids by refusing their letters and making them sit in the testing classroom. My kids knew not to touch the pencil so it did not change anything for them, and it made the teachers and principal look like bullys)

This should be reported to the state education department . It’s probably going to be a bunch of phone calls and a ton of bureaucracy but don’t let up. There is no limit on when you can refuse by the way . You can refuse a min. before the test . Tell your principal refusals don’t have expiration dates . Math tests are coming up in early May.

This is absolutely wrong! There is no deadline when refusal forms can be sent in. In fact they can be sent in the day of the tests!

My 6th grade grandson was told today that he needs to take the math in may, and both in 7th and 8th grade in order to graduate. Mind you my Daughter sent in a refusal letter for both just like she has for the last to years.

Don’t these people realize they are pitting parents against the school districts? They are trying to have our own children go against us. I found myself continuously telling my child to disregard the teachers.

So this got me fired up a little so I just shot a quick email to the principal, the superintendent, the asst superintendent of instruction (or some similar title), the BOE President, and Ms. Elia for good measure….
Please excuse any grammar/typos since I dictated this on my phone and my eyes are starting to go a little blurry…
Dear Ms. Zawatski,
I heard a very concerning story tonight that a parent in your district sent in a refusal letter on 3-29-19 and subsequently received a call from you stating that her child had to take the NYS tests because her refusal letter wasn’t in on time???
I certainly hope this is not accurate because I’m sure that you are aware that the tests can be refused at any time-including right up through the morning of-or even after the first day of-the tests, regardless of some arbitrary date a district requested they be in by.
Additionally, I was told that after the parent kept the child home during testing (I’m guessing in an attempt to avoid confrontation with an individual/school who is attempting to disregard a PARENT’S wishes and RIGHT) the child was given the test(!) when they returned to school.
I am trying to give the benefit of the doubt here, so I would love for you to tell me that this is a bad social media rumor.
If it’s true, I hope that the media takes this story and exposes the actions of the school. As sad as it is to hear of these occurrences, I think these types of stories may actually help the Opt Out Movement overall because one thing that will surely rally parents together is someone challenging their parental rights.
I also hope the school staff responsible are held accountable to the fullest extent allowed both within their own district and within NYSED.
It is bad enough that NYSED is willing to use our children as pawns, but for the very adults to whom parents directly entrust their children to also betray the children, the parents and the taxpayers is despicable.
If this is, in fact a bad rumor, I apologize wholeheartedly but I doubt it with the climate I have seen this year from both NYSED* and several school systems.
*Until their recent statement, which unfortunately was issued after most of the damage had already been done. I have attached and hope you will read it.

The real horror is we are still dealing with this 6 years later. The children are still suffering from all of it.

And yet another post:

Here’s the letter my 7th and 8th grader’s brought home today. They also said they were told they can’t opt out this year and it’s required. I’ll have to ask them who exactly told them that.


And here are the replies to this post:

My kids keep telling me they are told the same thing . I posted that question on here and I was told by many people they still can you just have to word it different and say you are refusing them to take the test. And they have to let them not take it.

This is not true

[name redacated]

5th grade teacher was told and there was no problem with us refusing. superintendent wouldn’t answer me when I asked if it would be respected. someone on here said she spoke with mr root and they wouldnt be offering only sit and stare for opt outs. scare tactics and lies yet again from out great school

You can definitely still refuse in Camden. There is definitely some renewed vigor in admin to take the test, but they don’t sit and stare.

any idea what they make them do if they are refusing the test? Last year I just kept them out for the first 2 hours of the day on those days but this letter says that it’s not timed anymore so who knows how long it will take most kids to finish…

yes absolutely…I teach at the middle school and my son is there, other son in elementary. They put them in the auditorium at the MS, they can read. It’s not ideal, but it’s better than sit and stare.

Here is a post that was shared by Alice Linahan:

Message to Texas Senators and Representatives – don’t let Gov. Abbot, Speaker Bonnen, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, the RPT funders and Democrats make you look like fools to pass what is clearly the Clinton/ Bush/Obama/ Devos Ed Reform Agenda, using Texas Students as “Investment Vehicles” and “Human Capital” for their Public/Private Partnerships and Social Impact Bonds (SIBS), Pay For Success (PFS), Blended Funding Finance schemes to fund public education.

Did you know? Mental Health Screening is admitted even by experts to be terribly inaccurate, with false-positive rates of up to 84 percent seen here:

Click to access Shaffer-Validity-Reliability-2004.pdf

And, can lead to overdiagnosis and over-medication.

Dr. Mark Olfson, the scientific director of the TeenScreen mental screening program with that 84 percent false positive rate, admitted in July before the federal School Safety Commission (p. 38-39) that “the overall increase in youth psychotropic medication use has occurred among those with less severe or no impairment.”

Click to access transcript-07-11-2018.pdf

Click to learn more here:

Looks like students at Saratoga Springs High School received one of those “privilege” assigments:

Looks like Illinois is moving closer to mandatory kindergarten:

Here is a post from a Nevada anti-Common Core group:

ARE THERE OTHER SCHOOLS USING the GoGuardian software?:

Our small rural school will totally transform next year to become a Flex Mod, PBL, -1 to -1 device school. The goal is to transition to a full blown personalized (mass customized, CBE) learning environment in a couple of years.

To ensure parents that the assigned devices will be safe for student use, the administration is touting the GoGuardian software to help with abuse prevention and classroom management.

However, it looks like it has morphed and there is more behind its intended marketed use.

The man in the GoGuardian video below says if a student browser history shows anything of “self-hurt” or suicide the authorities will be brought in.

I ask what if a student goes to a gun control Youtube video and happens to make a comment about how he is not for gun control or his family goes hunting and has guns??

Will this warrant a call to authorities, also? A can of worms and more.

GoGuardian appears to be connected to SEL, MTSS,…??



Here is a post from a friend of Alice Linahan:

Two BAD Mental Health bills Scheduled for 2nd Reading in the House This Week

TUESDAY – House 2nd Reading
HB 906 (Thompson, Senfronia) Establishing a collaborative task force for school mental health

WEDNESDAY – House 2nd Reading
HB 1013 (Moody) Mental health services to persons younger than 18 years of age

Psychiatry may have a place in this world, but our schools should not start “practicing” medicine on our school children.

Please, if you care about our children’s future, please phone your TX House member and ask them to vote NO on expansion of the psychiatric workforce in Texas.

Public Schools Should NOT be converted into “community mental health care providers”

DON’T offer up our children as a boost for Big Pharma’s revenue stream.

Listen to professors of psychiatry who advise that “it is very difficult, if not impossible, to predict who is going to become violent” and admit they are lucky to get it right half the time.

Administering mind-altering drugs to children has great potential to create Rx-addicted adults.

The stigma attached to any child misdiagnosed or over diagnosed could severely damage children and their families. This is an affront to the constitutional liberties of Texas children and families.

It is the moral duty of our Legislature to vote NO on expansion of mental health services and prescribing of psychotropic drugs to our children at school.

And another post from this person:

It’s pretty bold of Rep. Senfronia Thompson to amend her bill (HB10) from the floor yesterday to specifically invite FEDERAL FUNDS to expand this drugging of our children…

“The institute shall solicit federal funding for mental and behavioral research and other functions of the institute.”

But, in reading the Texas Democrat Platform, Thompson is satisfying the goals in MANY areas.
Too bad the Republicans can’t read their Platform.

And some replies to this post:

If HB10 passes, every rep who votes for it needs to be 44’d and primaried.

HD71 was unopposed

The basic problem is not one of party. It’s one of agenda. Several groups have invested big money in promoting a false narrative about mental health, school mental health, suicide prevention and what all this can do for students. And what is amazing, is that while they act like experts, act like they know how to curb violence and suicide, they actually have no products to show for the millions of dollars in appropriations. While they tout changes in GPA, truancy, and disciplinary referrals, none of these is a proxy for suicide or violence. While these been programs have been implemented in a number of schools, and while our legislature has invested millions in school suicide prevention the only actual product that can be measured is suicide rates. And teen suicide rates have gone up. Therefore, we can either throw good money after bad, or we can have a community discussion that owns up to the fact that suicide and violence are multi-factorial and that therefore, the mental health providers have no particular ownership or expertise. Frankly, I’d welcome a discussion where clergy, community groups, parents, and just regular people get to decide how to improve communities and improve the lives of children. We could get a number of programs and solutions that truly improve our communities.

And another post from this person:

Thank you to these TX House Reps for voting to push back against the legal drugging of our children…
Biedermann; Bohac; Cain; Craddick; Darby; Frank; Hefner; King,P.; Klick; Krause; Lang; Middleton; Noble; Parker; Patterson; Sanford; Schaefer;Shine; Smithee; Springer; Stephenson; Stickland; Swanson; Tinderholt; Toth;White; Wilson; Zedler

And yet another post:

HB 10 is a DISASTER!
VOTE – NO today on 3rd Reading!

The Leach Amendment made HB 10 WORSE.
Uninformed consent is THE problem.
Acceptance of Federal money & programs allows federal DATA SHARING regardless of what HB 10 says.
Leach’s amendment even acknowledges “compliance with state and federal privacy laws”

When the State passes the budget that includes federal grants, the mandates in WIOA, ESSA, and FEPA will trump state law. When you take federal grants, you are beholden to federal data collection.

The Leach Amendment intends to give a false sense of security to parents, who wish to protect their child’s data.
MOST parents are not aware of all the entities who will have access to their child’s mental health assessment. All an entity needs to show is a “legitimate educational interest”

Here is a Common Core Diva article confirming what I’d started to suspect, that TedTalks were tied to the Common Core machine:

Here is a post from the anti-CBE group:

I am so glad [name redacted] commented on Rep Neal Collins post bragging about his Competency Based Education bill passing in the House yesterday! I couldn’t respond… and her response was PERFECT and I hope everyone reads it: Here it is:

“In short, the CBE model stems from a variety of theories. These theories range from Edward L. Thorndike’s behaviorism theory to B.F. Skinner’s operant conditioning, a process that attempts to modify behavior through the use of positive and negative reinforcement.
As parents around the country continue to protest the globalist agenda by opting their children out of assessments, CBE removes the need for a one-time, high-stakes test required for every student. The CBE model embeds testing into each aspect of the curriculum. Parents can’t possibly opt their child out of formative assessments embedded into every chapter, required to achieve “mastery” and move to the next level.

These adaptive assessments have learning outcomes that not only test knowledge gains but also attitudes and behavior changes relating to “integrity,” “self-direction,” “global perspective,” “work ethic,” and “perseverance.” How does one measure integrity? Who decides the “competent” amount of positive moral character needed?

Learning outcomes not only emphasize the application of knowledge, but also the development of important skills and dispositions. These assessments can influence and change a child’s worldview.

Influencing state legislatures to advance his globalist agenda through America’s children, Bill Gates infused hundreds of millions of dollars into national education policy groups like Jeb Bush’s ExcelinEd. ExcelinEd was formerly known as the Foundation for Excellence in Education. The Jeb Bush policy group was paid by Gates to promote Common Core to state legislatures. The unexpected backlash from parents rebelling against the federal takeover of education caused the group to create a new image resulting in the name change.Across the country, ExcelinEd is lobbying states to adopt CBE and the Gates global initiative.

In our state, Palmetto Promise Institute, a “conservative” think tank, supports CBE and they have successfully lobbied the SC House Education Committee. State political manipulation of schools to implement a particular education model clearly undermines local control. The process of defining what our children should know and be able to do is too powerful to be controlled by state and local education bureaucrats.

Competency/Proficiency are such a palatable words. Of course we want children to be competent or have competency or be proficient. The average citizen understands what these words mean; a high aptitude, to have expertise, knack or know how, to be highly skilled, talented and very capable.

BUT what do the proponents of this effort really mean by competence/proficient?

First, it is critical to understand an important distinction:

  1. Competency relates to attitudes, responses, behaviors or actions easily scored on a machine.
  2. Education involves much more, requiring well trained, experienced human beings to assess and score.”

Here is a post from a Minnesota anti-Common Core group:

House Omnibus Education bill:

*Home visiting is embedded in several sections including full-service community schools and funding is proposed in several sections, too.

*The Birth to 3 Initiative remains via Early Learning Scholarships.

*Parents may not opt out of the school developmental screening at age 3 when on early learning scholarships.

*Early Learning Scholarship Fund is established in special revenue fund. (Ala Great Start Fund)

*Pre-K Funding and Establishment of Legislative Report on Early Care & Education Coordination. (This comes directly from the Preschool Development Block Grant.)
To: Enhance coordination of scholarships, assistance, home visiting with non-profits and Children’s Cabinet (gov appointed cabinet) for childhood systems reform effort. Tasked to develop recommendation for a consolidated Universal process.

NOTE: There is more of HF 1 in the Health Omni and likely the Job Omni.

Please call your senators!!! Senate Leadership numbers will be up in the morning. The senate must stand strong! We’ve got to have a large, strong group calling and emailing tomorrow. The Senate Ed Omnibus will be up soon for a vote.

And yes, we are standing up for the rest of the state who may not even though these issues are coming for their family.

And another post from this group:

House Education Omnibus: Compulsory law drops to age 6 and kindergarten is required at 6 in public, private, charter and home schools.

And yet another post from this group:

Reporting on the Education Omnibus bill. 8:19pm and they’re still discussing amendments. The Comprehensive Sex Ed bill is still intact within the Omnibus and so that language moves forward to conference committee with the Senate. This vote was an amendment by Rep. Peggy Scott to allow school districts to opt out of the CSE mandate. CSE becomes a state-mandated curriculum down on school districts as early as elementary.

Here is a post from a Utah anti-Common Core group:

Thanks Alison Hawver McDowell for posting this:

Did you ever wonder about all the data Canvas is collecting? Well, evidently it’s about helping people “grow” “from their FIRST day of school to their LAST day of work.” The fact that Instructure (Canvas’s parent company) just bought MasteryConnect (formative assessments) indicates we are moving rapidly towards a technocratically-engineered program of “life long learning.” I’m sure the social entrepreneurs (Greg Mauro of Learn Capital, I’m talking to you) looking down from Power Mountain outside Salt Lake City are quite gleeful right about now.

From Cheri Kiesecker: Zuckerberg is lead investor in MasteryConnect. Google /Gsuite is partner w Canvas.

Here is a post that someone posted to Alice Linahan’s wall:

’m sick and tired of chasing the evil in this legislature.

Here are just 18 bills (out of dozens) that I have identified which deal with mental health and our local schools. I’m probably missing some, but these have shown movement and seem to be the ones the majority of this legislature likes.

I’m asking the Collin County legislative delegation to PLEASE read these bills frontwards and backwards before voting on them.
I have.

I’m very willing to email you my marked up bills with highlights of areas that I hope you will find to be of grave concern, and hopefully ask questions in committee or on the floor of your chamber upon the 2nd & 3rd Readings, to SHINE LIGHT on the evils of these bills for all the other legislators.

I very much appreciate our House members that have voted against some of these!

I’m sick and tired of cowing to the “under privileged” children.

I’m in this battle for MY grandkids. I’m tired of taking it on the chin for a minority of our population when the majority of kids don’t need these evil government acts.

HB 10
HB 239
HB 906
HB 1318
HB 1335
HB 1467
HB 1623
HB 1669
HB 3980
HB 4183
SB 10
SB 11
SB 426
SB 2282

Here is a post from Alice Linahan:

Question for all those elected officials pushing Mental Health legislation in Texas schools. Is this really the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL); “Behavioral” Competencies we want our kids to be forced into complying with in their “Character” training? When the Standards mandated by the state are no longer academics but behavioral, then anyone with an agenda has access to our children.


“One of Texas’ largest school districts told third- through 11th-grade students in a recent survey, “Sex is what a person is born. Gender is how a person feels.”

The statement was part of Austin Independent School District’s 2018-2019 Student Climate Survey administered to students this year, the Federalist reported. Following the statement, students were asked to indicate how they felt about their identities.

The answer options included: “I am a girl/woman,” “I am a boy/man,” and “I identify in some other way.” Additional space was provided for students to “describe how they identify,” but it was optional.

Austin ISD is the fifth largest school district in the state with more than 83,000 children enrolled. The Federalist estimated that 57,000 children took the survey this year, assuming the number of an even division of students across the grade levels.

The district claims that the questionnaire helps it “examine factors contributing to student success beyond test scores.”

Here is yet another post from Alice Linahan:

Desoto ISD is about to lay off hundreds of teachers yet creating a cushy new administrative job? Brett Shipp Media Investigates.

Here is a post from a Minnesota anti-Common Core group:

The entire home visit section of HF 1 passed into the House Health Omnibus section last night. Call your senators or email now before the Senate Omnibus is passed!! Amendments may be made from the floor.

Here is a post from a Utah anti-Common Core group:

Are teachers rewriting history? My daughter told me this morning that yesterday they learned about the WWII internment camps. Her teacher told her class that anyone who “didn’t look like they were American, mostly Asians” were taken to these camps, and that most of them went willingly because they knew they weren’t spies. She said they were all treated very well, and that no one died from illness, no one was killed, not one of them died. I’m really hoping she misunderstood her teacher, but she’s 12, and I don’t think she could really get that much wrong. They also learned about the concentration camps. Everything she told me about those seemed quite accurate. (I know the internment camps were not AS bad as the concentration camps, but still….) Why downplay history in America? Why are they sheltering our children? I didn’t have time to this morning, but I think I’m going to have to give my daughter a short history lesson tonight. ??

And some replies to this post:

Here in America there were internment camps for the Japanese (Asian) residents. After Japan bombed Pearl Harbor they were gathered up and put in camps. They were treated pretty fairly and taken good care of not like the concentration camps in Europe. It is a fact.

Yes, some were treated fairly. Some were given jobs and decent living quarters, but others were forced to live in buildings where animals were once housed, like horse stalls. Due to lack of sanitation many of them died from disease. There were also riots, and some escape attempts that resulted in death. I think my daughters teacher only focused on the positive aspects of the camps, which is okay to focus on, but I don’t think it’s right to leave out the negative impact it had on the Japanese Americans.

My 11yo told me yesterday that the government made young men lie about their age so they could fight in WWII.

We did a fair amount of studying on the Japanese Internment camps a couple years back. We even went to Delta and visited the new museum out there and the Topaz site. From what I learned, the treatment of those interned varied quite a lot – but overall it was mostly humane. There were a couple of camps that eventually became designated solely for “trouble makers.” But one thing I learned that surprised me A LOT was that if you were sent to a camp, you had the option of moving EAST – like to Chicago for example – and you would be free to live your life and do whatever you wanted. (Of course, this was after you had given up EVERYTHING back home, usually in California.) So while overall these were a HORRIBLE idea and a huge stain on our history – and I teach it as that – the internment camps, for the most part, were not prisons at all. If you get a chance, take your kids out to Delta and the Topaz interment camp site and museum in town. It is SO well done. I’d like to go up to the one in Idaho, too, sometime, but we just haven’t made it up yet. They weren’t good places and I’ve taught my kids that, but I agree with what has been said above. I’m thinking the teacher was emphasizing how they were not in any way comparable to the Nazi concentration camps. I’ve been to one of those, too.

The internment camps were UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The Japanese American citizens were treated unfairly by having their homes and property taken away and put into these internment camps. We have many representatives who take an oath of office to uphold the Constitution but choose to IGNORE the Supreme Law of the Land.

I didnt know about the Internment Camps until I was 15. I was living with my good friend Tom’s grandparents. They were Japanese, sent to Internment Camp in Colorado. I was a little WW2 geek, and was shocked. Then, embarrassed. I loved Grandma and Grandpa Horito, and wasn’t a fan of those camps. I don’t claim to be an expert on the history of those camps, but they weren’t like concentration camps, with gas chambers. Etc.
Also, one of the most decorated US Army Battalions was made up of AMERICANS, of Japanese decent, who were allowed to leave the camps, join the Army and kill some freaking Nazis in Italy. Extremely high performing unit, proving they were pretty red blooded American.
This experience really entrenched my distrust of Government. Then in college I learned about the Tuskegee Expiraments. Holy h***!!

Here is a post by Shannon Joy:

Soul crushing pre-school ———>

And here is a reply to this post:

They held my son back and had him repeat kindergarten. Plus they decided to diagnose him with ADHD early on. They kept trying to force me to medicate him. In the middle of 2nd grade, I had enough when they threatened to put him in Special Ed if I didn’t drug him. They had recommended him for Gifted and Talented for the previous 2 years so they knew he wasn’t a “special ed” kid! They tested his IQ, it was way above average, he played the violin at age 6, was very social and happy and the kids loved him. But this one teacher was determined to get him diagnosed and drugged. To her surprise, I yanked him out and homeschooled him. He is 16 and doing great now. He wants to be a paleontologist. We are out fossil hunting today.
That teacher is now the principal and mothers are telling me she is pushing for more and more medicated students. In a mostly Christian, conservative town in Texas you would think our public schools would be better here.

Here is a post from a Nevada anti-Common Core group:

This should not be part of their grades


Here is another post from this group:

“A just released Education International Research report highlights Pearson’s 2025 corporate goals including digitalizing and privatizing education. According to the report, if successful, Pearson would bring “disruptive changes to (a) the teaching profession, (b) the delivery of curriculum and assessment and (c) the function of school, particularly public schools.” Pearson’s “next generation” of teaching and testing platforms, implemented through a partnership with Google Classroom, would replace teachers with Siri and Alexa. As a side benefit for Pearson and Google, children would be new sources of data to be mined and sold and become lifelong customers wedded to their products.”

And yet another post from this group:

This year the Parent Teacher Home Visits conference is being in Reno . July 10, 2019.

Here is a post from the Minnesota anti-Common Core group:


$81,020,613 is the amount of taxpayer funding funneled through the MinneMinds Coalition in just 2018. This is your money!!

Did you know? MinneMinds is all about pushing all components of Great Start for All Minnesota Children. They were/are pushing the agenda before the bill is passed.. Who is funding MinneMinds? Our legislature! Tool around and see who these organizations are. Some are on the Left and some on the Right.

This is government funding the agenda they wish to see even before passing it before their constituents! Some are directly funded. H/T Childcare Coalition USA


Watch out for the schools in Baltimore:

Here is a post from a Utah anti-Common Core group:

What would you do if your 10 yr old came home from school with the opinion that population control laws would be good for our country and our world because there is not enough food water space and too much pollution? This is not something we teach in our home. In fact it’s the opposite. The idea is against our religion, values and beliefs. Also it is not an age appropriate topic because he is too young to understand BOTH sides of the debate. I am beyond outraged this indoctrination is happening. Is this commonplace in Utah public schools and is everyone just used to this BS or is this new? I mean why are conservative parents not putting a stop to this? Help me understand. This is our first year in a government school and I’m fired up to do something about this nonsense.

And here are some replies to this post:

BYU did a documentary about this, called “Demographic Winter” (I think) it pretty much takes down all the population control arguments.

I will look for this thank you!

Oh my. Sadly, this doesn’t surprise me, this is one of the many reasons why we homeschool. ??

What school ?

ascent academy in lehi. It’s a charter school.

Maybe that’s why neighbors decided to leave that school and come back to the public school. Now I’m going to have to ask them. What is the name of the teacher?

there are private schools in Utah county which do not teach common core. Charter schools (even “online” ones that mom teaches from home) are obligated to teach common core. If you choose these, you will not only have your kids learning common core. You will also be the one teaching it. Common Core tests will still be given, too.

My high schoolers have been taught that. Go on the internet and look up northern Nevada with Google earth I think it’s called (my kids do it)to show your child. I just drove through there and my parents kept laughing about the thought of over population. Towns or rest stops were 100 miles apart with nothing in between. That said, after the nonsense my older three kids were taught in ps, I’m homeschooling my younger three.

This scare began in the 1960’s…. the scare about overpopulation – U.N. Agenda….

This happened to us whe our daughter was 11. We went to our religious information (scriptures and words of our leaders) and explained that we believe that God has said this…..and the last days we’re told that there will be a lot of confusion as well as men conspiring for their own gain. We also back this up with scripture. God’s word is always truth. We then went and showed scientific information that showed the truth of the issue and how the information that she learned in school was twisted. I’m going to have to locate the BYU documentary. Then we invited her to pray about it herself and get an answer. I love that she brings these things home and we can discuss it. Then as she is away from our home she is armed with the truth and can begin to identify ideas that are meant to deceive..

welcome to SEL this is about modification of the attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, and opinions of our students to a global view pushed by the United Nations and others.
If you do not agree to this why send your children to government schools to educate and mold them for 12+ years ?
Everyone should be aware of this by now, not only has Charlotte Iserbyt warned us we have Anita Hoge, Dr. Peg Luksik, Jane Robbins, Lynne Taylor, Karen Bracken, Alice Linahan, Karen Effrem, Alison McDowell, Jakell Sullivan, Pat Huff, Randy Houchins, Michelle Malkin, Dr. Pesta, and others have already pointed this out. Not to mention it is already admitted by those promoting it.

This is the beginning…it goes all the way through college, yes including BYU Provo…you have to prayerfully consider whether you will “counter” the anti-family, anti- religion, anti- America, anti- freedom propaganda (SEL) curriculum for your child’s entire school career, if you can as they get older and don’t share what they are learning but just accept it as “truth” or if you will move them to an education model that will teach truths Iike private school or homeschool….my advice…do talk to the teacher and admin, but consider removing your child as countering becomes difficult once children are in high school and college and they are learning from so-called “professors” whom they revere and consider “experts” and they no longer believe you have any credibility, therefore anything you’ve taught them has no credibility including religious values…I’m speaking from personal experience of course, but letting 4 of my 5 kids go through public schools has resulted in all 4 being anti everything stated above and then some, which is NONE of my husband’s and my beliefs…we are a very conservative, pro-America, pro-family, religious, former military couple and our oldest 4 don’t support any of that

This happens all the time on all sorts of topics. I had one child once tell me we should stop building in Lehi so that we wouldn’t destroy the wetlands (this was over 7 years ago). I about died laughing and we drove around Lehi to ask him where the wetlands were. The only thing we found was by the rivers and they were not being build on.

Many people homeschool in other states but think that in Utah, things will be different, so then in Utah, they send their kids to public school. I have no idea how bad things are outside of Utah, but I know things are way ti bad in Utah to have my kids be in public school in elementary, junior high, high school, or college. Yeah, I don’t even trust colleges.
The common core science, english (with social studies in it), and math (data charts, tables and graphs that fit the agenda), standards all teach this type of stuff. It was proposed by UNESCO that the U.S. be the country to lead the way in implementing a global core curriculum standards.
So yes, this is in Utah because Utah uses the common core standards.
Why are conservative parents not outraged? The big problem, as I see it, is that the fake conservative political party is the republican one. The Republican party loves the “education by the government in schools paid for by the government (ie. tax dollars)” idea. The real one is the one I am in, which is the constitution party. I have met many in this party who believe that homeschooling is the way to go nowadays.
I am one of them. I homeschool my kids. In my opinion, people who send their kids to public school have to unteach way too many things after school every day. It is so bad now that it would be impossible to keep up or keep on top of it. I started homeschooling in 2012 because my son was in the lowest math group due to the fact that he was an active math learner (learns best by moving, not sitting). He came home saying he was dumb. He also learned constantly things about suicide from his peers at recess. It was to much to unteach.
Now I do not have to unteach things, except what they learn from movies and peers who go to public school (which is less, at least).

Here is a post from Alice Linahan:

TEI is bad. It is all about the data and controlling teachers. It is not actually about paying good teachers who know how to teach students reading, writing, math, and history well.

TEI is part of a nationwide agenda be to tie teacher pay to so-called test scores but they are not valid tests. They are actually assessments that produce huge amounts of behavioral data on students. The evaluation of teachers, therefore, is based on student’s behavioral outcomes mandated by the state. And those outcomes are mandated on the state by the federal government via the Every Students Success Act.
Outcome-based education has been pushed back against by real conservatives, parents and veteran teachers for years. Because, they knew it was based on the state deciding what the appropriate values, beliefs, and behaviors were. Which is completely unconstitutional and a true attack on parental rights and liberty.

What they did not have in the past was laws tying teacher evaluations to outcomes, which forces teachers to comply.

Key Players Funding and Implementing Transformation in Education are Google, Microsoft (Gates Foundation) and The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) a World Policy Organization.

The OECD runs an Assessment system to support Unesco’s Sustainable Development Goals.

The OECD’s assessment director, Andreas Schleicher, a German worked with the Obama Administration to reshape the US K-12 online assessment system.

The OECD reshaped assessments so they run in the background of online curriculum.

The OECD assessments are assessing behaviors more than academics.

OECD quotes – “The skills, attitudes, and values that shape human behavior should be rethought to counter the
discriminatory behaviors picked up at school and in the family.”
“All young people should be able to challenge cultural and gender stereotypes, to reflect on the causes and solutions of racial, religious and hate violence and to help create tolerant integrated societies.”

Look deeper and look who is really behind promoting it. Below is an information sheet you will want to look at on Teacher Merit Pay.

Look especially at Todd Williams and Commit Dallas.

Click to access Teacher-Merit-Pay.pdf

Way to go parents! We need more of this:

Here is a post from the California anti-radical sex ed group:

Last night was the Pacific Grove Unified School District board meeting. I spoke (video below) as did my husband and many others. While I spoke at the podium a teacher who supports Planned Parenthood and the CHYA texted others to ask them to hurry over to the meeting for support. This same teacher spoke at the podium about how great the Planned Parenthood presentation is and she said parents can just opt their child out or stay home from school if they don’t want their child to participate (she has no idea about the opt out issues other parents have faced in CA). She also made it sound like if we don’t agree with the CHYA then maybe we should just homeschool. Our new board trustee, Jon Walton, appeared to be purposefully delaying the meeting as a tactic to avoid the CHYA discussion which was last on the agenda. The meeting had to be extended an hour due to this trustee. Thankfully, another trustee ensured that this would not only be an agenda item for the next meeting but she thankfully made a point to request that this be heard first and she apologized to us that we waited all night and this was not discussed…she shows great leadership, maturity, and public service. Walton has not been this vocal at previous meetings but he talked in excess last night and asked detailed questions of every single presenter and then asked additional people to the podium and the room appeared uncomfortable with him and his fellow board members were clearly agitated by his behavior. Then Jon Walton’s wife spoke, Katrina McFarland, and she called the Informed Parents of California and those of us in the room who are concerned with the CHYA, a fringe group of anti-LGBTQ bigots and she sourced the Southern Poverty Law Center as she called Pacific Justice Institute a hate group and mentioned how we are associated with them. Her husband’s behavior and her verbal attacks are immature. The two who spoke in favor of the CHYA brought no evidential support for the curriculum and Ms. McFarland resorted to character assasination. The new trustee and his wife have a strong bias agenda and neither of them know any of us or have tried to talk with us. These tactics are important to be aware of in case you deal with this in a board meeting but we continue to stand up for our kids!

Here is a post from the Utah anti-Common Core group

I opted my kids out of the sage test, now called Rise.
By law, can they make my kids take another test? Because my daughter says they are having her take a different one, now and it’s harder.

And here are the replies to this post:

My kids are taking a “paper test” as they call it, and as far as I know it is allowed but they can’t grade it (or at least the results can’t go toward their grade) you could just call and ask the teacher personally what the plan is.

They have to provide an ”alternative learning assignment”. They did the same thing at my sons school so I kept him home from school on those days.

me too. It was several days over three weeks, which was annoying, but I got a schedule from the school and didn’t send them on those days.

My son’s previous school made him take an alternate. I told him to pick any answer he wanted to and not take it serious. His teacher made him take it a second time because he took the first one too fast. I began to let him sleep in and go to school late on test days after that.

the second time he could try taking it too slow. Like one nonsense answer every 30-60 minutes.

That’s a good one! I get way too much joy out of being a rebel. 😉

I took my son out of school and we went to lunch, a couple museums, to the movies and to the library that week ….we made a mini spring vacation out of it….he checked in for his first classes (middle school) and then I checked him out when his RISE(formerly SAGE) test classes came up…. I simply told the nosy school attendance secretary that he had “an appointment”…I didn’t tell her what kind, but that he was opted out of the tests so I had made appointments for him…

I would much rather my child take a test that the teacher reads and grades so they can accurately assess whether my kids learned what was taught in.that.class.

My kids have those tests or quizzes every Friday. Why add another?

But are they giving them to the Government? Remember in these Godless countries of East Germany, Russia, China, etc. they pick their jobs for them. Is that what these tests are trying to determine? Who gets knocked off and who gets what jobs the Government decides they get to have?

That’s my fear. I don’t think that’s what they’re currently used for but I think down the road it could happen.

I asked the Middle school and they are giving them to the state.

Running into issues with this, this year. Opted my girls out of Sage, and then they said it would be Rise testing, and now said that it was Aspire testing, so had to fill out another form. HEADACHE

That’s what happened to my girls. So sneaky of them to change the name!

And another post from this group:

I’ve been reviewing the proposed K-5 Science Standards for Utah. It is chalk full of indoctrination of climate change/warming. I am also concluding that it is developmentally inappropriate!

One example:
Standard 3.2.6 Design a solution to a problem caused by a change in the environment that affects the types of plants and animals living there. Generate and compare multiple possible solutions to a problem and evaluate the solutions based on how well each meets the criteria and constraints of the problem. Examples of environmental changes could include changes in land use, water availability, temperature, food, and changes caused by other organisms.

“Commented [12]: This could be a fun argument to engage in; should we build houses for people that encroach on an animal or plant’s environment, or should the animals and plants have priority?”

We will need the public who are just as concerned as I am, to push back! PLEASE write to the Board, before Thursday!

And some replies to this post:

Oh that’s absolutely ridiculous. Asking 8 year olds to come up with solutions to environmental problems. You are right, that is absolutely developmentally inappropriate, & clearly agenda driven. So frustrating.

not just [name redacted]’s teacher. Our son’s teacher had them reading articles on climate change. It was about Cow farts and how it is changing the climate! When my son pushed back and asked why they are learning about something that is fake the teacher told him it’s proven science!

An event with the radical Omar from MN in a school where parents and the press weren’t allowed to attend. Sounds mighty fishy if you ask me:

Here is a post from a friend of mine:

COLORADO…to test measuring student GRIT

“The districts worked with education researchers to develop other criteria and ways to measure them consistently over time. Yates said educators thought about the qualities they would want to see in their own children, like grit, perseverance, and the ability to relate well to their peers, and then thought about how to set up school environments that promoted those qualities”

And another post from her:

Colo HB19-1017 experimental Kindergarten-5th grade SEL pilot targeting low income, ethnic families with NO consent? NO opt out. ==>Will be heard this evening (7:00pmish or later) in Senate Veterans Affairs. More info here:

The bill:

And yet another post from her:

This Democrat mom is deeply grateful to the Colo House Republicans who are standing up for parents and children to keep medical decisions between a doctor and a parent, NOT a state agency tracking system.
NO on HB1312

watch begins at 4hr 47min mark.
BigGov and BigPharma hands off Colo kids.

March for Our Lives, AKA Sign Them Up for Their Votes and Take Our Guns Too, now has chapters supposedly founded by Jr. High School students. It’s spreading downward into younger ages:

Here is a post from the Truth for Our Time page:

Iowans, we successfully stalled SF 376 from passing the 2019 Iowa legislative session. Adding Mental Health curriculum or screening to schools not only fulfills the Social Emotional Learning-SEL component collecting data to an infrastructure already in place with Common Core-CCSS, but it is DANGEROUS!
Check out the list of quotes and links gathered by Concerned Texans also fighting it. Read up and share dangers with Iowa legislators as to why this must NEVER happen. This is not about screening or prevention, it about controlling which students are allowed opportunities.

Here is a post from a Utah anti-Common Core group:

I spoke with a child who learned in public school about how if overpopulation is not a problem now, then it will be in the future. This child could not see my point of view because this child has memorized things in school. All the child could see was that, no, I was wrong, because (this is what we memorized in school).

This child goes to a Utah elementary school.

And here are some replies to this post:

5th grade? That is the new science standards for Common Core speaking. I previously was a general ed para and had to sit through it. It was despicable. There is no prompt in the teaching guide to show or discuss the other side. Similarly, global warming is presented as a fact and not a theory.

Let her know what happened in China when the government attempted to stop over-population. They committed infanticide and forced abortions and most of the victims were girl babies because everyone wanted a son. Now they have all these men with very few women to marry or have any families with and the government has finally realized what harm they did the nation and have lifted the strict rules. Just look at the problems our own nation is facing… economics experts are crying for more labor and the result is a flood of immigrants. If we need the labor then it seems to me that making our own is better than importing more immigrants, (whose home countries, btw, are providing the labor for much of the world because they are not controlling their own reproductive capabilities).

This happened long before common core. Parents primed children for going to school and listen to they teacher and learn things. They went to school thinking moms knew everything. They come home believing that mom knows nothing. As they grow they discover the teacher does not know everything either. As the child grows more they begin to inflate their own knowledge and think they know more than parents and teachers. Hence why people joke about teens leaving home while they still know everything.

I met someone in there twenties that thought the same thing. All because they watched some show on TV

And another post from this group:

Good morning! Hopefully I get an answer before I go to the school! I opted my son out of all test minus the required ones for 9th grade! Well he has to me he has been in another room taking paper test?! So my question is if they can’t use the data mining test for grade how can they make my son take another test? I understand he has to do something educational but a test? That will possibly be used against him??

And yet another post from this group:

Canvas is tracking your data. One student’s Freedom of Information Request found that 400,301,000 points of personal data had been compiled. More than he ever imagined. Yet, he couldn’t get an education without allowing it.

This level of individual data collection is part and parcel of UNESCO’s “life-long learning” goals where children are ranked and filed, and their learning is steered in a particular direction all the way through the workforce. We shouldn’t have to give up personal privacy (and agency) to get an education in America. This will lead to us being like China—where we can only operate in the social-credit system as we are allowed by government and its private sector partners.

This high school is thinking of removing a mural of George Washingotn because they think that he might be “offensive” to some of the students:

The California “sex ed” is truly evil!

Here is a post from the Texas anti-testing group:

Can you please explain how the freaking Senate is even thinking of expanding STAAR to kindergarden kids? This is too much!

And some replies to this post:

I knew this was coming even before it was coming. They’ve been pressuring my Kindergartener hard this year. I’m lucky she’s a tough and smart little human but it’s agony for me! It’s utter bullshit!

How can they do this when this “grade” doesn’t count for anything? Literally, they do not traditionally grade Kindergarten.

they do in my small town. Its a hard grade

If this is True I am Frinking pissed off.
This Test. STARR is a joke. Just a way for the big wigs to PAD THEIR POCKETS and Dummy Down. I am so Tired of my kids getting Physically Sick over this test.

WTF?! They need to quit this crap already. If they can’t trust the teachers to do their job and let them do their job so that our kids can actually learn and not focus on a placement test then what’s the point?! It’s taking away from our kids actually learning things and totally stresses them out. My daughter is dyslexic and hasn’t passed the reading portion yet. They made her take summer school because of it when I would have rather had her work with someone with a PhD that specializes in dyslexia to really help her during that time and still let her enjoy her summer doing a summer camp. I absolutely HATE STAAR!!

This is freaking STUPID! Our son is in 5th grade. In the 2 weeks leading up to his freaking tests, he had an upset stomach EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. & he threw up at least 5-6 times.
Children should NOT be stressed out like this…especially over a freaking TEST!

my daughter is taking it for the 1st time this year and she’s been having them too

That is HORRIBLE! I’m sorry you have a little one dealing with it, too.
This is the last year any of my kids will take this test. I already have an advocate on standby & will be filling out whatever paperwork is needed. I am done.

yes they have even told her if she don’t pass it she can’t go to the 4th grade smdh like it’s all about this test than anything

My son has a long term sub for one of his teachers. This 🤬 told him that if he didn’t pass the test that it means he is uneducated…RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE CLASS!

If you voted for Dan Patrick…go look at yourself in the mirror for who to blame for this insanity.

So obviously I have no children in school in Texas but what does Dan Patrick have to do with STAAR Testing?..Is that something he promoted?

He appointed Mike Morath, a man with no experience in the classroom and with no kids, to run the TEA. And he’s completely cluelss about education or the needs of children. We wouldn’t let him babysit a child – he has no business anywhere near our education system.

Yes, Mike “Hell or High Water the STAAR Must Go On” Morath was appointed TEA Commissioner by Dan “The Conman“ Patrick for one reason and one reason only; the privatization of Public Education through the STAAR test being weaponized towards this goal.

Many of us have been emailing calling writing letters and some even testifying for many years regarding these assessments. It is sickening to know that all of the testimony from experts, parents, teachers and even students went on deaf ears during the legislative sessions in March. These clowns are not representing us. They are here to be the representative of us the people and they have not done that. I’ve already pulled one child from public school and I’m homeschooling with great success. I almost think that that’s what I should be advocating for. If more of us pull out of public school maybe then we would get their attention. I am disgusted on So many levels.

My daughter is in kindergarten. They don’t start taking STAAR until 3rd grade. Even she has been stressed out about the stupid thing, which makes me wonder what the hell they are telling her.

Here is a post from a Nevada anti-Common Core group:

Help! I just got a call from the school principal stating it is mandatory this year and cannot opt out as we have all past years. My son knows not to take it and is probably just sitting there and I’m tempted to go pull him out for the day. I can’t find anywhere that this is mandatory. Thanks

And some replies to this post:

Is your child at a charter school? From what I understand they can disenroll your child if you refuse the test. My kids school let my son opt out this year but they said next year there will be no opt outs allowed

It is a charter school- I’ve emailed the director and board chairperson. Printed and sent the opt out form from CCSD. There was a letter sent stating those that don’t participate won’t be allowed to participate in school activities, sports and field trips but that’s all.

At the charter school or my kids are they said the board is going to vote to require all students to take the testing or automatically be disenrolled from the school. I don’t understand why it’s such an issue to opt out at the charter school when CCSD allows it with no problems. I asked them to make alternate arrangements for my son this week. But he told me that all he’s been doing is sitting in the office reading books by himself

Yeah my son did that last year. This year a letter went out in the fall stating they have made it mandatory and they cannot opt out this year like in the past. The letter doesn’t state anything about disenrolling just that they will be taken out of school activities which is fine. The principal was nice enough to give me the dates/times of the testing and said I could pull him out during that time. I just don’t like feeling bullied into something like this.

I’m going to guess that your charter school has the same management company as the charter school that my kids go to. I think the management company is behind the testing requirement. I haven’t seen anything in writing for next year and I’ll be curious to see what they send out at the beginning of the year regarding testing. I’ll have two that will “need” to take it next year and if I have to pull them out put them in CCSD, I guess that’s what I’ll have to do

Privatization (charters) is fueled by grading schools on test scores. Charters have their own rules because they are not true public schools. Hence, they can force kids to test while public school kids can opt out.

I don’t know about Charter schools, but my son is in Clark County, and I can and did opt out. And yes, in writing, where is the statute or rule they are utilizing. How annoying they are with their bs! And if you are opposed, yes, keep him home for testing and make up testing…write a sick note.

He’s never taken it, in the past they pull him and the handful of others that opt out and they sit in another class or go to the library. Last year he was the only one and got to hang in the front office. But this year they are stating it is now mandatory and he has to take it but in searching I don’t see anywhere that it is.

my son has never taken it. I don’t leave him in school though, every single year I pull him. This year the test was from 9-11 the entire week, so I just dropped him at 11. I think they are calling your bluff, frankly.

exactly! My daughters principal tried to intimidate into having her take it and told the school that I decide what tests my kids take – period! She didn’t take the test

yea I’ve been approached in my car before as I waited for school to be over, all kinds of bologna to convince me. Silliness, I said no, I mean it, have a great day lol. In my situation, the principal of my son’s elementary school moved to his now middle school, and has finally accepted I won’t budge, so she backed off completely.

[name redacted]

and myself have opted out in years past at same charter. We saw that letter back in October and I posted on here. Because it’s a charter they can “make their own rules” at this point. John Eppolito was trying to help us with this to no avail. Basically, either our kids take the test this year at said charter, we pull them out, or they face disciplinary action up to suspension. (In addition to missing field trips, parties, academic placement next year and everything else they wrote into the charter this year. Me and [name redacted] did not have enough other parents supporting us to stand up and make a difference so nothing happened when we tried. There were very few of us raising hell.

Me and [name redacted] also wrote to board members ALL of them, Mr. Barlow, our Principal, AP, we wrote to everyone…. didn’t matter.

It affects their star rating and that’s really all that matters right now. That is the whole driving force behind it.

has said disciplinary action ever happened? Or do you think these are scare tactics?

new policy this year, but they are not playing around this year. They told me that if my children refused to take the test that they would be cited for insubordination immediately and I would be called to discuss the “punishment”

My son stayed home during the test today and will again next week. They did make him take the first part yesterday but he said the fill in parts he left blank and didn’t even read the questions just kept clicking the first option on the multiple choice. ???? hopefully it doesn’t bite us in the ass later. I told him the next couple weeks if they try to force him to finish to call me and I’ll come stop it.

My blood is boiling, forced to take an unnecessary test.

We had a bill, AB312, this session that would have added an opt-out of SBAC testing to NV law. We added as an amendment to AB312: “Parents or guardians may annually submit a written request to the school to excuse their child from any or all parts of the SBAC, and any standardized test, for the school year.” The Chairman of the Assembly Education Committee, Tyrone Thompson, would not even hear the bill. You could email and or call him,, 702-561-7976.

I am absolutely appalled about what’s going on with the CC testing. I admit I wasn’t fully aware until yesterday/today, but when my son hit the 3rd grade (now in 7th) I was informed and have refused this test from the start. But now after so much searching this is absolutely horrible and I can’t believe the school district, administration and state government can allow this. And why don’t more parents know about it? I’m tempted to find/make flyers to hand out to parents in the parking lot. I can’t believe I’m the only parent fighting this and asking the office when I took my son to school today, I’m the only one! Horrible.

people don’t know they can/could just say no. They are not informed. I feel for you, I’m not sure what I would do at this point other than try contacting legal aid to see what an attorney thinks.

Here is a post from a South Carolina anti-Common Core group:

Data Miners of the SC House


Here is a post from the Common Core Diva:

Warriors, a whopper sized article, jam packed with more evidence proving the workforce shift in education is not only global, but deeply rooted in US laws. It is CCSS, CTE, CBE, and STEM in 2019, but what was it in 1948?
Find out!!

Here is a post from Shannon Joy:

Education Industrial Complex ———>

‘But the truth is I will not miss what education has become. A soulless industrial education complex where admin cares more about the test scores than their faculty or students.’

And here are the comments to this article:

Absolutely heartbreaking. When I think back on the teachers I had in the 70’s and 80’s, teachers who were in the profession for 30 or 40 years and still loved it, I can’t believe that it has come to this. I’ve read probably a dozen stories like this just in the past six month alone. Young teachers go into the classroom and leave three, four, five years later to do something else. It has become a revolving door profession with such a high burnout and turnover rate that in 20 years there will be NO teachers left with years of experience, only rookies and tens of thousands of substitute teachers that drift from place to place. The testing treadmill they have these people on is failing our kids. The violence in the classroom is unacceptable. Unfortunately, the level of parenting has gone way downhill, too, and lack of good parenting has just made their jobs even harder. My son had a math teacher who sometimes would have bad days where he would scream at kids without meaning to, sometimes my son would see him in his office, just sitting and staring at the wall. He had a massive heart attack in the classroom one day (luckily my son was in another class) and he did survive, but he sent a letter to the principal from the hospital. “I’m never coming back.” It’s sad that it has come to this. Our educational system, and society in general, is in a downward spiral that seemingly has no end. We have been losing ground in science, technology, manufacturing, medicine to other countries for decades. I don’t see it getting better any time soon.

many years ago (58/59} I had a history teacher who taught American history without a text book. instead we read the documents of the founding fathers. so instead of learning dates we were discussing motives, objectives and the reasoning behind the formation of a new government. our final exam was written on the black board and we were handed a college theme book to complete it. the only statement on that board was tell me everything you learned in this class. we were allowed one blank piece of paper to make an outline to follow in our theises. for two hours I wrote everything I could pull out of my brain. this teacher had to go home and read everyone of these long essays. the next semester I was put in a standard history class where you memorized nothing but dates and events. changed my entire schedule so that I could get back with a teacher that made us think and participate. we had the standard test that we had to pass per the u.s. government. that entire test was written on the board with all the answers and he told us to memorize that and we would pass that test. then we went on to learn real history. my history teacher had a doctorate in history and had been teaching in colleges when he was recruited by my high school for more money. you will not find that kind of teaching in high schools anymore. in fact I do not know what they are teaching the kids when I see some of the things that my grand children bring home. it seems as though they are spending all their time teaching what will be on some standardized test.

I am in total agreement with Jonathan. Having taught for 33 years, and now retired, I can vouch for all he has written. Counselors and administrators in our building bowed to the parents and students. Teachers were mere babysitters. Having won an educator of the year award in the part of the state I taught in, was gratifying, but I constantly was concerned that my students were taught to pass the state mandates but could not be given the time to be neither creative nor challenged in the process. Teachers were evaluated on state test score mandates rather than their true effectiveness in the classroom. I was lucky enough to have three different successful careers in my life – but the one career I cherished most, teaching, was the one that outside manipulations affected my success. I miss the kids but not everything else that clouded my effectiveness in the classroom.

I retired in 2014 after a 35 year teaching career in public high school. I have many pleasant memories of teaching, but not in the last years of my career. Huge class sizes, no voice in special education inclusion (discipline them like regular kids and then, no, they have an IEP), and discipline issues caused tremendous stress in my life. During my last year, I was hanging on by a thread. I took a two week medical five weeks before school was out. I returned for the last three weeks of school and was finally done. I do stay in touch with former students (I coached cheer and dance team) and still love them, but in the end the profession almost destroyed my mental health.

My husband and I have taught in the LA area for over 35 years, and I can’t begin to tell you how toxic the profession has become! Principals will little teaching experience who think they have all the answers and don’t; PBIS programs that take away any consequence for a student’s poor behavior and often rewards them;district employees who pressure us with one program after another; low pay;clueless parents who can’t raise their offspring;being told not to question at trainings; zero money for supplies, etc……….The list goes on. So why do I teach? I love kids and really believe my influence makes a difference. I still feel it is a calling and a noble profession. Good luck to you, sir. Thank you for your decades of service. I’m sure your kids will miss you (and they are the ones who count!?

My daughter graduated from Bowling Green University in Ohio in 2004. She came home after attending a job fair and said that she had accepted a job as a middle school math and social studies teacher with Lee county schools in Florida. She was excited because she had always wanted to live by the ocean and this was her opportunity to teach and live where she wanted.

The dream faded quickly as reality of teaching today set in. She expressed the same sentiments as the man in this article. She got tired of teaching to tests. Of administrators tying their hands on what they could and couldn’t teach or do. She had to buy the classroom supplies that she needed. She had to do other administrative tasks that were not related to teaching and that took away from the time that she had to teach. She said there were students that had been held back several years that were much bigger physically than their classmates and there were fights in her class room or in the halls. She tried to break up on altercation in the hall and had her glasses broken. During another altercation she was thrown against a wall and observed a male teacher who was watching from the door of his classroom without getting involved.

When the economy tanked in 2008 she was let go. She found other employment and worked her way up through the ranks of the company that she currently works for. She likes her current job and they are paying for her to complete her masters. She said that she didn’t get an education to become a bouncer.

After 30 years, I left the profession as well, mostly due to the poor administrators that are hired that have no clue how to respect staff, stand up to parents, handle and discipline students, Teacher’s hands are so tied that they can’t teach necessary skills and knowledge. It’s all test, test, test. The pay is not up to par with the cost of living. It was nothing for me to put in 60-70 hrs a week without one ounce of extra pay or compensation whatsoever. I also didn’t go to college and take the hundreds of courses required by districts to be a certified babysitter which is pretty much what education has come down to. I still have a passion to teach but I have to live and survive and teaching no longer affords that. The mental toll it takes having to deal with all the politics and restrictions of educating kids is horrendous. I actually ended up with some PTSD due to the abuse from admin and parents over the 30 years. I never worried about gunmen invading my schools when I was teaching (I retired 4 years ago) because people valued life then and society didn’t allow all this type of craziness that goes on today. Teachers are leaving the profession in droves and no one can blame them. They aren’t paid well and they aren’t revered or respected the way they used to be. The dummying down of education has been going on for quite some time now.

I retired from 34 years of teaching and was very concerned about the future of education in 2003. Mandates were in full swing and teachers were losing their freedom to be creative and instead being changed into teachers instructing students on how to take tests while sacrificing problem solving, vocational education, the arts, creative thinking, and individuality.
Accountability was the reason given for the new direction.
The new product was dumbed down students who might not challenge authoritarian politicians.
Test makers, test scorers, coaching book publishers, and remedial companies scored big profits.
Lost were goals of guiding kids to be life long learners and stifled was curiosity to discover.
A chronic shortage of teachers resulted as people left the profession and fewer people chose to enter the teaching occupation.
Children are our future and that future should not be jeopardized by self serving policy makers who do not realize the damage they are doing to our future for a few pieces of silver and power over others.

Very powerful, and as a parent with a high school and middle school child, it seems spot on here in New Jersey as well. Good luck sir, I wish you well in the future. Thanks you for your efforts.

I taught at a Community College for 17 years and saw the change in the students coming into my classes from HS. When I left the profession I could look out over my classroom and see the end of civilization as we know it.

I’m in my school district with 3 years left. I can’t wait to retire because every word written here in the article and the comments is true. Everything is dictated by test scores, one test after the other. I try to make a difference if not academically at times, but emotional, social, discipline, love and kindness. Our schools in my district are ranked by stars. I am at a 1 star school. The state has stepped in to make changes starting with admin. to all the way down to what makes up the rest of school staff. The education system in this country is a mess. What used to be taught at home, (discipline, respect, manners etc…), is now being taught at school. We now teach SEL which is social/emotional learning. What a mess…

Tragic but true. After teaching for 25years plus and continuing to be passionate about learning and teaching….I think I may follow his lead. Breaks my heart to say it, but it’s overwhelmingly stressful and demanding.

I am a retired teacher. I loved teaching, but the last few years of being in the classroom, I started to see the changes…changes that have only gotten worse. Teachers are overburdened with data keeping and testing, plus the need to be on the same page at the same time every day as every other teacher. There is no room for creativity or enrichment or to be able to make your classroom unique and special. Curriculums are being developed by “experts” who have never spent a day in the classroom.That happened in NY with the disaster called Common Core. Years ago the only options women pretty much had for a career was to become a nurse, secretary….or teacher! In today’s world they can go into the private sector and make twice as much money and go home at night without a pile of papers to correct and lesson plans to prepare for the next day. I have spoken to many former colleagues who, if they had the choice, would not be in the classroom today. But they are at the stage in their careers where it would not be feasible, financially or otherwise, to pursue a different career. So they go to school every day, looking towards the day they turn 55 and can retire. The passion (or respect) are just no longer there for so many of them.

High paid administrators are forever seeking ways to make themselves look good and preserve their positions. And most of the grunt work to make them look good is forced on to the backs of teachers.

This is heartbreaking. My daughter went to college to get her degree to teach AP classes at high school level and by the time she was done had heard so many horror stories about teaching that she changed her mind. She is passionate about writing and inspiring people through writing but I guess there are too many negatives for it to happen now. And this article is just scary.

I quit teaching a long time ago when I no longer could use creative methods to teach but had to “follow the book” method. I spent many hours preparing for my classes so the children could learn to love school, be inspired by what they were learning but all the school wants is “pass the tests” type of teaching. I am glad I am no longer in the schools where I would now have to worry about drugs and gun control, lock down drills. I feel sorry for anyone that goes into the education profession now as they are not allowed to be teachers but be social workers and police.

I truly understand his disdain and frustration. I was a very active father to my two sons scholastic careers. We were at school two or three time per week volunteering. I chaperoned on every field trip. However, and I hate to keep harping on this, one year we had 600 kids enrolled on the first day of school. By the end of the following week there were 800 kids enrolled in that school. The influx was from immigrant families. All our system requires is an utility bill with an address in that schools zone to enroll your child. We were hit with an influx of Hispanic families that migrated to our area, haven’t paid taxes to support the school system and were now creating a burden like no other. The school had to start implementing bringing trailer classrooms in, hiring more teachers and staff and producing more lunches for the added children. Then once settled, these families learned that with the right papers filled out, the school would feed their children breakfast and lunch for free. Now as they get older, they get more disrespectful, more angry and more violent toward the school staff and the staff are allowed to take very little action. I feel Mr. Carrolls pain and wish him the best in life and to enjoy the added time with his family. He deserves it without a doubt.

My wife is leaving teaching this year as well. She is leaving 10 years before retirement age. Things have gotten too stressful with programmed requirements and disrespectful students and parents. Its a loss because her kiddos post some of the highest growth in the district year over year.

We as Americans are to blame for this sad situation. I believe it is important to recognize that education starts at home with mother and father.

I was treated horribly by the administration when I taught. It wasn’t the children but the administrators and the constant testing. It became like the show survivor. Education is losing great teacher. Now they are arming teachers which I see as an impending disaster, as if teachers don’t have enough to worry about.

A college degree is far more expensive today and far less as valuable as it was decades ago. Governments involvement (government backed student loans) has enabled universities to raise prices to extraordinary levels. Today, more than ever, HS graduates are more likely to be better off without the financial burdens of furthering their education.

And here are some posts on Shannon Joy’s page in response to this article:

The comments to the article are heartbreaking as teacher after teacher affirms his points. They complain that the parents are a huge part of the problem . . . yet I bet 99%+ of those parents are products of the same system.

As a teacher with better than 16 years in classroom experience and another 15 working as a SEIT and providing home instruction to students through high school, I wholeheartedly agree. Education has been seriously damaged by tests and a test-driven curriculum.

As a former public school teacher, who now homeschools her own children, I can say I have never looked back at my decision to leave public education.

And I am retired. I was so tired of the testing culture, the behaviors and violence that we were supposed to deal with on our own, the administration who only want to add a feather to their cap. I miss the kids and my colleagues but not school.

I was a teacher for 26 years, one year in Utah and 25 years in Missouri.
I admire the perseverance of teachers and what they have to go through. I am amazed that teachers stay in the profession as long as they do.
It also amazes me that parents leave their children in the public school system as long as they do, particularly parents that are aware of what education has become. Granted, some states are much worse that others, and there are schools in each state that is worse than others But all of public education is all heading in the same direction.
The man that wrote this article has a pretty good handle of what education has become, both from as educators point of view and how education affecting students.

Here is a post from the Christian Law Association page:

We stand with families. Please pray for our legal team assisting a mother who was denied government benefits for her child because of her choice to home-school.


Here is a post from an anti-Common Core group:

“Across the country, kindergartners are being told what to do and how to do it, every single step along the way, all day long. They play less and study more than they did 20 years ago. This is what kindergarten has become, and it’s not a good thing.”

And some more posts from this group:

One of the big issues confronting us today is the Baby Common Core. “We must stand for the rebuilding of the American family, guard our rights as parents and protect the hearts and minds of our children.” Minnesota, Washington and Oregon top the list! Monthly government home visits delivered prenatally to child’s 3rd or 4th birthday (weekly visits prenatally – 6 months).

Wow!!!! This is crazy. A violation of so many of our rights and liberties

Yes, I write about this in my WAPIE blog. Sad state of affairs in Washington State.

Now we have a WA State Gov’t takeover of early learning as independent daycare centers go out of business or get shut down by the state. They even get harassed by the Department for Early Learning which combined with CPS and morphed into the new Dept of Children, Youth, and Families.

Yes, it is the same in every state. The fed-led QRIS system put it all in place. It’s an Anti-trust violation. A lawsuit is in order and there may be one coming out of MN.

Here is a post that was shared in a Minnesota anti-Common Core group:

May 8, 2019
Gary Thompson, Psy.D.
Early Life Child Psychology
12397 S. 300 E. #100
Draper, Utah 84020

Utah State Board of Education

RE: Ethical Concerns With Psychological Experimentation On Children Via On-Line Testing

Dear Honorable Board Members:

As a mental health professional, I wish to point out a rather dangerous and unethical situation regarding a testing and assessment situation involving a teenager in a Utah public school. This situation was brought to my attention on a professional level by a very concerned, and livid parent.

For the past two years, it has been the policy of Early Life Psychology to not participate in highly divisive educational political or policy matters in the State of Utah. However, we reserve the right to reach out to State Board members if a matter of severe ethical concern is brought to our attention. This matter is one where it could adversely affect our child client population.

Per my records, 16-year-old student “John Doe,” a straight-A student, studied hard for a health class quiz that was administered via Utah’s controversial computer testing system and policy.

After the computer-administered the first question, the student realized that the health subject matter being tested was not remotely anything correlated with what he studied. The student experienced severe anxiety over the thought that he was going to flunk this critical quiz.

At some point of time unknown to this author, the student, after taking the quiz and attempting to contact testing administrators, received an automated email from the test center (attached) which stated, in part, the following:

“It’s okay to tell you now that quiz 1.1 will not count toward your grade. In fact, you should consider it an object lesson. It was designed to induce a stress response by being difficult (i.e., covering topics that you are not expected to know) being timed, and by implying that this course is going to be ridiculously hard. Yes, it was a little mean. Please forgive us. All we hoped to do was help you identify what happens to your body and mind when you experience stress.”

In a State with one of the highest youth suicide rates in the nation, I hope that the Board will agree with our psychology clinic, that performing psychological experimentations on teens, designed to INCREASE stress and anxiety in an already stressful situation, is highly unethical at best, and utterly insane at worst.

During my run for State Board over two years ago, I often stated that the possibility of this type of scenario occurring would be my worse nightmare as both a Doctor and a parent of a child with a diagnosed, severe anxiety disorder. We will continue to strive to point out issues of grave concern to the Board, as well as treat the children who are adversely affected by educational policies.

We hope that the Board will recognize their role as protectors of my children, as well as the children of the thousands of parents who have brought their children for treatment by our staff.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I’ve been very impressed with this Board’s performance and professionalism these past two years. I wish you all the best of luck and continued success. The parents at issue in this letter have been “blind ‘cc’ed”. If they wish to correct the situation or reach out to you, the responsibility will be on them.

Gary Thompson, Psy.D.

And here are the replies to this post:

I’m really angry today, with the power the state has over our children and the damage they can do to just one of them.

Oh the stories I could tell you on what they get to do to our special education kiddos 😥

Yeah, weird, since this “induced stress” happens all across the country, most likely every single day, with kids k-12. It really needs to stop but this was even more bizarre with the admission that they knew they were causing stress. Malpractice, at the very least

within a reasonable degree of scientific certainty, it has been clear to me and many other doctoral level scholars that Utah’s test providers have been performing psychological evaluations/data gathering on millions of Utah children for the past 5-6 years.
….but that ship sailed a long time ago, and I have ZERO interest in getting involved with this crap again on a formal or informal professional or personal level.
My kid is out of the system. I did my due dilligence by informing the Board of these findings.
I sleep well at night.

Yes, my son had his stress-inducing assignment in wellness class! He immediately saw through it, but the kids hadn’t been taught stress-relieving techniques before this point.

Is this about teaching Grit as explained in the document provided by the feds

Click to access OET-Draft-Grit-Report-2-17-13.pdf

Competency based Ed will also test before a child has learned the material too. Similar problems have been reported when high achievers are tested on material they never learned.

Why on earth is it their business on how a child handles stress? Shouldn’t that be left to professionals? 😩😡

Professional students, perhaps, researching for their academic creds. I’m convinced the educational establishment is all about their own career advancement and not at all about the building up of children.

Schools are mental health experiments now. I can’t speak for all schools but I would guess that not many have good clinical work happening. I know in Iron County we have actual clinical therapist in the schools and that is good.

This is horrific but not surprising to me. I was the oh so unlucky kid who was “selected” for being “gifted” and got to take act, sat, and other standardized testing early in 7th or 8th grade as part of an experiment in the school district I attended in Alaska. It was supposed to be an honor but mostly it made my perfectionistic and anxiety ridden self throw up in the bathroom before and after the test. Then I got to be a sample class in 9th grade to try out the new high school qualifying exam they instituted. I passed thankfully but they later acknowledged that it was too hard for even the legislators to pass so they made it easier. Schools everywhere seem to think it is okay to test kids into Oblivion and stress them out for their own experiments.

So now our kids are lab rats?

Every public school child in the nation has been one for the past 6 years. Sorry.

i think it’s been a lot longer than that, just not to the extreme it is now. Anyone else remember “new math”, passing every studentvror thwir self esteem, adjustments to grading scales..up and down, and of coyrse the slow erosion of the arts in public schools? This spans many, many years and just keeps getting worse.

I am fighting right this very minute to get my 18 yo with severe anxiety to pass a class in the same asinine computer system
She was at 86% at one time and the next time she signed in, the system had reset her progress to 13%
Tests are proctored but only 1 or 2 faculty members are proctors and they are never available
Multiple choice questions have no “correct” answer, just a “least incorrect” answer but since it was a math class, close enough is not good enough.
Administration doesn’t care and student is getting nervous

Purposefully creating mental/emotional stress in a child is a form of abuse. The unit is titled, “Coping with Stress and Loss.” I find it concerning what they will do to the children to create loss in order to “study” it. When I was in school we learned about these types of experiments and the people who performed them on others; they were called Nazis.

My kids have asked “Why can’t we just take the test? My teacher said it can’t hurt us!” I really wish that were true.
Thank you for sharing this. Thanks for always sharing and educating us. I wish more would listen.

You are welcome. I’ve received close to 50 additional serious notifications from parents over the past two years. I’ve responded to one (this one).

Parents must wake up on their own, and become the resident experts of their own children. I’ve spent many hours in my own personal therapy over the course of the past two years dealing with my past unrealistic goal of saving every kid in this state and helping every parent who needs assistance.
Not healthy. Not possible.
“Parents are, and must always be, the resident experts of their own children.”

Read about this psychological testing years ago when studying the new Common Core curriculum coming to my state. Found all my information on our federal government’s website. It terrified me then that they thought this was their responsibility to monitor stress responses in our children and deem themselves worthy and qualified to psychologically test our children. It is sad to see it actually coming to fruition.

“All we hoped to do was help you identify what happens to your body and mind when you experience stress.”
By their own definitions in the screenshot, this statement is patently false. What they did was not to help these students experience “stress”, but “distress”.
Intentionally causing distress in an area with a high suicide rate.
How asinine is that?
I can only hope it wasn’t done at Herriman High, which has had quite a rash of suicides in the last year and a half.

This test is available to thousands of teenagers living in the Herriman Utah area. Sorry.

Bravo gary lets hope they will listen to professional like you. Very sad john doe suffered. Anxiety. My daughter developed same but did not test but it was common core curriculum itself. She was very diligent straight A student that became desengaged from her love of learning and became suicidal so i too pull her out and home school. Her mental health was a priority and doing so much better.we wished that our districthadnt adopted CC. I am shocked as their professionals turned blind eye butcagwin its all about mone y not the student . hank you Gary for your assessment and hope john doe have gotten relief from these dangerous standards.

Take a look at the USDOE report on “Grit, Tenacity and Perseverance” Put Out in 2013. It will really make you sick.

I read it 6 years ago. Met with local State politicians and education policy makers to express my concerns regarding ethics of some of the proposed practices.
Nobody cared then. Nobody cares now.

I see Instructure’s name in URL. Is this an assessment through Canvas LMS? FYI: Richard Culatta mentioned Canvas as being the 1st LMS to integrate with the Federal Learning Registry, which I understand to be a joint student data gathering project between the Dept of Defense and the Dept of Ed. JaKell, tagging you so that you see Gary’s post tied to “Instructure [software developer of Canvas] adopted the SIF open-source standard that has been championed by Bill Gates and Microsoft as a digital nervous system for schools.”

Yep. Canvas was an early adopter of common data standards through, and according to, IMS Global. The other piece of this equation, as many of us have been asking for years, is with whom is my child’s personal psychological information (data) being shared now that online curriculum, assessment and learning management system data systems are interoperable?
Behavioral data is the new gold for investors.

and most parents are unaware of what is going on, or they just don’t give a darn.

Here is a post from a New York anti-testing group:

When will it end??? They are now starting kids in 2nd Grade practicing for these tests??? (Different district).


Here is a post from a Texas anti-Common Core group:

The Texas senate has voted to INCREASE testing. They would add writing to grades 3,5, 6, and 8, and a reading readiness test to KINDERGARTEN! If you don’t want this to happen, you need to call your state senator and state representative and tell them that you want any additional testing removed from the school finance bill and any other bill it may be placed on. This is going to happen if Texans don’t speak up.

Let’s hope that this Illinois bill doesn’t open the door to a growth in the victimhood mentality permeating our culture:

Here is a post from the Utah anti-Common Core group:

Found out my kids were doing the Rise testing! I opted them out and the school is telling me they have no record. I found the email with their confirmation of receiving it !!! 2 days of testing here we’ve tried to keep them out of it and right under my nose their school did this! I kept them home today but still 2 days I’m furious

And here are the replies to this post:

They did the same to me.

I hear this same story all the time. They can’t afford to opt them out… there’s too much of an incentive for them. They will keep deceiving parents.

ou can go in and complain but if they purposefully or accidentally got rid of the info they will just say, oh sorry we didn’t know and go on their way. They don’t care.

document document document… and let em know youre doing it

I forwarded all of them their email confirming they received the forms. I hate this school. We always homeschooled I’m sad I had to put them into it this garbage

They said my wasn’t received too. We are painting, so I can’t get in my office to look for the returned copy. Luckily, I found out the day before so I went in that morning and filled out another form.

My daughter’s school said they hadn’t received ours either. Furious.

I repeatedly talk to my kids to let them know they are not to take any test, practice test, assessment, survey that isn’t a test created by their teacher for that specific class. I also talk about the names of tests (i.e. Sage, Aspire ACT, Rise, SHARP, etc.) so they are familiar with them. I’ve had my children call me on multiple occasions from the school office questioning if they should participate in different tests or surveys. It has saved us a few times over the years from this same situation. Make your children the watchdogs, they do a great job.

I told my daughters the same thing. I also told them that if they got pressured into filling out a form or taking a test, to make stuff up. It saved us a few times until the school got it that they were not to be tested.

It’s constant. I swear they do it on purpose. Mine were opted out and were forced into taking practice tests, even after I had spoken with the teacher and my daughter had told them she was opted out. Ive dealt with it Every. Single. Year.

they have done this too.

I’d go in and ask all of their info to be deleted from the RISE system. You did not give permission for them to submit it to RISE so I’d demand it be deleted or threaten to sue for a breach of information…I’d also try and teach the kids that they should NEVER take ANY tests on the computer, and if their teachers insist, to ask to be excused to go to the office to call you …that’s a breach of trust and shows you that while your kids are at school, the school can do whatever they want with and to your kids… ??

oh good I am going to demean they delete them! Ticks me off tried so hard to keep them out of it and they are in it now!!!

I would like to know if you can have their info deleted too?? I opted out but my son was given practice tests and also started the English test because the teacher wasn’t aware of the opt out.

Same to me. Except after the second time, as the “educational activity” they were suppose to give my daughter, they gave her ANOTHER opt out rise assessment, I think from the previous year ????
I’m currently getting written documentation from the faculty and administrators. Be sure and ask your kids to tell you if this is happening. Had my daughter not told me, and gatherers all the login in info so I could pull it all up in it computer at home and get documentation, I would have never known or been able to confront the school.
Talk to your kids and have a plan!!

My daughter got sent to the principle’s office yesterday. She was opted out of Rise and the teacher said she had to take another assessment test.
She told him that she did not but she was happy to read a book. He told her she was misinformed and to take the test. She asked to call me. He refused to let her call me and sent her to the principle. The lady in the office also wouldn’t let her call me. Thankfully, she had her phone and sent me a text. Which she got in trouble for, too.
She, of course, was bawling when I got there but I’m so proud of her and told the principle how proud I was of her!
The principle insists that she has to take the alternative test for which I replied. Then I’ll check her out everyday. Text me her testing schedule so I can get her back in time for her regular classes.
Ugh! What a nightmare!

Lisa and the others that have been trying to fight this, want all of us to report every issue like this because the other state school board members don’t believe this is a problem, so they are trying to document it…sadly, we are losing both Lisa Cummins and Alisa Ellis – two of our biggest advocates against CC and the ESSA and all that comes with it including the SAGE/RISE test- they both are moving out of state and are resigning in June- but this hotline has been set up to document ALL issues parents and grandparents are having with schools and LEAs when it comes to all of the ESSA mandates forced upon our state by the original school board signing on the dotted line to be beholden to the Federal Government

Last year they gave me a form and I didn’t watch the dates very carefully. They gave me a form with last years dates and then informed me that my kid had to take the test because it was too late–the form had to be signed by a certain date.
Michelle Boulter to the rescue–she called and told the school that we didn’t have to take it.
I didn’t reenroll my kid there. I don’t like sleezy. We online homeschool for one now and “Good and the Beautiful” for the older one.
I think third grade they took the test for her. The librarian says she took it and had a grade. I took her to lunch during the test so I know she wasn’t there. She has been instructed to do things like purposely get all the questions wrong, just fill in bubbles and say she is done if they got sneaky. They can’t complain to me that she isn’t participating because they knew I opted out.

which school was this?
Just curious.

They went to Escalante Valley Elementary School at Beryl Junction.

this happened to me as well last school year. I went back to homeschooling this year.

I can tell you for a fact that kids do this because THIS MUCH TESTING IS NOT AGE APPROPRIATE!!! Nobody has to tell them to bubble in any old answer. They all do it whether clicking answers on a computer or bubbling in sheets…I made a personal study of this after “retiring”… went back as a staff orchestra teacher early mornings. Had all day to go sit at the huge MAC SCREENS and look busy while watching kids test. Several hours. Several days throughout year end testing. Made me remember that a UTAH STATE READING SPECIALIST who taught a course in teaching methods told us this: He had spent the whole previous year travelling all over the U. S. with the mission of finding a valid reading test. His conclusion? There IS NONE….I concluded the same thing! There were kids talking about recess and strategies for getting first dibs on the equipment to play with to continue their records of playground games. Teachers do not catch all this. When the teacher DOES spot them talking they quickly started clicking one question after another just to get done and out to recess. They didn’t even read the questions. I could go on and on. Just how valid IS all this testing if the kids themselves decide to flake out. Simply because THEY ARE KIDS!!!

That is going against our Constitutional rights. Common Core is a brunt for our innocent children to progress without Government control. I am against Common as it doesn’t deliver a sound enough education for our kids. Personalized education seems the method of educational success. Getting back to the roots.

After I have a copy of the opt out. I made a copy and kept it inside my kid’s backpack. One substitute teacher didn’t care and asked my son to write an essay because he didn’t take the test. Sent an e-mail to the teacher copy to the Principal. Because of that I bought a cellphone for my 14 years old boy and now he text me if he has any situation like that again. With my daughter her teacher was intimidating her to come to class even if she didn’t take the test. I decided to have my daughter at home for those days of RiSE test.

This year I had to opt my kids out 3 time!!! 3 kids each needing to be opted out separately…3 Times! I was so mad. But I also knew I would fill it out a hundred times if they made me just to get them opted out of that stupid government test!

If I have opted out of the Rise is that the same as the Utah Composed?

Utah Compose is another computer system they use to practice writing essays, but many kids have learned to game the system and literally write garabage and get As on their essays in Utah Compose because it’s computer algorithms that are evaluating them- it’s best if a real human reads and evaluates their essays

I give a copy to the school, I keep one on my child and I keep one for myself. When the school says something to my kid( which they never do) he’s supposed to show them the opt out letter and have them contact me and he knows not to do anything he knows I’m not okay with.

This teacher in Nellie Muir Elementary School in Woodburn, Oregon appears to have led a boy to believe that he was transgender:

Here is a post from Shannon Joy:

“That’s one aspect sexualizing children under the guise of protecting them,” he added.

Here is a post from my friend Cheri Kiesecker:

Leap Innovation, a nonprofit promoting edtech and personalized learning, supported by Silicon Valley (biggest investor is Chan Zuckerberg) — is trying to derail a privacy bill in Illinois. Don’t let them.


And another post from her:

What do Tom Vander Ark (personalized learning, Algorithms), Laura Slover (PARCC), Michael Crow (ASU, Disrupting education) former Colo Gov Bill Ritter, former NC Gov Beverly Perdue have in common? Public Private Partnerships. ==>This group just keeps growing. RIDGELANE

And some replies to this post:

Just getting ready to put them in the slide deck for my talk.

Will your talk be recorded?

I think so.

That would be awesome! After our session is over, I’m going to turn my attentions to our HuCAPs in MN. They’re trading our kids and I want to understand more.

And yet another post from her:

In America we have freedom of speech…sometimes. Unless it’s a Colorado townhall where High School security staff apparently throw you to the ground? (The woman reportedly was taken to the hospital?) Regardless of sides/issues, we must do better. This is not acceptable.

And yet another post from her:

Knowledgeworks pushing CBE and new grading scale…

Here is a post from a Nevada anti-Common Core group:

I will be there tomorrow to testify against SB319 as written; because, these psychological assessments/tests should NOT be done without prior parental consent.
Once these psychological tests are done records are kept, again without parental knowledge or consent.
These records will be stored in at least two places forever.
We do not know how these records will affect the future of students.

Nevada Families For Freedom
May 7 at 8:47 AM
Oppose SB319:
Gives School Psychologists and Social Workers Unprecedented Authority
Treating children/tracking children/assessing children without Parental Consent.

HEARING: Thursday, May 9, 1:30pm, Carson City, Senate Education Committee, Rm 3138, Videoconferenced to Rm 4401 of the Grant Sawyer Building, 555 E. Washington Ave., Las Vegas, NV.

MESSAGE: Please oppose SB319 giving school giving school psychologists and social workers authority to collect and analyze data on the mental and behavioral health of pupils and to give invasive assessments on the mental and behavioral health of pupils without ever contacting the parents. It authorizes school psychologists without notifying parents to treat their child. This undermines parental authority and alienates parents when they should be involved. This bill also jeopardizes family and student privacy. (or write your own message) (more info below)


Toll Free Numbers to contact members of the committee: 800-995-9080, From Las Vegas 702-486-2626,Reno Carson 775-684-6800 or 775- 684-6789

Share your opinion on Legislative Bills:
Bill Text:…/80th2019/Bills/SB/SB319_R1.pdf
Send Testimony to:
Toll Free Numbers to contact members of the committee: 800-995-9080, From Las Vegas 702-486-2626,Reno Carson 775-684-6800 or 775- 684-6789

Testimony of Communications Director Nevada Families for Freedom, Nancy Jones, and mother of four girls.

Here are the parts of the amended bill that are still alarming to me:
Collect and analyze data on the mental and behavioral health of pupils;
(e) Administer applicable assessments to pupils;
(f) Monitor the progress of the academic, mental and behavioral health of pupils
Assist other educational personnel, including, without limitation, a school psychologist, with developing a plan for providing prevention and intervention services to pupils;
Administer biopsychosocial assessments to pupils, as necessary
None of this includes the protection that testing and monitoring and services need to occur within the bounds of written parental consent and involvement. The school counselor/psychologist can test our kids for “social and emotional health” a super vague thing, collect data and provide services without any input or consent from parents.

“I strongly oppose SB319. It gives far too broad powers and responsibilities to school psychologists including the collecting and analyzation of data on the mental and behavioral health of pupils, administration of mental assessments to pupils, and the monitoring of the mental and behavioral health of pupils. I believe this is an overreach of data collection and will lead to the loss of privacy and the mis-representation of students based on data collection of the school psychologist’s bias and reports. No mental or behavioral health or assessment should take place without the prior written consent of parents and without providing the opportunity for the parent to observe and accompany the child during such assessment or treatment. All such services should be optional and provided only at the specific request and with the fully informed consent of the parent.

“Any and all mental and behavioral health programs in the schools should be very cautious not to provide services or collect data that violates the privacy, religion, or philosophical conscience of the parents and child. The family is primarily responsible for the mental and physical health of the child, and schools, if they enter this arena at all, should simply serve to offer resources but not to independently practice mental health assessment or treatment of Nevada’s school children. Please oppose this bill.”

And here are two replies to this post:

My daughter’s friend was given this at school. Is this an example of how they are collecting this data?. The girl had to write her name on the top and turn it in but my daughter told her not to.


holey smokes. That’s insane. Taught mine early never to opine or say how they feel about… Anything.



Here is a comment from the Conservative Hammer page in response to the article about the Oregon gender confused incident:

MSA, Manatee School of the Arts, pushes alternative lifestyle. My older kids went there before it became bad. Now kids that have any doubt are encouraged, indoctrinated. Has gotten a lot worse.

Mason High School in Ohio must have REAL issues with mental health if they felt the need to get rid of valedictorians and salutatorians:

Looks like CA approved the evil sex ed standards:

Here is a post from the Informed Parents of California anti-radical sex ed group:

Want a quick 6 minute explanation of SEL (Social-Emotional Learning)? Social-Emotional Learning: K–12 Education as New Age Nanny … Every claim made by Ryan, Effrem, and Robbins has been validated by 6 years of personal research and personal observation. From the beginning, we were told of the mountain of research supporting Common Core then and Comprehensive Sexual Education now. Where is that mountain? If you find it, please let me know.

And some replies to this post:

CSE has been in public schools for awhile now. Parents are just now becoming aware of ur and how disgusting it all is. Look at this site it shows the correlation between Planned Parenthood and what’s happening. It’s way bigger than people realize. ????

WOW, everyone watch this video on the StopCSE website, this is so bigger than we thought. Talk about David and Goliath.

I’m so sad about what they’re trying to do to our kids. In my case my grandkids. ????

Here is a post from Alice Linahan:

I would love to know and hear your thoughts. The Texas Legislature looks to be trying to quietly pass HB18 along with other Mental Health legislation.

HB18 ALERT. HB18 is on the Senate Regular Order of Business Calendar.

“Social-emotional learning (SEL) has been billed as a transformational tool that will propel students to greater academic achievement and personal fulfillment. Unfortunately, as a new Pioneer Institute study makes clear, the research evidence to back up these claims is thin and unpersuasive. Moreover, the risks SEL poses to student privacy and health are significant.
Proponents of SEL call for focusing less on academic content and knowledge in schools, and more on student attributes, mindsets, values, and behaviors. Not only are the goals of SEL ill-defined, but they also raise significant, unanswered questions about what attitudes should be promoted.”

Tom Luce: Luce was a key advisor to George W. Bush. “He served as U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education for Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development during the George W. Bush administration.” Currently, Tom Luce is a Consultant and Founding President at Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute.

In the Meadows, 2016 Annual Report, (74 pages) education is cited 72 times! Schools! Forty-two times. The main reference is the one connected to the Zero to Five Funders. Zero to Five is full of mental and education programs.
Source, Page 42. (*Note: there are several College and a Career Ready/Common Core-supporting efforts in education by this Foundation. The highlighted link is to their Education plan.

Click to access EducationPlanPublic_2010-2015.pdf

Teachers are being used as the scapegoat to disrupt the public schools system in order to restructure it for profit.

The Texas2036 vision Tom Luce is pushing is a continuation of Goals 2000. Their plan has been well documented and will, in fact, destroy our education system in America that actually produced the greatest nation in the world.

Kudos to these students for foiling an attempt by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and their affiliate Team ENOUGH to politicize a funeral of a high school shooting death victim by walking out so that they couldn’t be used as props for gun control:

Here is a post from the Utah anti-Common Core group:

UPDATE: I spoke with the principal. She is telling me the school-wide policy is RISE OR an alternate test in all core subjects. There are no finals. I told her that if all the kids are not taking the test then it shouldn’t count against their grade. She asked for information on the laws regarding this. Can someone please send me links to this information so I can forward it to her?

Grading an alternate test when kids are opted out of rise is against the law right? It cannot count against their grade?

My daughter is texting me now saying her teacher is telling her she has to take an alternate test. She told her teacher no. 7th grade science.

Here is another post from the Utah anti-Common Core group about personalized learning replacing state assessments:

“Instructure, Inc. today announced it has signed an agreement to acquire MasteryConnect, a longtime partner and innovator in the design and delivery of formative and interim assessment that supports personalized and mastery-based learning. Through this acquisition, Instructure will accelerate the shift occurring at the state level as they replace high-stakes, end-of-year testing with innovative assessment models”

And yet another post from this group:

Is the Aspire ACT done in the form of an essay by any chance? Son care home with an Assignment to research on and do an Essay arguing pro Vaccine. I’ve never heard of this before. Just wondering.

not allowed to chose pro or con. Had to write pro.

And two replies to this post:

9th grade? They have to learn to write a persuasive essay. When I taught, all the 9th grade teachers in the school picked A few current issues with 2+ sides. The students would draw out of a fish bowl what subject/m and what side they had to prepare, then write an essay and afterward participate in a Lincoln-Douglas style debate. It was a great way to learn to spot fallacies in the arguments and to learn the strengths AND weaknesses of different arguments. They also had to learn to identify credible sources, particularly on the internet, to know if what the source was saying was actually true. I don’t like them being handed all the sources, though. It kind of defeats the purpose and opens them to indoctrination.

yes and they are not given a chance to chose if they are going to write for or Against. I obviously support learning how to debate and write essays. That’s not my issue.

And yet another post from this group:

So my 8th grader just called and said she was forced to take the RISE math test! They said I didn’t sign the form! I called the VP and she said they will “look” for it and if they can’t find it I need to bring another one! My daughter didn’t take the English test because they had record of that!! It’s all on the same form!! What are my option here?? Can they delete the test? Any repercussions? I’m livid.

And here are the replies to this post:

Report this at

Wow! My kids school just did the same thing last week!

I keep hearing if the same thing happening. I wonder if they are deliberately “losing” some of the forms so their rates look better. If I had to guess, I would guess the ones getting “lost” are the students they know will perform well on the tests and raise the overall school averages.
There needs to be some kind of recourse for parents when this happens; schools need to be accountable for disregarding the explicit instruction of parents!

This is why I have been camera crazy. I’d walk into the school with the form and record me handing the form to them. Lol. I 100% believe they purposely lose the forms.

The VP called back and said we (the secretary and I ) filled it out online and we marked SAGE not RISE. Also, she said we have to have a paper copy. I said I literally remembering marking EVERYTHING for her to opt out. She said that RISE must not have converted over yet. Sorry for the confusion. 🤬

My daughter knows to refuse and ask to go to the office to call me if they pull crap like that. Thankfully her school is very cooperative. I sometimes think if the personality of the teacher is controlling or the administration …then you tend to have things like this happen.

At the beginning of the year, the forms said SAGE. They didn’t change it to say RISE until later in the school year. They should have still accepted it but I wonder if this was intentional 🤔

The VP said it wasn’t her job to call every student and let them know that the name and form had changed. That’s 700 students. I replied that not all 700 opted out. Maybe 10! She then said it wasn’t their priority. And she’s sorry that my daughter slipped through the crack.

It’s not your job to have the correct form in the school, it’s the schools job and if it has the wrong name for the same test, they should still accept it or call you, since they provided the form.

they don’t care. Having had my own issues over there, it’s an “us” against “them” philosophy.

My daughter is being a BOSS and is telling all of her teachers no even when feeling pressured. I’m so proud. But I’m sorry this happened to you.

Can we just copy this ENTIRE thread to Representative Mike Winder and the entire State School Board? Ug!

Mike Wonder doesn’t care. And his wife is just as bad. She pushes agendas with Granite, then gets special treatment for her students ( this from my friend who is is a teacher at her kids school)

[After reading some of the poster’s posts, which were done in pictures which could give away names that could possibly lead to the poster being identified, something I try to avoid on this blog (unless the person is a well-known activist, etc), but it seems she talked to the Assessment Specialist and got the situation taken care of and invalidated the test her child was made to take and got the opt out squared away for the future]

his sounds extremely frustrating, and I keep reading accounts like this. So my overarching question (not meant to be an answer to this exact scenario but inspired by these problems), is this:
Why do parents or teens yield to the authority of school administrators who attempt to bully people? (Poor kids are more easily manipulated, which makes me even more mad.) But I don’t understand how a teacher can “make” anyone do anything. What power is it they have, exactly? What are they threatening? A lowered grade? Public shaming? Some sort of violation of “law”? What have we been taught to fear so much, that we surrender our personal sovereignty and our freedom?
I have not been part of a school system for a while now, so it’s foreign to me. I am the only authority over my kids, and we do not bow to usurpers who attempt to strongarm, threaten, or force us to do anything against our will. This would be true whether or not forms were filled out correctly, or “permission” granted to not take tests we had already decided would not be taken.
Of course we should solve these issues for the sake of other families, and I think administrators should be held accountable for this abuse of power. But why do we as mature adults and guardians of our children allow it in the first place?
Would it be helpful if we talked more as a culture about how those within the school systems don’t actually own or control our children?
It seems to me that there is also value in teaching our kids (older ones, at least) that they have autonomy, and a right to engage in civil disobedience when it is necessary. We don’t want them growing up to be bullied or sexually harassed or otherwise manipulated in the work force or by the government as adults, either. Perhaps some people might be able to use these moments to teach them that there are always consequences when we refuse to be coerced into things we don’t want to do… but that some things are worth standing firm and refusing, regardless of the fierceness of the opposition??

beautifully said. I agree. First year in public school and I asked her why she didn’t say anything and she said she didn’t want to make a scene. It’s tough in middle school with peers and “authority” always looking for someone doing something wrong.

Yes, that would be really scary, especially in that environment at that age. Sounds like you had the chance to talk through that power struggle and authority dynamic now though!

Here is yet another post from this group:

most of the school district employees only know what they’ve been told. Most people in education are not following the laws. The way it works is the legislature passes a law. If it’s education-related, then the Utah School Boards Association presents it to the local school boards and the superintendents and business administrators. If it requires the board to update a board policy, then that gets put on the docket for a board action at a board meeting. If it doesn’t require a change in policy (which the board may not have a testing policy and the law doesn’t require them to have one), then it only shows up if parents complain. Two years after it was made illegal to count students who didn’t test in the average results, teachers were telling me that I shouldn’t be opting my kids out (esp since I was a board member) because it hurt them and their scores and their school. They were surprised when I told them it wasn’t the case and school grades cannot use opt out numbers by state law, in part because that’s not how the grades are calculated but also because you can’t punish a school or an employee for opt out students and students who opt out also cannot be punished. (the law is phrased that a student who takes the test can’t be rewarded. So, logically, a student who is opted out can’t be punished.) There does need to be some sort of accountability. But that will probably only come through parents knowing the law and pushing back. My neighbor told me this year that her HS-aged daughter had been told by her English teacher that the teacher would suffer a dock in pay if she had too many kids opt out. Teachers’ pay cannot be subject to state test scores. This was made illegal in 2015, and yet, this is what the kids are being told, so they won’t opt out. I’m not sure whether the teacher just didn’t know or what? But this sort of thing goes on every year, sadly. The true tragedy is that the teachers don’t understand that we are really standing in favor of their autonomy and their judgement and their teaching/testing methodology OVER that of the state (anyone seen anything that shows the validity or who was in charge of vetting the test questions??? yeah, me neither). Teachers should WANT to have autonomy over how their students are assessed. But instead, the line is that parents who opt out are hurting the schools and the teachers. It says a lot when you hear someone say, “Your kid should take the test. It will really help the school.” Why do we send our kids to school? To help the school grade by taking a standardized, non-validated test? At least they’re being honest: the testing isn’t about helping the individual child.

Here is a post from a New York anti-Common Core group, in response to a post about mental health data mining in schools:

LA just passed a tax to fund this (in my parish). Included in the tax was increased technology (data mining) including Chrome books for HS students. It was promoted as having a SRO in every school after the FL shootings and mental health in the schools after our district had quite a few suicides in the last few years. People just don’t understand what the end goal of this is. They think it’s a positive for their children.

Here is a post from the Minnesota anti-Common Core group:

Hot off the press, from this mornings survey at Jefferson.


Here is another post from the Utah anti-Common Core group:

How do we better inform our fellow parents of RISE/ASPIRE testing?
The narrative from the school is that it is “required” testing and parents are told that make-up is required for missed test days. A couple of my friends have called me upset because they heard I opt out and the teachers are keeping their kids in from lunch and recess for make-up testing.
If parents knew it was optional and cannot by law affect the child’s grade, more would opt out. But, if they knew of the hours of wasted learning time, data mining on their kids, and how little the testing actually reflects successful learning, nearly all would opt out

And here are the replies to this post:

Most of my friends don’t opt their kids out for the tests. They told me they just tell their kids not to take it seriously. I don’t understand why they think it’s okay to waste so much time testing instead of learning.

I tell lots of people. No one seems to care.

they still dont care it means salon nail coffee gym and all their me time would have to be sacrificed.

it means they would actually have to spend the time to ask and see what their children are actually being taught and who is actually teaching it and asking the questions

it means they would have to actually think about how ridiculous it is they are handing their children over to complete strangers who work for the government to use experimental behavioral modification programs on them for 12+ years of their childhood.

I tell lots of people and they all look at me like I’m growing aliens out of my head. We live in a small community in Millard County and people are afraid to “upset the balance.” I think for most parents, they dont understand that they have the power to control their child’s education, but that it takes work and diligence. Most of which are more willing to put that work into extra curricular activities than education.

Most parents grew up in the system and don’t question it—or don’t want to question it. They tend to think, “I turned out ok, so it can’t be too bad.” In actuality, they didn’t turn out ok. None of us did. We grew up believing propaganda to a large degree and being tested for compliance. Now, we are testing our kids for compliance because that’s what will “get them a job.”
In the early days of this nation, education wasn’t about getting a job, it was about building literacy and using that literacy to know God.

A few years ago, I tried informing everyone that would listen. Nobody listened. Everyone complained about the test but few would actually opt them out. Even if the kids anxiety levels and behavior were obviously from the test, as stated by the parents. Now, I just worry about my kids and watch the legislation that comes through and beg and plead others to contact representatives. I still get little response

If more parents knew that the tests weren’t about academic assessment at all, but rather to be constantly taking the social “temperature” of their children, collecting & sharing the data, and assessing their compliance to proper, “global“ social attitudes, NO ONE would allow their children to take these tests. And that’s the only way to shut this down – starve that machine.

My son was told colleges will look at those tests to determine admission

They’ve been trying to sell that line for years. That was the original plan of some who are marginally associated with the whole ed reform movement. 1. adopt “college and career-ready standards”, 2. test those standards, and 3. use them as a measure for college-readiness/acceptance. HOWEVER, it hasn’t yet happened. But they are hoping to get to that point, no doubt.

Here is a post from an anti-Common Core group:

Is there anything that we as parents can or should be doing to help rid our schools of CC? It has begun to feel hopeless.

And some replies to this post:

I’m retiring after almost 30 years as a teacher. I have seen bond votes to go toward education. I never vote for them as after the bonds are okayed I don’t know where the money goes. I refuse to keep voting to throw money at a broken system. The trend seems to be if it’s not working just do it more. Testing is an example of that. Nothing is going to change until Parents take action. Home school. Don’t show up for the tests. Don’t let the government hold $ over our children’s heads. It is not making a difference. anyway. Schools are more like prisons. Children should always want to learn but that desire is pretty much gone by third grade. So sad!

It absolutely does feel that way. The reason is because there are simply too many parents who are either unengaged, uninformed or simply too afraid to take a stand and exercise civil disobedience to opt their kids out. Until WAY more parents participate, this whole movement is stalled.

I remember when we tried stopping in the largest city in NH. You know what happened? Only a few parents showed up at the meeting when it was voted on, even though thousands were told (door knocking, mailers, fliers, radio, tv). You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. Sadly, they now reap what they sowed.

Our district and school are hopeless… son’s school has a principal who has these kids convinced that they need to challenge themselves and score well on the test…..we have classrooms that depend on computers and other devices to teach them the material yet we have children without their own laptops at home to be able to do the work at home so they have to depend on the class room

When my son was in elementary school, the principal told the students if they got a 100% on the state testing, she would take them and their families out to dinner.

Homeschooling is the only way to not have any involvement with CC. Not cyber or charter school. Those are still public school at home and still use CC. Homeschoolers don’t have to use CC and we are a LARGE contingent of population and growing fast. If the govt tried to force us to use CC, they’d have a major fight on their hands. We have HSLDA, Heritage Defense and other orgs to fight for us. We have to stay diligent though and not cave to using any CC!

9 years ago we rose up- we were told we had tinfoil hats on – nobody listened – it’s a train wreck- maybe restart the revolution against CC ? I spread the word all day everyday – some parents who had kids in the same school had no idea what I was talking about – go and rise up again

As a teacher, I fought it with every ounce of my being. No one cares, it’s all about the money, and making sure that America’s students are less ready to function in the world today. After 33 years, I finally retired. I would want to see everything my child was doing in class. What they are reading, studying in science, especially what (if any) they are learning in history/civics, as well as math. If you are able, go spend time in your child’s classroom. You have that right, it’s a public school. Refuse to let your child participate in any assignment that is against your values. If all else fails, and you are financially able to……pull you child out of public school!!!

I tried to start protesting CCSS TEN YEARS AGO. Nobody listened and nobody cared. I took part in setting up town meetings, round table discussions with family members, teachers and other parents….. little to nobody showed. Only the same small group of devoted individuals came each time. I’ve printed 1,000s of flyers, handed them out at school meetings, work, gatherings, etc. I was ignored and called a conspiracy theorist. So embrace it because it’s far too embedded now and all the standards are copyrighted and corporation owned. Now foreign corporations, planned parenthood, tech companies, and commies own our children.

truth ! I was your comrade ?? in several groups and the thing was we had both sides of the aisle – Democrat’s against Common Core was a big push as well as every other group

I think one of the problems trying to get it out. Is that even in these type of groups it’s so political and the agenda is not neutral anymore. It has become Democrat versus Republican. I have removed myself from almost every against common core group.
Unfortunately I wanted to do it where my kids did not do the testing and walked out but due to pass bad experiences at schools my kids anxiety could not handle that type of production. So unfortunately my kids do the testing. It was not what my plan was but it’s what’s best for them. So I think parents want to do it and it’s not that they don’t know about it or how to it’s that sometimes you have to do what’s best for your child

The majority of teachers I know have tired of it and are finally listening to those of us who were screaming from the mountaintops from the beginning.

Here is a post from Alice Linahan:

If you want to know why Texas legislators won’t listen to you? Here is why… Follow the DATA!!
Margaret Spellings is back in Texas – Texas 2036- The Data is Coming…

And here is a post that someone posted to her page:

The Gates Foundation has launched a commission to determine the value of a college degree. Here are my thoughts:

“So how can this commission transform American higher education where earlier reforms have not worked? By encouraging Congress to make federal loans and grants available to students in some majors, such as engineering or business, where graduates tend to earn a high salary upon graduation. Conversely, Congress might be moved to make loans and grants unavailable for students in other majors, such as theology or humanities, where graduates do not earn as much.”

Here is a post from an Ohio anti-Common Core group:

Adversity scores. Really? A private institution the College Board that administers SAT is now going to discriminate against you based on theoretical social justice including your race.

Among the categories included in the calculation are the crime rate in a student’s neighborhood, their family’s median income and the rigor of their school’s curriculum, according to the Journal.

Students’ scores can range from 1 to 100, with 50 being average, above 50 representing an element of adversity and anything below 50 representing a degree of privilege, the newspaper reported.

YOU will never see the matrix scores. College will.

Here is a post from an Ohio anti-Common Core group:


Here is a post from the Utah anti-Common Core group:

I have a 7th grader at Willowcreek middle School in Lehi. I opted him out of all testing for this year. I kept him home for the math portion of the RISE test last Tuesday and Thursday, I just found out today that his math teacher made him sit in the hallway on Wednesday of this week and take the alternate test. The rest of the class did a baseball math activity, so he was basically being punished for being opted out.

I plan on emailing the teacher and principal today as well as contacting the test auditors. Is there anything else I should do?

And some replies to this post:

Unfortunately they can make them take an alternate test as long as it doesn’t count on their grade. We told our kids answer A on every question and Micky mouse if it is a written answer..there is no advantage to these teachers manufacturing stress…

they cannot make them take an alternate test on another day, after the testing is over. We checked him out on test days, to avoid this exact thing. He sat in the hallway taking an alternative test, while his class did a baseball math activity.

state law says that they cannot be rewarded for taking the test, and even with HB118 that was passed this year, the only “incentive” for those who take the test is academic…not baseball math…

My children get lectured by the teacher in front of the class about how “it doesn’t make sense that parents are opting out of testing that just let’s you show how smart you are!”
I pick them up every day of testing.

had a granddaughter miss out on a scholarship.. the year Common Core was put in…failed her MATH common core got an “F”…..was a straight “A” all her school years……we all recognize the statement “DUMBING OF AMERICA “…look at our public schools today….it is true

Here is a post from a Nevada anti-Common Core group:

First of all, this is coming straight from UNESCO. The 2009 International Guidelines on Sexuality Education maintain that children have a right to receive instruction in sexual pleasure, masturbation and homosexuality, among other things.
UN LGBT expert from Thailand said, “Children’s attitudes on these issues are to be measured and tracked, with the standards including attitudinal outcomes. It should permeate the entire curriculum from the beginning of formal schooling. When it comes to immersing children in LGBT ideology, the younger the better.”
In early 2018, UNESCO released is Comprehensive Sexuality Education Standards for use in EVERY school in EVERY country on Earth, beginning in Kindergarten. I’m in CA where the law mandates the teaching of all genders, sexual orientations, etc., but it’s happening all over the world.
Jr. High students are being taught that anal or oral sex are safe ways to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. Condoms are NOT designed for anal sex and therefore, it is not safe.
In Planned Parenthood’s curriculum, Making Proud Choices for 12-14 year olds, they are teaching that:
• you can use condoms as a method of foreplay
• think up a sexual fantasy act sexy/sensual
• tease each other sexually while putting on the condom
• have fun putting one on your partner, and you can feel more relaxed and can really enjoy yourself
• condoms make erections last longer.
CA law mandates:
From pre-K through third grade, when providing instruction on sexual and reproductive organs, teachers can introduce the concept that gender does not always match the sexual and reproductive organs described. For example, teachers may share, “In the classroom, we may use the term ‘female reproductive organs’ but some people who identify as male have these organs.” The actual anatomical name for organs is utilized.
From pre-K through third grade, when the topic of masturbation is introduced or arises teachers explain what masturbation is and that it is safe and not mentally or physically harmful. This is also an important time to discuss gender, gender roles, and gender expression as puberty can be a difficult time for all students. Educators should acknowledge this and create an environment that is inclusive and challenges binary concepts about gender.

And some similar posts from this group:

just wait till HS…. at Arbor View they shove LGBQT down the kids throats. My ninth grader has never been an “outsider,” but now feels like she is a minority for being straight.
It’s very odd….

Posters, banners, home coming floats…etc. nothing promoting heterosexual couples, just LGQBT…

Our children are being indoctrinated in EVERY aspect of education – New Generation Science Standards that center around climate change and sustainable development, LGBT-inclusive history standards that include Harvey Milk, Chaz Bono, Geore Takai, etc., and Common Core math and language. Parents have got to take back their power! Federal laws forbid the governments involvement in education. It MUST stop!

Everyone this is only currently being pushed in WCSD. We have defeated it multiple time in CCSD and at the State Legislature. Just a few weeks ago the bill to mandate this to all of Nevada died.

Watch out for the resurrection. What passes in Washoe comes to Clark. Our last governor vetoed the bill.

Here is another post from this group:

Attached and below are my comments to the WCSD board last night. I spoke about how WCSD basically insured most parents in NV would remain in the dark about what has already happened and will continue to happen with their children’s data via “free” EdTech vendors. They didn’t say a word.

WCSD Board Meeting 5-14-19

INTRO: Former K-12 teacher; I have 3 kids left in District; Pres. Protect Nevada Children (PNC) – People can us on Facebook at Protect Nevada Children

PNC has been working in Carson City to protect student data for at least four years. This session we worked with Senator Mo Denis on SB403. The bill would have required school districts to educate parents on the dangers of children sharing data with “free” EdTech vendors, and then let parents decide if/when their children would start sharing personal data and school work with these vendors. On April 8th – ten people and entities spoke in support of SB403 including: Conservatives, Liberals, Moderates, and the Nevada State Education Association.

The only testimony in opposition to the bill came from Washoe County School District (WCSD).

At the April 9th school board meeting President Holland said with a smile, the District supported of the rest of the bill. There was really no “rest of the bill.”

WCSD is the only district in the state that publically stated they did not want to educate parents on: “the dangers of their children sharing personal data and school work with ‘free’ EdTech vendors.” So now thanks to Washoe County, most parents in the state of NV will remain in the dark.

Here’s what we know has happened so far:
• There has been at least one huge data breach where student data has been placed for sale on the dark web thanks to one of these “free” vendors, Edmodo
• In April 2018 the Chinese bought Edmodo, which is one of the main “free” vendors used in WCSD. Experts say the Chinese bought Edmodo for the student data.
• In September 2018 the FBI released a Public Service Announcement warning parents about EdTech vendors like Google and Edmodo

We know many of these “free” EdTech vendors, including Edmodo (in other words the Chinese) will be creating “secret” profiles on our children that we parents will never see. It is still unclear how these profiles will affect the future of our children.

Many of these vendors tell us they will share our children’s data with other “unknown” parties.

Parents deserve to know and should be able to say NO to using these products.

Find us on Facebook at Protect Nevada Children.

Here is a post from a Texas anti-testing group:

My kid is such a badass.

We opt out the the staar “assessment” because…. Well…’s bullshit. So then when it’s testing days he doesn’t go to school those days. Well today he goes and they pulled him in a testing room and proceeded to administer a make up “assessment”. What does my kid do you might ask?! My quarky autistic brilliant 10 year old boy looks the asst. Principle in the face and says “I refuse. I’m opting out.” Just as cool as a cucumber. When she proceeds to tell him he will be retained he then informs her “I still refuse. 4th grade is not a retention year anyway.” Ya know….. It’s one thing to fight for your kiddo but it’s another thing to know you’ve prepared them to advocate for themselves. Damn I’m proud.

And some replies to this post:

Kept my kid (3rd grade) home Monday and Tuesday, they presented him with a make-up test when he got to school today, he told them, “I refuse to take the STARR assessment.” They removed the test and took him back to class. I’ve been impressed with this administration, especially hearing what others are dealing with.

My daughter simply sat there last year in 5th grade, didn’t even touch the pencil. But her Principal was amazingly kind and never attempted to force anything on her. After 5 minutes she was dismissed.

My 5th grader did that again today, too. In front of the entire office staff and her dad. It was her choice. She refused so we went to the local theater and watched Sound of Music on the big screen.

YAAASS! Mine is also autistic and I prepped him hard core on how to refuse the test so he doesn’t miss any days. It absolutely can be done! THIS is how you introduce your kids to activism!!!

I am against STAAR. I am also against the practice of when schools refuse to acknowledge parents who opt their children out of the STAAR test. When administrators don’t acknowledge parents opting out, then that puts students in the position of having to refuse to follow teachers’ directions, which in general, is never good for students, teachers, schools, or communities. It sends a message that the tail is wagging the dog. It also leaves the student vulnerable to disciplinary action of which he/she most likely does not deserve. And if the student did engage in truly disrespectful or otherwise punishable behavior, again he/she was put in the position to refuse the test to begin with. So schools for sure need to acknowledge parents who opt out. And even better, the state of Texas needs to do away with STAAR altogether.

Here is another post from this group:

I saw this on another page, I’ll post the link to CSHB 3906 in the comments:

CSHB 3906 (Huberty) relates to student assessment. Chairman Larry Taylor, the bill’s Senate sponsor, laid out a committee substitute for the bill, stating that all of the STAAR-related items currently in CSHB 3 were being stripped out of that bill and added to CSHB 3906. Taylor said the substitute language includes:

• Development of new English language arts and reading STAAR tests that add a writing component to tests in grades 3-8

• Limitation on the number of multiple-choice questions on a STAAR test to not more than 75 percent of the total number of questions

• Provision for a five-year transition period for the state to move to a system in which all STAAR administrations would be done online

• Administration of STAAR in shorter blocks of time, multiple times throughout a school year (Full STAAR administration security procedures would remain in place, and this would likely affect a district’s scope and sequence and curriculum.)

• Development of a pilot program to replace STAAR

• Establishment of a new educator advisory group to help with STAAR development

• Development of a new kindergarten assessment that gives the commissioner authority to develop the test and to set standards for what is deemed “kindergarten ready” (This test would be different from the diagnostic assessments that districts can select from the Commissioner’s List of Early Reading Instruments, which are vetted through the University of Houston Health Science Center and administered to students in grades K-2.)

So basically, they “listened” to all the calls and took all staar related stuff out of HB3.
And put it in a new bill. 🤦🏻‍♀️
These people just don’t get it.

And yet another post:

Today kids at school started asking my son how to refuse the STAAR and he was telling them. A teacher told him to stop talking about it and that it was only his business. 😡 Last week student council was handing out treats for STAAR to pep the kids up and my son did a thumbs down because it’s all about the STAAR. A girl that’s been picking on him all year, told on him. He got in trouble and apparently they think he’s going to be walking at recess tomorrow for it, since today was his first day at school this week.
Yup let’s silence and punish the children. 🤦🏼‍♀️

And some replies to this post:

I am so sorry. And good for him

Yep. My daughter was told she couldn’t go on the band trip to six flags. What does band have to do with staar?

you corrected them, right?

they are leaving tomorrow morning and it’s a make up day. We will see what happens when we show up. They are leaving at 3am.

definitely show up ready to go.

And she left to six flags

The principal told me son that the staar was adult business and I shouldn’t be talking to him about it. I told her that as long as it has to do with him that I will keep talking about it.

wow what’s his logic there. “Adult business” but it’s our kids that have to suffer. Dang right you should keep talking with him. That’s just absurd.

I hope you told them differently!
Document that they are attempting to punish him for talking with his friends in an email and demand to see the referral they have written up.
Your son ROCKS!!

My kids principle told me if I didnt talk negative to my kids about the Starr than they wouldnt be so worried about it and that I’m the one putting pressure on my kids and not the test.

They told my kids to shut up talking about it as well and even told me that it was “affecting the morale of the other students”. So I told them, that I would absolutely talk to my son about not discussing opting out DURING classroom instruction. However, he was born in America to American parents – both of whom have served our country in support of our freedoms – one being the freedom of speech. He is not cursing, he is not being disrespectful to his teachers. I expect his right to talk to his friends and classmates outside of classroom instruction to not be limited nor would he receive any punishment for such. He is discussing a very important political matter and it in no way is affecting the “morale” of his peers. If the peers’ parents have any questions, the school had my permission to give them my contact information.

I should add that next year I intent to send my kids with business cards after Xmas to hand to kids when they ask about opting out.

I’m going to be getting shirts made for my kids to wear next year. You know since teachers and admin wear shirts supporting STAAR, we will wear shirts refusing the STAAR. 🤷🏼‍♀️😊

I am a teacher and on testing days I wear a shirt that reads “my students are more than a score.”

Show them this, from the Texas Health and Human Services:
A singular barrier that can be both physically and emotionally harmful to children and youth is the practice of using physical activity as punishment and/or behavior management. Examples of inappropriate use of physical activity include:
• Requiring students to run laps for misbehavior
• Forcing students to do push-ups for being late to class
• Withholding recess time to control behavior or to do unfinished work
• Making students run for losing a game or for poor individual performance

And in many school districts in Texas it’s against district policy to take away recess as punishment. Check your local policy!

well, this needs to get sent to our elementary!!!

Look at it this way, your kiddo is like James Dean, only he has a cause…that stinking STAAR is taking up all the oxygen in the room. In a 9 month school year, which has only six months of days, why is this test taking up so much time. I blame it on our crony legislature which has ratcheted up this test to include closing down school districts and funnel money into those crony charter schools….you son did the right thing. If I could do his detention for him I would.

We had a meeting this morning. The principal said they don’t allow the kids to talk about STAAR, politics, etc… hold the phone…. but they have STAAR pep rallies and the student council hands out treats.
Yes the convo was recorded.

They were more worried about my son being “disrespectful”. His story and theirs didn’t match up. It felt as though they got together and came up with a story so that he would be punished. I left very mad. My husband did 95% of the talking, I just listened.

And yet another post from this group:

So my 4th grader was tricked into actually answering the questions on the computer for staar….under fear she would lose field day and the trip to the zoo (the announcements she said informed them they were unable attend less the took the staar as the ones who hasn’t would need stay and do staar. She always been emotional anxiety ridden child and fears being left out so she ended up answering)
6th grader returns tomorrow. Her preap placement depends in staar (litterly their course catalogs says depends on standrize testing) she says she is ready and only reason she do it is stay in preap. Got the little retaintion threat sorted. The teacher told me his kids has make a 46% to stay in preap program in math. If they make below that they will go into mainstream 7th grade math which is repeat from 6th grade preap math Sure sounds easy..if they weren’t taking the 7th grade staar. Teacher has tried get her to be one few 6th graders to do 8th grade staar to be in algebra 1 (passing 8th grade staar is required to take the class) but he tells me he always gets same response and I am quoting her ” are your nuts or just crazy” lol
But anyway…my 4th grader next year I want understand what I am looking at . When exactly should I ask for GPC next year? After the 1st test administration? We already have a weeksnof appointments that week
She always passes her classes with passing grades but she never tests well. CBA benchmarks staar she just doesn’t handle them well. Especially with reading. Medically speaking she has a specific learning disability in reading (therapists tested) educationally she passed their special ed testing by few points and didnt qualify for a IEP so we have a 504 for Dyspraxia anxiety dysgraphia and adhd. But teacher only care about staar prep…not helping her fill the gap so we working on it at home after school with parent bought stuff and apps so she has accelerated instruction (that would count right? We have programs Prodigy Adventure academy and loads workbooks).

And another post from this group:

All year long has been STAAR prep in math. Literal STAAR questions, all math word problems for each assignment and test. In these last few weeks of school, after the math STAAR, they are just now and only now doing multi-sensory actual math lessons.

And yet another post:

Can they really retain a child for not passing the test. I honestly think it’s ridiculous the amount of stress these kids have. I had to pick up my son from school today because he was throwing up from the stress. I was told if he doesn’t finish the test then they will most likely fail him for the year.

And yet another post from this group:

Stupid, stupid big fat lying schools. Sent son and daughter back to school today with specific instructions for them to say, “call my mom now” over and over if they were pulled from class. Son didn’t even make it passed 1st period and due to fever got sent home (7th grade). Daughter was pulled out of freaking MATH where she needed to be working on TTM because she got behind being sick, in order to take the science STAAR. She is in 5th, took none of the other parts and they pull her for that one. When she refused and told them to call me, they told her…but you LOVE science, it is your favorite subject, don’t you want to try and see how well you can do, we know you will do great. She took it! I am so angry right now I can not even think straight!!!!!! She was supposed to have time to study for a huge vocab test and do the math assigment and instead ended up taking the vocab (super fast) so she could go take that damn assessment!!! DON’T POKE THE MAMA BEAR!!! She made a 50 on the vocab test btw because she didn’t get the extra day that the teacher promised!

This morning my daughter was cleaning out her backpack and handed me four crinkled up envelopes…3 doctor’s notes and 1 opt out letter. She said, “hey, mom, were these important cause I forgot to take them to the office?” Insert gigantic deep frustrated mom sigh….here!!! No worries I will keep up the good fight and get the phone calls made despite the fact that there is data on my kid now!!

And yet another post:

Left my daughter at school for her end of the year trip. They refused to let her go because she opted out of star. I did not know today was a retest day. Can they not let her go over the star?

And some replies to this post:

Cause a scene. There was a post a few days back about how they cannot do that. It’s against some guideline somewhere…

She texted me and they tried to take her phone. I immediately called her to speak with the teacher trying to take it but she would not speak with me

Go check her out. Right away. Do not take no for an answer.

Lady in the office said she has to give it to her even if she refuses. I already know they have to offer it just didn’t know they could take her trip away for refusing.

This is unfortunately why we took it this year. My sons 8th grade field trip out of town to six flags on Friday. He wouldnt of been allowed to go smh. They bully you into it I suppose since we dont want out children to miss out.

This is just so horrible!

Totally agree!!! My son is so excited about this darn trip with his friends. I would of told him I’d take him myself but it’s with friends that are going to a different HS next year and he really wanted to go with them.

Last year we stayed out all week and when he came back that Monday they surprised him with it so I told him why did you take it I told you to refuse it he said mom is I’m sure they will never leave me alone about it

TEA told me that if they appear on campus anytime during the week of testing and before tests are returned by law they have to offer it

I hate everything about STAAR, but situations like this make my blood boil. For yrs, we’ve stayed home the main testing days and returned the following day, refused and in less than 15 min the principal had them back in class..never bothered again.. No missed field days, trips etc. There is no reason for it…but some districts ugh. When education becomes punitive, its lost.

If these districts wouldn’t put so much emphasis on the Staar and make it more fun than stressful … Then just MAYBE more kids wouldn’t shut down and be anxiety stricken and wld pass the test. In my opinion it’s the anxiety that’s causing the kids to fail or score lower. We as adults have a hard time working under pressure (well most) so why wouldn’t we see that all this added pressure and stress is not necessary. Kids should be enjoying school,having fun and learning… Not freaking out on a daily.
Public school is a freaking joke. Not to mention the disappointments they cause to children when they hype them up and then leave them out of certain organizations! Such a disappointment. I’m so done!

I wish all kids would just stand up and refuse to take this silly test!! If they all handed in the test without any markings on it, how would the state grade it? Would they grade it? There’s no marks on the test.

Principle said she could be suspended because I had her walk to the buss smh

I found this article in an Ohio anti-Common Core group. I guess it goes along with how weak our privacy laws are:

Here is a post from an Alaska anti-Common Core group:

Look what slithered its way into school board policy (MSBSD)


Here is a post from a Washington anti-Common Core group:

David Coleman, the current CEO of the College Board, and architect of the nationwide transformation of K-12 public schools via Common Core, is now making more new plans for the SAT.

All students taking the SATs will receive an adversity score from the College Board. This score will capture social and economic backgrounds and is calculated using 15 factors. That score is sent to colleges along with the application.

“According to the Journal, a score of 50 is considered “average.” Anything above 50 proves “hardship” while anything below 50 is considered “privilege.”

The Journal reported that this new score will appear alongside a student’s SAT score and will be featured in a section labeled the “Environmental Context Dashboard.” The adversity score’s formal name on the dashboard is “Overall Disadvantage Level,” but it has been colloquially called the “adversity score” by college admissions officers, per The Journal’s article.

In a statement to CBS News, David Coleman, College Board CEO, said in part, “Through its history, the College Board has been focused on finding unseen talent. The Environmental Context Dashboard shines a light on students who have demonstrated remarkable resourcefulness to overcome challenges and achieve more with less. It enables colleges to witness the strength of students in a huge swath of America who would otherwise be overlooked.”

And some replies to this post:

I just heard him on FOX this morning. He said the SAT scores aren’t changing just getting more info from students taking it to “see if their score shows how they overcame adveristy to get that score”

Data mining is priority one.

The SAT was redesigned in 2016—a huge revamp that has been linked to the Common Core and attempts to re-secure market share lost to the ACT.

As a person of color, I find this extremely demeaning and insulting to my capabilities. It’s really just another way to track us and track the smart ones.

And another post from this group:

What do I need to do to opt my child out of the SBAC testing? I just found out testing is next week. TIA!

And some replies to this post:

Which school district? You write a letter saying you refuse to permit the testing of your child and expect the district to provide an educational opportunity while testing is taking place. Others may have specific ideas on wording. Basically, write your letter as if you call the shots…. because you do.

Gah! I have been fighting with WAVA ALL dang day trying to opt my 5th grader out but they absolutely will NOT budge stating that on line programs have much more rigorous rules about SBAC being mandatory for all their students and blah blah blah….

Besides the fact I don’t agree with standardized testing, I opt him out because he has chronic migraine headaches and stress is a huge trigger. Testing is very stressful for him and the amount of time spent looking at a computer screen (straight without plenty of breaks) will likely result in stated headaches which will make his testing invalid….clearly not good for all entities involved

Here is a post I wrote about WAVA and CVA. If you have no other options, then I understand.

You don’t opt out. You have to refuse. Keep your children home if you have too. You can refuse I just filled out a WA state form they sent. Just make sure you send everyone including superintendent etc. It’s your right as a parent

those with IEP etc do not get extra time etc so it adds to the long list of why my daughter is not taking these test. Even though I did not list those as reasons

my daughter has a 504 and we were doing k-12 for 2 and a half years…they will make accommodations for your child (ie test proctor can come to your house, if you have medical documentation about test anxiety), but you didn’t hear it from me….however they have to do the test, no matter what…so with that plus another problem we had, we put her back in B&M school….we have all the documentation and she was able to opt out…for now…but they said she will have to pass it in order to graduate highschool…its rediculous

they told me that he will be accommodated appropriately according to his 504, but what they fail to understand is he just completed a battery of special education testing and his 504 is being updated but the earliest we could get the meeting was Friday and that is already day 2 of 3 for testing! So exactly how are the accommodating him without the updates?
I am sure his teacher was not supposed to tell me this but she said to show up each day, start the exam and if 30 minutes into it he gets a headache then they legally have to let him go and he gets credit for attempting each exam…..

I totally understand why you would make that choice…6 and 7th was not so bad (even though they changed the work at your own pace guidelines the year she started. We felt lied to in a way….however, again, 6th and 7th went extremely well, because she had wonderful patient teachers…8th grade came and she only had 1 wonderful patient teacher…1 was so bad my daughter cried everyday because she just didn’t understand. We then hired a professional tutor out of a company in Seattle (and had homeschooled her own kids). We had her go over the lessons, and listen to the class connect and even she said there was a huge disconnect with the math and it was being taught was horrible…pretty bad when my daughter totally understood the substitute but not her own teacher. Her teacher was very good at throwing information up on the board but not instruction at all..1 teacher destroyed all the confidence we had worked so hard building the first 2 Years ???? lots of condescending people in there as well…smh

This is my favorite form*
I like this form best because you can download it and tweak the wording and then save as a PDF. You can “electronically sign it” using YOUR NAME and converting to the font: Right click-FONT- change to “Script MT Bold”. Electronic, Hassle-Free- EASY PEASY! You can change the wording from Refusal to OPT OUT**

Five Things every legislator should know about high-stakes standardized testing.*
These tests are untested. Computer Adaptive Testing- never been tried in the history of the US on such a large scale at the elementary level. Validation requires the test developer to show that the test actually measures what it claims to measure. This has never been done for these tests
These tests don’t tell us where we can improve. Many assessments such as classroom and performance tests have diagnostic and instructional value but high-stakes standardized tests have no such value. Teachers and students are barred from seeing the direct results of the tests to discover what went wrong.
The tests distort what and how teachers teach. What gets measured is what gets done, and not much else gets done. The tests cut out instruction in subjects not tested. Yet Teacher Evals will eventually be tied to these tests.
The tests have shown no positive results. After more than a decade of standards and testing accountability efforts there has been virtually no increase in achievement outcomes.
The tests are incredibly costly in both time and money. Lost instruction time.
Also note that:
~ The SBAC is a major tool for data collection and COLLECTS non cognitive (psychological) data as well as cognitive data. It doesn’t just appear to collect it. It DOES collect it!
~ The Smarter Balanced Assessment (the SBAC, which tests learning of the Common Core standards) is NOT standardized. Almost every child will answer a different set of questions. ~ The SBAC is entirely online. This means a) it can be changed at any time by the testing company, b) there is no pencil and paper option for students who require it, and c) there will likely be no method for parents to view their child’s test as we could with the MSP. ~ The SBAC (and PARCC) was funded by the federal government via the RTTT Grants. ~ The state has established a student database to which schools upload private data regularly without your permission. This data is also made accessible to the federal government and third parties like the Seattle Times without your permission or knowledge. ~ College entrance exams, like the SAT, have changed to align with the Common Core standards which have never been validated/tested.” **

This testing system, the graduation requirements is like a cottage industry… it employs lots of people to keep track of stuff. Otherwise, what are the real life benefits of testing in the lives of children or society? It’s a bureaucracy we don’t need.

And another post from this group:

This is our first year in Washington public schools and I can say I am not impressed. I thought for sure would be on the upside of Ohio. Along, with medical care, cutting edge technology etc. That being said I know education has been going downhill since common core and testing. Can someone please tell me if my 7th grader has to take the state mandated test and if you have an opt out form for Washington state you can share?

I wish people would wake up. I can’t believe all the hate and the disrespectful kids and parents just makes me sad. No matter what I have taught my child learning and seeing at school and around the world. I feel helpless. I will keep trying but I feel like I have lost my girl that was so outgoing, loved school, was kind, talanted, loved to be around others. Now, hates school, antisocial, quit everything she loved, is bullied and hates me and she is twelve.

Here is a post that was shared in this group:

Another fabulous piece of legislation:

HB 2158 – 2019-20
Creating a workforce education investment to train Washington students for Washington jobs.
Sponsors: Hansen, Tarleton, Ormsby, Sullivan, Robinson, Bergquist, Slatter, Pollet, Valdez, Sells, Tharinger, Ortiz-Self, Appleton, Dolan, Macri, Senn, Thai, Kloba, Goodman, Stanford, Orwall

And yet another post from this group:

My child is in 8th grade and took a history “CBA” test back in February. It was graded then returned 6 weeks later. He did not do well on it (and it is counted in his grade). He can redo it, so he was showing me the assignment and the rubric used to grade it. The rubric read like it was for a language arts assignment. It was really grading the writing, not the knowledge of history. It included things like MLA format, which was not taught in class, but a website was given for them to look at. I asked the teacher what the purpose of the test was and the answer I was given was “it’s state mandated”. I really want to know why and what they are looking for. Does anyone here know the purpose of these tests? It obviously was not about his knowledge on history, that was not included in the grading rubric.

And some replies to this post:

I didnt think a CBA was a test either. My youngest does them and they are more writing assignments and as of late, kids are picking highly controversial topics and its becoming about agendas and how to pick sides. I really dont like it at all.

my son’s was about the death penalty

yeah, kid are writing about abortion, specific lifestyles choices, 2md ammendment, vaccines or anti vax etc. Why not write about a book we used to do?

what district are you in?


Are you allowed to see the graded paper? Were there many choices of topics besides the death penalty? See if you can find out.

yes, he has the paper and showed it to me. He did say there were other topics to choose from. I will ask what they were exactly. My problem with this test is I want to know what they hope to gain from it and why they would grade on something never taught in class (MLA format). He is an A student and this assessment brought his grade to a C, so it is weighted pretty heavily. It’s a shame, he has always loved history and now he just feels like ‘what’s the point?’

“Classroom-based assessments in Social Studies, The Arts, Health, Physical Education and Educational Technology continue to be widely used in Washington schools, and OSPI support and training for their use needs to be on-going. OSPI will use data reported about commonly-used assessments to target professional development for educators.
The baseline data gathered about instructional opportunities in Social Studies, The Arts, Health, Physical Education and Educational Technology will be helpful to track in the coming years to ensure that all students have access to these important subjects throughout their school experience.”

I am an elementary art teacher and am required to give an art CBA to my fifth graders. Several model assessment are offered but the problem I found was in the grading scheme. It is what I call a “bean counting” approach: the presence or absence of certain elements in the drawing are counted and tallied to produce a grade. We were given the opportunity to modify the test so I completely rewrote the rubric to something I feel is fair and reflects the test requirements. And, yes, none of this is reported, only the final count of how many students completed the test.

Here is a post from the anti-competency based education group:

first comes vibrations then comes electric shocks

And some replies to said post:

For some with sensory issues it could feel like an electric shock.

that is next i am just waiting for it.
This company is posting facebook ads stating the dept of ed approved grant money for them and it is in use in over 20000 schools.

Here is a post from a New Hampshire anti-Common Core page:

Next House Session Thursday, May 23
at 10:00 a.m.
BILL: SB 196 Relative to Non-Academic Surveys Administered by a Public School to its Students
STATUS: The Committee vote was “Ought to pass with amendment” (the amendment did not affect the substance of the bill).
Many parents OPPOSED. SB 196 because it would roll back a 2017 law protecting student privacy and parental rights. Instead of giving parents the right to “opt-in” before a non-academic survey is administered to their children in school, it would switch to an “opt-out” policy – meaning that if a parent doesn’t actively say NO, the school will administer the survey to the student.

Here is a post that I found on tbe CASEL FB page:

Education Week: From diversity training for teachers to implicit bias training—a big and important step. SEL

Here is a post from a page from Virginia. I think they’re talking about a Virginia test:

Dear maker of the SOL,

I am writing to thank you for those amazing tests that you came up with as a way to test how much knowledge our kids retain in a years time and to see if the teachers are actually teaching what they are supposed to. You have single handedly caused kids from 3rd-12th grade to know what a panic attack is, learn what the fear of “I may never graduate” is, and stole the creativity from some great teachers, all in the name of “no child left behind”.

So for you sir, I say thumbs up to you. I so appreciate watching a child get completely tore up about never graduating (and they haven’t even made it to high school). I even more am thankful for having all confidence that I have tried to put into my kids being totally ripped out after the child failed your gem of a test by 2 questions. You have even convinced some of your teachers with your highly intelligent thinking and got them on the band wagon of bullying kids into believing they will fail if they do not pass their SOL’s. Thank you beyond measure for making my child say the words “I’m Stupid!!”

In case you are so book smart that you can not read through my thick sarcasm, let me spell it out a little easier for you, since I’m sure you have the time. You dear sir are the only thing that’s SOL in these kids lives. You are SOL because you never get to meet these wonderful kids in the school system. You don’t get to see them smile when they actually do pass a test, or celebrate the small victories of finally “getting it” when things don’t always make sense. You are SOL for not knowing each of their stories and what an accomplishment it is for some of these kids to even get to school some days because of the crap they live through each night. You are SOL because you think these kids should be cookie cutter book smart common sense lacking fools that can pass a test with info on it that they will never use again. Pat yourself on the back buddy, you are seriously SOL.

So to you, you heartless turd, I would like to give you a high five…straight to the face!! Thank you for making May one of the most dreaded months of the year. Hope you are enjoying your big salary that you receive for selling your “SOL’s are needed” bullcrap to all who believe you. I hope you and I never have to sit in the same room together, because I have one heck of a momma speech that I would love to give you.

One tired and irritated UNKNOWN momma

And some replies to this post:

I left my ten year career as a teacher due to the no child left behind act. I call it the “No Teacher Left Behind” act. Since I was a very young girl I dreamed of becoming a teacher. Neither one of my parents went to college, needless to say that my Dad could not help me financially, so I took out student loans to pay for my degree. Then I did a Fellowship with Loyola University Maryland in which if I taught for three years in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, I could get my M.Ed for no cost.
I moved to Katy, Texas about three years ago, a good friend lived in the area and kept telling me about how great the Katy Independent School District (Katy ISD) is and how they are ranked one of the highest in the country. I wasn’t necessarily going to teach, but moved to the area anyway.
I found out the truth about KISD very quickly. There is a very large Asian population here; which makes the bar very high. For example, I tutor a 3rd Grade student whose parents were both born and raised in Korea. I absolutely love working with him! However… if he gets anything below a 90% he gets physically punished. First time in 20 years that I had to call CPS for a student. Since both parents are physicians, CPS did nothing.
The pressure on students to “perform” is so great that bullying is at an all time high; rates of anxiety/ depression, etc… Yes, KISD is nationally recognized; but for what exactly, and at what cost?!
When I advertise for private tutoring, I tell parents up front that if they are looking for their child to be a better “test taker” that I would not be a good fit for them. I advertise that I teach the basics; phonics, spelling, cursive writing, creative writing, vocabulary.
I love kids and love to see them grow and learn… and to enjoy the process of learning. It is unfortunate that I could never teach in a public school again ( did private as well, the parents can drive you out of the very quickly). Until then I will enjoy tutoring students one on one. So much less stress and waaaaaay better money.

Oh my goodness, my ten year old was bawling the other day!! And this girl is in the gifted program! She was worried they hadn’t done long division yet in class so she thought she was going to fail. I could not calm her down for anything!!! They make such a big deal out of it.

This is by far your best letter! It is so on point. You should send this one to Congress because SOLs have robbed a lot of children of alot of things. If they are not passing they immediately want to throw them into a different diploma catagory so they are not counted instead of trying to figure out a better way of teaching them.

I’d like for someone to explain why a students who has straight As fails an SOL Test? Not because they aren’t smart enough but because we have placed so much stress on these students to pass that they can’t. How can a test with 8 passages to read clearly measure their reading and comprehension. At this point you are merely measuring stamina. Well guess what? If your child has ADHD and is given a test that takes the majority of students 3 hours to complete, you just made sure kids with attention problems never pass! So so over it all!

As a teacher who was around long before the SOLs, I can say that SOLs have never been a good test of progress. They were flawed from the beginning and have done nothing but hurt our educational system in this country. There are many ways of measuring true progress….SOLs don’t measure true progress.

What are SOL’s? [name redacted]’s goinv into first grade in the fall. This sounds bad.

Standards Of Learning (SOLs), but this author is referring to the assessment linked to the SOLs.

And another post from this page:

Dear School Districts –
Please be advised that just ‘showing up’ at a parents home right after the child has gotten home for school to deliver paperwork that could have easily went into his back pack as it has many times before – is a serious violation of privacy and feels very harassing to the Parents.

Know in the future that the US Mail, book bag, or a simple courtesy phone call to ASK if you can stop by is a simple social skill that you need to consider making better ‘choices’.

If the Parent just happens to stop your house at dinner time would you feel comfortable with that at your house?

Please remember in the future that we ‘special’ parents are not asking for more respect than the other parents but instead we are fighting to be treated like we would be IF our children were not disabled. How many regular education parents houses have to DROPPED in on?

Yours truly,
Ms. Respect is Mutual

And some replies to this post:
Wait this has actually happened? Are you serious?

This happens more than people think – especially when you and district are ‘fighting’ over services or when the district is just use to doing it that way for many years, too and nobody had ever questioned it — rural districts

This happened to us one evening three teachers showed up unannounced and it was 7:30 pm. Very true we were fighting for services~ they came the “head bully from special education department” called to say she could do whatever she wanted & we had to go along with it. She was very combative. It was a nightmare dealing with her. ??

happened A LOT to us a few years ago. When we were waiting on a FAPT meeting for [name redacted] to go to Residential. They would essentially invite themselves in and once stayed for an hour even when I said I was cooking dinner. The LAST time they tried I opened the door and said right now isnt a great time, BUT if you give me an hour we can hold this unofficially meeting at your house. That way you can get settled. Whats your address? I can bring my recorder and we will invite the whole team and have an official meeting for my kiddo.

When my son was in preschool this happened. His teacher just showed up after school to do exactly as you said. Bringing you these papers I forgot to send him with Landon Ms. LaVan. Yep. If they did that now I’d take my son and step outside to talk to them. I dont like outsiders in my home. I have trust issues. We are both autistic and DO NOT like unscheduled meetings.

Here is a post from Alice Linahan:


The “SYSTEM” to control AMERICA is working in lockstep.
As the battle in Washington is underway pushing the federal bill HR5 known as the Equality Act. We must understand and tie it to state legislation that is working its way through the process, showing how they are locking the “SYSTEM” in place. This is happening at the state level across the country.

For example, Texas’ HB 366 would have mandated “healthy relationships” in public schools.” It died after a hearing, BUT it’s been incorporated into the “School Safety” Mental Health legislation SB 11.
HB 366 was listed as a “reproductive rights” bill by the Texas Freedom Network (TFN), founded by Planned Parenthood former President, Cecile Richards. TFN was founded to “combat” what it calls “the anti-choice, radical policy agenda of the extreme right in Texas” – Reproductive rights include abortion, contraception, and sex education.
HB 366 died BUT SB 11 (which passed the Senate and will be heard on the floor of the Texas House tomorrow, May 21st) has this mandate in it: (3) appropriate grade levels and methods of instruction for human sexuality instruction and “HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS EDUCATION” (the words in all CAPS are added to the Education Code by SB 11).

While the passage of the Chick-Fil-A Religious Liberty Bill would be great and I fully support it; do people realize the organization that wrote SB10 and SB11 and was the expert witness during Committee hearings on all these “school safety” Mental Health Bills; the (Meadows Mental Health Foundation) is supported by one of the largest donors to Planned Parenthood in Texas?

Meet Laura and John Arnold:

“The Arnolds have personally donated millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood and Planned Parenthood’s powerful political arm. In the past two years alone, the Arnolds contributed to the following pro-abortion entities:

Planned Parenthood Action Fund ($5,000,000-$9,999,999)
Planned Parenthood Federation Of America Inc. ($5,000,000-$9,999,999)
Center For Reproductive Rights ($1,000,000-$4,999,999)
Guttmacher Institute, Inc. ($1,000,000-$4,999,999)
Planned Parenthood Texas Votes ($100,000-$499,999)
National Network Of Abortion Funds ($50,000-$99,999)

This is a very well coordinated attack against parental rights. When you shift the focus of education away from knowledge-based academics and to the behavioral, anyone with an agenda, whether we agree with the agenda or not, has access to our children and our tax dollars.

Additionally, we must be asking… CANiSEE? WHO is financially benefiting from the online curriculum products on which my child’s teacher is evaluated?
BECAUSE; when the NEXT GENERATION OF ASSESSMENTS and INSTRUCTION are online and adaptive, there is nothing to get between that child and their learning.
Take the time to listen to this short 7 min. Education International warning that artificial intelligence poses serious concerns for student privacy and the number of teachers.

Then consider, as I wrote here:
Whether it is the Bush Clan/Betsy Devos and Obama with their “Connect All Schools”, “Learner in a Networked World” plans or Texas Commissioner of Education Mike Morath and his philanthropic advisor Stacy Hock and Laura and John Arnold (major Planned Parenthood donors) through their Evidence-Based Online Digital Learning/Predictive Analytics plans through Artifical Intelligence (AI).

All these people, (whether they know it or not), are leading America and our children to the same end game. In this new age of Artificial Intelligence, (AI) is being used to turn our children’s minds into a new form of capital, via predictive analytics technology. Predictive analytics uses mined education data to create software programs that have the ability to predict and modify the behaviors of ALL students.

Here is a post from a Utah anti-Common Core group:

My daughter said they make her do the sage/rise tests no matter what even if opted out its a written test with the same content. The teachers also told her that the tests count towards high school in what classes she will be “allowed” to take. Also, because she does not try and hits random answers; (on purpose because she is sick and tired of tests, pretests, and tests for tests); she will be considered for stupid classes only in high school.
(Her words.)
Tadaaa -_-

Here is a post from a Minnesota anti-Common Core group:

Just receiving information on a 5-state Home Visit Program collaboration that includes Minnesota with Utah, North Carolina and 2 other states. Someone is funding our part in this collaboration and we are going to find that out. Funding without representation.


And some replies to this post:

I have been receiving calls once or twice a week for the past month regarding home visits. I was wondering if anyone else was receiving them. I have Health Partners Insurance. I have never answered the calls and always just let them go to voice mail. The calls state that they from a group authorized by my insurance company to provide in-home health visits and wanted to know if I was interested.

Can you call them back? Let’s get some information!!!

Okay, here is what I found out. I called the number back. It showed up on my phone as Health Partners but when you call it back you get Matrix Medical Network. I called them and indicated that I was interested in setting up an appointment for a visit. The operator told me the following info: They are “temporarily” providing a single in-home health visit by a nurse practitioner through Health Partners Insurance. This is available to all Health Partners members. Matrix is based out of Florida and Arizona. The nurse who comes out will discuss medications, circulation in arms/legs, environmental issues, and dietary issues. I asked if this would include info for my children and she said yes. She said the nurse’s visit will determine if there are any additional services that I or my family would quality for.

Nice job! There is another 7-state collaboration that Lynne learned of that is all about data integration.

Says well child visits are offered as services. In home vaccinations.

Maybe it’s a pilot for Nationwide tracking?

Just got off the phone. There is tracking and it’s for every child and family.

so no income limit and no requirement to have a new baby to get put on it?

and going to be nation wide? No opting out?

No limits. MN is in a collaboration with other states. I don’t know yet if states are organized in various collaborations or we’re just the guinea pigs.

I wonder if they’re just going to integrate people who are already in the programs like help me grow or if it’s going to be the hospital home visiting programs or what

Like where they pulling all the data from

I believe they are working from all angles. The schools are working family by family to set up intake on data for preschools. Just rec’d note from someone “in the know” in a MN district. As soon as they can get the data on each child, they start making $$$s.

hmmm so what happens if you drop all health insurance and refuse to take state insurance? Are you “off the grid”?

I’m wondering where the access point for the data is. Seemed like help me grow was via provider. I wonder about this tracking

Help Me Grow was provider and anyone. Anyone can refer via Help Me Grow.

so they expand it to pharmacy and dental etc. I’m assuming they will advertise and encourage referrals somehow

They can simply put the kids in the system when they’re born. Hospital.

Sure and if the elite want to opt out of the matrix they give birth where full term abortion is legal.

Funding of, by and for the interests of the people? I think not. Just the newest means of consolidating authority and control. Government by and for the elites.

Watch out in North Carolina. Central Park School for Children in Durham is inviting over drag queens:

My friends found something from Illinois that may be tied to the home visit scheme talked about in the Minnesota anti-Common Core group:

They also said that Pew Charitable Trusts was involved as was a group called Blue Ribbon.

Here is a Common Core Diva article that also may shed more light on what is going on:

After mentioning this Wrench in the Gears article ( ) I got the following reply:

Pritzker is bad news. “James Heckman; Arthur Rolnick, former senior researcher at the Minneapolis Federal Reserve; and Robert Dugger, venture capitalist and ReadyNation advisor, have worked together for decades.” That’s our “Art Rolnick” who brought Minnesota HuCAPs (Human Capital Bonds). Soros help fund former Gov. Dayton’s campaign. His hand is known in our state. After a while, one can begin to see how foundations are holding hands with the right and the left. Milton Friedman Foundation.

Someone also posted this, which is from Washington State:

Here is a post from the Minnesota anti-Common Core group about the home visit scheme:

This article alone won’t give us too much information other than the announcement that 5 states are to be included in the Early Childhood Data Systems SHINE Initiative. Those 5 states are Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Rhode Island and Utah. Lynne M Taylor will have more information tomorrow since she had opportunity to attend a presentation in North Carolina.

And some replies to this post:

Do you know if Child Trends is wrapped up with Kids Count Database?


KIDS Count has been working on collecting data on our children since 1990. Wow, just wow!! (Not surprising but just seeing it looking at me….)

It’s so sad 😭 kids have been trafficked for nearly 100 years now through HuCap.

When I posted in the Utah anti-Common Core group about the home visit thing, I got the following reply:

I have a friend who is a teacher and she said her principal is really pushing them to do home visits. I told her that teachers have enough work to do, and besides, home visits under the guise of “connecting with students” is not the teachers’ place. They need to find other ways to connect with students on school time and stay away from homes. If there is a problem, that is for social workers, not teachers.

I found a partner of Child Trends called Early Connections Learning Center, which appears to be in Colorado, which is either a member of or accredited by a group called Colorado SHINES.

When I went to this Colorado SHINES thing, I found this:

Someone tied the Dallas Federal Reserve to Commit which I tied to StriveTogether.

And some replies:

United Way gets mega funding in MN.

The federal reserves are all tied because they likely have the human capital investments flowing through them. The more kids that are on assistance the more they make.

Colorado Shines is Gates $$

I found this from ReadyNation in 2015. It’s about Early Childhood and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals:

One of the guys in here is Art Rolnick
Former Senior Vice President, Federal Reserve
Bank of Minneapolis.

Yea, that’s our guy. Art.

Colorado SHINES is part of the QRIS systems that stem from the Federal Child Care Development Block Grant in 2014. It’s Art Rolnick’s brain child aka research that introduced the child care HuCap Bond in 2014

I found something about a College Board data breach from the Minnesota anti-Common Core group:

Picking up news from 2 school districts so far that we’ve had a data breach. I’m guessing it is at least state wide. Total Registration. The College Board’s 3rd party just breached. I have another link that indicates this might be national.

Yes, the data breach with College Board is NATIONAL. Total Registration is a 3rd party and breached student information from around the country. Notification went out to schools on May 9th 2019. Notification should have been made much sooner according to our Chapter 13.

Here is another post from the Minnesota anti-Common Core group:

According to Lynne M Taylor, who attended the home visit session in NC yesterday, the VISION of the home visit program in NC will include: “All NC children, not simply public school children; will keep family and children in the center of all alignment.” Is it here tomorrow? No. But the machine of govt, foundations and non-profits are now in place and ready to greatly expand home visits, which we have also heard in communication with the Help Me Grow home visit referral program and the MDE.

And don’t forget the data bases for early childhood are well developed and ready for data collection/mining.

Think Babies! works with the 5-state collaboration of which MN is now a part. Evidently, every family needs a home visit to know how to best raise their family, get them off to the doctor on time and take that extra stress of children off the backs of parents. Government, foundations and non-profits to the rescue! Read this carefully to see what they’re all about.

Here is a post from the California anti-radical sex group:

“You can use Prom prep as a chance to visit a clinic for birth control or STD testing.”

Confirmed today that my middle school is using Positive Prevention Plus curriculum, and here are some supplementary materials used. The last slide is an example from, one of the “resources” shared with students.

Notice the attitude and messaging that Prom is a “chance to visit a clinic” for some birth control and grab some “free condoms.” you know. just “in case someone needs them” because “everyone deserves to have fun at prom!’

District: LAUSD
Middle School (7th grade)


Here is a post from Alice Linahan:

Now isn’t this interesting…
Santa Fe shooting 5/18/18.

Mental health bills supposedly in response to Santa Fe shooting, but these meetings for behavioral health plans go back to 83rd reg session.

These aren’t school safety bills, this effort to create a statewide consortium for wrap-around services to children has been in the works since 2013.
Behavioral Health Advisory Committee | Texas Health and Human …

Children and Youth Behavioral Health Subcommittee

Here is a post from the Christian Law Association page:

Please pray as our legal team assists a public school family who called after finding out their child was being subjected to Eastern religious practices at school.

Here is a post from Shannon Joy:

‘An LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum in the Rocklin School District, near Sacramento, is riling parents, resulting in 700 children being pulled from classes last Friday.’


Another drag show shown in a public school:

Here is a post from Alice Linahan’s wall:

I think there has been a lot of confusion by House (and Senate) members over the content of SB10/11 and it’s unfortunate that those of us who worked extremely hard all session to bring light to the dangers of these mental health bills were ignored by most even on the last night of the vote. Many knew how to contact us and could have asked for clarification.

There is still a lot of mental health in SB11 and most definitely SB10. It is by no means gutted. And what was stripped by section 2 of SB11 is in HB18 already headed to the Governor’s desk.

The mental health education is a threat (with sex-ed and “healthy relationships” taken from a failed and dangerous HB366 and added into SB11). The threat assessment teams are a threat that goes beyond mental health. They are a threat to civil and parental rights (INFORMED parental consent being very different from just consent, and there are no Miranda rights when it comes to a threat assessment team). There are already problems regarding consent with the Governor’s TWITR suicide prevention program that has obviously not prevented suicides all these millions of dollars later.

There is an entire rewriting of the education code to include a controversial and fluid program known as Trauma Informed Care (TIC), as well as controversial language of Adverse Childhood Experiences, Social & Emotional Domain, School Climate that has no consensus anywhere and are in fact all terminologies being used by radical liberal groups to bring in their social agendas into the schools.

The Consortium being made up of 13 psychiatric heads of universities and non-profits that could easily have ties to pharmaceutical companies will no doubt be problematic. In 2015 Texas Tribune revealed that pharmaceutical company partnerships with public universities are part of the new reality for medical research and such funding arrangements have raised questions about the increasing role profit motive plays in science; and whether it delegitimizes the results of academic studies.

There are so many more problems regarding what a community mental health provider is and the fraud that has surrounded them.

Basically they would have to gut the whole thing to fix it. It’s very unfortunate all the confusion surrounding these bills. We still need to call the Governor’s office to VETO SB11 and HB18.

Look what I found:

H.R. 2862: To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for a national system for surveillance of vaccine rates, to authorize research on vaccine hesitancy, to increase public …

Look what else I found:

To amend the Public Health Service Act to condition receipt by States (and political subdivisions and public entities of States) of preventive health services grants on the establishment of a State requirement for students in public elementary and secondary schools to be vaccinated in accordance with the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, and for other purposes.

Here is a post from a California anti-radical sex ed group:

So here’s another dilemma we as teachers must face in the classroom with the sex Ed curriculum. We have parents who DO NOT want to educate their children about sex. They see it as the educators job to “educate” their children on health and all aspects of it. If we refuse, then these children are finding their knowledge in other ways, and as a result, we feel like we have failed to educate these children properly. I am in no way supportive or in favor of this curriculum, but we are getting hit hard by both sides. We have parents who support the teachers when we say we will not teach this, but on the other hand we have parents who want us to teach it because they feel it’s our job as educators. We don’t want these children to get the wrong impression about sex and all that comes with it (which they will with this curriculum) and we definitely don’t want them to look on the internet, but we have this dilemma on our hands now, and all we want is for our students to be safe.

I had a parent become somewhat irate with me when I told them I would not teach this, and she stated “it is your job, your educational obligation to teach these kids, my child included, not a nurse, or someone from PP, or anyone else. It is your job, as my child’s teacher, to educate her because she trusts you and respects you!” I stood my ground and told her that I wouldn’t, and she called me insubordinate and threatened to “report me to the board”.

As parents, myself included, please understand that we teachers are doing the best we can to make sure your babies are safe. A vast majority of us are sick to our stomachs with this issue. We are fighting with you and will do whatever we can.

Thank you.

And here are the replies to this post:

I think this represents the biggest problem in our society. People looking to the government to solve our problems and raise our children. This is one of the main reason we have so many social programs. Some people are unwilling to take personal responsibility. The more we look to government to solve our problems, the more problems are created.
On another note, you should never feel obligated to teach something you are uncomfortable with. That’s an infringement on your personal freedom.

I agree with this. My oldest son started asking questions about the birds and the bees around 10. I kept putting it off because I thought he was too young. At 12 he heard it all from a friend and would not repeat what he heard. I just wanted to make sure he heard the truth. I finally cleared it up with him and look forward to him hearing the education part at school but obviously will keep him out if it’s the inappropriate new stuff. We need to talk to our kids about it at home as well as in school as uncomfortable as it can be.

It’s not your job to teach about sex and the things I have read and heard about this goes way farther the sex Ed. Parents need to be parents and not there kids friends and do there job. As a grandparent and my grand kids come home and tell me what they learned I will be at the school immediately. Don’t be pushed around by someone or something you don’t believe in.

The problem is that the government has used the schools for decades to steer the culture by indoctrination. The schools should teach reading, writing, science, critical thinking, and social studies without commentary! Teachers are put in a terrible position when this goes against their conscience. For decades we have ignored the minor culture steering issues and now it’s coming in at title wave. The same thing has happened in the media! Enough is enough!

I am so sorry for the public school teachers and for the position that our sick legislators have put you all in. But you are correct in not teaching this garbage to the kiddos. If you did you would be complicit in spreading pornography. So I for one am so proud of teachers like you! It is not your responsibility. That parent was completely out of line!! It is HER responsibility to teach her child about sex and all that goes with it. Keep up the good fight. We are all on your side and I am praying for you.

We, as teachers, have our hands tied. Our unions in California heavily fund planned parenthood which is strongly pushing this but opting out of a union is basically professional suicide. It’s a horrible catch 22.
I will NOT teach certain aspects of this especially the gender stuff. It’s not science or biology. It’s ideology. Not my place to teach feelings and opinions. I have 28 teaching years under my belt though so I don’t have the pressure that other younger teachers would have.

There’s a big difference between what I would call old school sex Ed and what’s being proposed today. Old school sex Ed, yes, most parents probably feel more comfortable having the teachers teach it vs planned Parenthood. 2019 CA sex Ed – no way. Perhaps this parent isn’t fully informed on what 2019 CA sex Ed entails?

I would never want anybody from the LBGT, ACLU, or Planned Parenthood teaching my children or grandchildren anything about SEX! Because of these three we have perversion running wild in our society and now they want to pollute our children. Homeschooling is the only way to keep them safe and to keep them moral!

PP needs the customers. If abortion is restricted, then they need another income stream. Supplying “trans” people with hormones, perhaps with gov’t. funding, is the next big thing for them. But they need to develop that customer base now. Ask yourself, which party does PP usually support? Part of their “income” is earmarked for political contributions.

I’m praying for you and all teachers faced with all of this. I disagree with the curriculum and believe that parents will decide for their children. What I don’t agree it that families need to opt out instead of opt in. Many parents work long hours and are overextended with life. Many are not even aware of what’s going on. Why not teach about the importance of abstinence and family life? Why bring Planned Parenthood and not a another organization that will encourage and educate about abstinence and adoption? Why all those graphic pictures and gender confusion that will bring upon our children?

Well, that parent needs to know that this is a PP curriculum. Yes, it would be better for the curriculum to be filtered by you… But you won’t be her teacher next year 😒… Than taught full on by a PP employee/volunteer. If you are just objecting to this particular curriculum, then she has nothing to worry about. Her child will learn about the 🐦 & the 🐝. What grade?


The sex Ed system of curriculum is built on the Alfred Kinney “research” he did in raping babies and children ages 5 months to preteen in the space of 24 hours and recording how many orgasms they had in the space of time. He did this in support of a statement he made saying humans are sexual from birth and that all ages should have sex including infants…yes infants. Yes even a newborn baby. The man was a pedophile and homosexual sadomasochist. His work is what the current sex Ed has been built on from the very Inception of sex Ed in public schools. Please do your research. Sex Ed doesn’t even belong in school, it sexualizes our children, and it destroys their innocence with the primary goal of normalizing pedophilia

It’s one thing to teach our kids about sex when it’s age appropriate, but when the school board who wants to take it to the next level and where I find it pornographic. They are taking it way to far and that’s where I draw the line in the sand. I’m not okay with my child being thought about changing genders, or different ones for that matter. When he knows the correct genders and doesn’t need to be confused by all this bs. It’s way to much for these young kids to process, its only scares them. I do not agree with it nor will I ever . My son now has been thought to reject this when he’s in class and he is to call me. I don’t even care at this point if he makes a scene in class either. I’m infuriated over this. This has gone to far with me. I will teach my son what he need to know. This mama bear don’t play around. I’m done.

I admire teachers like you. I am extremely careful of teachers like my son experienced and third grade at Barnes Elementary School in Beaverton Oregon. It was his math and science teacher, he was an openly gay man, which we didn’t have a problem with. We were actually excited because he had a special curriculum planned for the advanced Learners of the school. It wasn’t until later in the school year when he decided to take it upon himself to read the book Jacobs new dress. A book about a transgender boy. He then gave a science lesson to the kids about gender fluidity. He then read a book he wrote himself called I like to fly my rainbow flag. And talk to the class about his sexual preference to be with a man instead of a woman. My son came home extremely distraught and not understanding. Up until then my son had been in a private Christian School in Oklahoma. I felt bad for so many reasons but extremely angry that the teacher did this to my son in 3rd grade. No letters were sent home, no notes to the parents. No ability to opt out. Teachers like that teacher are part of the indoctrination process.

It is a law now. AB 329 Comprhensive sexual education passed two weeks ago. So, it will make it teachers responsible divinity to instruct the children according to the textbooks that the school district decided to use.

Here is another post from the California anti-radical sex ed group:

I urge everyone to take a look at the United Nations’ (actually UNESCO) “International technical guidance on sexuality education: an evidence-informed approach.” It’s a long read, 139 pages, but I think you’ll all see similarities in everything recommended within these pages with the SEXXX-Ed Curriculum here in CA. Everything from the school’s role, to developing comprehensive curriculum, to gender identity, to HIV education and awareness. If you look at who the “funding” partners, low and behold you’ll see the International Planned Parenthood Federation. California is just a jumping off point. This is the end goal of Agenda 2030 and it’s Global Sustainable Development Goals.

And some replies to this post:

some documents date back to 2007 or 2008

The icing on the cake. “The review shows that curricula are likely to have the desired positive effect on young people’s health outcomes when they feature certain characteristics that define them as being ‘effective’ at achieving the goals of CSE (see Table 4), when they are comprehensive in scope and delivered as intended. The review also concludes that school-based sexuality education should be a part of a holistic strategy aiming to engage young people in learning about and shaping their sexual and reproductive future, encompassing multiple settings, including schools, the community, health services and households/families.”

I believe it. Got this from a person’s page I follow from South Africa. It was posted this last week. It is being implemented there too.

You’re exactly correct!!! Once you read this, it connects all the dots! And identifies the Legislators for the traitorous Globalists they and exactly who is pushing this.

People Get ready for the Rupture!

No stand and resist, not looking for an escape route, our job has just begun.

We need to fight fire with fire! I’m so glad to see so many people here who are awake!! Spread the word and spread awareness! Globalists want us to be dumb sheep who follow blindly. We are fighting the spirit of the anti-Christ, this is spiritual warfare, unfortunately. The battle is real. But we need to be strong and resolute in our faith to fight! I thank the good Lord Jesus Christ for this group and for everyone here!! Gives me hope for our children’s future!

Just in case anyone is still uncertain as to where the UN fits into all of this, they are and always have been globalists. They want a One World Government and no sovereignty for anyone. When the UN assigns a country like Iran to the womens rights committee’s, certainly that exposes their treachery.

That is a big bingo. Just like Political prostitute Pelosi appointed our walking talking Iran analogy – Omar – to what? The Foreign Affairs Committee (as a freshman) We are at war, like it or not – MassResistance is a good organization to be in they organize OUT in the field. But they stopped Washington State from passing their sexxx ed bill.

Is this information that the teachers receive or is this what they will actually give the students to read. I’m sorry I just getting informed of all of this and I want to know who this supposed to be for?

this info is not intended for teachers at the instructional level in the classroom.
This information is part of a policy called Agenda 21 or perhaps Agenda 2030, I could be wrong. Did you know, there is even an Agenda 2050, called Vision 2050? They are all the same agenda, only at different stages of planning and development.
So this agenda is about an effort to implement and put into place a global, world-wide plan to create a New World Order, or a One World Order (they are both the same.) Have you heard of the illuminati? That’s when all of this started, hundreds of years ago. It is globalist elitism, where a small group of powerful and wealthy control everything and make decisions that affect all of us.
You’ve heard of the United Nations in New York City? This agenda is created and made into policy through the United Nations. They do not have our best interests in mind, because they want individual countries to stop being their own nations, and they want to create one big global country, where all the citizens of the world have to answer to them, to their government, to their constitution, to their unelected leader. They want one global currency, or money, they want one religion (anti-Christ) and they even have their own United Nations military, where their militia wears blue helmets. They want to dictate who and how the world’s resources are used, control populations, and do away with our flag, our government, our Constitution, and make us answer to them. We would not have individual rights or liberties or freedoms like we have now as Americans. They want to do this with ALL countries, not just the U.S.
Also, in Europe, there is another group called the European Union and they have already succeeded in erasing borders and making the European people from different countries fall under one government. They have the Euro dollar, and they are doing the same thing that the United Nations wants to do here.
Trump is the only politician who ran for President here in out country who wants to stop the United Nations and their New World Order Agenda. This is why every American needs to vote for him again in 2020.
So this policy that [name redacted] posted is a small excerpt from the UN agenda, explaining how they plan on controlling our children with their sexually explicit and sick curriculum. This is only one small part of their bigger plan on controlling how we live our lives.
Do you know all of the people who are coming over the border, they are all being funded by the globalists affiliated with the UN and the NWO. Have you heard of George Soros? He is a billionaire who wants to see our country and other countries fall under the NWO and he and others are aggressively doing everything in their power to weaken our country and to destroy us, and take our resources.
This is a lot of information but I hope it helps. But that’s what Trump stands for is keeping the United States its own sovereign nation, fighting to keep our individual rights and freedoms intact, keeping our Constitution intact, trying to keep our borders safe (but the Democrats will not allow this and want to keep the borders open) Trump is fighting to keep our country alive and from being taken over by globalists and the New World Order.

The hormone disruptors (aka “gender benders”) in the vaccines, pills, and Big Ag products are causing identity disturbances or gender confusion for more people. The main person credited with the vaccine industry’s early start by way of his Cowpox vaccine was Edward Jenner, the acknowledged Father of Immunology / Vaccines. Cancer skyrocketed shortly after the introduction of the Cowpox vaccine. He is listed as a distant relative of Bruce Jenner, coincidentally.

Yes, I also agree that Agenda 2030 is the driving force behind the push to break up families, mandated vaccines, high-density housing, Cap and Trade Gas Tax (California is the first place to have this tax in the world), the digital connection of the world at faster 5G rates, the reduction of privacy rights, the erasing of parents from their children’s lives, and the promotion of the normalization of pedophilia. Next year (October 2020), the national Real ID card will be in place that may later include our medical records at some point (i.e., “no MMR shot, no travel”). Regardless of your actual gender or gender beliefs, it’s a war on people who breathe.
As it pertains to children, the governing rule of the land that dates back to the old British legal doctrine named “parens patriae” (“parent of the country” or “state is the parent”) gives the dystopian state the right to make decisions on behalf of the alleged “best interests” of the children even when it clearly is not. To me, Agenda 2030 is akin to “parens patriae on steroids” which will likely transfer more rights and assets from the people to the state.
The state may continue to push for in-home visits for mandated vaccines like they are working on in Oregon right now. If you disagree, then the state may try to take your children away using “parens patriae” authority powers.
“The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.” ― Adolf Hitler
California is effectively ground zero here in the U.S. for Agenda 21 (“sustainable living in the 21st century” that first began at the Rio Summit of 1992; it’s been openly endorsed by the last four U.S. presidents). Agenda 21 then later evolved into Agenda 2030 (or the year 2030). For the almost 40 million residents here in California, we only live on approximately 5% of the state’s land. Regional Transportation Centers are being designed at a cost of $1 TRILLION (not billion) dollars (or more toll roads and new driving mileage taxes) between San Diego and Sacramento. None of these new “high-density” housing options are “affordable” or “save the planet.”
California is already home to the Top 4 most densely populated metropolitan regions in America in spite of how much land that we have here in the state.
America’s Most Densely Population Regions (per U.S. Census)

  1. Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, California: This Southern California region has almost 7,000 residents per square mile. There are 640 acres within a square mile, so these numbers are equivalent to almost 11 people per acre (43,560 sq. ft.).
  2. San Francisco-Oakland, California: There are an estimated 6,266 people per square mile in this Northern California “Bay Area” region.
  3. San Jose, California: This high tech or “Silicon Valley” region has an estimated 5,820 people per square mile.
  4. Delano, California (Bakersfield or Kern County Region): This Central California region has approximately 5,483 residents per square mile.
    As such, the push for mandated vaccines, high-density living, Sheeple breathing taxes like Cap & Trade, and the promotion of breaking up loving families are all tied together under Agenda 2030 dystopia. Even if the puppet masters hide their negative strategies under friendlier Orwellian euphemisms like “Green New Deal” or “Sustainable Living,” it’s still equivalent to the transfer of rights, assets, and decision-making authority of families to the state. Once you can see it, you can’t unsee it.
    How to better understand Agenda 2030:
    “Since these supposedly non-binding international agreements can sometimes be a bit tricky to decode, what with all the weaponized buzz terms and semantics games, we’ve prepared a handy dandy translator on the 17 new Agenda 2030 goals below.
    Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
    Translation: Centralized banks, IMF, World Bank, Fed to control all finances
    Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
    Translation: GMO
    Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
    Translation: Mass vaccination, Codex Alimentarius
    Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
    Translation: UN propaganda, brainwashing through compulsory education from cradle to grave
    Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
    Translation: Population control through forced “Family Planning”
    Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
    Translation: Privatize all water sources, don’t forget to add fluoride
    Natural and Non-Toxic Products. Up to 50% Off – Every Day (Ad)
    Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
    Translation: Smart grid with smart meters on everything, peak pricing
    Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
    Translation: TPP, free trade zones that favor megacorporate interests
    Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
    Translation: Toll roads, push public transit, remove free travel, environmental restrictions
    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
    Translation: Even more regional government bureaucracy
    Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
    Translation: Big brother big data surveillance state
    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
    Translation: Forced austerity
    Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
    Translation: Cap and Trade, carbon taxes/credits, footprint taxes (aka Al Gore’s wet dream)
    Never buy another battery again (Ad)
    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
    Translation: Environmental restrictions, control all oceans including mineral rights from ocean floors
    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
    Translation: More environmental restrictions, more controlling resources and mineral rights
    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
    Translation: More UN “peacekeeping” missions (ex 1, ex 2), remove 2nd Amendment in USA
    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
    Translation: Remove national sovereignty worldwide”
    Source: Agenda 2030 Translator: How to Read the UN’s New Sustainable Development Goals by Truthstream Media

Porn and smartphones (“digital drugs”) create pain, shortened attention spans, and disconnection from self and others around them as partly noted by the following statistics:

  • 60% divorce rate in California.
  • 74% divorce rate in Orange County, California.
  • 22 million American children erased from at least one parent.
  • All-time record high parental alienation perceptions in children for one or both parents.
  • 7 to 8-second attention spans for Americans and Canadians, per two separate Microsoft studies.
    It’s bad enough when young teenagers get hooked on porn. How much worse will it be when 3, 4, or 5-year old children are exposed to it, especially after they continue to grow up?
    “Other Shocking Porn Data:
    ● As of 2014, there were an estimated 4.2 million porn sites on the internet. Each day, this number compounds and grows at an exponential rate.
    ● Over 30% of all internet traffic worldwide now goes to porn sites.
    ● The average American high school student spends at least two hours on porn sites each week.
    ● 83% of all U.S. boys and 57% of girls have seen group sex on the internet.
    ● 40% of study respondents who self-identify as Christian men admit to watching “excessive porn” and 64% of Christian men watch porn at least once per month, and 65% of non-Christian men viewed porn at least once a month, 15% of Christian women viewed porn monthly, and 30% of non-Christian women watched porn each month, per ProvenMen and their 2014 Porn Study.
    ● According to The Journal of Sex Research’s 2017 study entitled Unbuckling the Bible Belt: A State-Level Analysis of Religious Factors and Google Searches for Porn released on Valentine’s Day (February 14th), the Bible Belt, or Deep South region of the United States, is the #1 location for most watched online porn.
    How Porn Rewires Your Brain
    Is online porn creating a nation and planet of Cheaters, Sadists, Rapists, Abusers, Sociopaths, Borderlines, and / or Narcissists?
    Joel Hesch, the founder of Proven Men Ministries, and primary sponsor of their 2014 Porn Study, has been quoted as follows about their discovered online porn results in this summary here:
    “What we are seeing can also be described as an epidemic. Viewing pornography can quickly turn into a very real addiction. Just like drug or alcohol use, what starts off as a seemingly innocent or fun act can quickly spiral out of control. If left unchecked, it will consume your time, energy, and resources. Once hooked, it’s hard to break loose.”
    One of the main traits assigned to people perceived as having “personality disorder” or “high conflict personality” (no formal medical diagnosis required; it is more of a description of observed behaviors) traits is “lack of impulse control” behavior. Lack of impulse control behaviors can include drug and booze addictions, excessive shopping, road rage, excessive food binging (and purging?), overwhelming anger and rage issues, television, serious gambling problems, identity disturbance, and addiction to social media and online porn. In 2017, it might be challenging to find a few people who don’t readily admit to self-describing their behavior as “addictive” to at least one or two things in their life.
    Watching online porn and hanging out on various social media platforms can effectively be the equivalent of combining the Real World with the Digital World. Many times, our brains cannot differentiate between the two real and virtual worlds, or separate or compartmentalize the two worlds. In the world of “fake news”, terror drills gone live, and fake currency systems backed by nothing but “thin air”, do we even have a “Real World” anymore?
    Sadly, people begin to “objectify” others around them as they increasingly view others as “objects of lust” as opposed to living, breathing people. As a result, their empathy skills for self and others around them rapidly fall.
    Neurons fire together in our brains by way of neurotransmitters (our brain’s “highway system” for emotions, messages, memories, and perceptions). Dopamine helps us regulate movement and emotional responses. Dopamine is also described as the brain’s “pleasure chemical” linked to things such as food, drugs, alcohol, music, and sex that helps reduce pain or negative emotions.
    Porn causes our brains to release higher levels of dopamine until eventually our dopamine levels may later drop significantly and deplete to unhealthy levels. A way to visualize this is to imagine your stomach that is probably currently the size of your fist. Now, please imagine your same stomach as the size of your head. Would you need to eat a lot more food to feel full with a much larger stomach? The answer for most people would be “yes” as they may double their food calorie intake.
    Dopamine enables us to not only seek rewards, but to aggressively take action to move towards and find them as quickly as possible (or new “lack of impulse control” behaviors). A deficiency in dopamine can later lead to Parkinson’s disease and other serious health challenges. People with lower levels of dopamine activity can also be more prone to addictions such as found with drinking, drugs, gambling, shopping, and porn.
    If the dopamine receptors in our brain are changed too significantly, it can turn people into “sensation-seeking people”, or “risk takers” found with people willing to drive 100+ mph on the freeway on their motorcycle without a helmet, people willing to end up homeless in order to support their drug, booze, and / or gambling addictions, and people willing to resort to raping women or men in order to satisfy their overwhelming desires for lust.
    The modified dopamine levels, in turn, create feelings of disconnection from self and others around you while later causing both increased emotional and physical pain. If so, the person may turn to drugs and booze in order to suppress these overwhelming negative emotions.”

Here is a post from an anti-early childhood Common Core group:

Congratulations to Gwinnett County for successfully testing their youngest learners for 23 straight days!

Here is a post that someone posted in reply to a post of mine in the Minnesota anti-Common Core group:

currently Dakota County CPS is being sued for legalized kidnapping. We also have “education” bills here in MN they are trying to push through where children would start “school” at birth and be tracked by the government with mandatory home visits for all birth to age 3. They are pushing for that same government tracking under “education” from cradle to grave. We are also completely common core, which is embedded into the ESSA. Currently Minnesota schools are fully ESSA compliant with some pretty alarming new stuff. I would encourage you to read Minnesota’s current ESSA compliant education bill that recently passed (if I am remembering correctly…long day) as well as what is being proposed. Good post! Keep digging!

Here is a post from the Christian Law Association page:

Please pray for our legal team as they advise a concerned public school mother in Indiana who is battling a recent immoral addition to their school curriculum.

Here is a post from Alice Linahan:

On House floor before midnight, SB10 was added onto SB11 as an amendment and SB11 was passed to 3 reading. Speaker Bonnen completely showed utter corruption by shutting down Rep. Stickland and his inquiries.

These bills setup the framework for complete federal unconstitutional control of our children.

When you shift the focus of education away from knowledge-based academics and to the behavioral, anyone with an agenda, whether we agree with the agenda or not, has access to our children and our tax dollars. This is beyond disgusting, unethical and immoral!

Texans will not forget the corruption and injustice of being ignored by the people they worked hard to get into office. Special thank you goes out to Rep. Jonathan Stickland for standing up, when No one else would to protect Texas children. YOU ARE A HERO JONATHAN STICKLAND!!

When the grass is cut, the 🐍 snakes will show!! The grass was cut today and the snakes 🐍 are in full view. And, they have both Rs and Ds by their names.

Here is a post from an anti-Common Core group:

Do not ask me what this has to do with Common Core.
If you don’t know by now, you need to stop asking and admit that you just don’t want to know.

Here is a post that was shared in a Colorado anti-Common Core group:

A Mental Health Worker to be placed in 8 pilot schools- to follow the children throughout elementary into middle school.. hmm.
couple that with yesterday’s video.. and.. i’m curious about your thoughts Colorado?

Here is a post that I found on Facebook:

I received a package today from two Littleton elementary school teachers. They sent 45 letters from their 3rd grade students regarding HB19-1261, the Colorado New Green Deal. I did not vote for the legislation and for good reasons. This is one example, but most were written with a fatalist view…I am very concerned. (Please take the time to read)


This is a bit dated, but it shows that the events like the March for Our Lives walkouts may be the result of the social emotional learning push in schools:


Heads up in Michigan:


I found this post shared in the Colorado anti-Common Core group:

Poudre School District attendees:

Urgent need to comment by Tuesday to PSD. The new Sex Ed curriculum for 5th graders is available for viewing and comment at PSD admin building today and tomorrow, 7:30am-4:30pm 2407 Laporte Ave. The course recommends vaccination for pregnancy and measles to 5th graders! No informed consent, risks, “ask your parents.” Vaccines have NEVER been tested for safety on pregnant women, there is a FOIA request proving this. They also told kids that 4 out of 5 people will get HPV in their lifetime. No source, no information that 90% of people clear the virus who get it. They did not recommend HPV vaccine, but may as well have.

If you can, PLEASE go see the curriculum and make a comment about it being inappropriate to recommend medical procedures without informed consent and parental consent to children.

The person to comment to is: Laura Grissom 970-490-3105

I know I am not comfortable with my 5th grader learning about these things. Let’s keep it at reproductive anatomy and body changes they will be experiencing for this age.


Here is another post that was shared in the Colorado anti-Common Core group:

Age of 12 seeming to become the “new” age of consent…So ask yourself parents, with Doctor patient privilege, will you be kept in the loop? We see every day what a bad narrative can do. Do you know how is this funded?
HB1120 Youth Mental Health Education And Suicide Prevention a bill signed into law allows a minor 12 years of age or older to seek and obtain psychotherapy services with or #without the consent of the minor’s parent or guardian if the mental health professional determines the minor is knowingly and voluntarily seeking the psychotherapy services and the psychotherapy services are clinically necessary. ReadTheBillHere
While Suicide is the leading cause of death for kids ages 10 to 24, according to Children’s Hospital Colorado. An estimated one out of six teens has a diagnosable mental health condition. Children’s Hospital Colorado’s Anschutz Medical Campus alone has seen a 600% increase in child and youth hospital admissions for attempted suicide in the last decade.

Here is a post from a page in Colorado:

To help boost the mobility of young people, Denver will offer 12- to 18-year-olds free transit passes usable with their smartphones this summer.

The On My Way transportation program will run from June 1 to Aug. 31 and will pair with youths’ My Denver card, a pass to pools, libraries, museums and other city-run places.

City and school officials initiated the program to help more teens reach those programs, said Nicole Portee, who heads transportation for Denver Public Schools.

That’s not the only driving force behind the program. Officials also see it as a way to discover how many students will use the transit pass. Portee said ridership data collected during the program could help build a case for offering a pass throughout the school year.

And another post from this page:

Douglas County Ranch View Middle School anti-oppression lectures cause furor among parents …Self-described Littleton anti-oppression activist Regan Byrd was paid $2,100 by the Douglas County School District to present two lectures to 7th and 8th grade students at Ranch View Middle School, one Feb. 27 and the other April 29, eight days before the Highlands Ranch STEM school shooting. … Ranch View parent Kim Donahue told Complete Colorado in an interview that she removed her 14-year-old daughter from the April 29 presentation after her on-line research of Byrd’s program led to concerns about bias. “Some of the topics that were on that list were white anti-racist ally-ship, anti-oppression, the history of police in America, the history of race and white supremacy and dismantling toxic masculinity,” said Donahue. “What I found was that she is highly anti-white, anti-male and anti-cop, which I am not going to be a part of.”
… Asked about whether her presentation should be counterbalanced by other points of view Byrd said, “There is no other side of what I’m talking about unless you’re going to bring in a white nationalist or something.” ReadMore

Shame on the school boards in Alexandria, Arlington, Falls Church, and Fairfax County Virginia:

Here is a post from a Nevada anti-Common Core group:

My daughter came home from her last day of school today and was pretty mad. They took her to the computer lab and asked all the kids to do a “climate survey”
She said the whole survey asked personal questions, ex: do you like yourself? How do you feel about yourself? Do you feel like you can talk to adults? She said there was a choice on there to pick a choice like prefer not to answer. That’s what she picked for all of them 🙌🙌(she’s 10) they also asked how she felt about the survey and how they can make it better. She stated, don’t give this survey, it asks too many personal questions and that’s not ok!! So proud of her for speaking her mind, so pissed that this survey was even given!

And some rpelies to this post:

Personally I do not want CASEL within 100 miles of my kids. I’m not positive that CASEL gets the data from WCSD’s Student Climate Survey – but my guess is – they do.
At the bottom of page 24 it says: “CASEL also works directly with education agencies to develop SEL assessments. For example, CASEL teamed with the Washoe County School District in Nevada and the University of Illinois at Chicago to create the Washoe County School District Social and Emotional Competency Assessments (a project funded by the federal IES). But these assessments are all versions of student self-report, and therefore of questionable reliability.”

Click to access ED593789.pdf

Too late for this year but for next school year.

Click to access 2018-2019%20School%20Climate%20and%20Safety%20Surveys%20-%20Consent%20Form%20general.pdf

I was not even aware of this survey until she came home and told me about it! Sounds like more psychological profiling!!😡😡

This is one of the big problems; things being done in our schools that some parents would object to are simply done without notifying parents. This was the reason for SB403. It would have required school districts to educate parents on the dangers of children sharing personal data and school work with third party vendors, then let parents decide if their children would use these vendors or not. 10 people and entities (on the right and left) supported our bill, WCSD is the entity who spoke against it. WCSD was able to gut the bill, because they want to FORCE children to log-in and share data and school work with third party vendors.

I’m just really glad that I’m as open as I can be with my kids about all of this stuff and they truly listen and understand. If they ever have questions they don’t do it or answer like my daughter answered today. I’m glad even at their young ages they understand how important their privacy is.

What she did is pretty incredible considering her age!

I was actually pretty surprised and ever so proud of her as she was telling me. I talk very openly to them about privacy issues, data mining, psychological profiling, etc. I want them to know the truth about it all.

We refuse SEL material and any behavioral modification as well as any psychological or psychometric everything with our children, including climate surveys.

Dang, I’ve never even heard of these in Clark County. Where do you click none of your business, freaks!

ffs, my son took it, 8th grade – jeez. He was not allowed to use their chromebook all year, so he says teacher handed hers to him. Assholes

And no he never told me

Here is a post from the Minnesota anti-Common Core group:

Remember this? 2013 US DOE document titled, “Grit, Tenacity & Perseverance”. At the time, we thought it was just “creepy”! Now we know it was all about data collection, expansion of testing and assessments from birth (Gates was part of this project) and pushing kids (and their parents and teachers) to be ever-compliant with government and elite corporate overreach into families and schools.

And another post from this group:

Still reading omni bills. Right now the Health Omni which has some home visiting and oodles of grants. Wowee! Here’s one…. Targeted universalism.
605.29 Subdivision 1. Establishment. The commissioner of health shall establish the community
605.30 solutions for healthy child development grant program. The purposes of the program are
605.31 to:
Article 11 Sec. 107. 605
05/24/19 REVISOR ACS/EH 19-5223
606.1 (1) improve child development outcomes as related to the well-being of children of color
606.2 and American Indian children from prenatal to grade 3 and their families, including but not
606.3 limited to the goals outlined by the Department of Human Service’s early childhood systems
606.4 reform effort: early learning; health and well-being; economic security; and safe, stable,
606.5 nurturing relationships and environments by funding community-based solutions for
606.6 challenges that are identified by the affected community;
606.7 (2) reduce racial disparities in children’s health and development, from prenatal to grade
606.8 3; and
606.9 (3) promote racial and geographic equity.
606.10 Subd. 2. Commissioner’s duties. The commissioner of health shall:
606.11 (1) develop a request for proposals for the healthy child development grant program in
606.12 consultation with the Community Solutions Advisory Council;
606.13 (2) provide outreach, technical assistance, and program development support to increase
606.14 capacity for new and existing service providers in order to better meet statewide needs,
606.15 particularly in greater Minnesota and areas where services to reduce health disparities have
606.16 not been established;
606.17 (3) review responses to requests for proposals, in consultation with the Community
606.18 Solutions Advisory Council, and award grants under this section;
606.19 (4) ensure communication with the ethnic councils, Minnesota Indian Affairs Council,
606.20 and the governor’s early learning council on the request for proposal process;
606.21 (5) establish a transparent and objective accountability process, in consultation with the
606.22 Community Solutions Advisory Council, focused on outcomesthat grantees agree to achieve;
606.23 (6) provide grantees with access to data to assist grantees in establishing and
606.24 implementing effective community-led solutions;
606.25 (7) maintain data on outcomes reported by grantees; and
606.26 (8) contract with an independent third-party entity to evaluate the success of the grant
606.27 program and to build the evidence base for effective community solutionsin reducing health
606.28 disparities of children of color and American Indian children from prenatal to grade 3.
606.29 Subd. 3. Community Solutions Advisory Council; establishment; duties;
606.30 compensation. (a) No later than October 1, 2019, the commissioner shall convene a
606.31 12-member Community Solutions Advisory Council as follows:
606.32 (1) two members representing the African Heritage community;
Article 11 Sec. 107. 606
05/24/19 REVISOR ACS/EH 19-5223
607.1 (2) two members representing the Latino community;
607.2 (3) two members representing the Asian-Pacific Islander community;
607.3 (4) two members representing the American Indian community;
607.4 (5) two parents of children of color or that are American Indian with children under nine
607.5 years of age;
607.6 (6) one member with research or academic expertise in racial equity and healthy child
607.7 development; and
607.8 (7) one member representing an organization that advocates on behalf of communities
607.9 of color or American Indians.
607.10 (b) At least three of the 12 members of the advisory council must come from outside
607.11 the seven-county metropolitan area.
607.12 (c) The Community Solutions Advisory Council shall:
607.13 (1) advise the commissioner on the development of the request for proposals for
607.14 community solutions healthy child development grants. In advising the commissioner, the
607.15 council must consider how to build on the capacity of communities to promote child and
607.16 family well-being and address social determinants of healthy child development;
607.17 (2) review responses to requests for proposals and advise the commissioner on the
607.18 selection of grantees and grant awards;
607.19 (3) advise the commissioner on the establishment of a transparent and objective
607.20 accountability process focused on outcomes the grantees agree to achieve;
607.21 (4) advise the commissioner on ongoing oversight and necessary support in the
607.22 implementation of the program; and
607.23 (5) support the commissioner on other racial equity and early childhood grant efforts.
607.24 (d) Each advisory council member shall be compensated in accordance with Minnesota
607.25 Statutes, section 15.059, subdivision 3.
607.26 Subd. 4. Eligible grantees. Organizations eligible to receive grant funding under this
607.27 section include:
607.28 (1) organizations or entities that work with communities of color and American Indian
607.29 communities;
607.30 (2) tribal nations and tribal organizations as defined in section 658P of the Child Care
607.31 and Development Block Grant Act of 1990; and
Article 11 Sec. 107. 607
05/24/19 REVISOR ACS/EH 19-5223
608.1 (3) organizations or entities focused on supporting healthy child development.
608.2 Subd. 5. Strategic consideration and priority of proposals; eligible populations;
608.3 grant awards. (a) The commissioner, in consultation with the Community Solutions
608.4 Advisory Council, shall develop a request for proposals for healthy child development
608.5 grants. In developing the proposals and awarding the grants, the commissionershall consider
608.6 building on the capacity of communitiesto promote child and family well-being and address
608.7 social determinants of healthy child development. Proposals must focus on increasing racial
608.8 equity and healthy child development and reducing health disparities experienced by children
608.9 of color and American Indian children from prenatal to grade 3 and their families.
608.10 (b) In awarding the grants, the commissioner shall provide strategic consideration and
608.11 give priority to proposals from:
608.12 (1) organizations or entities led by people of color and serving communities of color;
608.13 (2) organizations or entities led by American Indians and serving American Indians,
608.14 including tribal nations and tribal organizations;
608.15 (3) organizations or entities with proposalsfocused on healthy development from prenatal
608.16 to age three;
608.17 (4) organizations or entities with proposals focusing on multigenerational solutions;
608.18 (5) organizations or entities located in or with proposals to serve communities located
608.19 in counties that are moderate to high risk according to the Wilder Research Risk and Reach
608.20 Report; and
608.21 (6) community-based organizations that have historically served communities of color
608.22 and American Indians and have not traditionally had access to state grant funding.
608.23 The advisory council may recommend additional strategic considerations and priorities to
608.24 the commissioner.
608.25 (c) The first round of grants must be awarded no later than April 15, 2020.
608.26 Subd. 6. Geographic distribution of grants. The commissioner and the advisory council
608.27 shall ensure that grant funds are prioritized and awarded to organizations and entities that
608.28 are within counties that have a higher proportion of people of color and American Indians
608.29 than the state average, to the extent possible.
608.30 Subd. 7. Report. Grantees must report grant program outcomes to the commissioner on
608.31 the forms and according to the timelines established by the commissioner.


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