Public Schools or Public Screwels? Part 11

anti-common core part 11

I’ve decided to make a  part 11.

Now Parkland Schools are harassing an anti-gun control student for tweets he made of going to the gun range with his father:


Here is a post from a Utah anti-Common Core group:

Hey ya’ll! My friend was told by the Principal that she could opt her son out of Sage but it would effect his grade and they would find something harder for him to do. They opted another son of hers last year and they did give them harder stuff. So my questions are, what are her options? Should she report this principal? Where is the law that states no penalties? Where can she get her own form to opt out?

He made her feel really guilty saying “it’s your choice, it’s your choice. But it’s good practice for the act”


And here are some replies to said post:

This principal is a “BULLY” he needs to be gone!


yes and no. It could just be a misunderstanding 😬. I doubt it. But I don’t want anyone to lose their jobs. Just corrected.


yes I understand but experiences go far past this and I’ve been to the District and nothing changes.


You should be able to find the opt out form online at the Utah state education website. Sage is not required. Have her sign the paper and turn it in. Then if he continues to be annoying just have her check her child out whenever there is a test.


Illegal! Illegal! Illegal! Tell her to contact the assessment director or the superintendant.


If you message me and tell me the school district, I can help you find your first point of contact.


Emery County School District


These decisions belong 100% to the parents, not the principal at a government school. Tell your friend to go in and ask this principal if they can sit down and review this test together so she can see if it’s appropriate for her student. He will tell her that no one, including himself is allowed to see the questions. So how does he know if it’s a good practice for the ACT?… They should not be administering tests that they cannot see the questions to. If they want to administer an alternative test, have her ask to review that one as well. Opting out of SAGE testing cannot affect their grade.


She’s kinda nervous to report him bc it’s a small community and her son is in sports. Can it be anonymous?
Doing what she feels is best for her child is always the right decision. If she’s already talked to them then they’ll most likely know it’s her. If I was her I would go in and sit down and explain that as the parent she will not be allowing her student to take this test, and she would appreciate it if they would kindly respect her parental rights and wishes for her child. I would respect a parent more if they came in and were kind but very straight forward about what they wanted for their child.
I have had the same experiences. Will you please PM me the principals name?
Here is a post  from Alice Linahan:

This should be of great concern to ALL Texas Parents.

“The State Board of Education will now require the use of machine-readable curriculum standards when publishers create new high school reading language arts instructional material. This is the first step towards requiring interoperability.”

“Project Unicorn partners presented at SXSWedu March 2018. Dell Foundation presented that data interoperability meant a 360-degree view of student data, information on past test scores, attendance, behavior, etc. right there on the spot and the USDoE’s Digital Promise, who is interested in leveraging the mind, brain connection in education, moderated a panel on bringing brain scanners to measure students’ learning. Read more about this and Bill Gates’ investing in a brain research company that develops next-generation Mind Tracking Solutions, which can be integrated into existing eye tracking devices and software here. ]

alice l image
And another post from her:


“So Mike Morath, Texas Education Agency (TEA) commissioner, failed at his Home Rule attempt in Dallas (See Panning a Charter Takeover of all public schools). So via legislative mandate in SB 1882, Texas has now empowered TEA to use gangster moves to force schools into private management.”


Here is a post from a Utah anti-Common Core group:

can Nebo District do this?
Email from teacher below. I will post her first email from during school yesterday in the comments. This is what she sent today.

“After I emailed you last, I attended an ethics training for SAGE and received new policy information from the district and state. This year, schools are required to provide an alternate learning experience during SAGE. That means that opt-out students will have a different assignment that will still be required–so if you were to check out Trent on those days, he will still need to make that assignment up. Just for your information, this is found in Utah Code 531-15-1403: “Teachers may not reward or punish a student for being excluded from testing. Schools are required to provide an alternative learning experience for the student while the rest of the class takes the assessment.” This particular alternate assignment is the same for each 7th-grade English class at our school. This assignment will neither be a punishment or a reward–just a different option for those opting out.

As far as grading for SAGE goes, we have been directed to give participation grades–this has nothing to do with how well they score on SAGE or whether or not they opted out, but it is based on their effort in participating. Students who opt out of the SAGE will earn these points by taking the opt-out assignment, which will also be graded based on effort–not mastery. If you’d still like to check Trent out of school, he can make up the assignment at home.

If you have any other concerns or questions about the new policy, my administrators would be happy to explain this further.”


Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Watch out for these freaky educational mind-benders …
They’ll infuse ‘em with norms and ethical standards … which they’ll approve … and auto-correct their emotions so they lose any traces of childhood … and become perfectly calibrated, social creeps.

And that’s how they’ll retool your kid’s personality … and rehabilitate their identity … pretty much without bothering you at all. But that should bother you to no end.

Read on … and see what you’re up against …

kid zombie


And here are some replies to said post:

I went to my great-grandaughters school to have lunch with her (that’s nice that the school allows that) as I stood in the hall watching the class arrive I thought “my Lord it’s the Hitler army” perfectly straight line of perfectly spaced littles, no touching!!, no talking (pretend you don’t see Grammy standing over there) God forbid that she show any delight in seeing Grammy. A far cry from my school days when “best Friends ( you are not allowed to say the “best” part anymore) actually held hands in the hallway on the way to lunch. It’s no wonder when I greet a teenager on the street they look at me like I have 3 heads! It’s so pathetic – indeed no joy.

This is my 10 year old daughter’s vocabulary words this week. Thought you would appreciate this 😔

 hard voacb
my son hasn’t seen spelling words since 3rd grade & they weren’t little words. Yet he cant spell small daily words. I’m doing spelling, cursive & the states with my kids over the summer. my daughter is 15 & my son is now 12. They don’t know much of any of that.
I’ve seen the same. The village mayor’s son taught 1st grade. He literally told the kids to look straight ahead, eyes on the back of the head in front of you. haven’t you heard the little songs they sing while being on line. indeed looks like prison.
I’m really considering pulling my last 2 (of 4) out of school and home schooling. I am seeing my bright vibrant children being literally dummed down and commonsence being squashed. Heartbreaking to say the least.
My seventh grade granddaughters are going on a field trip, job fair! Can you believe that!? But they make kids believe that is a good thing!
 I guess we need to protest harder, they are losing their childhood.
 Here is a post from a New York anti-Common Core group:

Assemblyman Ra and Assemblyman Murray Disappointed the Assembly Majority has Blocked Transparency in Schools

Assemblyman Ed Ra is disappointed to announce that his bill, the “Standardized Testing Transparency Act” (A2312) was held in the Assembly Committee on Education. The legislation would have allowed the Commissioner of Education to release all questions and content on state tests as well as data on the number of students who completed, opted out or were eligible to be tested within 30 days following the test.

“We need to provide our families with this information so they can feel confident when making their personal decision on whether or not to have their children take the new Common Core tests,” said Ra. “Students and parents deserve this transparency, as it will help them determine what is right for their families, as each family has a unique situation. By blocking this legislation, Assembly Democrats are once again refusing to allow families the opportunity to decide what is right for their children. Our teachers are also being let down, as they are caught in the middle of all this. It is already known that there are issues with the content of the tests and its administration, this secrecy is not helping anyone. Though the Assembly Democrats continue to refuse to help students and their families, I will continue to fight for this transparency. We need to be open and honest about what is going on behind the scenes so each family can decide what is right for them.”

“It was disappointing that Assembly Democrats once again let down our teachers, parents and students by blocking the Standardized Testing Transparency Act, legislation that would have given families peace of mind in helping to determine if it was appropriate for their children to take these standardized tests. We have already seen a myriad of problems with the contents of the test’s questions and with how they are administered. I will continue to fight for the highest level of transparency and accountability in regards to the curriculum being taught and the tests that are administered, to help our parents make the best educational choices for their children,” said Assemblyman Dean Murray (R,C,I-East Patchogue), the Ranking Republican Member of the Education Committee.


University of Utah has a crying closet for snowflakes to use:


Here is a post from a friend of mine:

A good friend of mine spent $40K per year to send her child to a good private school to avoid Common Core and the school to work infiltration. She wanted a truly educated child not human capital for the planned economy. The result for her sacrifice…..her daughter could not score well on the SAT. Even though this child had a 4.0 gpa and had all AP classes. The problem, she knew real math but did not know Common Core math. So her mother had to put out $80 per hour all summer so her child could now learn the CC way to do math and score better on the SAT. I tried to convince her to by-pass the SAT and go directly to the college entrance exam but she was stuck in the same paradigm as many other parents. They think the SAT is the only way to get into college. There is sadly only one solution to this problem. We need to stand up and STARVE THE BEAST. We need to take down this system. Make implode upon itself. But it will take parents willing to stop sending the children into the belly of the beast. If we could get 30% of parents to pull their kids we just might be able to bring it all down. If not we will have 30% of future population with a real education.

I found this post from a California group, though the post was from 2016:

Do you want your student’s data collected and housed in a longitudinal data system outside of the CDE? Well, it’s happening.

The CORE districts are experimenting with your kids. After conducting a two year pilot on ways to measure social emotional learning (SEL), the lead psychologist (Angela Duckworth) backed out of CORE’s project. She felt the implementation of SEL measures was ahead of the science, but that hasn’t slowed CORE down.

CORE Districts are now collecting extensive data on your kids that reaches well beyond academics.

More importantly, this data is being collected and housed outside of CDE’s data system, CALPADS.

Per CORE’s federal wavier, these districts agreed to build a robust longitudinal data system, which is housed at Stanford’s John Gardner Center for Youth. The system was designed to share data across key sectors related to education, such as heath and human services, welfare and criminal justice departments, after school and community programs etc.

The goal is to generate a comprehensive digital profile of every student in order to track his/her performance and progress from cradle to career. The endgame is a sustainable (planned) economy. Although the shift to SEL is couched in the well being of students, it is actually driven by corporate interests, folks who see your kid as human capital.

Thanks to FERPA and CORE your child’s data can and will be shared widely with any number of third parties that have a “legitimate educational interest.”

This year CORE has added several more schools and charters into the fold. From the first federal waiver, CORE intended to scale its approach across the state.

The extensive data collection is a threat to your child’s privacy and safety. More importantly, it won’t improve the quality of his/her education.

So, if you don’t want your child’s personal information collected and shared, you have to speak up. Opt out of adaptive learning software. Demand textbooks and teacher generated assessments, old school paper and pencil tests.

Looks like another student has been suspended for a gun range post on social media:
I found this post in an anti-Common Core group:
Teachers on strike in Arizona, marching in Colorado. I went to some of the Red for Ed Facebook pages, all are supported by “BATS”. That should tell you everything you need to know about Red for Ed. :\    BATS is run by Mark Naison who is a close friend of Bill Ayers. BATS is not Against Common Core! They are all about empowering the Teachers UNION.
 Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Hill told Harris that she left the AEA after her first year of teaching. She is not alone.

Because AEA has failed miserably to represent teachers in the state for years, fewer and fewer teachers belong to the organization. This is not strictly an Arizona phenomena. In fact, across the country, as teachers’ associations took on political fights that had nothing to do with teaching and everything to do with progressive issues like climate change, membership has fallen off.


A  Nevada school that let their students participate in the National Walkout Day is being sued for barring a student from wearing a pro-gun t-shirt:


Here is a post from a North Dakota anti-Common Core group:

Excerpt –Google measuring “soft skills” in k-12 NH schools:
“According to this recent article in the Manchester Union Leader, SNHU received a $1 million dollar grant from Google to develop an assessment to measure “soft skills.”
Soft skills include behaviors, attitudes, and the mental health of the person being assessed. In NH, these soft skills are being assessed k-12 too. In some cases this is being done without parental knowledge or consent. This is part of the Competency Based Education model that includes measuring attitudes, dispositions, and behaviors.”


Here is a post from a Georgia anti-Common Core group:

NWEA MAP TESTS. Parents, did you know that all students who take the NWEA MAP growth test, have a separate ENGAGEMENT profile? (It has nothing to do with whether they answered the questions correctly or incorrectly.)
What follows is a brief account of a nearly 7 month NWEA Q & A communication and related FOIA. Many questions remain unanswered. I invite NWEA, teachers, students, other parents to give input — as this is something that potentially affects millions of US students. If you are short on time, here is the very short ‘Top 10’ version:

1. NWEA rebranded in 2017, won award for new Social Emotional Assessment tool for MAP Growth, announced new “engagement” profiling for every student, and hired new CEO, Chris Minnich, of CCSSO, the Common Core copyright co-owner.

2. Detecting Social Emotional skills is a $43 Billion global market for edtech.

3. NWEA maintains one of the largest repositories of student growth data in the nation. Why hasn’t NWEA signed the SIIA privacy pledge to not sell student data?

4. Where is NWEA data being shared; how is it being used and analyzed? Collaborators, Researchers, Hitachi.

5. Do parents know their child has an engagement profile with NWEA ? Can parents opt out of this profile? (No).

6. In a study with Harvard’s Center for Education Policy Research Proving Ground Network , and a Gates funded CORE school district, NWEA has used personal data from the NWEA engagement profile and COMBINED this pii data with personal, student-level (pii) data from students’ self-reported behavior surveys. NWEA’s study concludes that test disengagement (rapid response) is “connected to risk of dropping out of school …and a lot of deep-rooted problems”.

7. Who will be able to see if a student has been flagged as disengaged (or at risk for these “problem areas”) by NWEA? (ie: Will this disengagement profile or flag ever be shared with colleges, employers?) Did parents give informed consent for this NWEA study that combines and potentially re-purposes sensitive student data? In asking NWEA and FOIA of the school district, (here), I could find no evidence of explicit permission or informed parent consent. Will NWEA obtain informed consent in the future and allow parents to opt out of SEL or Engagement data?

8. Accuracy?

9.NWEA Reading Fluency now uses Voice Recognition technology. How is THAT data being analyzed, used?

10. NWEA and researchers, edtech, Congress can learn from the Facebook scandal. Children’s data should not be taken without consent, should not be repurposed, researched, and analyzed without transparency and consent. You need to do better. We deserve #GDPRfor ALL.

And here is another post from said group:

The SREB, an unaccountable, unelected regional board encompassing 16 states is now marketing itself on facebook. Don’t take the bait. They are NOT our friends. They have way too much influence in our state government.

positive learning sneaky
 Here is a post shared by Alice Linahan:
Curious about who KISD is selling your information to? I gathered the list into a single PDF, so you can easily search it.
I am one of those requesters, as you‘ll see. I was denied further information, which I explained here:
There were 22 requests for the student directory just this year, below are a few of the businesses, but you can also find the individuals who requested here:
University of Houston
SafeKeys Driving School
Language Kids World
White Rhino Financial
Strawbridge Studios, Inc.
Air Force
First Community Credit Union
 Here is a post that was shared by a friend of mine:
NEA bad boys.jpg
 It looks like the Parkland school wasn’t safe and that security measures that were supposed to be implemented weren’t and that loads of money allocated for school safety wasn’t used for it.   And, he too found the Obama disciplinary regulations to be at fault.  (Of course, the school called his report “fake news”, but that’s what illiberals do when exposed.)  We can thank one student journalist, who has more integrity than all of CNN put together, for finding this out:
 Here is another post from Alice Linahan:

The Interagency Day Care Standards of 1971 federal law.
Excerpt: “Any agency, public or private, which receives federal funds directly or indirectly through a grant or contract… or by way of a voucher plan” must meet all program requirements (ed) that are set down for public schools. Acceptance of Federal funds is an agreement to abide by the requirements.”

Then, in 1981 the American Legislative Education Council, formed by Paul Weyrich (“We are radicals who want to change the existing power structure. We are not conservatives…”), mailed to 16,000 state and federal officials and legislators a suggested educational voucher.

Thomas A. Shannon, Executive Director of the National School Boards Association, said, “Tuition Tax credits for private schools profoundly change the character of private education. Private schools that operate with public money will be subject to public regulations.”

Sure enough, concurrently, on July 18, 1971, key federal legislation underlying and controlling any subsequent education legislation was adopted.

This master control system, “The Interagency Day Care Standards,” hinged upon the federal government’s own definition of day care: “Day care is defined as the care of a child on a regular basis by someone other than the child’s parents for any part of the 24-hour day.”

It states that “Any agency, public or private, which receives federal funds directly or indirectly through a grant or contract… or by way of a voucher plan” must meet all program requirements (ed) that are set down for public schools. Acceptance of Federal funds is an agreement to abide by the requirements.”

School Choice Corporate Reformers are not pushing quality education, they are just pushing… “Choice” and “Competition”.

Who could be against “Choice” and “Competition” in America?

As my friend Michael Bohr correctly states…
“Parents, who are the first and forever educators of their children, are the only people who hold the right to determine “the best interests of their child.

Everyone one else has an agenda that puts their best interests over those of the child and they have done so by taking control of our government.

Their hope is that we continue to fight the false battles they lay down before us and forget that we, the parents, are the sole authority in determining the education and upbringing of our children.”


Does Brent Lawson know what has been written into the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which is the re-authorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), originally passed in 1965, opening the door for Title 1 federal dollars to go to economically disadvantaged students?

Anita Hoge clearly laid it out…..

“Specialized Student Support Services” and “Direct Student Services” mandate equitable services to all private schools, the same as in public schools. This is referred to in the ESEA legislation as “meaningful choice.”

There are specific lists of providers that must be used, as well as, an ombudsman that will oversee compliance in private schools. This is where the mandate will force teachers to identify students as being At-Risk of not meeting College and Career Ready/Common Core as a disability and perform psychological services paid for by IDEA. These interventions are defined as positive behavior intervention and supports, PBIS, multi-tiered system of supports, MTSS, response to intervention, RTI, and early intervening services, EIS, etc.

These interventions are happening NOW because of the Flex Waivers.
By identifying students as At-Risk under Title I, ALL will receive psychological treatment and interventions on your children in private, Catholic, and Christian schools, as well as homeschools (defined as a private school.)


Regular classroom teachers are being trained to identify children who would need services through PBIS, RTI, EIS, & MTSS.

Once EDUCATION SAVING ACCOUNTS (ESA)’s are in full operation, dedicated to each individual student, an individual career pathway meeting College and Career Ready/Common Core soft skills (Grit) interventions and a treatment plan which will be funded by direct student services known as psychobabble.
Because these specialized services are defined in the legislation as psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, etc, these services will be mandated. These members of the psych profession will be in a position for MEDICAID TO BE BILLED FOR SPECIALIZED STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES. This is your meaningful CHOICE.

Medicaid is on the scene as mental health wrap around services. Your family and child will be assigned a case manager. This initiates an individual family service plan. The federal government has just walked into your front living room door.


Bell has written extensively about parents not being capable to raise their own children.)


Here is a post from the anti-competency based education group:

I just received this email from an angry parent who lives in another state. I’m trying to figure out if this is a ACT requirement or a local one. Has anyone’s child had a similar experience?

“Hi All,

My son took the P-ACT this morning. He came home angry because the first hour was spent collecting data on the students, question after question regarding their preferences on various topics. Because he is my son, he entered “indifferent” to all that would allow him to do so.

Furthermore, at the beginning of the questionnaire, he had to sign a waiver to allow third parties to use the data collected on the data sheet. Though he did not want to agree, he didn’t feel he had any choice but to sign off on the waiver.

Not surprising yet very upsetting.”


The University of Texas has tragically caved to the gender confusion insanity:


More anti-Christian censorship in Alabama:


Here is a post from a friend of mine:

87% of Teachers vote to DISASSOCIATE from the NEA teachers union. One of the Nations two largest teachers unions (the other is AFT)

“Las Vegas teachers, fed up with how their dues are being spent, voted overwhelmingly late Wednesday to cut all ties with their state and national parent unions.

The vote by the members of the Clark County Education Association, which represents almost 20,000 teachers in the Las Vegas area, is a significant loss to the National Education Association, the nation’s largest labor union.

It devastates the NEA’s Nevada affiliate, the Nevada State Education Association, as the Clark County local makes up half the membership of the entire state.

The national NEA now has a $2 million hole in its budget for this year, and it will also need to send money to the state affiliate, which won’t be able to sustain itself and will likely see staff layoffs.


Here is a post from the anti-CBE group:

The first #SEL #Accountability bill?
Colorado has a bill to assess students’ attitudes and disposition and tie it to accountability.

Have you seen this SEL accountability pilot in other states?


And here are the replies to this post:

The problem resides with top-down accountability itself. Accountability—which started here in Texas with GW Bush and his faux “Texas Miracle” turning around “failing schools”—is a set of neoliberal management tools deployed to undermine local democratic control of public education, destroy public unions, disempower parents and educators, and ultimately privatize public education. We should work to oppose all forms of hierarchical, top-down accountability. Schools instead should be accountable to students, parents, and the local community.

California piloted SEL in 2016-17 in 10 big, urban districts. The pilot was done with Transforming Ed out of Massachusetts, who created MESH.

the CORE districts are the same districts where they did this NWEA study— and I can’t find evidence that parents consented/ knew that stidnets’ Pii survey data was given to NWEA MAPs and they tied students’ quick response times to deep-rooted problem areas. I worry this (accurate??) NWEA SEL algorithm will be used as a predictor.


Here is a post from a Washington anti-Common Core group:

My 6th grader came home worrying about SBA testing and having to write an argumentative essay. She said something about failing 6th grade if she doesn’t do well. I told her that was garbage, they couldn’t fail her for this test but now I want to make sure. Anyone know off the top of their head?


Somebody needs to tell this Virginia high school that 9th grade sex ed courses that mention oral sex and sex toys are INAPPROPRIATE:


Here is a post that was shared by Alice Linahan:

The best thing about being a Dyslexia mom with a reputation for advocacy? Other moms are always still telling me about their kids successes and struggles. The recent instructional tour with its pictures has sure brought out a few discussions.

Flipped Algebra in 8th grade. Did you know it is almost completely digital? Students are assigned videos, they take Cornell notes at home and return to school to work in class. I actually had a kid whose teacher started this more than 5 years ago. But, what this mom was telling me, actually it is 2 moms. The videos aren’t always the same presenter or the same quality. Kids come to class and use the new NSpire calculators purchased by the district. No longer does the student need to understand factoring, they just need to understand how to translate the problem into equations on the Nspire “scratch Pad” and allow the calculator to solve. The work is multiple choice. If the answer isn’t one of the 4, assume you typed it in wrong. The “I am a mean mother,” of the 2 moms who brought up Algebra, says she has been teaching her student how to actually solve problems all year; factoring, the quadratic equation, systems of equations…she makes her child demonstrate he can solve Algebra problems based on knowledge. This is very different than when her older students took Algebra. And she is concerned because it is always a battle. Her student just wants to plug in answer choices and see which ones work. The teacher does not grade, the answers without work are simply reported into a google doc. Her concern is that the kids aren’t really learning Algebra and will not be prepared for HS science or math courses. Her older students have not graduated from high school.

Parents with students in Algebra, using the Nspire calculator, it is the end of the year, if your student had a paper and pencil test, could they solve Algebra problems?


Here is a post from an anti-Common Core group:

Superintendent McGrath states that they want to reduce over testing. But the students in 8th grade have always taken state math tests and one day of a math final, same as this year. The difference is they have ADDED a day of the math final to punish kids whose parents have opted them out state tests. Unfortunately, those kids are already sitting through the flawed state test which wasted their instructional time and your taxpayer dollars.


Here are some frightening stories about the teacher strikes and what is going on behind the scenes.  It also mentions other forms of indoctrination in schools too:


Here are some posts from the anti-competency based education group:

Workforce = competencies. Education is now a talent pipeline and about earning a set of competencies / skills needed by business and workforce. ACT follows this w their Career Competencies model:
“Industry competency models are descriptions developed by the US Department of Labor (USDOL) to establish the skills, knowledge, and abilities required in growing industry sectors. The models help individuals obtain the training needed for various career paths in a specific industry, and they identify skills that are transferable across an industry. They are important because they promote an understanding of the skill sets and competencies that are crucial to building a globally competitive American workforce.
How does the ACT National Career Readiness Certi cate (ACT NCRC®) align with the models?
Each USDOL industry competency model is built on a series of tiers. At the base, Tiers 1–3 represent the essential foundational skills. The ACT NCRC, based on ACT WorkKeys assessments, certifies these skills and enables an individual to rise to the next tier—to advance toward success in a chosen occupation.”…/doc…/WK-Brief-CompetencyModels.pdf


Why they are killing the GED: “Skills-based hiring has provided the city of Albuquerque a higher quality applicant pool and significant return on investment in our hiring practices. It has also allowed us to replace the GED requirements with skills scores which then opened up a significant population of applicants we would not have seen before.

– Vince Yermal, Director of Human Resources, City of Albuquerque”


Albuquerque was the one city I did research on for the WorkKeys, career pigeonholed assessment. The City was using it on their perspective employees as well as current ones. Passed it off as happier employees. The sales pitch WorkKeys video expressly states no national work certificate, no job.


Ugh. It is so insulting as a older worker to have to take a skills assessment to get a job. Your resume and work experience mean almost nothing to today’s HR. And no test currently used accurately measures soft skills. Companies are missing out on great candidates because the 20 somethings in HR only know how to read a score not a person.



Maybe if we spent less time doing walkouts to protest Trump and guns and less time doing pointless testing, we’d have more students that could read well:


Sorry, not buying it, UC Berkley:


In response to an article, on an Illinois anti-Big Government group,  about the costs of higher education, one person said:

It wasnt the cost that drove my son out of an Illinois college. It was the constant barrage of politics. The damned teachers spent so much time bashing Trump and the Republicans you’d swear they were running for office. Complaints to the school, state and the feds went nowhere. The students are quite tired of not learning what they signed up for. I’ve spoke to dozens of students who are leaving Illinois colleges and you would be shocked to learn how many actually say they are not learning anything because of the agendas.


And some other said:

I see a lot of that at the high school level.
That’s exactly why I just pulled my daughter out of her High School…..she’s going to a private school next year.
What college was this?   What high school was that that you pulled out of?
 Daughter in Bartlett HS…..son was at Elgin College.
Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Freight Train UPDATE. Those that know what CASEL is all about, will be alarmed. NYS has led the way she nice 2013 voluntarily being the piloting grounds for SEL. Linda Darling Hammond and CASEL essentially run NYSED. As cohort II (2013) NYS is NOW the first State to implement SEL Pre-K-12 embedding in curriculum.

The state Board of Regents May meeting kicked off at 9 a.m. TODAY in Albany for a morning session and an overview of new new guidance and resources for social emotional learning.


Here is another post from the Illinois anti-Big Government group:

My daughter and I went to a University of Chicago Admissions event. They disgusted me during the event with their Liberal agenda. The deciding factor putting them OUT of the running was when they started talking about Obama having “been a teacher” there. No mention that faculty rejected him and that he was a token patronage appointment on a non-tenure track position. She is very happy at Purdue.


Yet another instance of persecution of students who support the 2nd Amendment:


Here is a post from a Utah anti-Common Core group:

Looking for clarification. I’m in Nebo district. I’ve got an 8th grader who keeps getting put in in-school suspension because he is opted out and isn’t doing the alternate assignment. Is he required to do it? From what I’m reading on the group, the school is required to offer one, but he’s not required to do it, right?


And here are the replies to this post:

No, he’s not required to take it. I wish this were more clear on the books, though.


That’s how I understand it. Personally, I would be okay with alternate assignments as long as it isn’t SAGE related & as long as it doesn’t effect their grade.

This is what the rule says: “(9) An LEA shall ensure that a student who has been exempted from participating in a state required assessment under this section is provided with an alternative learning experience if the student is in attendance during test administration.”

And the Testing Ethics Policy gives some examples, but they are only examples & not requirements:
“Students are provided an educational activity if they are opted-out of a state assessment
Some examples are:
*LEA, school, or teacher created assessment on course standards
*A short essay (grade appropriate expectations) related to a Utah Core standard which could be student selected or assigned”…/bd4cdc0e-1892-4b64-bac4…


And here is another post from said group:

Anyone know if a law got passed—if a school District approved full-day optional kindergarten they would receive more funding? I know it was talked about a few years ago. But I can’t find anything recent. Also, I need opinions about KEEP. I’m trying to determine if I should opt out. Thanks in advance!


And here are some replies to this post:

I have administered the KEEP assessment, I think it’s a well designed test. I think the data could be used to show that full-day kindergarten has benefits with the assumption that the full-time kindergarten children will score better that 1/2 day children


I’m not sure about the law & funding, that might take a little while to find. The search function hasn’t been working for me since they updated the website. I am very concerned with the KEEP assessment though. The questions are fine, but I don’t like the social-emotional questions. A huge thanks to [name withheld] that those questions aren’t reported to the state (originally they would’ve been, but she stood firm during the State Board meeting to protect our children’s privacy). I will be opting out of it, even though it’s not listed on the state opt out form. We are over testing our children in our obsession with data & I don’t want to encourage it, especially when it’s coming from the state level & not the local level.


My school district has recently adopted an all-day optional Kindergarten. My main concern is not academics, it’s the reason behind the move. I tend to look at things in a macro-scale. Why after all these years are they doing this? Is it for the good of the child or is the real reason, their pocketbooks. I have done a little research and two years ago it was proposed in the Utah Senate that schools who offer full day Kindergarten vs half day could get more money for funding. Even if it’s offered as optional. It has always been optional at certain schools in our county, Huntington, for example, but why make it District wide? The more I research the more I find its less about the children and more about their own bank accounts. I think the reason I’m really upset about it, is because I see my influence upon my children moving more and more toward the government. Us commoners don’t know what’s best for our children. They take God out of everything at school, while we teach it at home. It’s no wonder our society is turning less and less to God. I don’t like that most of his friends are going to do it. It puts a lot of pressure on me to be full day, even though it’s optional. He’s going to wonder why his friends get to stay. I’m going to have to pray about it a lot. My sister’s kids do a full day in Texas, and they come home tired and wanting to sleep. We need to protect our little children, not burn them out. So what if they can read at 5? I want to know if he can be kind and learn to play nicely with others. The more practice he has at that, the more I can see his leadership skills, creativity, etc. He’s taken 2 years of preschool and has done UpStart this past year, already beginning to read. But he’s just a child and people will soon forget that, if their not careful. Thanks for the insight. I have a lot to think about.


Here is a post from a Washington anti-Common Core group:

My Thoughts on college degrees..

Most college degrees are completely and utterly worthless.

From my recent job hunting experience, I saw tons of jobs that “required” a bachelor’s degree yet only paid just a tad over minimum wage.

Why would anyone in good conscious saddle their children with $60,000+ (usually more) of debt that they had no chance of ever paying off in their entire lifetime when their fancy degree doesn’t even help them get better than a minimum wage job?

They wouldn’t even be able to afford basic necessities such as rent, utilities, food, etc and this doesn’t even remotely include the costs if they decided or happened to have children of their own.

Trade classes in middle/high school are all but extinct and it seems that there is no push at all for any trades. People need people who know how to build and fix things.

There are virtually no classes or parental involvement to teach kids how to cook, take care and clean up after themselves, how to be a decent human being and not treat others like complete crap either. This list could go on for quite a while.


I truly feel bad for the educators that truly give a shit..

You have so many things stacked against you and I don’t blame any of you that haven’t been able to take it anymore and left the industry.


Here is a post from an Ohio anti-Common Core group:

Substitute Teacher Observes Blatant Indoctrination In A Public School Classroom

For her exposure of partisan politics in the classroom and support of the #purpleforparents group, Jennifer Hill came under attack on social media.

On Friday, Hill, a 20 year veteran teacher, who has been a certified substitute teacher for the Chandler Unified School District since 2012, was notified that she had been fired.

“I have been speaking out against the #redfored “movement, have been posting my opposition in a respectful manner and have been on the radio speaking about the facts on the progress and budget. In the week before the teacher walk-out/strike, the district began canceling substitute jobs I had accepted and planned to work,” said Hill. “During the strike of course, there was no work. I had substitute jobs scheduled for after the strike and next week. The District cancelled all of them. On Friday morning I began to get harassing messages from teachers in the District saying they got me fired. They said they hoped that I would never sub anywhere else, ever again, and were laughing at me.”


And another post from this group:

Perhaps if Gates really cares about the learning disadvantage he should stop pushing the vaccines that are causing so many children to be on the autism spectrum. Or perhaps her should study the effects of the rise in fatherless homes on a child’s ability to learn. Gates has long been involved in research to change brain function and other sicko projects. He was involved years ago in an education initiative with Bill Ayers that fell flat on its face and cost Gate billions. His involvement in Common Core is failure #2, Common Core 2.0 will also fail and this new venture again it is marked to fail already. The man is a leper and does not have the best interest of education or our children in his hear. How come his boys went to a private school that does not use Common Core and only limited technology. He is a guy with a big fat check book that thinks he is God. He is a rich guy that wants to be even richer and make all of his buddies richer. We have people buying education that have no clue. This includes our President, our First Lady and the US Secretary of Education. Parents………listen up…..there is only one way to fix this situation because believe it or not it is functioning as it was intended to function 100 years ago…..they just didn’t have the technology back them. So you cannot fix what is not broken. We need to circumvent their plan to train workers for the planned economy. We have to pull our kids out and work together in the community to educate our children outside the federal institutions. Just research John Dewey and Horace Mann. They say it outright. Public school is not to educate but the train workers. They perpetuated illiteracy because illiterate people are easy to control and make into obedient workers. How many of you have churches that sit empty all week? We need to fill those empty church rooms with community school run by community workers using Freedom Project Academy we do not need trained or license teachers…..FPA is teacher led. let me know if you are interested in finding out more. But we need to fight a battle we are not going to win and think outside the box to circumvent these vulchers that see our children as nothing more than human capital.


A NJ high school falls prey to the “everyone gets a trophy” mentality:


Here is another post from the Ohio anti-Common Core group:

Que the ban scissors movement. By the way, schools don’t care who is at fault, they punish everyone involved. My son was the victim and was also suspended for defending himself. Wake up parents!


Here is a post from a Mississippi anti-Big Government group:

The State Testing that we have in place in Mississippi is a waste of time and taxpayers dollars and needs to be done away with beginning next year. There are teachers all over the state who are into double digit days of testing / retesting and it’s ridiculous. I spoke to one teacher who stated she was on her 18th day, that’s 18 days of instruction that isn’t taking place because of testing. I’d like to discuss options with as many teachers as possible to get opinions, but I think we need 3 different tests for students to graduate.

1. The ACT for college bound students as well as any other student wishing to take it.
2. A Career entry exam for graduates planning on entering the workforce upon graduation.
3. A Special Education test for students with disabilities.

Our Focus in Mississippi has to be shifted to doing what’s best for our kids instead of doing what’s best for testing companies.
How do we do this?
Expand Job Training Vocational courses in High School.
Auto repair, welding, electrical, HVAC, CDL, Large Equipment Operation, Carpentry, Website building, Masonry, etc.

Our Motto should be “Let Teachers Teach!” not “Let Teachers Test!”

 Here is a post from Shannon Joy:

If you’ve been wondering why everyone is so ‘triggered’ these days…

(This is my son Teddy’s Kindergarten worksheet, part of the SEL curriculum.)

This is not all bad but there are some pretty nasty, underlying elements of ‘Social Emotional Learning’ that parents need to look out for. I’ll elaborate tomorrow on the radio program!

worksheet of SEL
 Kudos to Project Veritas in exposing another fine example of corruption by those charming teachers unions:
 Here  is a post from a Utah anti-Common Core group:
A certain 3rd grade teacher I know called home in tears because the SAGE math test questions were over-the-top difficult for her students. “It’s so hard they’re just all shutting down!”
 Here is a post from an anti-Common Core group:
Can someone please give me a law to rub in my daughter’s counselor face.She keeps trying to scare my daughter who is a junior to believe that if she is opt- out she will not go to college
And here are some replies to this post:
that is a scare tactic and not true.
My daughter has also been told this, that the SBA is on equal footing with the SAT/ACT in that colleges look at that score as well. This won’t help with the law part of it, but there were a few colleges at our local homeschool convention, and very, very few homeschoolers subject their kids to the state standardized tests. The only thing the SBA did for my daughter was to allow her to walk at graduation with her class and be handed a diploma, whatever that is worth.

What about students who get sick, miss the tests, miss the make-up days, etc.

He/She is using scare tactics.


No law for something that isn’t illegal. (In other words, the existing laws you will find do not support what she is saying)

I don’t know where you are, but what I would do is dial a local community college admissions office on my phone and ask put it on speaker.
When they pick up, ask “I was told by [WOMAN’S NAME] that it is your policy not to admit students who have not taken [TEST].”
Let this imbecile listen when they answer.

Personally, I would go a step further and write letters to local colleges explaining that your school officials are telling kids they should not apply to their college if they haven’t tested. I would say this represents potential economic harm to the college, and if this is not the case, the college admissions office should call [WOMAN] and tell her the actual policy.f

My daughters school (CA) told me that if I opted out, she would have to take a hard test that will go on semester grade instead. Very effective blackmail. 😞
And here is another post from this group:
Opted out my kids from state testing. Two days ago I get a phone call that they need bodies in front of the computer to get their 95% participation. Why don’t they just leave me alone? I had a few choice words for them, but bit my tongue 😣
And here are some replies to this post:
So funding isn’t dependent upon 95% PASSING the test, just TAKING the test?
Im in California. Only 37% passed the math last year. I don’ t think they are going for quality LOL
Which completely negates the purpose, and proves it’s political.
That is, essentially, correct. Varies state to state a bit, but to get their “grade” a school has to have 95% participate. Less than that costs them on their grade. They also get to designate a certain percentage of their students “untestable” so it doesn’t skew their score (or arguably, accurately represent it).
That’s correct. It’s an ESSA requirement. Below 95% makes the test results invalid statistically speaking.
It sounds as if you have 95% participate, but only 30% pass, you’re fine with your funding?
It is all about participation. We wouldn’t even get the results of the test. It is all for funding purposes
I cant see how having your kids just sit in front of the computer could help them achieve their participation count. Typically, from what I’ve heard, is that they at least need the children to log into the test for it to count. I was told they could just log in but wouldnt have to take it. I said “Um….no way!.” They can eat the loss but my children would NOT be logging in to anything. They could either arrange for them to be somewhere else or I would come and get them just during testing hours and bring them back when it was done. I did that for 3 days with my 4th grader. Took him out of school each of the days for about an hour and a half and brought him back. (Pulled them from public school after that year and are in year 3 of homeschooling now so things may be different now…idk).
That’s what I’ve learned. The federal law states they could lose funding, going below 95%, but that has never happened. The law is not being enforced. (Even if it was, I really wouldn’t care. That’s really my point, I am not happy with schools doing this so if they hurt a little, maybe they’ll rethink this crappy system. I wish more families opted out so they’d get our message loud and clear!)
I don’t bite my tongue. My kids school flips out when my kids are absent 1 day…gotta get all the head count for the $ they are not helping our kids out with 😠
Don’t bite your tounge they can’t keep running all over us. Stand your ground put your foot down (hugs to you) Good luck
I live in CA, and my high school daughter was bullied into being at school for 4 hours while the rest took the test. I have been backed in a corner by teachers about the blasted test. One told me that my daughter’s results would help her look good on the test and another one told me that they needed that data to help the teachers.  The teachers even wanted my children to do the practice test! I give the teachers one chance to find something for my children to do during the test, if not I find things for my children, so the stupid school can get their money for the child for the day.
The thing is my kids don’t give a rat’s patootie about the test. It is my stand on the political agenda of it. If we are to fight this crap, I have to stand my ground, and not bend over backwards for them. Giving in would be giving up on this fight
They told me that my special needs high schoolers (who are easily manipulated by authority) HAD to be there but it was their CHOICE to open the test. I can only hope that whatever they DID take helps to skew the school’s stats since they are being “graduated” with a first grade reading level.
We had our Principal and Vice Principal call multiple times to both mine and my husband’s cell phones. We have high testing special needs kids. They are the gold mine in the school funding world for testing. I didn’t find that out until I became the school’s Special Needs Parent Representative.
Can you opt out in Michigan the school has told me numerous of time’s I can’t opt put it’s Michigan Law?
I’m in Michigan. My girls do not take the test. Technically, it’s not “opting out.” If you use those words, they may tell you that you can’t. There is no law that says your kids must take the test. Hence, no reason to “need to opt out.” Make them SHOW YOU THE LAW, requiring they take the test. There is none. If they refuse to honor your request (& u think they are going to try & make them test) I’d keep them home. I was told they had no place for them to hang out during testing (3rd&4th grade) which is ridiculous. But I gladly kept them home. Then in 5th grade I pushed back, due to their age. They “found” a place for them. Same this year for 6th grade.
Is this opt out option only for certain states? Washington state requires us to give pur kids an end of the yr test. We keep the results. I test my kids on their subjects all yr, I never understood why I need to do the end of the yr test.
My kids test the week of May 14 and the week of May 21. They took their last math unit test last week. They won’t have another test but are reviewing each unit now with review homework for prepping for the SBA. There is NO MORE LEARNING FOR THE NEXT EIGHT WEEKS!!! What the heck are we paying teachers and admin for if they are done teaching math and English for two whole months. 140 days out of 180 are scheduled learning and 40 days are wasted. I’m ready to pull them since they aren’t taking SBA. This just seems like a complete waste and a cram session for the next two weeks. So sad.
And another post from said group:
kid abused by testers
 A 12 year old autistic student was ARRESTED for shooting an IMAGINARY gun at school:
 Here is a post from an anti-Common Core group:

I hope parents see what is happening here. This is the same agenda that forces parents to shoot poison into their children’s bodies in order for them to attend public school or daycare. Of course I blame parents for complying but that is just me. But this article again demonstrates how they are forcing compliance to follow an education agenda that is nothing more than training for obedient workers. You either follow the agenda or you don’t go to college, you don’t play college sports and even worse you are not employable. This is straight up Communism. Parents are still sitting back and playing right into their hands. The agenda is called DELIVEROLOGY. Deliverology is a plan for implementing change created by Sir Michael Barber of the UK. He also works for Pearson (surprise, surprise) He also is the founder of the Education Delivery Institute (EDI). Deliverology teaches change agents how to implement change that in a way that it is irreversible. This is exactly what we are seeing. I cannot speak for any other state (you might want to do some research) but I can speak for Tennessee. In 2010 the state of TN entered into a contract with EDI to implement Common Core. I bet if you dig deep you will find not only TN hired EDI but other states did too.

We have been deceived into a global agenda that if parents do not bring it down NOW will forever hold our children captive as obedient workers filling the human capital needs of the planned global economy, not their own wants, needs and dreams. PARENTS it is time to stand up and wage war. It is time for neighbors, friends, relatives, communities to come together get our kids out of these hell holes and educate them outside the system. You can NEVER say you weren’t warned.


Now the California State Teachers Retirement System is trying to use its financial might to attack the 2nd Amendment:


Here is a post from the anti-CBE group:

This is Vivienne Ming’s project Socos Labs. She spoke at the New Schools Venture Fund Conference this week. “Naturalistic Data
Data from the real world is noisy and confusing, full of holes yet still flooding in at dizzying speed. Microphones in classrooms, real-time wearable data, pictures of kids’ artwork, information flowing through corporate social networks, and so many more forms of naturalistic data seem overwhelming, but they reveal insights into human behavior that structured surveys, high-stakes exams, and annual 360’s can never achieve. For example, we’ve shown how a bot monitoring free-form discussions among students could outperform final exams in assessing their conceptual understanding of course material, and do it starting on week one.”

NDD image


Here is a post from a North Dakota anti-Common Core group:

Sent from Parshall, North Dakota:
Freshman physical science class assignment in Parshall. May 14. INSANE.


Here is a post from an Alabama anti-Common Core group:

Pray for Election June 5th–Share Please Share this list of Candidates statewide. Make a Stand so Children and US can have a better future

We have seen the harm and have been ignored, ridiculed. The children have been harmed thru mis-education or call it indoctrination. Pray to God for mercy that we can stand in the gap against those who would make the children of promise to be their slaves and bring Socialism here. Truth is out Common Core aka College and Career Readiness has failed but it is being used as a vehicle for change . Your vote and prayers needed. Remember to vote June 5th!

Please pray for Venezuela and US that God would end the evil mindset of these evil leaders. Vote for the right leadership matters…

“It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.” Luke 17:2

For Governor: Scott Dawson

For Lt. Governor: Will Ainsworth

For Attorney General: Alice Martin

Secretary of State: Michael Johnson

For State Auditor: Jim Zeigler

For Commissioner ofAgriculture: Rick Pate

For Chief Justice of the Supreme Court: Tom Parker

For Associate Justice Place 1: Debra Jones

For Associate Justice Place 4: John Bahakel

For Court of Civil Appeals Place 1: Michelle Manley Thomason

For Court of Civil Appeals Place 2: Terri Willingham Thomas

For Court of Criminal Appeals Place 1: Richard Minor

For Court of Criminal Appeals Place 2: Chris McCool

For Court of Criminal Appeals Place 3: Bill Cole

Federal Races:

US Congress District 2: Rich Hobson

US Congress District 5: Mo Brooks

State Board of Education:

District 2: John Taylor

District 8: Wayne Reynolds

State Legislature

For Alabama House of Representatives

District 3: Andrew Sorrell

District 4: Tom Fredericks

District 9: James R Bowling

District 10: Charles A. Orr

District 12: Corey Harbison

District 22: Ritchie Whorton

District 23: Tommy Hanes

District 31: Dustin DeVaughn

District 39: TJ Maloney

District 42: Jimmie Hardee

District 49: April Weaver

District 64: Stephen Sexton

District 73: Matt Fridy

District 87: Adam E Parker

District 88: Will Dismukes

District 89: Wes Allen

District 91: Lister H. Reeves, Jr.

District 105: Janet Brown Oglesby

For Alabama Senate

District 2: Tom Butler

District 4: Paul Bussman

District 7: Sam Givhan

District 10: Mack N. Butler

District 12: Wayne Willis

District 13: Tim Sprayberry

District 21: Gerald Allen

District 25: Will Barfoot

District 32: David Northcutt

District 34: Jack Williams


Here is a post from a New York anti-Common Core group:

“A Harlem elementary school aide with a ‘history of assaulting students’ is accused of dragging a kindergartner by his shirt — causing deep scratches — according to a $10 million lawsuit filed by the boy’s mom.

The Countee Cullen/Public School 194 elementary aide, referred to in court papers as Mr. Kaseem, allegedly dragged the boy off a school stage on Dec. 7, 2017, according to his mother’s Manhattan Supreme Court suit.

Countee Cullen administrators didn’t tell the boy’s mom, Bernadette Torres, about the alleged incident, the suit says. Torres found out when her son, identified as ‘JL’ in court papers, came home ‘with a ripped shirt and deep scratch marks across his chest,’ she told the Daily News.” — New York Daily News’ Laura Dimon and Victoria Bekiempis.


Here is a post from the anti-CBE group:

This just happened today!
Any of these terms sound familiar? smh
“”I do think we should look at alternative pathways to graduation, not that we would lower the standards,” Chartrand said.

Others concurred, although Grady again stressed the need to focus on learning and skills rather than credentials.”


An Islamic assignment in West Virginia:


Here is a post from the Utah anti-Common Core group:

This is illegal, correct?

utah sneaky


And here are some replies to said post:

No it’s not legal.

it is written in Utah code that there is to be no reward for taking the test. Utah code is the law.


My school has a sage reward, but even those who opt out get to participate. Make sure you verify that. Sometimes they just use it as a way to explain why they are having a party


My 7th grader’s school advertised rewards for Sage that did originally exclude some students. I complained about it violating the law and it was changed to include all students. I didn’t have a problem with them getting to watch a movie once testing was done, so long as it wasn’t in any way related to how they did on the Sage testing and whether they completed it.


I may make a call to the state. A teacher at this school also instructed my son’s class to be sure not to opt out because it’ll affect her paycheck. My son said she basically said that if you opt out you’re an idiot and don’t care about her job.



Yet another inappropriate sex ed assignment:


Here is a post from a Massachusetts anti-Common Core group:

I have just had a serious awakening. My granddaughter just told us “they” lost points in school today because one kid didn’t sign their name on their homework in their class. Excuse me? What does that mean? I’ll tell you what it means folks. It means our kids are being taught to think and act like little automatons. To do what is “good for the group” and encouraged to NOT be individuals. “They,” (as in the class), get rewarded with a party if all goes well and everyone does as they are told. Demerits for the group if not, such as today, because one child forgot to write their name on their homework. Does this not blare out warning bells??


And here are some replies to said post:

Wow! Not ok. My son has lost credit for forgetting his name on classwork/ homework but only as an individual as it should be. I would complain with your teacher and principal directly.


They also have what they eloquently call the “golden plate” and “golden whistle” in this school. Children are judged on which is the best behaved class (ie who is the quietest) in the halls, outside on the playground and in the lunch room. We unfortunately can not afford private schooling for the kids. Homeschooling is a hopeful alternative


A child forgetting his name on a paper isn’t the concern of everyone else. It’s demoralizing and embarrassing to the student.


I totally agree. That’s one of the things my granddaughter and I were discussing. She was saying that she was the “fault” one day because she forgot her name and the date at the top of one of the numerous sheets of homework one night, and was disdainful of the child who’d forgotten recently. We had to have a heart to heart on that one. It seems like such a little thing but it’s indicative of what’s going on in our public school systems. I also understand that those in authority don’t want chaos in the lunch room but a “golden” prize to the ones who (do not speak and) stay quiet?????


I became suspicious of ‘group work’ about 7 years ago when I noticed the desks in my kids classrooms placed in clusters of 3 or 4. Teachers said collaboration was good because the advanced learners would push the slower learners along. I had several issues with that reasoning- 1. I didn’t send my child to school to ‘teach’ the other children. 2. One time my child was told by the teacher she could not advance to the next problem until all in the group were ready to move to the next problem. 3. My child was not necessarily grouped with ‘slower’ learners, but sometimes the ‘class clown’ who had no interest in moving in a forward direction. And 4. when members of the group agreed to do different ”parts of a single assignment, sometimes not all kept up their part of the bargain, so I made my kids do the entire assignment to be sure they didn’t lose points.


I am frighten for the future of these children. Truly.


Me too. So many young parents I know seriously believe I’m a nut and none of ‘this’ affects ‘their’ child. I saw and I KNOW what my children lost after 2012. Never to be made up.


keep up the good fight. I know my son’s school principal and teacher are sick of me because I have had many meetings about the way my son has been treated. The teacher uses parties as rewards also comparing what each child does and deducting points. Also, being quiet at lunch, (when this supposed to be when talking is allowed) but yet they have a game to keep them quiet. It’s manipulative.

They do the party thing as a “reward”’for good little robot behavior here too. Horrendous.


Here is a post from a friend of mine:

And today’s school shootings tie in the “Rethink” and Promise Programs” it’s Gun Control. Don’t believe me?

“But even before victims were laid to rest after their fatal shootings, former U.S Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Chicago’s Mayor Rahm Emanuel exchanged messages on how to frame the tragedy, politically.

During a roughly 10 minute period, the native Chicagoans exchanged seven messages two days following the massacre, in which Mayor Emanuel, who had previously served as President Barrack Obama’s chief of staff, advised Secretary Duncan on what position he should take on the Sandy Hook shootings.

At 6:57PM EST on December 16, 2012, Duncan wrote to Emanuel in a message titled “CT shootings.”

Duncan asked the Chicago mayor, “What are your thoughts?”

Five minutes later, Emanuel responded, “Go for a vote this week before it fades. Tap peoples emotion. Make it simple assault weapons.”

Duncan responded immediately, “Yup- thanks.”

“When I did brady bill and assault weapons for clinton we always made it simple. Criminals or war weapons,” Emanuel said in the email to Duncan.

“Gun show loophole?” Duncan responded. “Database? Cop-killer bullets? Too complicated?” he said.

“Cop killer maybe,” Emanuel responded. “The other no.”

The exchange ended when Duncan concluded with, “Got it.”

Two days after the Sandy Hook massacre, the former education secretary and the sitting mayor of Chicago were already discussing a national strategy…”


Here is a post from an Ohio anti-Common Core group:

HORRIFYING !!!! I assisted a 7th grader get wi-fi access to her school iPad for her “English Language Arts” homework. She needed to read 13 articles from the school district “NewZella” site and answer questions. Well folks….. the first article was about the shooting in Texas. Absolutely nothing about one’s right to self defend, nothing about the 2nd Amendment. Nope! Only about how the Florida Parkland students had solidarity with the Texas students is creating “reasonable gun laws”. Another article was about how Prom King and Queen could be transgender. PURE DESPOTIC PROPAGANDA!! If that’s not enough, then she “answered questions”. WOW! These were not questions which required critical thinking or English language skills. Nope! There were plainly data collection on what position this child held toward their social agenda. Folks, the schools today are not only NOT EDUCATING kids, they are patently collecting data on kids so as to peg hole them in life by an overreaching, fascist government. They are plainly EVIL!!!!!! This child has been in private schools previous to this year and based on what I see, I would venture to say that this 7th grader has a far better education already than does her “college educated” teacher. PLEASE PARENTS!!!! Get you kids out of these “schools”. They are a real danger to your child.

BTW: This school is in the conservative state of South Carolina in a country town with a population of 540. How bad is it likely in the big city schools in Northern and Western States. GET YOUR KIDS OUT NOW !!!!!

Ask me how.

Here is a post from a Utah anti-Common Core group:

Our charter school is considering the Go Math! program. Do any of you have experience with or insights on it?


And here are some replies to said post:

It’s junk. Common core junk. My son had it in public school, in 1st grade and I wanted to pull my hair out. 😖


I think that’s what we did when I lived in Colorado a few years ago. I would give it a definite thumbs down! It was awful!


It’s the math curriculum in granite school district. It’s basic common core math.


Here is a post from a North Dakota anti-Common Core group:

Thank you, Chris Berg, for reporting and admitting to blushing as you read the questions. Now, how about exposing the Youth Risk Behavior Survey with its “blushing” questions? According to one ND parent, who after picking up her child from school one day, said her daughter asked what “Oxxx SEX” meant. The mom said she almost crashed the car. Why did the child ask such a question? The YRBS (Youth Risk Behavior Survey) had just been administered at her child’s ND school. Chris Berg, will more reporting from you on all of this be coming shortly? Many parents and children will thank you for this and certainly there will be a special blessing from heaven for you, also.
Inappropriate freshman physical science class assignment given in Parshall, ND. May 14. INSANE. Please note this dovetails right with….
The Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) given to our ND students is from the CDC. How many parents are aware that the survey contains many vulgar sex questions. Links provided below for Middle and High School Survey questions. From the survey results, many funds/grants have been given to some schools deemed at risk due to the results. The validity of the results has and will always be in question due to the fact some kids just answer whatever way let alone that surveys with such questions of attitudes, behaviors, values, beliefs where no parent notification was given makes them “illegal”.
Youth Risk Behavior Survey HIGH SCHOOL grades 9-12:
Youth Risk Behavior Survey MIDDLE SCHOOL grades 7-8:
Here is information on the Youth Risk Behavior Survey from the ND Dept of Public Instruction site:
“North Dakota began participating in the YRBS (Youth Risk Behavior Survey) survey in 1995. Students in grades, 7-8 & 9-12 are surveyed in the spring of odd years. The survey is voluntary and completely anonymous.”
Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)
The Youth Risk Behavior Survey was developed in 1990 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to monitor priority health risk behaviors that contribute markedly to the leading causes of death, disability and social problems among youth and adults in the United States. 


Here is a post from the anti-CBE group:

Reading Plus was just approved after a one year trial in our district. I tried to get the board to vote against it and thought I had done it but then they went ahead anyway because our asst super of curriculum told the board that teachers and students that used it this year just love it!

before I found this source I tried to do a lesson on my own on the website. IT WAS HORRIFIC. Then I found this. Read the comments below. I really wonder if this is not a great idea to get our districts to stop buying this garbage.

My district dropped 266K on this garbage and another 218 on school city assessments. That is almost a half million bucks on garbage.

Any other info on reading plus. I will continue to bring the issues to our board regarding this. This will be in all of our middle schools and high schools next year. What a waste of money.


And here are the replies to said post:

I remember getting a survey from someone on this asking us what we LIKED about Reading Plus, and what our kids liked, but nothing about what we didn’t like. I’ll bet they used that information as the green-light to go ahead.


Odds are our deputy superintendent of curriculum lied like a rug.. you try doing a lesson from their website. It’s awful. It gave me a headache and blurry vision and i could only answer the comprehension questions based on prior knowledge. I go before the board to co test every single CBE purchase and for the last 4 years this same deputy super says the same bs. I’m sick and tired of school boards refusing to research any of this garbage.boards rubber stamp these purchases sight unseen with zero data to justify buying more CBE. Is there any way that we can educate our local school boards? We need more investigative journalism done by parents abs students.


Here is a post from Alice Linahan:

Maybe after Zee State has #identified the “potentially violent” students [probably children of those pesky bitter gun clinging constitutional conservatives], they can make them wear a proud *Lone Star of Texas* on their clothing too, so others are fully aware.


And here are some replies to said post:

With all the nuts in the mental health field and in schools Heck no to Mental Health programs ….this is just bring in part of the health care bill that was killed. Leave the kids alone if we had people acting responsibly in this country and hearing each other we wouldnt have these issues.


Folks this has been in the works for a long time. Anita Hoge has been warning it was coming for years now.

In 1994, Anita Hoge was asked to testify as an Expert Witness, at the Department of Interior National Infrastructure Health and Education Data Security hearing. On December 8, 1994 she presented a paper entitled “Exposing The Medicalization of Schools.” This paper and presentation explained how Medicaid would become the financial vehicle mandating and remediating mental health outcomes. It documented how schools would be required to obtain a partial hospitalization license to bill for Medicaid through Mental Health Wrap-Around Services at school through the identification and re-definition of disabilities of ALL children as “AT RISK” through Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. This substantiated the following statement by Ira Magaziner of the Hillary Care hearings in Washington, D.C., in which he said: “Medicaid would merge into the main healthcare system.”


Education, Mental Health, and 2nd Amendment Gun Rights

Hillary’s agenda has always been control – control the kids and control guns… through mental health. If Hillary would get her way, mental health at school under the soothing banner of social, emotional, and behavioral standards, will fully implement her original plan from 1993, which will eliminate the 2nd Amendment by coding children with mental health disabilities.

ObamaCare, the successor to the HillaryCare plan, has funded school-based health/mental health services called Promise Neighborhood Schools, as a precursor to the next step in this agenda. ESSA has legislated Promise Neighborhoods and Community Schools which have now merged with ObamaCare. Here Common Core psychological standards have been legislated to identify and label kids as disabled for normal behavior using Title I and IDEA Special Education. CHILD FIND uses scavenging psychological techniques to identify and put as many normal children as possible into the brain-dipping meat grinder. (See my previous articles for extensive documentation on these key points.) These psychological techniques identify children who are leaders and followers. Leaders are the target for interventions. Go along to get along are the global citizens of tomorrow.


These intervention strategies will change our American children into the worker drones for the global economy birth to age 21. No child will escape, especially independent thinkers, children of patriotic parents, or any child who refuses to bend under the grip of these “change makers.”

The Common Core social, emotional, and behavioral aspects of our children, their personalities, are the target. CHILD FIND promises to find every normal American child and mold them to the international globalist agenda, Common Core and Common Core psych interventions.

Bill Clinton had a favorite slogan that was popular when he was President,
“It’s the Economy, Stupid.”

But, Hillary’s slogan is just as potent and much more dangerous,
“It’s mental health, stupid!”


Here is another post from Alice Linahan:

Think the state is not taking over local control of traditional public schools? Think Again!

The decision by Tx Commissioner of Education Mike Morath highlights risky nature of PSJA Superintendent Daniel King’s scheme that promises to protect teacher rights while proposing a charter-like takeover of the entire district.

“The commissioner of education has published regulations that he is now simply ignoring,” said Texas AFT President Louis Malfaro. “His agenda of promoting charter school takeovers of public schools is more important to him than the rights of school employees spelled out in the law. In his rush to rubber stamp charter takeovers, he flouts his own regulations and violates the spirit of the law that speaks to the preservation of basic teacher rights.”

“All the assurances Superintendent King has been selling his teachers are being denied by TEA in the San Antonio case,” Malfaro said. “What the Commissioner is telling school districts (and by extension school district employees) is that even if districts want to preserve the rights of teachers and students in these contracts with partners, they can’t do it. These entities taking over the neighborhood schools have to have total autonomy in almost all areas, according to Commissioner Morath.”


A high school won’t let a senior wear an army sash at graduation:

Here is a post from the anti-CBE group:

I am the mother of an identified gifted learner. Proficiency Based Learning has turned our world upside down.  My daughter is in the 7th grade. She’s going through everything – physically, emotionally, socially and psychologically – that every 7th grader goes through. And then they decided to experiment and throw this on top of it all. She cries every day. At school and at home. This is not right.


And here are some replies to this post:

Homeschool if you cannot afford a private school


Homeschooling is not, in my opinion, a very good option


homeschooling may be the only option for a family in order to obtain an education for their child. We must protect educational liberty which allows the parent-guardian to make educational decisions for their children, unlike school choice where the government makes the decisions.
But to dictate that every student must learn on a device and that is what is going on here. They can use any glamorous terminology they want it is wrong and still a one size fits all.


I’m not worried about individual teachers. I believe that, as teachers, we must refuse to comply with abusive policies.
because , when there are no more professional teachers ,
there will be no more “real” education” except for the very wealthy. ( and I speak as a refuser)


I call it abuse of the worst kind.And teachers, although most do not like it, have been too slow to refuse to participate.( And I speak as a life long teacher and worried grandmother)


Every time a teacher implements anything in their classroom that packages learning, they are assembling the same box that will ship them out of a classroom.


And to carry on with your perfect image, that same box will morph into a coffin for the “good little teachers” who tried to appease.!


And NONE of this is what’s best for children. I promise you, it’s the CC standards themselves. They drive this machine of profit, data collection and mining. They drive the tech use and the related social dysfunctions. The Standards are the uranium in this bomb.


Thank you for all of your very thoughtful responses. I’m hoping other parents – and maybe some teachers – will share their war stories. I knew this was going to be a disaster for my daughter from the outset. She is creatively gifted (although I hate to use the “g” word since so many people have an allergy to it). Past classroom awards she has received include “Most Animated Learner” and “Most Creative – For always being an original thinker.” How (and why) could anyone rein in all of that unbridled creative energy and try to shove it into little boxes? You’d have to break her first. The biggest tell in this is that she’s having the most difficult time in Language Arts. Language Arts! She writes books in her spare time, for goodness sakes! Really good books. But she’s being told that she needs to meet a long list of very dry standards, and told to “Be creative!” while slogging through all of the requirements. She stopped doing the work – and I really can’t blame her. Nothing ruins a fun time like a bunch of useless rules. Thanks for letting me vent.
i am afraid you can talk to the district until you are blue on the face. There is only one thing you can do opt your child out of all technology period. No digital for assessments classwork, homework, or games etc and only allow pencil, paper, and books. However depending on where you are it may not be an option. You have to protect your child and ensure an environment that is comfortable for her needs and the public school setting may not be it. Know you are not alone your family is one of many.
 Here is a post from a Washington anti-Common Core group:

Please do not believe Betsy DeVos when she said “Common Core is Dead.” It’s not. It’s everywhere still. It’s our WA State Learning Standards.

Online digital learning platforms use Common Core (as it was designed to do) to build their software.

We still need to keep fighting Common Core.


And another post from said group:

Update: It’s Third Sector Capital working with DEL. I do believe I have seen ReadyNation also working with WA, but I can’t find the link right now. I will post it in the comments. I am sure that Third Sector Capital works with ReadyNation.

ReadyNation is a Social Impact Bonds Group that has received lots of monies from the Gates Foundation.

They are holding a pre k Summit for business people only.

Yep they are trying to make money off of preschoolers.

BTW our DEL already works with these people.

Ready Nation is a Social Impact Bonds Group that has received lots of monies from the Gates Foundation.


Here is a post from a friend of mine:

DEAR, PARENTS WERE YOU POLLED? No? Me either. Let’s be clear this is UNION —->

The UNION letter was addressed to state Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia, who later said during a Newsday interview that NYSUT and other educational groups had been consulted before the state regulations were drafted.

The regulations would restrict the way that penalized districts spend federal Title I dollars by requiring them to set aside money to be used in encouraging greater student test participation, according to union analysts who have reviewed the 95-page regulatory document. (Hate to say it BUT, Told ya!)

Details on the amount of money to be set aside would be worked out after the regulations passed, education experts said.

In addition, “analysts” said, the proposed rules would change the way test-participation rates are factored into schools’ overall academic ratings, making it more likely that schools would be classified as scholastically deficient. (AGAIN, Told ya)

This could pressure reluctant parents into allowing their children to be tested, NYSUT officials said. (Wait, you guys supported passing ESSA right?)

The disputed regulations, posted last month by the state Education Department, are intended to meet requirements of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act, which was approved in 2015. New York State’s Board of Regents is tentatively scheduled to take up the regulations for adoption at its next meeting June 11-12. (Of course they are, this is no surprise right?)

Previous state regulations required districts with low test participation to come up with plans for improvement but did not include sanctions like those evidently spelled out in the latest proposals. (Stop acting surprised will ya.)


Here is a post from an Ohio anti-Common Core group:

From Alice Linahan

In a nutshell-
While elections divide us- And, unelected bureaucrats like the Texas Commissioner of Education Mike Morath regulate us, and while America’s children are being shot in their classrooms; all of us are being controlled. How?

A system has been locked in place by both federal and state legislation. With government regulated “choice” comes accountability through rules and regulations by unelected bureaucrats.

Even if the US Department of Education is dismantled there are federal education dollars tied to mandates coming in via the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) from the Departments of HHS, Labor, Defense, and Education.

Below are the purposes of the College and Career Readiness/Common Core National Standards now codified into law through the passage of (WIOA) and the Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA).

Shifts Education Philosophy– from an education of Opportunity (Equal Opportunity) based on academics; reading, writing, math, and history to an education of equity (Equal Outcomes) based on attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviors.
Broadened Impact – The College and Career Readiness/Common Core National Standards expand the target from K-12 (Kindergarten through 12th grade) to a P-20W (Pre-school through College, Trade or Graduate School) workforce system.
Testing Based Outcomes– The College and Career Readiness Common Core National Standards shifts from the “Mental” (Academics and Knowledge-Based Tests) to “Behaviors” (Performance Standards and Competency for the workforce).
Adjustments to Ideology– Change American’s worldview from nationalism into globalism and allows for a government controlled economy known as “Dirigisme” or the more common use–a dirigiste economy. It means essentially a state-directed economy.
Dismantle traditional public schools– With locally elected school boards, in favor of charter-like structures (public/private partnerships) that will be forced to generate student data for global corporate profit and state control.

This NEW system known as a P-20W system will now track, psychologically profile and sort students from Pre-school through the Workforce.

Eventually, any student who opts out of the P-20W system will not be able to get a job in the workforce. Competency-based credentialing begins in Pre-school with this system. Therefore, it negatively impacts a student who does not take the state or federal dollars.

When they say…
Every Student Succeeds they mean Lifelong learning so every student means EVERY American from pre-school through the workforce.


Here is a post from Lynne Taylor, the Common Core Diva:

If ever we needed proof what “education” has become..
Remember this the next time someone says we need skilled workers. Many of us here know that has been the plan all along. The CCSS Machine isn’t hiding this truth anymore. ESSA made no bones about it, “all education must be aligned to post-secondary readiness as laid out by WIOA”. (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act)

apprenticeship sneaky sneaky sneaky


Here is another post from the Common Core Diva:

If you think small time media hasn’t sold out to the CCSS Machine, take this truth, for example:
I gave a fact based, truth filled interview a couple of years ago to this magazine as the ‘con’ side to Common Core in NC. My 5 pages, was of course, reduced, but the content was re-arranged so more room was available for the pro side. Here is their latest set of lies, and my response.


And yet another post from her:

Warriors, I’ve recently returned from and education related conference. Sex Ed and its inappropriateness was a key portion. Did you know “Dr.” Kinsey was NOT anyone of scientific worth?
His ‘research’ was forced. His victims abused (some died). Parents were not informed of his activities. All our modern sex ed is based on this quack’s findings. WHY?

sex ed bad


And here are some replies to said post:

Yes, I’ve known about him for years. His research subjects were generally men from mental hospitals and prisons. They participated in every kind of sexual deviancy known to man. He used this data to make it seem like this type of behavior was normal within the general population. That’s the equivalent of using members of an AA meeting to provide statistical proof that addictions are so ubiquitous that they must be typical human behavior.


have your read Dr. Judith Reisman’s evidence? She was granted money by the US Dept of Justice to investigate Kinsey. Her proof was so powerful and truthful DoJ buried it.


Yes, I am aware. I’m also aware of the trash…reworking of the DSM. How do you even begin to deal with this when it’s infected the culture to this extent?


I don’t recall reading anything specifically by her, but it doesn’t surprise me that evidence was buried. Kinsey has been the driving force behind so much of the sexual education movement, and of course comprehensive sexuality education is a very critical component to the overarching plan to destroy traditional morality. To do this, the plan’s proponents must undermine the thinking/reasoning centers of students and feed the emotional, instinct driven centers of the brain. It sure makes it a lot easier to move from a society focused upon individual action and accountability and founded upon “natural rights” to one that acts collectively and venerates “human rights” if you can move a large group of people to endorse your political platform based solely upon emotional appeal. Normalizing all types of sexuality also feeds the diversity beast and promotes the idol of “tolerance”.


And yet another post from her:

Dr. Judith Reisman, head of the Child Protection Institute, has a 2nd edition of her book (Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences) out. This is page 274. Note the date. Have things improved since the 1950s?! No, the federal/ corporate intrusion has worsened terribly.

 chart of evil
And yet another post from her:
Warriors, I am on the road, but fed Ed news won’t escape me while away from my desk.
NC’s death knell notice for education was announced today.
education dies in NC
And here is another post from her:
My local news just reported that Charlotte-Mecklenberg schools are devoting over $40 million of it’s 2018-19 budget to pay for school psychologists, school social workers, etc. Teachers not set to receive any of the funds, so they are protesting tonight for an extra 5.9% raise on top of NC’s raise. Then, at tonight’s meeting, universal Pre-K implementation. Can anyone say #agenda?
Here is a post from a Utah anti-Common Core group:

Sometimes when I do the math I become very angry. Utah has just approved two new state wide testing contracts to replace the SAGE test. I added up the price tag for the two and the total is $80,243,642. Lets just say that a teacher’s benefit package equals $100,000 (which was not my case but lets pretend). These tests are costing the state of Utah the equivalent of 800 teachers. Will this test tell us more about the education of our students then 800 teachers could? Will it enhance our student’s education more then 800 teachers would?” Thanks Joylin Lincoln, very well said.

What irks me more is the pretending that RISE is somehow different from SAGE even though the questions are the same. What is a shiny new outhouse when you leave the inside the same? Just saying….


And here are some replies to said post:

The rebranding price tag of $44,000 was more then my salary last year.


What happened today with the discussion for opt outs? With SAGE gone, is there still a parents right to opt out of these two tests?


Yes, they are applying for a moratorium for a year why they try to develop a plan.


Spending another $80m of our taxpayer dollars to perpetuate common core. 😡


Utah is going interoperable with other states with assessments. This is the next step towards the complete loss of local curriculum control. Parents need to understand that curriculum IS assessment and assessment IS curriculum. Common Core was always about “Next Generation Assessments.”


both are STILL aligned to CCSS, both data rape students. I have researched both before. Let me know if you want the truth USBE left out


It irks me too. It is so frustrating that the rebranding is happening. Every parent needs to know they are the same test. Opt out!


It’s election time people! Let’s get out there, GET VOCAL and make sure we get pro-parent candidates who have their eyes open to what CC really is elected and fighting for what will ACTUALLY help our children’s education.


Here is a post from the anti-CBE group:

“Children are naturally curious and learning is naturally pleasurable. Small releases of dopamine in the brain encourages a child to persevere with the long-term difficult practice needed to build skills naturally over time, such as with sports, arts, and music.

What Silicon Valley is banking on, is to bypass human social interactions and community education experiences by hijacking children’s brains directly with more potent and powerful interactive technologies, where larger doses of dopamine are released, such as happens with drugs, video games and gambling. Their goal is to make the education software as addictive as possible, and they are quite up-front about that.”

And it then quotes another post:

“Many parents intuitively understand that ubiquitous glowing screens are having a negative effect on kids. But it’s even worse than we think. Recent brain imaging research is showing that they affect the brain’s frontal cortex — which controls executive functioning, including impulse control — in exactly the same way that cocaine does.

Technology is so hyper-arousing that it raises dopamine levels — the feel-good neurotransmitter most involved in the addiction dynamic — as much as sex. This addictive effect is why Dr. Peter Whybrow, director of neuroscience at UCLA, calls screens “electronic cocaine” and Chinese researchers call them “digital heroin…”

~Nicholas Kardaras, M.D., August 27, 2016

Source: It’s ‘digital heroin’: How screens turn kids into psychotic junkies

“The Edu-tech Revolution has begun. At this very moment new computer games and education software are being developed to teach children academics one-to-one via computers. Following on the success of the hi-tech gaming industry, the goal is to use technology to transform schooling.

By merging education and entertainment technologies, advocates and investors of these products stress the potential for educating children faster, more effectively and less expensively than schools currently do. Unfortunately, there are a number of potential problems.

First, many of these new programs are being designed to collect data from children so as to maintain individual personal profiles, that investors and corporations can utilize to design future products and monitor individuals as they move from education into the workforce. T

Moreover, some investors hope to use this data to construct what they expect will become a trillion dollar education market (such as we had with housing) to bundle and sell school and software investments on Wall Street.

Also VERY concerning, is that many Silicon Valley engineers are attempting to make edu-tech software as “pleasurable” as possible, using addictive video “gaming” strategies to design their education products.

Children are naturally curious and learning is naturally pleasurable. Small releases of dopamine in the brain encourages a child to persevere with the long-term difficult practice needed to build skills naturally over time, such as with sports, arts, and music.

What Silicon Valley is banking on, is to bypass human social interactions and community education experiences by hijacking children’s brains directly with more potent and powerful interactive technologies, where larger doses of dopamine are released, such as happens with drugs, video games and gambling. Their goal is to make the education software as addictive as possible, and they are quite up-front about that.”

Source: Edu-Tech’s Brave New World – How Education Software is Being Designed to Hijack Children’s Brains


Here is a post from an Illinois anti-Common Core group:

This filthy anti American progressive agenda driven organization has infiltrated the NW suburbs school systems as it says; Yo collect data and push their agena with the information collected from students their families and the schools. DO NOT ALLOW YOUR KIDS TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY QUESTIONNAIRES OR SURVEYS OF ANY KIND. We need to get a full transparent accounting of how their tentacles are in the schools and who asked us.


Here is a post from a Utah anti-Common Core group:

“The most recent casualty was Utah which had requested a waiver for the 95% test rate to comply with recently passed state statute which says students can be opted out of statewide testing by their parents and, the school and its employees are to suffer no ill effects as a result of a parent exercising those parental rights. Secretary Devos, carrying out the instructions of the publicly unknown members of the plan review committee, denied this waiver request.”


Here is a post from a New York anti-Common Core group:

The state’s Board of Regents, in a split vote Monday, tentatively agreed to controversial new rules aimed at school districts on Long Island and across New York where large numbers of students boycott state tests.

The new regulations — which among other provisions could result in some schools being required to set aside federal aid money to encourage greater student test participation — passed with 14 Regents in favor and three abstaining.

Regent Roger Tilles, who represents Nassau and Suffolk counties on the board, voted with the majority but expressed continuing concern over what he described as “onerous” sections of the regulations.

State Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia, whose staff drafted the regulations, emphasized at the board meeting that a final Regents vote on the rules would not be held until September and that the public would have another opportunity to comment on the regulations in the meantime.

“Everybody didn’t get everything that they wanted,” the commissioner said. “But we came up, I think, with a very comprehensive plan.”

Some board members contended that parents and others with misgivings about Albany’s testing program probably would be confused by certain aspects of the new regulations, including the use of complex formulas to factor in test opt-out rates as part of school district’s academic ratings.

“I think our message is garbled,” said one of the Regents who abstained, Susan Mittler of Ithaca. “There is not an understanding of what these tests are and why we are asking children to take them.”

The rules, aimed at districts with high test-refusal rates, are part of broader regulations that would enforce a federal education law, the Every Student Succeeds Act, or ESSA, which was adopted in 2015.

ESSA, like a previous federal statute that it replaced, requires at least 95 percent of eligible students in every public school nationwide to take annual state tests in English and math. Only a handful of schools on Long Island meet that requirement due to a series of massive annual test boycotts.

In April, nearly half of all eligible students in Nassau and Suffolk counties — 91,974 in all — declined to take the state’s English Language Arts assessments in grades three through eight, a Newsday survey showed. The inquiry drew responses from 115 districts out of a regional total of 124.

The state’s latest regulations would affect schools falling below the 95 percent benchmark in several ways, both financial and academic.

On the fiscal side, the regulations would authorize the state education commissioner to take certain steps, “which may include requiring that the district set aside a portion of its Title I funds to use on activities to increase student participation in state assessments.”

Title I is a major federal program that provides more than $15 billion a year nationwide, mostly to help students struggling with their math and reading lessons.

Groups representing unionized teachers and the parent boycott have attacked the new rules, which are more sweeping than regulations initially proposed in April.

On Wednesday, leaders of New York State allies for Public Education, a statewide parent and education group, sent a letter to Elia contending that the rules would allow her to “impose a financial penalty” on districts — action that the state has not taken in the past. New York State United Teachers, a union group, takes the same position.

Elia aides disagree that the Title I set-asides would constitute a penalty. So does the Education Trust – New York, a nonprofit private agency based in Manhattan that supports ESSA as a means of raising academic achievement, especially among minority students.


And here are some replies to said post:

You just don’t get it and why my child no longer attends public school.

They just keep doubling down on this shit testing!
Who is looking into the Algebra Regents!!!! Another set up for failure today!!!
Can you opt out of regents and still get a Hugh school diploma? I thought they only give regents diplomas now
That is correct, as far as I know. Only Regents diplomas.
If they have IEP they can score a 55 on the regents and earn a local diploma.
 I switched from an IEP to a 504 because the SPED in my district is horrific and totally counter productive, so what now ? Also NYS requires 2 years of foreign language for HS, tried to get an exemption from this and cannot get it without putting him back into SPED. Devastating and infuriating.
Sick! And we (taxpayers and parents) are allowing this???!!!!
Take away the $$$$by removing the children from public schools & see how fast they change! Parents need to speak with their actions
Looks like Roger Tilles isn’t REPRESENTING us at all!
None of them do. They nod like Pavlov’s Dogs. So does Elia and Rosa to Linda Darling Hammond.
Notice NYS first in nation to implement SEL curriculum. Smh
Time to leave New York State. Forcing you to take the test!! It is all about the money!! Aren’t there laws against bullying???😂😂😂
They know there’s a diploma crisis that’s impacting tens of thousands of students who won’t be able to go to college, vocational school, the military, or apply for civil service jobs. There have been incremental changes, but it’s far from resolution of the problem and leaves far too many kids with no future – leaves them twisting in the wind. And that is after twelve or more years of working hard toward a goal – and being denied because They. Can’t. Pass. A. Standardized. Sub-par. Test. that neither the BoR or Ms. Elia has vetted.

Let’s NOT forget that parents were dismissed and told to stand in the corner. Take care of the teachers and APPR and it will trikle down dontcha know! Happy teachers will make happy classrooms, then they can “shut their doors and do what they need to do” they said.

SEVEN YEARS later, parents are still waiting for the teacher’s union to come out strongly against the reforms. Bill Gates said he needed 10yrs for the experiment, folks we are going into year 8.

When are we going to start to stop?

 Here is a post from the anti-CBE group:

GEF has released a new report. Peter Senge wrote the intro. I had extensive conversations last year with one of the authors concerning their last report and the dangers of so much celebration of an edutech-centric future.

Is this much better, a bit better or… not?


And here are some replies to said post:

Can you imagine a radical shift in the way we teach kids to walk? Of course not.

The proposal of where we need to go is scary. “Societal wisdom” sure sounds like indoctrination.

Are the authors suggesting our founding fathers had no wisdom? The citizens who supported the noble ideals presented in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution had no societal wisdom?

We need to stop meddling in K-12 education, return to the proven practices to teach kids to read, write, do math and know stuff. The future belongs to them!


“Protopia” sounds a lot like a pseudo-utopia wherein technology and AI will be used to “make today a little better than yesterday”. Tell that to the dying man, eh!


Biofeedback devices? Personal competence profile and personal reputation….??? 😦


This is all very exhausting! It’s hard for me to imagine learning this way. So many children and adults learn by doing, project-based learning, growing plants, drawing, painting, investigating how cells work, making new discoveries from manipulating variables, observation and study of animals, etc. The only way I see to counteract this technical system evolving for profit, is to work around it and create environments that most people can relate to, that draws them, ignites their interest, that pulls them into wanting to learn more. Much of what students have learned in the fragmented educational system has left them with the question, “Why do we need to know this?” When we get to work and collaborate ideas and expertise and create projects and hands-on real-life experiments that immediately show us why we are learning it, then maybe we can beat this thing. Being physical while working is also mentally and physically healthier. I don’t know, I think we better start collaborating with scientists, artists, horticulturist, farmers, culinary and nutritionists, environmental engineers etc, and create model learning environments in the real world for our future education. Whatever we teach, whether it is math or reading, we need to make many living connections to it.


Working in the International Baccalaureate, I see this all the time: good ideas about student at the center of education then turned into a massive set of criteria and metrics surrounded by impenetrable language and constant micromanaging of the students themselves. This is not what is needed; it is just another competence based system with fancy graphics. We need kids in real life with real people and real problems.


totally agree. It’s often all about hidden control, for various motives, like sales of tech metric systems to teachers fearing chaos in class, but perhaps most of all, states fearing critical citizens.


and of course fearing chaos in class comes from large classes of disaffected students, so there is a positive feedback loop that is constantly, if not purposefully, amplified.


Exactly. I think we need a deep study into loop cycles that make matters worse, and stack logical expansion on logical expansion into madness, like if one test works, why not two, why not prepare for the tests better, why not drop everything else just to be sure students score the best, then why not bring in tech that measures every tiny choice leading up to the test, and why not then call those who fail or drop out losers? etc. Similar with our whole society and surveillance. oh boy.


And another post from this group:

Wow-just wow. “However, we added a little wrinkle just to be spicy. Working with our behavioral research team, we modified a player’s charity vote by their in-game honor level, or how sportsmanlike and pleasant they were to play with. The higher their in-game honor level, the more weight their vote carried. Our goal was to link the in-game behavior to real-world implications in order to help change the self-narrative of players, both in and out of the game…We are excited to continue exploring what we can do to help mobilize our players (and ourselves) to keep making social impact and changing the narrative about what it means to be a gamer.”

Riot Games is funding Institute of Play, which is promoting gamification of education. If folks are looking for a summer read, check out Daniel Suarez’s books “Daemon” and “Freedom.” The first is a bit schlocky, but you have to read it to get to the next one which is more thoughtful IMO.


Here is a post from a New York anti-Common Core chart:

ALG II conversion chart

conversion chart of cheats and lies


Here is a post from the anti-CBE group:

If you haven’t seen this graphic from global education futures, it shows what is really meant by “student centered.” See competence portfolios on the right hand side?

poor mistreated student

Now look at the video that was posted below…


And here are some replies to said post:

Graphic above from this doc:


This is a frightening document. Who could believe that education would become a science fiction novel:(


It is simply a Communist type form of government that runs your life, and tells everyone what they are allowed to do.


This explains it… has been in the works for a long time. This is bigger than the US, it is world wide, but Hillary is implicated.


An entire global population whose psycho-social development is mediated through authoritarian instruction/directions on a digital screen?


OMG!! Orwellian, Huxleyan! What an old school thinking with new tech. More disconnection, more measuring, more testing, more competition, more refined demanding and less humane presence.


Yes. And this kind of ed is being implemented NOW.. its not a future vision, its a blueprint being created and tested on children at this very moment.


Yes and they seem to be taking the education language like “student centered learning”and applying that language to their program.


Yes, exactly. And they are adopting all the best ideas from positive and motivational psychology, emphasizing social and emotional intelligence and growth mindset. BUT, they don’t just want to help support these skills, they want to measure and assess them, monitor students, rank and score them.


It’s really the old repackaged with new language. We have already seen what schools have been doing around the nation. I have been in schools recently that have 50 kids in one classroom all sitting facing a computer screen. Charter schools around here are not held accountable at all. I worked for a school that took all of my language, and still uses it today but does not have a program that represents the language.


Yes, education has become highly profitable with the charter schools and new Edtech methods which they call “personalized” “learner-centered” and competency based. But it really means more time putting kids on computers.


And is there any link between New America and GEF? A friend who had contact with some GEF advisory board members (they wanted her to join) said her sense was they don’t have much money. New America appears to be rolling in it…


I haven’t done much research on the advisors, though a number of Emily’s posts discuss Vander Ark. GEFF is headed by Pavel Luksha, with the Skolkovo Institute in Russia. Obviously the current political climate has put a damper on US/Russia partner initiatives. I think MIT pulled out of a relationship they had had a few years back. I don’t know of a direct tie between New America and GEFF.


“The primary operator of GEFF is Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, a world-class research institution co-founded by Skolkovo Foundation (Russia) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA). RF Group serves as the initiative co-founder, and sets the initial context of the event with our Education Futures Global Agenda report.”


In 2014 the FBI warned MIT about their concerns over espionage linked with Skolkovo.


Are there other American ed tech company consortiums that have a similar manifesto?


Tom Vander Ark got his start with the Gates Foundation and is one of the main advocates for CBE/digital curriculum in the US. He is a GEFF advisor and is a partner in Learn Capital. This is their portfolio:

He was also on the board of iNACOL. Through him GEFF has some tie to most ed-tech initiatives in the US.


New report from GEF…


#Deepshit We live in a system where profit at the cost of the whole is rewarded, where destruction of nature makes sense, and smart new forms of slavery are welcomed by the ‘owners’. We live in a system where children either learn to support the system, for if they’ll fail, they’ll feed the system with forced labour if need be. Countless people seek alternatives, seek change, address issues. But the core is rotten, succesfull change far away. Ideas of how to change it are many, but none yet succesfully going viral across the globe igniting a massive shift. What essential arguments, would make all eyes go open en all teachers join the revolution? Sadly the insights above, many here will share, aren’t doing it.


If you are in Norway, you should have NORDEFCO on your radar. It is an Scandinavian extension of the Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative that originated in the US Defense Department. They, in partnership with the US Department of Education, have largely coordinating been coordinating the ed-tech transition here since the late 1990s. I believe they are behind the shift in places like Finland to tech-heavy “phenomenon-based learning.”


This looks like the International Baccalaureate on tech steroids. The problem is our whole system of evaluation:


One of the early pioneers of Facebook and its first President Sean Parker, voiced his regret regarding helping create social media in the form we know it today, saying:

“I don’t know if I really understood the consequences of what I was saying, because of the unintended consequences of a network when it grows to a billion or 2 billion people and it literally changes your relationship with society, with each other… God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains.”

Parker says the social networking site exploits human psychological vulnerabilities through a validation feedback loop that gets people to constantly post to get even more likes and comments.

“It’s exactly the kind of thing that a hacker like myself would come up with, because you’re exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology,” he said. “The inventors, creators — it’s me, it’s Mark [Zuckerberg], it’s Kevin Systrom on Instagram, it’s all of these people — understood this consciously. And we did it anyway.”


Here is a post from an anti-Common Core group:

Cathy Ruse reports for Family Research Council, May 15, 2018, that public school students in Fairfax County, Virginia, are subjected to 80 hours of “Family Life Education” sex ed — on the kids’ evolving “sexual identity,” the proper handling of contraceptive drugs and devices, and how to give consent for sex.

But Fairfax County’s longtime Democrat-controlled school board is set to take things from bad to worse…


Students in South Carolina being indoctrinated against the police in high school English:


Here is a post from an Ohio anti-Common Core group:

Her mother says that she was told by the principal that her daughter did not meet all of her graduation requirements for the 2018 school year – specifically for not taking one of two required Ohio State tests.


Here is a post from the Utah anti-Common Core group:

Moms and Dads in Millard County. Guess what? Your district has now become the pilot rural district for “personalized,” global-citizen-based, curriculum. If you wonder why your kids are getting Google Chromebooks, it’s because your district has sold out to UNESCO—the UN’s education ministry.

Millard District has received a grant to partner with the Consortium for School Networking. The Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) is a partner with UNESCO—the UN’s education ministry. President Trump and Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have called UNESCO anti-Israel for a reason. If you need that translated, it means anti-Christian.

This technology partnership is designed to, eventually, gut local curriculum control through online learning. UNESCO is heck-bent on sexualizing curriculum worldwide. This is well documented. Just do a quick search for UNESCO, Planned Parenthood and Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE). CSE is designed to integrate throughout online, globalized curriculum—including through subjects like Digital Citizenship and Digital Literacy.

Dads. On this Father’s Day, this is your battle cry. Don’t march in Millard’s 4th of July parade, or bother watching it, unless you truly defend America’s children—your children. Rise up and protect your children from these soul-destroying, globalist tyrants. You’re selling your souls for a mess of pottage.

I grew up in rural Utah. Dads in rural Utah “get” freedom and what it takes to defend and maintain it. It’s time, Dads.



And here are some replies to said post:




“there is need for ongoing technical guidance, mentorship and supervision of teachers; moreover training for school inspectors is required to ensure there are mechanisms in place to ensure effective monitoring at the district level.”


Yep. They’re tracking districts through the data systems.


I’m in Millard County and often wondered about the Chromebooks… what do I do about it? Can I keep my kids off of them?


Yes! You are the parents!!


But, just know that the school will likely challenge you because the entire district is starting to grade children on their global competencies: values, attitudes and behaviors.


The reason they need each child on their own Chromebook is that children are supposed to be moved from 3x per year assessments into curriculum-embedded assessment so that their behaviors can be tracked (and shaped) continuously. When your children can’t be tracked, their “growth” can’t be measured and so the school gets caught between federal laws for student growth measurements and parental rights to control curriculum.


The district has received a grant so they cannot back away from this plan now. They have chosen money over parental rights.


Please, do what you can to protect your own kids and keep us posted on this thread on how the district and school react. They will tell you that local/state teachers are developing the curriculum, and there’s nothing to worry about. But. The young teachers are being trained to choose pre-curated curricukum. Often, they don’t actually vett the curriculum. And, logistically, they can’t vett it if every child is learning something different on a computer-adaptive platform. When the online curriculum adapts, in real time, it can’t be vetted—by design.


I would encourage you to watch the video I posted above where I explain the goal for Google, Microsoft and UNESCO. Share it with any parents who will listen. I would be happy to come to Millard and give the presentation in person too, where I could answer questions.


Prayers for you and yours!


I spoke with the principal at the high school about their increased usage of electronic learning last year and how it was affecting my kids and unfortunately it fell on deaf ears.


In our school district’s enrollment process, there is a question that asks parents if we would allow internet access. Does your enrollment process ask that? If so, just say no. And even if it doesn’t, just tell the teacher you want paper printouts for everything. No online assignments.


Our district does digital citizenship and I opted my kid out. I later found out that one of the software questions asks kids if they considered a truck a gift option for a boy birthday and a doll a gift option for a girl birthday. When answered yes, the student was told that is a sexist thing to think and then it explained why. This was through the (not-so) Common Sense Media online program. This group has backed legislation here in CA that is anti parental rights under the guise of “helping” kids. Thankfully it was defeated, for now. The group frequently backs children’s privacy legislation but their own privacy statement does not. Complete hypocrisy! Wolves in sheep’s clothing all over the place!


The power of Common Sense Education is in their content curation systems which are starting to precurate online content for teachers. Have you seen Common Sense’s Digital Citizenship curriculum for 6th-8th graders? I can email it to you if you want to message me your email.


I have had a preview of it through an hour long district presentation. But more info. would be great! I will message you my e-mail. I know they also give surveys at the end without parental notification or permission. CSM is a huge political thorn in my side! The Steyer brothers are political activists and Chelsea Clinton is on their advisory board. Bad news all around.


Yep. Bad news! And with teacher training favoring their friend Darling-Hammond’s SEL (InTASC) Standards, it’s going to get much harder for parents to fight Common Sense curriculum integration into the schools.


Public schools all around our nation aren’t teaching our innocent children what they deserve toward their futures. Instead reformation and rewriting American History as well as other mandatory learning textbooks aren’t even mentioned anymore. This in itself is the downgrading producing more illiteracy than good. Homeschooling and Charter is much more effective as a proven accomplishment students deserve.


UDPATE: The first link about Millard and CoSn didn’t work. Here is the corrected link. I’ve tried to update it on those pages that shared it, but not everyone’s page is public. Please revise it if you’ve shared this story so that people can access it:—cosn-improve-student-success-through-new-technology


Here is a post from Shannon Joy:

THIS IS BAD. Really, really, really bad ———->

Every child to labor for the corporate elites, wholly owned by the GOVERNMENT. Groomed and tracked in government schools. 21st Century Slavery.

This will be SPUN as ‘Trump abolishes the Dept. Of Education’ or ‘shrinks government’ … don’t be fooled.

(BTW – we’ve been telling y’all this was coming for the past 3.5 years!)



Here is a post from a friend of mine:

WE KNEW IT!! Unions will hold hostage schools in the Fall? Rumbling across states of Fall mass strikes

“Ms. Harrison urges a change in public schools from “an education model” to a “medical/behavioral/tactical model” where teachers will become well versed in medicine, fire arms handling and psychology so as to be better able to do the government’s work of treating, protecting and molding the minds of the state’s children.

Of course, it’s all tied together with more training, more administration and more money for the public school leviathan. So it goes. Big government grows bigger by creating legions of government employees represented by big government supportive unions who have a vested interest in supporting even bigger government. The rest of us are left to watch and experience government’s continual incremental takeover of just about everything…”


Here is a post from a Washington anti-Common Core group:

**The History of Goals 2000**
In 1989, a coalition of state governors concerned about the ailing state of America’s public schools proposed a solution: “Goals 2000.” This program would set educational goals for the nation’s public schools to be achieved by the year 2000, create a framework for implementing the goals, and provide incentives for the states to cooperate in meeting the goals.
By 1994, the eight national goals were in place and Goals 2000 was an official federal program.

The Eight National Goals

1. By the year 2000, all children will start school ready to learn.

2. By the year 2000, the high school graduation rate will increase to at least 90 percent.

3. By the year 2000, all students will leave grades 4, 8, and 12 having demonstrated competency over challenging subject matter including English, mathematics, science, foreign languages, civics and government, economics, arts, history, and geography, and every school in America will ensure that all students learn to use their minds well, so they may be prepared for responsible citizenship, further learning, and productive employment in our Nation’s modern economy.

4. By the year 2000, the Nation’s teaching force will have access to programs for the continued improvement of their professional skills and the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to instruct and prepare all American students for the next century.

5. By the year 2000, United States students will be the first in the world in mathematics and science achievement.

6. By the year 2000, every adult American will be literate and will possess the knowledge and skills necessary to compete in a global economy and exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.

7. By the year 2000, every school in the United States will be free of drugs, violence and the unauthorized presence of firearms and alcohol and will offer a disciplined environment conducive to learning.

8. By the year 2000, every school will promote partnerships that will increase parental involvement and participation in promoting the social, emotional, and academic growth of children.

Students are calling for the removal of a brave school board member in Elgin, IL because she suggested that the new rules of student code of conduct may consider it bullying to address a “transgender” person by the “wrong” gender pronoun:


Here is a post from the Common Core Diva:

Warriors, take note: the merger of Ed and Labor will not rest solely on PreK to College education, but on every single American citizen in need of going to work or getting ‘education’ to earn credentials TO work.
The merger will NOT close the U.S. Dept. of Education, but enlarge it. The merger will disrespect your school choice.
Both Ed and Labor Cabinet Agencies are ILLEGAL. Why do we need to comply?
We should revolt.
Quote me, if you like.


Here is a post from Women on the Wall:

“Jane Robbins, senior fellow at American Principles Project (APP), told Breitbart News in a statement the administration’s proposal is “riddled with problems.”

“Rather than returning government to the people as the president promised, it centralizes government,” she said. “It codifies the Common Core-type workforce development model of job training, rather than genuine education, and gives Big Business outsized influence on what happens in schools. It promotes data sharing and citizen tracking for the benefit of a government-managed economy. It’s a mess. We can only hope Congress rejects it outright.”

In an interview with Breitbart News, Eunie Smith, president of the Eagle Forum, said the administration’s proposal is mind-boggling in its apparent acceptance that it is the role of the federal government to plan the workforce.

Smith said the proposal is a “Jeb Bush-type plan” that suggests “the only purpose of education is to prepare a citizen for a slot in the workforce.”

“Rather than equip an individual to pursue whatever goal he sets for himself as part of his God-given freedom, this is, instead, the German model being pushed by misguided business interests and some state interests,” she explained. “As a result, the type of education an individual would receive would be influenced by crony corporations dictating to schools the skills needed for future workers.”


Here is another post from the Common Core Diva:

This graphic appeared in a 4 part video series from Freedom Project Media in 2017. I was one of the 3 expert panelists. With the HEA (Higher Education Act) being re-vamped by the same Sellout Congressional traitors as ESSA, we saw the writing on the Wall.
With the Ed/Labor merger, this is all we will know in America. Look how closely we are to the end game goal: global workforce training.

time running out


Here is a post from the anti-CBE group:

YOU are witnessing Marc Tucker’s “necessary revolution in school policy” brought to the country by Lamar Alexander & the Education Cartel…….Common Standards, High-Stakes Testing, Career Ladders, Pay-for-Performance, Charter Schools, No Child Left Behind, Every Student Succeeds Act, Pay-for-Success and now…….federal Career Tecnical and Higher Education Acts…..all to complete the data collection system necessary to use predictive analytics to place your child on the pathway in the New American Schools human capital (education/labor) development system……….It has taken 30 years to get to this point……Will America choose to continue to sit on the sidelines?

And here is a post that was quoted by the post above:

On the Hill next week: Career and Technical Education Act (CTE)(also called Carl D. Perkins Act) is BEING MARKED UP…watch for the Fast Track! Over $1 BILLION on the line.

National Governors Association (NGA) is telling the Senate education committee “Perkins must be connected to state economic development and workforce systems.” Politico

Senate HELP Chairman Lamar Alexander doesn’t need to be told. He was in on the ground floor of this deal since 1986 (at least).


Here is a post from the Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor:

Is this really education’s goal? It wasn’t supposed to be. How to think, act, and live; not what the think do, or where you will work.

no no we wont go


And here is a reply to this post:

I still remember the day my principal stood before me in a staff meeting (way back in about 2000?) and asked, “what should be the purpose of education? Shouldn’t it be workforce ready?” I was like No. Hell no.
That was back in NCLB years (and anyone who complained, about how we were actually REDUCING education, and NARROWING it, was accused of just suffering from the soft bigotry of low expectations ) and I’ve had to watch the nonsense train ever since, especially since it’s through constant measuring and torturing of data in accountability that forces compliance.
So, Big business and monopoly power, has already changed the purpose of education to fit big business, –mostly, but not completely–this is just a final continuation of that and digital makes it all the easier.
Two words: Powell Memo. Oh, and one more: Greed.

Here is a post from a New York anti-Common Core group that helps explain why more attacks are happening at schools:

“…Under Mayor de Blasio, the Department of Education required teachers provide full documentation of a range of non-punitive interventions to at least three midlevel offenses before asking their principal to issue a suspension. Principals, in turn, had to apply in writing to a central office that often rejected their requests.”

And another post from said group:
The Poughkeepsie school district board just sent me a statement, announcing the 2018 four-year June graduation rate for Poughkeepsie High School: 48 percent.
 It is tragically ironic how this 13-year-old faces a FELONY for doing (recording someone without their consent) what Ed Tech companies do to HUNDREDS of students EVERY DAY without repercussions:
 Here is a post from a friend of mine:

The letter lays out the master plan of the Clinton Administration to take over the entire U.S. educational system so that it can serve national economic planning of the workforce.

The letter makes it clear that Hillary participated in the development of that plan some time before the election, though it was scarcely reported at the time. The plan is sweeping in scope, and largely signed into law in 1994 by Clinton’s Democratically controlled Congress (in the Goals 2000 Act, the School-to-Work Act, and the reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education Act).

That legislation continues to move our system today, and is being implemented in all fifty states, driven by money and mandates from the federal level.


Here is a post from an anti-Common Core page:

🚩🚩🚩A bipartisan agreement has been reached to update the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education (CTE) Act. It DICTATES at least $1 billion of our federal tax dollars on career and technical education programs. Fine? But…

THE PLAN: “Broad authority” to the States to develop their own improvement plans. BUT if states don’t hit their goals, then the Secretary of Education could “hold them accountable.”
That PLUS the Trump administration proposal to merge the Education and Labor departments and Education Department funding !!!!! #StopFedEd

Marc Tucker


Here is a  post from the anti-CBE group:

[name withheld] and I went down to Washington to confront the impact investors about their “secret bipartisan political plan” to privatize pretty much everything.


And here are some replies to said post:

[name withheld], you regularly do yeoman’s work to expose the economic and workforce development agenda (and for anyone chancing to read this comment who hasn’t figured it out yet, workforce development is simply the education arm of economic development). This article is yet another example. Thank you. You and [name withheld]  are two of my preferred sources when I’m looking for details to back up what I’ve been saying to the conservative and libertarian crowds for a long, long time now–that the economic/workforce development agenda is not free, open, or voluntary in any way. It is, rather, the exploitation of the many by the few.


I chuckled when you said that people seemed confused by your presence. I’m sure they were. The whole goal of the economic/workforce development crowd is to do their deals in a way that excludes the rest of us. And to a large extent they’ve succeeded in keeping it this way because most people are (sadly) not going to go to the lengths you do to investigate, analyze, and understand what is being done to them and their children in the name of “public good.”


We are up against giants. Now that I‘ve seen the machine, I have to contest it. I‘ll go down swinging anyway.


Just an addendum…You know, we’ve been trained so thoroughly, most of us. Folks on the so-called “Left” have been conditioned to side with the unions as at least the more trustworthy of government “partners.” Folks on the so-called “Right” have been conditioned to believe that the unions are the devil, while Big Business is the great savior. It occurs to very few that corruption pervades all of these institutions/groups, that they’re all mixing it up together to a greater or lesser degree, depending on what’s to be gained…and that none of them can be trusted to do the right thing. It’s up to us, and us alone, to engage and expose the truth. I thank you for all you do to disabuse people of the notion that the people who pose as saviors are anything of the kind, to let the corrupt know we’re watching, and to put the truth out there for all to see. I am more than grateful for you.

I was particularly peeved when both teachers unions threw us under the bus. While I dread the thought of no unions at all, what use are they if they’re bought out by Bill Gates? At the first NPE convention, Diane Ravitch extracted a promise from both unions not to accept more Gates’ money. Three days later, they accepted a grant from him.

In Chicago? I was there. I heard that promise from both union leaders. And sad to say, I was not surprised when they both broke those promises. What is more surprising to me is that Ravitch and the rest of the NPE crowd, some of whom are extremely intelligent, principled people (Cody, Burris, others) have failed to take a stance that holds union leadership to any substantive account.

I wasn’t there, but I followed the convention online. I will never forget it either. Or forgive.

Have you seen this? Ohio just voted down a bill to combine the state’s school, university and workforce development systems into a single new Department of Learning and Achievement — and now here it is at the Federal level. Plus MORE!

And frankly it’s a miracle that Ohio voted the measure down. Now that the Feds are openly heading that direction, Ohio is likely to follow suit…unless the people of Ohio throw themselves on the train tracks.

With the Feds pushing it, no need for states to do it too. Or maybe it was our legislators growing a backbone. Or Kasich wanting to appear to thwart Trump without actually doing so. Like the old Chinese curse, we DO live in interesting times.

The Feds will do what the Feds always do. They’ll pass enabling legislation that incentivizes the states to go out and do likewise. In a word: comply.

Here is a post from the anti-CBE group:

From today’s Philadelphia Inquirer. Small quote from me, also Paul Thomas. I said so much more to Bender, including our decision to opt out of Google classroom, but that didn’t make it in. Full text below, because it is behind a paywall.…/code-org-google-facebook-microsoft-…

Kindergarten coders: When is too early to put kids in front of screens?
Updated: JUNE 27, 2018 — 5:00 AM EDT

Jennifer Lentz with her children (right to left) Bryan, 7, Daisy, 4, and Thomas, 9, reading in their Swarthmore home. Lentz has concerns about her children’s screen time exposure.
by William Bender & Kristen A. Graham – Staff Writers

Last year, Jeremy Seedorf’s 9-year-old daughter and her classmates received tablet computers from their Lancaster County school. He wouldn’t let her bring one home: “The iPads were coming, and there was nothing we could do about it.”

In the Neshaminy School District, Jessica Reeder was taken aback when she discovered that her daughter had to use the Internet to do her 1st-grade homework: “That was a little bit concerning to us.”

Jennifer Lentz limits screen time at home for her sons, but she can’t stop the increasing amount they are getting in class at their Delaware County elementary school: “There are a lot of parents who feel like me. But I think they feel defeated.”

Hadi Partovi might consider that a victory.

Partovi, a tech entrepreneur and co-founder of the nonprofit, is leading a national effort to convince schools that more and younger is better when it comes to coding and computer science. Tech giants Microsoft, Facebook and Google are among’s financial backers. The goal is to fill the next generation of computer-related jobs. has expanded its reach even as parents such as Seedorf, Reeder and Lentz try to slow the tech tide for their own children.

Twenty-five percent of all U.S. students now have accounts and 800,000 teachers use the site for class lessons, according to the nonprofit. Partovi said two-thirds of all 5th graders in the country have an account.

“It’s mind blowing, considering it’s something I started five years ago,” Partovi, an early investor in Facebook and Airbnb, said in a recent interview with the Inquirer and Daily News., headquartered in Seattle, has been pressing states to pass laws and adopt policies that support computer science, and, by extension, put technology in the hands of students at a younger age.

“Many would say we’re leading the movement,” Partovi said.

Gov. Wolf has embraced the tech approach, hoping to fill an estimated 17,000 to 21,000 computer-related jobs in Pennsylvania. Advocates say early access to technology in schools can help break the cycle of poverty for disadvantaged students.

“There is definitely a supply and demand gap,” Judd Pittman, a STEM consultant to state education secretary Pedro Rivera, said of unfilled jobs that require computer skills.

Wolf’s latest budget proposal includes a $50 million job training initiative to improve STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and computer-science education. At a summit being held in Harrisburg this week, elementary school teachers can take’s one-day computer science fundamentals course. Over the past year, more than 1,300 teachers have been trained through a collaboration between the state’s intermediate units and

In New Jersey, where says demand for computer jobs is even higher, all high schools are now required to offer computer science classes. and its partners have provided K-5 computer science training to 3,350 teachers. has had remarkable success in advancing its agenda by offering free programs for schools and through a social-media-savvy marketing campaign and lobbying. It has raised $70 million since 2013. So far, 43 states have adopted education policies supporting computer science, Partovi said.

In Pennsylvania, has hired Bala Cynwyd lobbyist Sean Reilly, who served as political director for former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum. Reilly said is seeking state funding for computer-science training for teachers. The state has endorsed computer-science standards and now allows those courses to count toward graduation, he said.’s critics, however, question whether Silicon Valley should have so much influence over public education.

“Why is Bill Gates concerned about schools? He sees it as another market. He sees students as workers,” said Paul Thomas, an education professor at Furman University and a former high school English teacher. Thomas doubts the value of teaching so narrow a skill as coding.

“It’s better to teach them literacy, numeracy, how to think, how to be critical,” Thomas said, “so then they can kind of adapt to whatever the future requires.”

Lentz and other like-minded parents worry not just about excessive screen time, Internet addiction and data privacy. They ask whether the new courses are being taught too early in the name of workforce development – and at the expense of more fundamental skills, like critical thinking, empathy and collaboration.

“They should be doing what kids do and not thinking about their careers, when they’re eight years old, in a field they may not even go into,” said Lentz, a former Philadelphia assistant district attorney whose sons are in the 1st and 3rd grades.

Alison McDowell, a Philadelphia education activist and mother of a high school junior, questions’s motives.

“They’re pushing it down into really young grades,” she said. “Do we send kids to school so Oracle can pay people less because they have twice as many people for the jobs?”

Partovi, a father of three, describes computer science as a “basic foundation” for current and future jobs, not just in the tech industry, but in government, finance, manufacturing, entertainment and other industries looking to hire technology talent.

“The screen time, I think, is harmful when kids are just watching movies or playing video games,” Partovi said. “But if a student is creating a video game, that’s very different. Taking that away from a student would be like taking a paint brush away from a student that’s learning to paint.”

At Ridge Park Elementary school in Conshohocken, five- and six-year-olds are introduced to coding through Kodable, an education program with the tagline, “Learn to code before you know how to read.” Teacher Brian Adams said such lessons emphasize perseverance, problem solving and efficiency.

“I tell them to think logically,” said Adams, who has been using Kodable for four years at the K-3 school. “You’re trying to get from point A to point B. What’s the best way to get there?”

Mimi Ito, a cultural anthropologist at the University of California, Irvine who has researched educational software, noted that the American Academy of Pediatrics has loosened its screen time guidelines for children, emphasizing instead high-quality programming and parental involvement.

“If your kid is doing something valuable and creative at school and happens to use devices, I personally don’t think there’s anything wrong with it,” Ito said.

In the Philadelphia school district, 129 schools have a digital literacy and technology teacher for grades K-8. Students can learn to program a spherical robot called Sphero through a Bluetooth-connected iPad, then use it, for example, to power a model boat or test a model bridge. They have programmed an Ozobot robot to follow a paper map of the Underground railroad, with colored markers, not a screen.

“We want students to understand coding, but in context with everything that’s going on, because that’s how our world is,” said Luke Bilger, senior project manager in the district’s office of education technology. “Everything you do, there’s some sort of programming involved.

Parent Bob Stewart is taking it a step further, supplementing his 8-year-old daughter’s education at Anne Frank Elementary School with a week-long robotics camp this month.

“I want her to understand that she can do these types of things,” Stewart said. “I think it’s important, almost like another language. I don’t know where the jobs are going to be in the next 10 or 15 years.”

But demand is also up for no-tech education at the Waldorf School of Philadelphia, a small private school in Germantown that teaches children from 24 months until eighth grade – without iPads, Chromebooks, or any screens whatsoever. There is a waiting list for first grade and other programs, according to Alexandra Borders, the school’s director of advancement and enrollment.

“I used to have to explain why we’re a tech-free school,” Borders said. “Now, I find parents are actually searching us out. They get it.”

Several Silicon Valley executives and other tech industry employees from companies like Apple, Yahoo and eBay have sent their children to Waldorf schools.

So does Zack Seward, the Philadelphia-based editor-in-chief of technology news network His 7-year-old daughter will be entering the 1st grade at the Kimberton Waldorf School this year and his 4-year-old son will start kindergarten.

“Skills like being present and thinking creatively and imaginative play are so much more important than any technical skills that can be offered at a young age,” Seward said. “It bums me out when I see a kid absorbed in a phone.”

Seedorf, the Lancaster County parent and guidance counselor, has since relented and allows his now 10-year-old daughter to bring her school-issued iPad home to manage her school assignments. But he thinks the “train is moving too fast” when it comes to technology initiatives that are getting schoolchildren online at earlier ages.

“It’s like everyone is caving and accepting this is the new norm,” he said, “and not taking into account what some of the consequences might be.”

Published: June 27, 2018 — 5:00 AM EDT


And here are some replies to said post:

This year in Virginia our Standards of Learning include standards to be met in computer science in grades k-12. Code.Va is offering teachers free professional development to incorporate the standards as they’re incorporated into so many subjects. I’ve asked if the teachers will be paid for their PD time but no response. I don’t think they are being paid to do this training and right there we have people working for free for corporations.


The thing I don’t get is what exactly do they mean by “coding”? There are many different computer languages and they change over time. One thing that does need to be taught – and not in kindergarten, more like middle/high school – is computer literacy. Not tablets, computers. How to save a file, how to hook up a printer, stuff like that.
One needs to have a good foundation of math skills, writing, and logic to code. It’s not just learning to code.


My sense is coding will be the next sweat shop, low wage work required to manage cyber warfare threats posed by the vast expansion of IoT. They don’t want thinkers, questioners or designers.


You got it. It’s all about expanding the labor pool to decrease worker pay and compensation and increase insecurity knowing you can easily be replaced. Meantime actual top-tier coders and CS people are saying that future coding will be AI-assisted and won’t require writing base-level code as much as an being able to design, create, and critically curate systems.


I once led a CS PD with New York High school teachers focusing on defending against digital surveillance and critiquing Facebook and the social impacts of automated systems and algorithmic bias. My sense was that such critical “digital literacy” skill-development was not what the higher ups behind the CS push were interested in. They wanted kids coding, not exploring ethics, thinking critically about the unseen embedded values and biases in digital networks, or how these systems work as mechanisms of social control, exploitation, and oppression.


They just want obedient, trained worker bees.


And another post from this group:

I wish IL parents would wake up.

And here is a post that was quoted by the post above:

Illinois’ current competency-based learning pilot districts are in Springfield today for “Incubators of Innovation: Expanding the CBE Toolkit.” They engaged in the “Infusing Cognitive Rigor Into Your CBE Model” session this morning with Dr. Karin Hess from Educational Research in Action.#CompetencyEd


And yet another post from said group:

#Read this study commissioned by Google for Education.

Who knew Google played a role in the ed-workforce talent (data) pipeline? But of course Google is involved in this–it’s good for business, right? No need for knowledge when you can Google it. More users dependent on Google means more data, more ads, more marketing…more Google business. As Google points out in the study, “Technology has a central role to play in skills development.” Chromebooks, G-Suite, Google Classroom, Google app bundles are ready to help!… and Google today is teaming up with Common Sense Media to create Digital Citizenship Curriculum. How …fitting.)
Google for Education commissioned a 2015 study entitled, Driving the skills agenda: Preparing students for the future. The report apparently tries to predict how to best prepare for an unknown future and jobs that don’t yet exist, as evidenced by the following quotes,

“This research programme, sponsored by Google, [is] to examine to what extent the skills taught in education systems around the world are changing. For example, are so-called 21st-century skills, such as leadership, digital literacy, problem solving and communication, complementing traditional skills such as reading, writing and arithmetic? And do they meet the needs of employers and society more widely?”

“How can education best prepare young people to navigate their way through an increasingly interconnected and complex world in which factual recall will perhaps matter less than their ability to understand differing perspectives?”

“As proponents of 21st-century skills point out, we have no way of knowing what challenges tomorrow’s graduates will face, and still less what jobs will exist for them to apply for. The best education can hope to do is to equip students with sufficiently transferable skills to be able to respond to whatever the future holds.”

“The business executives surveyed agree that broadening access to technology in schools and universities is one of the top three ways in which the education system in their countries could benefit business.”
Tech in schools to benefit business. That’s rich. What about education benefitting …children?
If the Trump Administration is looking to do a little pruning with their recent proposal; maybe they can **instead**, hone their focus and make some cuts to the unconstitutional, incredibly expensive, non-consensual student data pipeline.


 And her are some replies to said post:
Have you seen that HSLDA is pushing GSuite into homeschool co-ops? Makes me wonder what deals are going on.
If I had a dime for every time I heard someone say, “Unknown future and jobs that don’t exist yet.” How ugly is this future going to get? We’ve never had a crystal ball about future jobs and trends.
LIkely pretty ugly as so many businesses/schools will be closed. They’ve been saying this since that 1989 NGA education conference in Kansas with Lamar A, Shirley McCune, et all.

I would be curious to know how many states (like Idaho) are STILL using DMV records to link SSNs with data from SLDS. ( … the white papers that Inlink to at the end of this blog are from 2013 and 2014– when state Dept of Ed was still telling parents they didn’t get student Pii and didn’t share it. ) Wonderng if WDQI is still handing out grants for this data questionable matching.

I believe we found 3 years ago that our SLEDS (MN version – cute, right?) had PII and it was social security numbers
If your state is on this grant awardee map, your SLDS (or SLEDS, as the case may be) is sharing data w workforce… “Each WDQI grantee is expected to fully develop (or expand in the case where states have a database underway) their workforce longitudinal database in addition to using that database to conduct analysis of state workforce and education systems. Additionally, WQDI grantees are expected to use this data analysis to create materials (i.e., scorecards) on state workforce performance to share with workforce system stakeholders and the public.”
 The  Neenah  school district in Wisconsin has adopted a radical K-5 sex-ed curriculum:
 A Pennsylvania school district was forcing students to watch LGBT indoctrination videos and parents weren’t even allowed to know what their kids were being shown:
 Looks like the Dallas Fort Worth school district is also keeping sex ed material from parents: 

Digital IDs, surveillance, Smart Cities, transhumanism, etc Stories Part 11

This is Part 11.



Here is a post on the wall of a friend of mine:

Drone dragonfly on the BBC👇🏿

im not too sure what the ‘surveillance locusts’ are.


Here is a post from a friend of mine:

I believe I can hook up every municipality in the world using the International Electrotechnical Commision’s Biodigital Convergence/SMART City/Cybersecurity standards through the LED streetlights in your neighborhood. 😉✌🏼

“Digital services: Simulated environments, digital twins, metaverse, virtual reality, robotics, and blockchain are all technologies that have the potential to revolutionize the development of SCs. Simulated environments provide a platform for cities to test and analyze new technologies and systems before they are implemented in the real world. Digital twins provide a virtual representation of a physical system, allowing for real-time monitoring and analysis. The metaverse is a virtual world that exists alongside the physical world, offering new opportunities for collaboration and innovation. Virtual reality and robotics offer new possibilities for training, simulation, and automation in SCs. Blockchain provides a secure and decentralized platform for the management and exchange of data, providing a foundation for the development of new and innovative SC systems. The development and implementation of these technologies in SCs is an exciting and rapidly evolving field, offering endless opportunities for innovation and progress.”
Welcome to the Fifth Industrial Revolution.
6G—Enabling the New Smart City:

Surely the people worried about 5G will be worried enough to try to stop Digital Twin Edge Networks (DITEN) Towards 6G. 🧐😳
What happens if you don’t want to live in the virtual hellscape of thier Metaverse?

Here is a post on the wall of a friend of mine:


Here is a post shared by a friend of mine:

NVIDIA and DARPA Biohybrid, wireless body area network (WBAN), graphene biointerface, the future of medicine via Biodigital Convergence.
You guys this stuff is REAL and it’s all easily accessible.
All links to all information covered is in video description.

(Note, was claiming some sort of error, despite the site being up. This link below was made as a reference in case WordPress is throttling the link.)

Here is a post from another friend of mine:

This is another shout out to TEAM HUMANITY 2024! Please read & share.
If you’re aware of the Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno/Biodigital Convergence/NNI but are too nervous to share your opinion online or rather talk about poisonous jabs, it’s because you’re undergoing a brainwashing experiment.
Don’t be afraid to share your opinion on the matter. If you’re finding it difficult to put your feelings & thoughts into words (understandable), Please share the opinions of others who are against the Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno/Biodigital Convergence. Those people aren’t stakeholders.
The most knowledgeable are talking about Nanotechnology, Epigenetics, Proteomics, Genomics, Cybernetics, Biosensors, NeuroRobotics, Bioelectronics, Genetic Engineering, Life Systems Engineering & the Reverse Engineering of Life, Cyborg, BioBots, Organ on a chip,Human Body on a Chip, Embodied Computing, Biohacking ,Graphene Oxide, iron oxide,3D printed magnetic microfluids & other advanced nanomaterials, nanosensors, SMARTDust, synthetic biology, optogenetics, LIFI, Visual Light Communication, Terahertz Band, Internet of Bio-Nano Things,Internet of Things=Everything, Digital Twins, Human Augmentation, SMART Cities, SMART Farming, plant nanobionics, Cyborg botany, cellular Agriculture, Molecular Farming, CRISPR, Biosensors, Quantum Dots, Electroceuticals, Nano-Nutraceuticals, Electrochemical biosensing,WBAN, BBN, Brain machine interface, & Cyborg Avatars, etc.
Some of the organizations involved are IEC, IEEE, ISO, ITU, ASTM, CSA, NSF, DARPA, NASA, FDA, Policy Horizons, Horizons EU, Horizons Scanning, IIA,UN (Sustainability Goals), WHO, IMF, WTO, Graphene Flagship, among many other organizations and think tanks repeating brainwashing terms involved in the Fourth/Fifth Industrial Revolutions. Some of those “BRAINWASHING” terms are: sustainable, inclusion, innovative, diversity, green, carbon emissions/neutral, digitization and human-centric, etc.
We must get this convo going immediately if humanity has any chance at survival.
Francois Coallier from the IEC/IEEE/SCC is the person responsible for the standards surrounding Biodigital Convergence/Digital Twins & the Internet of Everything.
These are some links from the IEC that explain the science of biodigital convergence
Over 10 pages of international standards regarding Biodigital convergence:
2.This is Francois Coallier, The Internet of Things and his Digital Twin Applications:

  1. Day 1 from the IEC regarding Biodigital Convergence:
  1. Day 2 from the IEC regarding Biodigital Convergence:

If you’re having issues understanding the science, please go to IEC’s homepage and type “Biodigital Convergence” or any other scientific terms IEC refers to in their search engine.

Here is a post from a friend of mine:

REAL STORY WHY YOU DO NOT WANT TO DO DIGITAL FACIAL RECOGNITION AT AIRPORTS: My relative, a professor and upstanding citizen, visited Shanghai. He did their facial recognition camera at customs / border control. He went to the city and was walking down a road and at some point put chewing gum into his mouth and started chewing it. Within 2 blocks of his chewing gum start, police descended on him AND KNEW WHO HE WAS ALREADY FROM THE FACIAL RECOGNITION HE WILLINGLY PARTICIPATED IN AT THE AIRPORT UPON ENTERING THE COUNTRY. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE CAMERAS IN THE CITY HAD TRACKED HIM & ALERTED POLICE TO HIS CRIME OF CHEWING GUM (its illegal there) AND TOLD POLICE OF HIS EXACT WHEREABOUTS. DO NOT COMPLY. YOU CAN REFUSE TO PARTICIPATE AND USE YOUR PASSPORT.

And another post from her:

WARNING. When traveling and you go through customs, they now have the hand held photo taker up and ready when you walk up to the customs worker who will process your entry to a country. THEY WILL AUTOMATCIALLY TAKE YOUR PHOTO BEFORE YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED OR HAVE A MOMENT TO REFUSE IT! Therefor, turn your face away as you approach, hold your passport out and say I do not participate in facial recognition systems. They will order you to look at the camera. Continue to refuse and repeat that statement. MAKE THEM USE YOUR PASSPORT. DO NOT COMPLY.



The border crisis and the push for digital ID:



Here is a post from Alison:








Here is a post from a friend of mine:

IoBNT Posts 1 – 83 – Easy Copy And Paste File

This Pastebin File, Is All That I Have Done On The “Specific” Topic Of IoBNT Nano System, That Is Installed Through Injections.
“The Internet Of BioNano Things”, currently…
Use this file to distribute and copy and paste anywhere & everywhere you want.
Includes all 83 post links, 2 links to both of the combined “Monsters Inside Me” posts, and a few other things.

Here is a post shared by a friend of mine:

“Although I’m a simple real estate guy, I understand there is no expectation of privacy in a public setting.
The cameras are mounted on poles about 10 feet tall with a small solar panel at the top. Some poles have additional hardware attached. There’s a logo on the front of the camera that looks like a small branch. A quick online search led me to a company called
Flock Safety is a tech company based in Atlanta that sells surveillance equipment and software. Everything from automatic license plate readers to gunshot detectors and “fully integrated [software] that detects, decodes, and delivers evidence …”
Their customers include schools, businesses, and home owner associations.
However, their single largest customer is law enforcement, and their most prolific product is the automatic license plate reader.
These automated cameras record +1 billion license plates per month across 4,000 cities and 47 states.
They use AI to capture license plates, make and model, and unique items like decals, color, and damage.
They can be placed anywhere with solar panels and cell connectivity.
Although I’m a simple real estate guy, I understand there is no expectation of privacy in a public setting.
An interesting aspect comes into play when there’s a network large enough to track your every move. Especially when a small fraction of license plates are linked to crime. Obviously everyone wants less crime, but what is the next logical step? Instead of tracking vehicles, the software has been updated and now we’re tracking millions of people in real time. There’s no individual consent and there’s no judicial consent.”


Here is a post from my friend from Tulsa:

The data breaches just keep coming.

By design.

So that the global leader in cyber technology can offer its security solutions – to individuals, private firms, nation-states. Those solutions come with a very high price – control of all data, all infrastructure, all identity-management systems, all communications and information, all our freedom.

It’s no accident that we’re seeing government policy and legislation to criminalize any criticism of the Start-Up Nation and to implement sophisticated technologies for monitoring online spaces for such criticism. If you want to know who truly holds the power, look to those whom you may not question.


Here is a reply to this post:

On a hunch, because I recalled that you mentioned Palantir, Thiel, and Flock Safety, I did a quick Yandex search (they at least don’t have Western bias.). Look what came up as the first entry.

Palantir co-founder Peter Thiel gets around. He’s also an investor in Carbyne, co-owned by the late alleged paedophile billionaire, Jeffery Epstein, and members of the Israeli political and intelligence establishment.
Deeply similar to Palantir, Carbyne isn’t a normal technology company either. It’s deeply connected to Israeli intelligence division Unit 8200, whose members often go into business but maintain deep ties to the Israeli espionage community.
Unit 8200 is known for spying on Palestinian civilians for “coercion purposes”, and spying on Palestinian-Americans through an intelligence-sharing agreement with the NSA.
Israeli media reports and former employees describe how often they “blur the line” between profit and service to intelligence goals.
Both companies offer pre-shooting predictive analysis, with the common link being a shared co-owner: Peter Thiel. Carbyne’s board of advisors feature former Palantir employee Trae Stephens, amid other notables such as former US Secretary of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, and former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak.
In a dystopian twist, Human Rights Watch took apart an application used by Chinese authorities to surveil every digital action and physical movement taken by Uyghurs, finding it nearly identical to a NG911, a similar program produced by Carbyne and used in the US, albeit constrained by legal limitations.
Carbyne’s first surveillance contract was installed in the US in 2018, at the same time, China’s nearly identical mass surveillance was launched.
The same technology combined with Carbyne’s predictive “pre-crime” software is widely used by Israel’s Shin Bet intelligence services to track Palestinian comments on social media, and find someone guilty of a crime before it even happens.
That technology was pioneered by Palantir, who sold the Trump administration “pre-crime” technology, already widely used by police departments throughout the US.
Ties between Palantir and Carbyne were cemented when it opened a research and development centre in Israel in 2013. Hamutal Meridor, Palantir Israel’s current head, served as senior director of Verint, with deep ties to Unit 8200. Verint was previously implicated in being one of two companies hired by the NSA to put a backdoor into US telecommunication systems and popular applications, ensuring it’s immediate access.


Here is a post from my friend from Canada:

The scientists at DoTerra have a long history with Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, GlaxoSmithKline & Upjohn Pharmaceuticals. Some of their scientists just so happen to be involved in nanotechnology & biotechnology.
Just ask the experts at DoTerra if you think I’m lying.

And some replies to this post:

But I love their stuff since the company I was with Zija shit down I started using their stuff ugh nothing is safe

All the supplement companies are really big pharma companies studying your microbiome. The essential oils are filled with nanotechnologies.

  1. This one is dated 2013.

I wish people also understood that all these telemedicine companies like DoTerra are also using apps on the blockchain.

I’m convinced these companies need to compromise their product to get approval without the FDA all over them.

From my experience in the tech field, sometimes you have to work for companies who make monstrous things just to work on products which are your passion. I have done programming jobs for military contractors to get the experience to get the jobs for the boutique studios and the non-profits. I imagine that it’s the same in biotech. You can’t always choose your employers, and you just hope you don’t land up creating something which is used later down the line to harm people. The fact that these scientists are at DoTerra now speaks volumes. Show of hands from the people liking and commenting on this post who have NEVER worked for a company which has done direct business with Big Pharma, Big Nuclear, or a military contractor? No one in the STEM disciplines have their hands clean. All we can do is minimize our personal culpability.

I know that I went into the world of renewable energy as a budding new biologist thinking we were going to change the world and 5 years later saw how messed up things were with Ph.D. candidates being forced to… manipulate data to get results to procure more funding. Then I got T F out and continued my true passion.

Economic Evils Part 9

This is Part 9.

Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Baltimore bridge’s $81 BILLION trade crisis: Ship crash sparks chaos for US goods as collapse blocks ninth-largest hub for foreign goods that handles 52 million tons a year – with 10 vessels stuck in harbor

Ship that hit Baltimore bridge also involved in 2016 Antwerp accident

Mar 26th, 10:17:01

(Reuters) – The ship that caused the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore early on Tuesday was also involved in an accident in the port of Antwerp, Belgium, in 2016.

The Antwerp port authorities said the container ship Dali hit a quay on July 11, 2016, as it tried to exit the North Sea container terminal.

The port authority could give no details about the cause of the accident, but said the ship had remained at the dock for repairs for some time after the incident.

“As a general rule, these accidents are investigated and ships are only allowed to leave after experts have determined it is safe for them to do so,” a spokesperson for the Antwerp port told Reuters.


And some replies to this post:

Internet of Things

Ship traffic in and out of Port of Baltimore suspended
At least 10 commercial ships, including container and bulk carrier ships, headed to the Port of Baltimore have dropped anchor, Reuters reported, citing data from MarineTraffic shows.

It won’t only affect the shipping industry, but it will include the trucking industry big time also. I know you know, but there’s many that don’t separate the two although they work together.

Here is what I got directly from a guy I know who drives the tugs in the Boston Harbor:
That’s fake news. The ships crew isn’t asleep. Most of them would have been up for the undocking evolution. The ships don’t run on auto pilot in areas like that only out at sea. Ship was under command of a Chesapeake bay pilot who is an American. Only way it could be terror is if they somehow shut down the ships propulsion or the helmsman intentionally disobeyed the pilot and turned the ship. Both are highly unlikely. This ship is owned by a sham foreign shipping company and has had many incidents due to improper maintenance. This is why we need to support American mariners and American ships.

Isn’t it somewhat interesting ? “The Federal government will pay for the ENTIRE cost of reconstructing that bridge” Why isn’t the insurance company of that vessel paying for any part of the damages?
Why should our government/ meaning us Proles foot the bill? Biden commits us to pay BEFORE A FULL INVESTIGATION IS HELD.

The ship Dali belongs to Singapore-based Grace Ocean Pte Ltd, which is owned by a Hong Kong group, and was carrying containers on behalf of Danish shipping giant Maersk. It is insured by UK-based Britannia. AFP
Synergy Marine, the Singapore company that operates the Dali, said it was being controlled by two Baltimore port pilots at the time of the collision.
In 2016, soon after commissioning, the Dali accidently hit a dock in the Belgian port of Antwerp, according to the sites Vessel Finder and Shipwrecklog.

we just lost a major bridge and stand still of shipping – plus the ship’s captain is a Ukraine citizen –

And another post from her:

I tried to warn everyone weeks ago this would happen = There is also a shortage
Cocoa Hyperinflation Strikes Before Easter, Prices Surge To New Record High

And yet another post from her:

This is out of control: We’re not in a pan-demic. we’re not in a World W-ar, and we’re in an allegedly healthy economy. When any of those change, debt will skyrocket. With US national debt up $10 trillion since the pan-demic, and roughly sixfold the 2008 crisis, D.C. is goose-stepping us into a collapse

Fiscal collapse accelerates as Treasury issues $7 trillion of debt in just 3 months. That matches the worst of Co-vid — no pan demic needed. And it’s double the previous record that had stood for 231 years

And yet another post from her:

“Nebraska.- My husband said our homeowner’s insurance just went up 41 percent and the amount they will pay to replace something is reduced significantly. For example they used to say our barn was worth $29,000 and now they will give us $12,500. It’s very sobering and seems to me like it’s unsustainable. We have good insurance too. How will we all pay for this craziness?”

And yet another post from her:

“I live outside of Kansas City and we own a flooring contracting company. We have no business right now it has been in the decline for 4 months. We are usually busy. I haven’t seen it this bad since 2009.”

And yet another post from her:

Vermont bread outlet.. Day old bread store warning just closed with door glass covered and a note they were closed permanently . This place always had lots of business.”

And yet another post from her:

In case you’ve still got money in a bank, Bloomberg is warning that defaults in commercial real estate loans could “topple” hundreds of U.S. banks.

And yet another post from her:

LONDON, March 25 (Reuters) – Global bank messaging network SWIFT is planning a new platform in the next one to two years to connect the wave of central bank digital currencies now in development to the existing finance system, it has told Reuters.

The move, which would be one of the most significant yet for the nascent CBDC ecosystem given SWIFT’s key role in global banking, is likely to be fine-tuned to when the first major ones are launched.

Around 90% of the world’s central banks are now exploring digital versions of their currencies. Most don’t want to be left behind by bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, but are grappling with technological complexities.

SWIFT’s head of innovation, Nick Kerigan, said its latest trial, which took 6 months and involved a 38-member group of central banks, commercial banks and settlement platforms, had been one of the largest global collaborations on CBDCs and “tokenised” assets to date.

It focused on ensuring different countries’ CBDCs can all be used together even if built on different underlying technologies, or “protocols”, thereby reducing payment system fragmentation risks.

It also showed they could be used in highly complex trade or foreign exchange payments and potentially be automated so to both speed up and lower the costs of the processes.

Kerigan said the results, which had also proven banks could use their existing infrastructure, had been widely regarded as a success by those who took part and given SWIFT a timeline to work to.

“We are looking at a roadmap to productize (launch as a product) in the next 12-24 months,” Kerigan said in an interview. “It’s moving out of experimental stage towards something that is becoming a reality.”

Although the timeframe could still shift if major economy CBDC launches get delayed, getting out the blocks for when they do would be a major boost for maintaining SWIFT’s incumbent dominance in the bank-to-bank plumbing network.


And yet another post from her:

Canadian government spending is growing faster than revenue increases and interest payments continue to climb,



And yet another post from her:

BIS Project Agorá does include the Bank of England, Federal Reserve, Bank of Japan, Bank of Mexico, Bank of Korea, Swiss National Bank, and Bank of France, 👉 TOKENIZATION of currency/ cross-border payments


And yet another post from her:

The puzzle is now complete – Thanks to Bill for finding the rest of the puzzle Ripple and FedNow
How many of you remember the post of The Ripple Mafia several days ago that I posted
Breaking Ripple News: Uphold Confirms FedNow Integration for XRP Transactions

And yet another post from her:

Stock market bubbles will pop As Americans and consumers we are going to have a pretty rough summer – By the time the election we could be knee deep in recession , I prefer the continuing ‘depression’. Stock market is going to have a very tough time. Bubbles will pop one after another


And yet another post from her:

Royal Bank of Canada REFUSES Customer their own cash ‼️
Try not to get mad as RBC stop this man (with ID) withdrawing his own cash.
This is now happening throughout the West – Banks make it as difficult as possible – they fear a ‘Run on the banks’.
Get your cash out while you can.

And yet another post from her:

Germany’s BDI warns industrial production to slump further in 2024

Apr 22nd, 01:07:00

BERLIN (Reuters) -German industrial production is set to fall again this year and exports will stagnate, lobby group BDI forecast on Monday, flanked by other industry groups that also painted an uncertain outlook for Europe’s biggest economy.

“Industry in Germany has not yet recovered from the cost and demand shocks, from moments of extremely high energy prices and from inflation,” BDI President Siegfried Russwurm said at Hannover Messe, one of the world’s biggest trade fairs.

The industry association forecast a 1.5% fall in production in 2024, the same decline as last year, while exports were expected to be flat following a drop of around 1.5% in 2023.

The BDI expects the German economy to grow by just 0.3% this year, compared with forecast global growth of 3%. That would mean Germany again lagging other major industrialised countries.

The German government will on Wednesday nudge up its growth forecast for this year to 0.3%, from 0.2% previously, a source told Reuters on Friday.

“The challenges for industry remain great,” said Russwurm. “German companies are currently achieving stronger growth and profits primarily at their production sites abroad.”

“Despite moderate recovery prospects, we must not delude ourselves: Overall, production figures have been showing a worrying downward trend for years,” Russwurm said.

The VDMA Engineering Association said a slump in foreign orders had bottomed out, but production in its sector was still expected to drop this year, confirming its previous forecast of a 4% decline.

“The negative factors are still noticeable,” VDMA President Karl Haeusgen said in a speech at the Hanover Messe.

The German electro and digital industry association, ZVEI, was also cautious about prospects, as orders remained weak at the start of the year.

It forecast a 2% drop in sector production this year, although its medium-term outlook is rosier.

“Despite the somewhat tense situation at the moment, we assume that our megatrends of electrification, automation and digitalisation will always provide us with a strong tailwind, so that we have real growth prospects on average in the coming years,” ZVEI president Gunther Kegel said.

(Reporting by Christian Kraemer, Andreas Rinke, Tom Kaeckenhoff, Hakan Ersen; Writing by Rachel More and Maria Martinez; Editing by Sherry Jacob-Phillips and Mark Potter)


And yet another post from her:


” I got laid off in December as a very decorated project manager- I was at my job for 17 years- I’ve applied for at least 500 jobs, only got 2 calls had 2 interviews. It’s the worst job market I’ve seen in my life!!!!!!”


And a reply to this post:

On local groups, I see constantly, ” there’s plenty of jobs out there! ” they’re just repeating nonsense. My daughter told me her 2 delivery jobs have slowed down so much, people aren’t spending like they used to….



Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Macquarie Bank in Oz is going Cashless to Digital! All the SHEEP should enjoy banking there.
Sky News just announced it 5/1/2024.

Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Donald Trump’s team is reportedly considering options to devalue the dollar if the former president returns to office. There would be support for an attempt to hammer the greenback
Both political parties has worked towards this for years – As I stated, who ever wins the next election we can kiss the way that we have lived. I have mentioned several times Ronald Reagan was not what Americans thought he was – I am telling all of you the truth.
The Plaza Accord: Reagan’s Role, USD Collapse & Japan’s Fall
The Plaza Accord –…/forex/09/plaza-accord.asp
The plaza hotel has New York glamour in spades. Sitting at a corner of Central Park, it was the setting for “Home Alone 2”, a film that came out in 1992 in which a child finds himself lost in the metropolis. He takes up residence in one of the hotel’s suites, thanks to his father’s credit card, and briefly lives a life of luxury. Donald Trump, the hotel’s owner at the time, has a walk-on part, which was the outcome of a hard bargain. According to the film’s director, he demanded to appear as a condition for giving the filmmakers access to the hotel. This was not the first deal in which the venue had played a part. Seven years earlier it hosted negotiators for the Plaza Accord, which was agreed on by America, Britain, France, Japan and West Germany, and aimed for a depreciation of the dollar against the yen and the Deutschmark.
Echoes of the period can be heard today. In the mid-1980s America was booming. Ronald Reagan’s tax cuts had led to a wide fiscal deficit and the Federal Reserve had raised interest rates to bring inflation to heel. As a consequence, the dollar soared. American policymakers worried about a loss of competitiveness to an up-and-coming Asian economy (Japan then, China today). The Plaza Accord was designed to address what officials saw as the persistent mispricing of the dollar. Robert Lighthizer, Mr Trump’s trade adviser, has mulled a repeat. The accord set a precedent for “significant negotiation between America’s allies to address unfair global practices”, he wrote in “No Trade is Free”, a book published last year. Mr Trump’s team is reportedly considering options to devalue the dollar if the former president returns to office.

Digital IDs, surveillance, Smart Cities, transhumanism, etc Stories Part 10

This is Part 10.

Here is a post from a friend of mine:

5 names everyone should know in the age of Biodigital Convergence are Ian F Akyildiz, Francois Coallier, MC-ROCO, Charles Lieber & Kristel Van Der Elst.

There’s many more names but those people should be in your vocabulary.


4IR for pets:


Here is a post shared by a friend of mine:

Internet of Everything (IoE) – From Molecules to the Universe Murat Kuscu




Here is a post from a friend of mine:

This post is my attempt to expose and clarify the lies and deception that is being sold to the world regarding blockchain, smart-contracts, DAOs, Web3 and AI governance. There is a lot of information in this post so grab your coffee, tea or favorite beverage.
The media gives the impression that blockchain-based decentralization is a good thing and that allowing an AI-controlled Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) system to govern human affairs, on a global scale, would be very beneficial to us. Perhaps IF we lived in a world run by honest players, MAYBE this would be true, but in the REAL WORLD we are governed by very rich, very powerful, very greedy and very narcissistic dishonest players, and where there is unbounded power, you will find endless lies and deception. This new world order of “decentralization” is no different.
Before we proceed, I have to first give a short description of what blockchain, smart-contracts and decentralization is, and then lead into DAO and its false and dangerous promise of governing (the globe) using AI.
Table of contents:
Bitcoin and Blockchain
Ethereum and Smart-Contracts
Brief History of Digital Decentralization
Consensus and Voting
Distributed Autonomous Organization (DAO)
The Risks and Dangers of DAO
List of SingularityNET AI “Services” Organizations
AI-DSL: General-Purpose Language for AI Agents
SophiaDAO: The Merging of All AIs
AI Governance Within UN SDG, ESG, CBDC and Web3
The Corrupt Global AI-Governance Machine (The Beast)

Here is a post from another friend of mine:

Welcome to the future of Amerika , the end of privacy

CHINA Subway system passengers must scan their face or hand in order to ride, powered by WeChat, China’s “everything app.”

If they have been blacklisted from China’s social credit system, the doors won’t open.


Here is a post from my friend from Tulsa:

The following press release from #Oklahoma#State#Representative#Tom#Gann has incurred the ire of those who wish to measure, manage, and monetize the people of Oklahoma.

Please help circulate this important information to Oklahomans across the state.

I added the attached screenshots.


State Representative: #Warrantless#License#Plate#Scanner#Tracking is Not Authorized By State Law

State Representative Tom Gann issued a statement today following the dramatic defeat of SB 1620 on Thursday.

“In 2016, the legislature made the unfortunate decision to authorize the use of license plate scanner technology for the purpose of insurance verification. That law limited the use of this #intrusive#technology to that purpose only. This year, the legislature considered House Bill 3570, which was not heard prior to the 3rd reading deadline, and Senate Bill 1620, which was defeated on Thursday by a wide margin — becoming one of the very few bills to be defeated on the Senate floor. These bills would have authorized the use of this technology for purposes other than insurance verification. As these laws have failed, it’s important for the public and city councils across the state to know that: There is #no#specific#statutory#authorization for using these systems.”

While the legislature was considering these proposals, Gann says that numerous concerning details have been brought forward.

While the advocates of this data advocate for its ability to automate NCIC and Amber alert scanning, it’s clear that the real impact of this technology is to create a #database of #vehicles#travels, complete with the vehicles’ identifiers, including its bumper stickers, and to then allow warrantless searches of that data, data that’s stored in the cloud and that is then subsequently shared with many, many diverse government entities including those that are not in Oklahoma.

To demonstrate this concern, Gann pointed to the fact that in the past 30 days, #Tulsa‘s #data#collection has been queried 2,143 times compared to 1,364 Amber and NCIC alerts.

“That’s 2,143 searches that have clearly occurred without a warrant and undoubtedly compromised the information of many innocent persons,” Gann states.

Gann also states that departments who use this technology have been known to share access to the data collection with federal agencies, including the FBI and ATF.

“No Oklahoman should ever have to worry about their movements being shared with the Biden Administration’s federal police state,” Gann declared. “That’s clearly what this technology is enabling.”

In the case of the Del City Police Department, that Department appears to be sharing their information with more than 60 other government entities including the US Postal Service, the Kansas Bureau of Investigation, and the Texas Financial Crimes Intelligence Center.

In addition to sharing Oklahomans’ travel data with many government entities, the technology also appears to allow government entities to create custom hit lists that will inform them whenever certain people attempt to travel into or within their city limits.

“In my view, these abuses are clear violations of the 4th Amendment, and are not specifically authorized by state law. By defeating SB 1620 by such a wide margin, the Legislature has clearly signaled that it doesn’t intend to authorize them at any point in the near future.”


Del City:





Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Please study and share this website on the Biodigital Convergence and Smart Cities I put together- it’s loaded with information to empower! ❤️


And another post from him:

We all have nanotechnology inside us right now that can alter our genome and interface with our surroundings without our permission- this is the Biodigital Convergence:

Bi Fi
Biological Internet and communication between Hosts through a biological communication network embedded in human bodies.
The idea of the Biological Internet is to stay forever active (while alive) in human bodies, using kinetic, thermal and any other energy that our bodies constantly generate and through the integrated biosensors, metamaterials and liquid nanotechnology to transmit and transmit information, signal. To turn off the Biological Internet, it’s not enough for the power to go down or 5G towers, or any other part of mobile networks, but just die.
That is, there is no exception in life!
This is what they are building now and this is what they are hiding to be able to implement in all of us the necessary components that generate a signal, fed by the tissues, the heart, the blood flow, our erythrocytes, and then when a fact is done, they may announce publicly our digital, bio-synthetic implementation into the global information system of mega AI and the neural network through which it has been created.
Biosensors, as metamaterials and nanotech, enter human bodies and INSIDE are assembled, using in addition to synthetic components and biological ones, so that they can be so well absorbed into the tissues, organs, bone marrow, brain and DNA itself that they cannot be cleared by the Immune System, and The Immune System itself has undertaken to replace it with a Digital, digital, controlled and acting by someone’s remote commands.
I write this not to despair you, but to aspire you to stop accepting nanotechnology in the form of injections – vaccines of any kind! Stop ingesting garbage, from those we have a choice to stop ingesting because aerosols getting into water and food we cannot avoid. Then seek for detoxification of the body personally and until the network inside you that will connect you to the Bi Fi network is built, do not allow at least your existing components to be upgraded.
What decomposes technology, what decomposes micelles, fungus, what decompose parasites they use as biological carrier of synthetic components?
Think you might have better ideas than I do.
Use massively all means, smartly and adapted to your own physique. There are no magic pills, no rescuers to draw them for you, no universal protocol! Start thinking with your heads and don’t wait, there is no time. For example, salt breaks down chips, you choose how and in what way you will use it. Good fat helps cells not burn out, conditionally speaking. Garlic, the good natural apple vinegar, antifungal herbs, antiparasitic herbs (look for them yourself which ones are and which ones suit you), as well as other biological remedies, are our helpers. Avoid medications and supplements supposedly detox, all pharmaceuticals are compromised.
If the Biological Internet is built, even if it cuts off the power, even if there is a solar flare to ruin the built infrastructure of 5, 6 etc. in the G system, our bodies, if watered and with assembled nanorouters, metamaterials and biosensors, will emit and receive a signal! So those holding our digital doppelgängers in IBM’s mega quantum underground computer powered by renewable, free energy will continue remote monitoring and control, so let mankind go wild again, having lost electricity and civilized amenities.
Did you understand the seriousness of what I’m warning you about?
And yes, this has already happened, but who can understand what lies behind the murals and petroglyphs? Those who carved them left the only possible information for future generations to warn them, we are dumb enough first not to pay attention to them and secondly unable to read and interpret them.
Start listening to your sixth sense before it is replaced with kosher thinking. There are no ready-made recipes.

In the emerging nano-bio-info-cognitive-AI (NBICA) society, we become the batteries. Our bodily fluids will be harvested via graphene-enabled superconducting ink & connected to Bluetooth to power the advancing Smart grid and Smart cities (IoT+IoB+IoBNT):

The Capability To Wirelessly Edit Your Genome
Your cells are the same as computing components, and they can be upgraded to enhance these functions and new ones.
And once this “system” is installed, they can wirelessly edit your genome and do all kinds of things….
The molecules that are emitted by genetically modified bacteria and cells, inside the human body, are converted and read into Binary Machine Code of 1s and 0s, to inside and outside networks.
“It greatly depends upon who controls these technologies and make the choices.”
Prof. Josep Jornet
He is the star student to Prof. Ian Fuat Akyildiz
He also designed the “Plasmonic Antennas” technology for the bloodstream.

The CIA held the patent on it, until 2017 when it was released, per Prof. Akyildiz

In simple terms – Wirelessly…
Essentially, it is the new wireless and remotely accessed Healthcare solution for everyone.
Processed by AI machine learning.
It is a symbiotic relationship.
Nano technology in use inside humans and animals consists of:

1. Engineered Bacteria, primarily e. COLI

2. Genetically modified cells and proteins.

3. Man made, self assembling components using G.O. and hybrids that combine both man made and biological elements.

Your cells and bacteria have the same functionality as lets say computer components, but through “engineering”, they are enhanced.
Your body is way more advanced then you might realize.
Molecular Communications means that the bacteria and cells use released molecules to talk to each other.
Plasmonic antennas are placed into the blood stream.
Bacteria, cells and proteins are targetable, meaning they can be directed where to go but as you imagine, they travel slowly.
Lipid nano particles or LPN’s are vehicles or trojan horses, that bypass the normal immune system responce, to deliver different payloads.
Hydras were also found to be true, and experimented with through a video produced by the Tel Aviv University and German researchers.
How widespread these hydras are or what current uses are unknown to me. In the video, the goal was for regeneration of body parts etc.
There are many countries around the world who have been developing their own “systems”, with and without cooperation with other nations and research teams.
IoBNT or “The Internet Of BioNano Things” has been in development since 2004.
The full weight of the American government, was put behind bringing nano tech to the world in such ways, starting in 2002.
This installed system, through injections etc, uses Bluetooth, NFC or near field communications, molecular communications, LiFi, Optical light based, etc to access the internet.

The development and deployment of IPv6 addresses coincides with Agenda 21 & IoBNT.

Nov. 2nd, 2023
Pete Ramón writes:
Plasmonic antennas aren’t limited to graphene oxide, they can also be made from metals such as gold, silver, titanium dioxide, iron oxide and other oxides.
Many oxides are used as food additives, especially TiO2, ZnO, SiO2, and red, yellow, and black iron oxides.
Gold nanorods have found use as plasmonic aerosols.
And as we all know by now, silver is used for cloud seeding.
All these nanoparticles finding their way into the environment, into plants, animals, and us.

Detoxing methods will work easily for some materials, while others may be harder to remove or not able to be removed at all, like carbon nanotubes and asbestos fibers.

E. Coli is the main engineered bacteria used in IoBNT – The Internet of BioNano Things.
There are also genetically modified cells, inserted proteins that binds to the brains neurons for light/optical brain interface in regards to blue light “Optogenetics” and man-made nano machinery that self assembles. And “hybrids”.
The protein “trick” is way more advanced then “Neurolink”, which is old technology….Does not require surgery or holes in your skull.
“Lentivirus cell” ( a special type of virus used in genetic engineering) to infect and insert new DNA code into human cells and reprogram the DNA or insert new DNA or parts of DNA of other human cells.
The long-term goal is to infect and insert new DNA code into human cells and reprogram the DNA or insert new DNA or parts of DNA of other human cells.
Luciferase is used to show if your infected or not with the virus etc….
Upon detection of infection or disease, the system releases bioluminescence or florescence.
Can be used for other detections and or signaling.
The system uses, bluetooth, Near Field Communications, Molecular communications and LiFi – light/optical.

Now, after read the post, look up “Optogenetics” on my page and elsewhere.
Human and Animal Drones since 2009.
1 tiny protein installed to your neurons….
Dr. Charles Morgan – Neuroscientist – West Point Academy Lecture 2018

Canadian government website.

  1. Standards Council of Canada.



Over 500pgs on Wireless Sensor Networks from Ian F Akyildiz for the Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno/Biodigital Convergence experiment.
Our military is using SMART dust for both environmental & health monitoring.

Battelle-Led Teams wins DARPA award to develop an injectable Bi-directional Brain Machine Interface.

Battelle is one of the core organizations working with the military Industrial complex integrating biotech & neurotechnology= Bioelectronics.

They also work on advanced materials, semiconductors, nanomaterials, etc.
Battelle to explore artificial intelligence neural interfaces with DARPA award.

Some more Battelle Expertise in the Military Industrial Mind Control Program.
Battelle also work with cellular nanomedicine for a NON-INVASIVE, NON-SURGICAL, BRAIN MACHINE INTERFACE.
Cellular nanomedicine: Patents and Publications.

Psycho-Neurobiology and War – Dr. Charles Morgan
West Point Academy Lecture
They can add and subtract anything to the DNA and it can be done remotely via the right signal. Allows for human and non-human animal drones and augmenting humans as needed for missions in military & security as examples.
(((“Perhaps even in real-time usage”. My own words…)))
DREADDS can be remotely controlled and activated when the body is exposed to the right “signal” or frequency…
Transfer memory. Create any product as long as you know the correct DNA sequence and insert it into a living organism. And you can remotely control it. Affect the way you think and act.
“Gene Doping” was preemptively banned for athletes by the World Anti-Doping Agency, and this has been feasible since 2013.

The Full Video Lecture Here:
Video 56 mins
Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War
Dr. Charles Morgan speaks to cadets and faculty at West Point about a range of topics, including psychology, neurobiology, and the science of humans at war. Dr. Morgan’s neurobiological and forensic research has established him as an international expert in post-traumatic stress disorder, eyewitness memory, and human performance under conditions of high stress.
The event was organized and hosted by the Modern War Institute at West Point.

World Anti-Doping Agency

All prohibited methods in this class are non-Specified except methods in M2.2. which are Specified Methods.
The following, with the potential to enhance sport performance, are prohibited:

  1. The use of nucleic acids or nucleic acid analogues that may alter genome sequences and/ or alter gene expression by any mechanism. This includes but is not limited to gene editing, gene silencing and gene transfer technologies.
  2. The use of normal or genetically modified cells.
    See M3 “Gene And Cell Doping” Prohibited List

DREADDS For Neuroscientists – Search Results…
Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War: CRISPR, technique used to make the Covid Vaccines
Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War: CRISPR, technique used to make the Covid Vaccines
Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War: CRISPR, technique used to make the Covid Vaccines

The international standards from the IEC regarding biodigital convergence are responsible for worldwide standardization surrounding Biodigital Convergence in over 170 countries.

Graphene Antennas/Communications In Human Bodies – Part One
Communication devices used in the human blood vessels, as of Sept. 2020.
“Intelligent Communication Environments” which comes from 6g networks for real-time sensing and mapping of environments (plus tracking the humans…of course.)
Video Clip 29 mins 21 secs
Internet of BioNano Things – Part 47
Graphene Based Plasmonic Nano-Antennas Used In IoBNT, Installed Inside Human Bodies, For Communications.
US Patent No. 9,643,841 issued on May 9th, 2017.
The professor says they applied for this patent but the CIA did not allow it until the CIA released in 2017…
Terrahertz band plasmonic nano-transceiver
For wireless communications in the THz band.
US Patent No. 9,397,758 issued on July 19th, 2016.
Zinc Oxide Nanowires can be used fr vibrational energy harvesting systems in nano devices used for IoBNTT.
Uses the pulse of your heartbeat and the flow of your blood through your vessels to supply this.
Called Piezoelectric nano-generators.
DNA stores data, gathered etc.
125 atoms per bit
DNA uses 32 atoms per bit.
You can have “many” terabytes worth of information stored into your DNA.
Gold nanoparticles for memories is also mentioned here.
He asks if they should be using IPv6 IP addresses for the system…
Talks about maybe using lower frequencies and the materials needed for it.
He says graphene is “the first of a kind” but not the only one…
Molybdenum + sulphur (MoS2)
Hexagonal Boron Nitride (h-BN)
Combines very well with graphene, he says.
Also metamaterials.
Says they can create hybrids that combine these materials for whatever is needed.
Only the beginning he says.
He says that they are building these “Intelligent Communication Environments” (ICE) to greatly extend the ability to connect and communicate not only with IoBNT installed into people but also all of the other things that connect to the IoT – Internet of Things.

ICE will come into play under 6g sensing networks. (real-time mapping of environments with wifi)

Full Source Video Link:
In this video, only Turkish is spoken up to the 2 minute 7 sec mark
1,119 views Sep 18, 2020 – Video 1 hour 21 mins
Webinar by Prof. Dr. Ian Fuat Akyildiz.
Title: 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems
Date: 17 / 09 / 2020
Moderator: Tuğrul Çavdar, Department of Computer Engineering, Karadeŋiz Technical University, Trabzon, Türkiye
Webinar: Prof. Dr. İlhan Fuat Akyıldız: 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems
Webinar: Prof. Dr. İlhan Fuat Akyıldız: 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems
Webinar: Prof. Dr. İlhan Fuat Akyıldız: 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems
Love Billy
H/T Brian Mitchell
Prof. Ian Fuat Akyildiz had a vision that became reality….
To create a real-time, biological-digital interface.
Connecting all of us, to the digital world.
The future of wireless communications is to create a real-time biological interface for both humans and the animals.
The introduction of graphene nano antennas and materials in 2004, is how the “Internet of Bio Nano Things” started, and became a reality.
The research began in 2004.
This effort began in earnest in 2009 with Dr. Ian Akyildiz. Prof. Jornet is his star student.
The term “Internet of Bio Nano Things” was thought of by Prof. Ian Fuat Akyildiz in 2008, at about 3am in the morning, one night.

It was brought to the world in 2020 and the wildfire caught, in 2021…

“It was way sooner then that in many other places in the world…
You just, do not know it yet, but you will….
Not only is IoBNT an interface, but it is also a 1st generation, Bio-Cyber defense platform, for the human body, complete with anti-virus…
Because the present and future of warfare will be at the biological nano scale, and the knowledge to hack human beings is wide-spread now, across the world.
Individuals, organizations, groups, and entire nations are actively fielding such weaponry and abilities.”

All the Standards surrounding Biodigital Convergence run on digital twin technology, blockchain/ WEB3, Internet of Things, & SMART City standards.
All of these technologies are already operable.
It’s the SMART Cities infrastructure that must be destroyed to stop WEB4 & the Fifth Industrial Revolution.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is old news.

According to the science, all the “useless eaters ” are being force-fed nano-biosensors through the Internet of Ingestible Things.
Your SMART phone is monitoring these sensors.

Biodigital Convergence is the merging of biological systems with digital technology. This not only includes humans but every single biological entity. Biodigital Convergence/Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno includes many different sciences, mostly being nanotechnology, from synthetic biology, to organ on a chip, to digital twins, to nutrigenomics, plant bioelectronics, to worldwide geo-engineering experiments, etc. They’re ALL HUMAN AUGMENTATION TECHNOLOGIES.
There’s several organizations and select individuals at the top of the chain of biodigital convergence. The organizations at a standards level are the IEC, IEEE, ISO, ITU. The people with the most influence in those organizations are Francois Coallier, Ian F Akyildiz and his star student Josef Jornet. There’s also organizations like NASA, DARPA, UN, FDA, Policy Horizons, Horizons EU, Israeli Innovative Authority, IMF, Graphene Flagship, and the entire military industrial complex. Kristel Van Der Elst from Policy Horizons is one of the main influencers too.
The list is too long to mention but it’s the standardization organizations and some of the think tanks like Policy Horizons that explain the science correctly. These standardization groups have different names for the actual science. While IEC and Policy Horizons call it the biodigital convergence, IEEE call it Internet of Bodies, Internet of Bio-Nano Things, Internet of Multimedia Things, and WBAN/ BBN. The US Government seem to call it Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno/NBIC and admit it’s been going on for over 20 years.
These links may help people get a better understanding.
1.This was written by the Whitehouse in 2002. Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance

  1. This progress report was written in 2017 and shows all political parties have been funding this since Clinton.
    Progress in Convergence: Basic Concepts and Applications.

Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Web 7.0 DIDComm Agent Architecture Reference Model (DIDComm-ARM) 0.27
[name redacted] I’m not sure what is significant.

And a reply to this post:

Basically, your digital twin in a decentralized web will grant you access to services if you are identified and allowed.

Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Even the dollar stores in my area have AI biometric camera screens installed as you go in and the green and red boxes lit up around each person as they come in.

Do they even know what it means ?

They are not the only stores.

There’s not many so it is impactful.


Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Revealed: a California city is training AI to spot homeless encampments

Here is a post from a friend of mine from Canada:

In my well educated opinion, the truckers Convoy was really a crowdsourcing initiative to bring in WEB3 governance into the SMART Cities infrastructure. This is why you saw the truckers use crowdsourcing platforms like Go Fund Me even though the platform froze/seized the first million dollars donated. The ones at the top continued to ask people to support the initiative even though they couldn’t access the $$. Once people wised up, they used other crowdsourcing platforms where the $$ was eventually frozen/seized too. You then saw bank accounts frozen. The reason bank accounts were frozen was to solicit everyday people to support using Crypto. The Crypto was seized too. The donated Cryptocurrency allowed WEB3 governance under emergency measures(lol).
Problem =Reaction =Solution.
Please be aware, so far the solutions are all biodigital convergence technologies.


Australia is on a path for a national digital ID:

Digital ID bill passes senate

And a follow up post from a friend of mine:

But it is unclear where the Labor government intends to head with the state-backed retail credential, as banks try to offload access to cash and over-the-counter transactions on Australia Post in the absence of a Universal Service Obligation for cash, like has been imposed in the UK under the legislated “right to cash”.

After the Optus, Medibank and Challenger hacks and mass data exfiltrations, both banks and the government are bracing for the next wave of scams and identity fraud to hit at a weaponised scale after a key Russian ransomware operator was officially sanctioned under international law.

“Digital ID makes it safer and easier for Australians to prove who they are online,” finance minister Katy Gallagher said.


Here is a post from a friend of mine:

As AI emerges, Honolulu’s time to become a ‘smart city’ is now.
Not many people outside of a smart city know or understand what a smart city is.
A smart city has the ability to integrate information and communication technologies (ICT) in order to improve the quality and performance of urban services such as energy, transportation and utilities so that there is a reduction in resource consumption, wastage and overall costs.

And some replies to this post:

You should see what thry are doing to Austin.

I’m aware of Austin, TX. ID2020 was working with the homeless there for digital ID:

Also, it’s interesting that both Hawaii and Texas seem to be victims of #BurnBackBetter

Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Here’s the low down on Smart Meters.
The Smart Meter contains an antenna with phased array beamforming capabilities. This means it focuses the emitted RF radiation to the target receiver instead of just radiating outward in all directions.
The Smart Meter is the junction between the local field network (the neighborhood) and one’s house. The electricity is pulled from the grid, passes through the Smart Meter, then enters the house and powers the lights & appliances.
Everything that uses electricity has some kind of mechanical or motor component. The functioning of a motor of a specific appliance when powered by electricity emits very specific RF radiation. The Smart Meter comes equipped with a chip that detects this appliance radiatiom and automatically does a Forrier Transform on the data to yield simple graphs that are characteristic to a specific, identifiable appliance.
Of course, when a flow of electricity passes through the Smart Meter, the appliance radiation identifier is paired w a time stamp of the usage start and the usage stop along with the exact amount of electricity consumed.
All this data about the use of appliances & consumer behaviour at home is sent through the Smart Meter, via its phased array antenna to the electric company servers. This is where the electric company’s Smart Meter system & the telecommunications infrastructure integrate because that behavioral data, in the form of RF radiation first is sent to a cell tower before being sent directly to HQ. If a customer’s house is not within the line of sight of a cell tower the appliance use & behavioral data can be relayed to a neighbor’s Smart Meter, which can then leapfrog to another houses Smart Meter until it finds that direct path to a big cell tower.
This data is more valuable than the electricity. The electricity providing gig has become the electric company’s, “legacy system,” and the company’s new business model is the data aggregation. This is way more profitable.
Now, from the Administrator’s end, this system allows the electric company to select specific houses that will have their power cut off in the event of a system overload, instead of having rolling blackouts. This new system enables them to keep the lights on at the homes of those w medical exceptions and at grocery stores. Indeed, the power company has the ability to cut power off of specific appliances at specific households, such as disabling washers & driers during, “peak consumption hours,” whatever that means. Smart Appliances come w this feature! This system transforms the use of your appliances into an, “Appliance-Use-as-a-Service.” You can own the hardware, but you will never own the software required for the appliance to function.
It is now industry standard that all new appliances, no matter the brand or the manufacturer, transform their data into the same format that is readable by all appliances and to use the same method of sharing that data and coordinating their customer end response.
This is, “Interoperability.”
The consumer may think this technology is neat and my elect to opt in to a program offered by the electric company where he agrees for his washer & drier to be disabled during peak hours and he will receive digital tokens in exchange. This is a Smart Contract and is self-executing, meaning that the washer & drier will not turn on even if the consumer tries to not uphold his part of the deal. The consumer’s behaviour generated the digital currency, which is the Smart Contract.

And some replies to this post:

They’re also a fire hazard and health risk and why we opted out. We pay an extra $9. a month to get our meter read by a live person on site.

for the water meter it is an additional $285 a month if you refuse it

One of my neighbours lost power on Monday but there was enough power to power one appliance in the house, so it seems this technology is already in place

It definitely is already in place. Around here, the utility company and their contractors have been installing the same kind of digital Smart meter for water & natural gas too.

Here is a post from a friend of mine:

America is in serious trouble – In the Omnibus Bill creation of a new department

National Extre-me R-isk Pro-tection Or-der Re-source Center

Now think of what many Americans have which Australian citizens gave up years ago that is what the intentions of this new department



Here is a post from a friend of mine from Canada:

So Ottawa implemented their SMART City’s digital twin last January. Seems I’m not able to access the actual plan regarding Ottawa’s Digital Twin from City Council. According to Council, it will be ready for public perusal in 2025.

This infrastructure is running on IEC/ISO digital twin standards.

In case you’re unaware, they’re really building the Metaverse. Hope you’re all prepared.


Here is a post from a friend of mine:


What is a Personal Digital Twin?
Digital Twin in Web3 and CBDC Environment
Digital Twin and Carbon and Social Credits
Digital Twin and AI
Your Personal Digital Twin into the Future
What is a Personal Digital Twin?
A personalized digital twin (PDT) is a virtual replica of a human individual that can interact with both physical and virtual environments, reflecting the person’s characteristics, behaviors, and preferences. Here’s a description of the attributes, operations, and functions of a PDT in relation to both the physical person and the virtual (metaverse) twin:
Physical and Biological Characteristics: The digital twin will serve as a surveillance agent, meticulously replicating and monitoring the physical appearance and biological conditions of individuals. By utilizing blockchain technology, it ensures an immutable recording of genetics, health conditions, and other real-time physiological states.
Behavioral Patterns: This digital counterpart models and tracks every action, habit, and reaction of an individual, using smart contracts to update behavioral data securely. Over time, the twin evolves to predict or simulate responses to various stimuli, effectively serving as a continuous behavioral surveillance and modification tool.
Cognitive Processes: Integrated with AI and decentralized learning, the twin simulates and scrutinizes every cognitive aspect, from decision-making processes to problem-solving methods. This allows for a deep understanding of the individual’s thought patterns, aligning with surveillance objectives to anticipate potential behaviors or decisions.
Emotional Responses: Advanced models are employed to mirror and monitor emotional states, offering a detailed representation of an individual’s psychological and emotional makeup. This aspect of surveillance extends to predicting emotional reactions under different scenarios, stored securely on a decentralized network.
Social Interactions: The digital twin also surveils and records social behaviors, communication styles, and network dynamics. This is crucial for understanding and predicting social interactions, facilitated by blockchain technology that ensures data storage and traceability.
Preferences and Dislikes: By analyzing and storing information about an individual’s tastes, interests, and choices across various spectrums on a blockchain, the digital twin modifies surveillance to the specific preferences and dislikes of the individual. This level of detail supports more targeted and effective monitoring.
Healthcare and Well-being: The twin monitors personalized health data on a continuous basis, predicting potential health issues and suggesting interventions. All health data transactions are recorded on the blockchain, ensuring they are tamper-proof and accessible by authorized entities.
Professional Development: Work-related scenarios are simulated to improve professional skills and decision-making, with each interaction and outcome securely logged for continuous professional monitoring and tailored interventions.
Social Interaction Enhancer: By analyzing and logging social behaviors and preferences on the blockchain, the twin provides a comprehensive surveillance tool for monitoring real-world interactions, suggesting networking opportunities, and simulating possible social scenarios.
Physical Task Automation: Interacting with Internet of Things (IoT) devices within a smart contract framework, the twin automates and optimizes daily tasks based on monitored preferences and schedules, enhancing both surveillance efficiency and individual compliance.
Virtual Socialization: In virtual spaces, the twin acts as an avatar that not only engages in social interactions but also reports these interactions back to a decentralized ledger, ensuring a complete record of the individual’s online presence and interactions.
Learning and Training: The twin conducts detailed simulations for educational or training purposes, recording every action and outcome on a blockchain to ensure that learning paths and progress are monitored.
Entertainment and Recreation: As a stand-in in virtual environments, the digital twin explores and reports on activities, ensuring that preferences and interactions are logged and analyzed for continuous monitoring and personalized entertainment surveillance.
Virtual Collaboration: In professional or creative virtual spaces, the twin collaborates and contributes to projects while ensuring all interactions and contributions are recorded on a decentralized platform, aligning with broader surveillance and data integrity objectives.
Digital Twin in Web3 and CBDC Environment
Now, In a decentralized Web3 environment, where Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are tokenized and integrated with digital twin technology, access to resources and services would typically be governed through a combination of digital identity verification, smart contracts, and token-based permissions.
Here’s a detailed look at how this might work:

  1. Digital Identity and Authentication
    Digital Twin as Identity Proof: Each individual’s digital twin acts as a dynamic, comprehensive digital identity. It not only represents the individual’s biometric, behavioral, and personal data but is continuously updated in real-time.
    Blockchain-based Verification: The authenticity of an individual’s digital identity (via their digital twin) can be verified through blockchain technology, which provides a secure and immutable record. Authentication processes might involve biometric data, multi-factor authentication, and real-time behavioral analysis.
  2. Smart Contracts for Access Control
    Conditional Access: Smart contracts automatically execute transactions or grant access to services once certain conditions are met. These conditions could be based on a range of data points such as location, health status, financial standing, or compliance with specific regulations.
    Dynamic Permissioning: Permissions can be adjusted in real-time based on ongoing assessments of the individual’s behavior, status, or changes in their digital twin’s data. For instance, access to financial services might be contingent upon maintaining a certain credit score or compliance history.
  3. Tokenized CBDCs and Resource Allocation
    Token-based Transactions: CBDCs are utilized as tokens that facilitate not just financial transactions but also act as keys to unlock access to various services. This might include healthcare, government services, public transportation, and more.
    Economic and Behavior-driven Incentives: Access to certain privileges or additional resources can be tokenized, where tokens are earned through desirable behaviors, professional achievements, or through participation in community and state-approved activities.
  4. Decentralized Ledger for Transparency and Accountability
    Transaction and Access Logs: All transactions and access grants or denials are recorded on a decentralized ledger. This ensures transparency in how services are allocated and allows for auditing of decisions made by the smart contracts.
    Dispute Resolution and Trust: The immutable nature of blockchain records provides a foundation for trust and a straightforward mechanism for resolving disputes related to access or resource allocation.
    Digital Twin and Carbon and Social Credits
    In a scenario where a personal carbon and social-credit economy is integrated into a Web3 environment with tokenized CBDCs and digital twins, the system would operate through a complex framework of data tracking, token allocation, and behavior-driven incentives.
    Here’s an outline of how it might function:
  5. Integration of Carbon Credits and Social Credits
    Carbon Credits: Individuals are allocated a certain number of carbon credits based on their environmental impact. These credits can be earned or lost based on activities that increase or decrease one’s carbon footprint, such as traveling, energy consumption, and purchasing decisions.
    Social Credits: Similarly, social credits are earned through socially desirable behaviors, like volunteering, proper waste disposal, or adherence to public policies. Conversely, these credits can be deducted for actions deemed harmful or antisocial.
  6. Digital Twin Monitoring and Reporting
    Continuous Assessment: Each person’s digital twin continuously monitors and records their actions in real time, analyzing data from various sources, including IoT devices, public surveillance systems, and online activity.
    Data Synchronization: Information about carbon emission-related activities and behaviors that impact social credit is regularly updated and synchronized with blockchain records, ensuring transparency and immutability.
  7. Smart Contracts for Automated Management
    Behavioral Regulation: Smart contracts autonomously manage the allocation and deduction of carbon and social credits based on data provided by digital twins. These contracts ensure that each action aligning or misaligning with predefined environmental and social guidelines is automatically accounted for.
    Access and Resource Allocation: Access to certain services, privileges, or resources can be controlled based on an individual’s carbon and social credit scores. For example, high carbon credits might grant enhanced access to luxury travel options or high-energy-consuming devices, while high social credits might provide benefits like lower loan rates, priority in public services, or eligibility for governmental awards.
  8. Tokenized Economy and Incentives
    Tokenization of Credits: Both carbon and social credits are tokenized using CBDCs, making them exchangeable within the ecosystem. This facilitates a market where credits can be traded, purchased, or saved.
    Incentives and Penalties: The system uses economic incentives (rewards in CBDCs or additional credits) and penalties (fines or credit deductions) to motivate environmentally friendly and socially responsible behavior.
  9. Decentralized and Transparent Ledger
    Record Keeping: All transactions and credit adjustments are recorded on a decentralized blockchain ledger, providing a transparent and auditable trail of an individual’s environmental and social impact.
    Privacy and Security: Advanced cryptographic techniques ensure that while transactions are transparent, personal data remains secure and private, preventing misuse.
    Digital Twin and AI
    In a setting where centralized control and strict regulation are key features, AI’s role in managing a Web3 environment with tokenized CBDCs, carbon credits, and a social credit system is even more pronounced. AI is leveraged to enforce compliance, optimize governance, and ensure that every aspect of the system aligns with state objectives. Here’s how AI functions in this context:
  10. Surveillance and Monitoring
    Continuous Oversight: AI algorithms are utilized to maintain constant surveillance, monitoring individual behaviors, transactions, and environmental impacts in real time. This oversight extends to both physical and digital realms, ensuring comprehensive data collection.
    Behavioral Analysis: AI assesses behavior against state-defined norms and regulations. It can detect deviations from expected patterns, flagging individuals for further scrutiny or immediate corrective actions.
  11. Enforcement of Compliance
    Automated Enforcement: AI-driven systems automatically enforce rules through smart contracts that trigger penalties or rewards based on behavior and compliance. For example, if an individual’s actions negatively impact their carbon credit score, AI systems could automatically restrict their access to certain services, devices, accounts or impose fines.
    Predictive Policing: Using predictive analytics, AI anticipates potential violations of laws or guidelines before they occur, enabling preemptive interventions. This might include adjusting individual carbon or social credit limits or sending warnings to potentially non-compliant individuals.
  12. Centralized Control and Decision-Making
    Decision Support Systems: AI aggregates and analyzes data to support policy decisions, offering insights that help refine or adjust policies to better control and manage the population. This includes the simulation of policy impacts to predict how changes might influence societal behavior or environmental outcomes.
    Centralized AI Governance: AI systems are centrally managed, ensuring that decisions and enforcement mechanisms align strictly with governmental objectives and regulations.
  13. Resource Allocation and Management
    Optimized Distribution: AI optimizes the distribution of resources, such as energy, healthcare, or public transportation, based on an individual’s credit score and state priorities. This ensures that resources are allocated to maximize compliance and reward adherence to state policies.
    Critical Infrastructure Management: AI systems manage critical infrastructure operations, from traffic and public transport to power grids, using data from IoT devices and digital twins to enhance efficiency and compliance across these systems.
  14. Data Security and Integrity
    Fraud and Anomaly Detection: AI is crucial for detecting fraud, manipulation, or any attempts to circumvent the system. It continuously scans for anomalies that might indicate such activities, ensuring the integrity of the system.
    Blockchain Management: AI helps manage the blockchain infrastructure, ensuring that all transactions and data entries are secure, immutable, and in accordance with state laws and regulations.
  15. Ethical Oversight and Compliance
    Automated Legal and Ethical Compliance: AI systems are programmed to adhere to strict legal standards set by the government, automatically reporting non-compliance and adjusting operations to maintain regulatory adherence.
    Bias Control: AI systems also monitor for biases that could undermine state policies, adjusting algorithms to align with governmental standards.
    AI thus becomes a tool for state control, equipped to enhance compliance, enforce regulations, and optimize societal management through advanced technological capabilities. This involves a significant focus on surveillance, regulation enforcement, and centralized decision-making to maintain order and authority within the digital and physical domains.
    Your Personal Digital Twin into the Future
    The concepts surrounding personal digital twins in the context of a highly connected and regulated Web3 environment raises serious complex and worrisome scenarios about the future of personal identity, autonomy, and interaction between physical and digital realms along with what it means to be human. Here are some examples:
    Your Digital Twin will grant you access to digital twin objects and resources in the physical and virtual world.
    Your Digital Twin will gain rights, as equal to you, including rights to your property, family, finances, etc.
    Your Digital Twin will experience the physical world via robots, effectively replacing YOU!
    Your Digital Twin will also be a slave too, competing for resources (both in the real and virtual world) and having to pay for computational time and processing.
    Your Digital Twin will become the complete embodiment of your history, your habits, your behaviors, your skills, your identity, your memories, both now and into the future long after you are gone!
  16. Your Digital Twin will grant you access to digital twin objects and resources in the physical and virtual world.
    Interoperability and Accessibility: Your digital twin, functioning as a virtual replica of yourself, will be equipped to interact seamlessly across both digital and physical environments. This means it can access and manage digital assets (like cryptocurrencies or NFTs), and physical assets (through IoT-connected devices) on your behalf.
    Resource Management: The twin could manage your schedules, optimize and control energy consumption at home, or even negotiate and execute transactions in virtual marketplaces, managing your personal resources and commitments.
  17. Your Digital Twin will gain rights, as equal to you, including rights to your property, family, finances, etc.
    Legal Considerations: Assigning rights to a digital twin that are equal to those of the human counterpart would necessitate significant changes in legal frameworks to recognize digital entities as bearers of rights. This could include rights to manage or own property, access finances, or even make decisions regarding family matters.
    Potential Conflicts and Governance: The idea of a digital twin having equal rights could lead to conflicts or challenges in decision-making and ownership, requiring clear regulations and guidelines to govern such relationships and responsibilities.
  18. Your Digital Twin will experience the physical world via robots, effectively replacing YOU!
    Extended Presence: The digital twins could interact with the physical world using robotic avatars. This means that your digital twin could perform tasks, attend meetings, or provide physical assistance remotely in place of your physical body.
    Replacement and Augmentation: While this could lead to scenarios where digital twins replace humans in risky or labor-intensive tasks, it raises questions about identity, autonomy, and the blurring lines between human and machine.
  19. Your Digital Twin will also be a slave too, competing for resources (both in the real and virtual world) and having to pay for computational time and processing.
    Economic Responsibilities: Your digital twin could be required to manage its own computational resources, paying for the processing time and other resources it uses. This introduces a model where digital entities not only manage but also consume economic resources, participating in the economy as independent economic agents.
    Competition for Resources: The idea of digital twins competing for resources in both real and virtual worlds suggests a new layer of complexity in resource allocation where digital and human entities might directly compete with each other.
  20. Your Digital Twin will become the complete embodiment of your history, your habits, your behaviors, your skills, your identity, your memories, both now and into the future long after you are gone!
    Comprehensive Data Integration: Your digital twin would embody not just your physical characteristics and preferences, but also your entire personal history, behaviors, skills, and memories.
    Privacy and Security Risks: The completeness of this data integration highlights potential risks related to privacy and data security, as well as the considerations of having such detailed replicas in terms of consent and misuse.
    Enduring Economic Roles: Your digital twin, as a complete and continuous embodiment of your identity will not only represent you in the present but will also continue to do so indefinitely, even after your passing. This creates a scenario where your digital twin can maintain or manage your legacy, handle ongoing business, or continue to interact in social and economic spheres based on the precedents and preferences you’ve set during your lifetime.
    Self-Sustaining Economic Contributions: Given its need to manage itself over an extended or indefinite period, your digital twin will be responsible for its own economic sustenance. This includes acquiring and allocating digital resources to sustain its operations, such as paying for cloud storage, processing power, and AI-driven analytics, ensuring it remains functional and effective in performing its duties.
    Resource Competition and Legacy Management: As a perpetual entity, the digital twin competes for resources not only with digital twins and human entities but also as part of a longer-term strategy for preserving and enhancing its role as a “custodian” of your “digital legacy”. This involves decisions about investments, the use of assets, and interactions with both human and digital stakeholders to uphold your interests and intentions over time.
    Autonomy in Economic Transactions: The autonomy granted to digital twins allows them to engage in economic transactions independently, making decisions that align with the historical preferences and directives encoded into their algorithms. This independence ensures that values and economic intentions continue to influence real and virtual worlds, shaping decisions and interactions long after your direct involvement has ceased.
    Each of these statements are profound shifts in how we perceive and interact with digital entities. As these concepts quickly move closer to reality, they will likely prompt significant discussions and developments in technology, law, and societal norms, shaping the future in unforeseeable ways.
    This is the 4th Industrial Revolution, Bio-Digital Convergence that is being thrusted onto us by unelected predators.

Here is a post from a friend of mine:

There has been a lot of talk about geofencing and advertisements glorifying its benefits. I thought I’d write this post to educate what geofencing is, from a programmer’s perspective (and someone that has developed and implemented it in games many times) along with its dangers in this new world order.
Geofencing is a technology that creates virtual boundaries or zones around a specific geographical area using GPS (Global Positioning System), RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), Wi-Fi, or cellular data. It allows software to trigger a response when a mobile device enters or exits these defined zones. Here’s a straightforward breakdown of how geofencing works, in laymen’s terms:

  • Defining the Area: First, a virtual boundary is set around a geographical location using mapping software. This boundary can be as small as a few feet across or as large as a city.
  • Technology Integration: The geofence is powered by GPS or other technologies like RFID, Wi-Fi, or cellular data, which can detect the location of devices.
  • Device Detection: When a mobile device that has the appropriate software installed (like an app) enters or leaves the geofenced area, the technology detects this movement based on the device’s location data.
  • Triggering Actions: Upon entering or exiting the geofence, specific actions are triggered in the software. These can include sending notifications, alerts, or even adjusting settings on the device.
  • Applications: Geofencing is used in various applications, from marketing (sending promotional messages) to security (alerting when someone enters a restricted area), smart home applications (turning on lights when you’re nearing home), and more.
    Under an oppressive government, geofencing technology could be integrated with various control and surveillance mechanisms such as social credit scores, personal carbon credits, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), digital IDs, and artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor, restrict, and manipulate the behavior of citizens in pervasive ways that affect personal freedom and privacy. Here’s how such a system might work:
  • Movement Control: Geofencing could be used to restrict where individuals can go. For instance, if someone’s social credit score drops below a certain threshold, their movement might be restricted to certain areas. Geofences could alert authorities if the individual attempts to enter or leave specific zones, such as leaving a city or entering a restricted area.
  • Resource Allocation: Linking personal carbon credits to geofencing might restrict access to certain resources like transportation. If an individual exceeds their carbon usage quota, geofencing could prevent their vehicles from starting or entering high-emission zones.
  • Economic Restrictions: With the integration of CBDCs, spending can be geographically restricted. For example, if a government wants to limit economic activity in a certain area or prevent the flow of money out of a region, geofencing could disable transactions when a digital wallet is used outside of the approved areas.
  • Enforcement of Laws and Norms: Geofencing could be used to enforce compliance with local laws or norms set by the government. If a person enters an area where certain behaviors are restricted, AI-powered surveillance systems could monitor for non-compliance and automatically deduct points from their social credit score or impose fines directly through CBDCs.
  • Surveillance and Tracking: Combined with digital IDs, geofencing can be used for detailed tracking of individuals’ movements. AI algorithms can analyze movement patterns to predict and detect unusual behaviors, potentially flagging individuals for investigation without any human oversight.
  • Social Engineering and Segregation: Geofencing could be employed to enforce segregation based on social credit, ethnicity, political beliefs, or economic status by creating invisible barriers that segregate communities physically and economically.
  • Behavior Modification and Control: By offering or denying access to services, areas, or resources based on behavior, the government could condition and control the behavior of the populace. For example, access to public parks, cultural events, or even certain businesses could be granted or denied based on social credit scores or other behavioral metrics.
  • Emergency Lockdowns and Crowd Control: In situations deemed emergencies by the government, geofencing could be used for immediate lockdowns of areas, controlling where crowds can gather, or even directing the flow of movement during protests or uprisings to manage and suppress dissent.
    Below, I provide generic pseudocode for two geofencing scenarios: one where a person is under house arrest, and another where a person is not granted access to transportation based on certain conditions. This pseudocode will help illustrate the basic logic behind the geofencing applications.
  1. Geofencing for House Arrest:
    This example checks if a person under house arrest leaves a defined geographical boundary around their home. If they do, the system alerts authorities.

Define the geofence coordinates for the house boundary

house_geofence = (latitude_min, latitude_max, longitude_min, longitude_max)

Function to check if person is within the house boundary

def check_location(latitude, longitude):
if latitude_min <= latitude <= latitude_max and longitude_min <= longitude <= longitude_max:
return True
return False

Simulated data stream of person’s GPS coordinates

def monitor_person():
while True:
current_latitude, current_longitude = get_current_GPS_coordinates()
# Check if the person is within the geofence
if not check_location(current_latitude, current_longitude):
alert_authorities(“Person has left the designated area”)
sleep(60) # check every minute

  1. Geofencing to Restrict Access to Transportation:
    This scenario denies transportation access to individuals based on their location and a specific status (e.g., a revoked transportation privilege).

Define geofence coordinates for transportation hubs

transportation_hub_geofence = (latitude_min, latitude_max, longitude_min, longitude_max)

Status of the person (could be linked to a database/blockchain)

transportation_access_status = False

Function to check if person is within the transportation hub boundary

def check_hub_access(latitude, longitude):
if latitude_min <= latitude <= latitude_max and longitude_min <= longitude <= longitude_max:
return True
return False

Simulated data stream of person’s GPS coordinates when they attempt to use transportation

def attempt_to_use_transportation():
current_latitude, current_longitude = get_current_GPS_coordinates()
# Check if the person is within the hub and if they have access
if check_hub_access(current_latitude, current_longitude) and not transportation_access_status:
deny_transportation(“You are not permitted to use transportation services at this location”)
elif check_hub_access(current_latitude, current_longitude):
sleep(30) # check every 30 seconds
Google Geofencing Developers API Kit:
These examples provide a high-level view of how geofencing logic can be implemented in software to control and monitor individuals’ movements based on certain conditions.

Here is a post from a Jewish friend of mine:

Google Play just notified me that my device has “biometric capability” and recommended that I turn on “biometrics verification” for every online purchase.
Two thoughts come to mind:
1) Now it’s just “recommended.” Soon it will be mandatory.
2) It’s likely that Google is already recording our biometrics without our knowledge.
Are we living in a 24/7 surveillance state?
If we aren’t already, we will undoubtedly be soon.
Unless we do something about it, dystopian days lie ahead.

And some replies to this post:

Recording us?
Are you just figuring this out now?
I swear solemnly before Hashem that I have just thought of something then it shows up on my phone..

that happens to me all the time. It’s so eerie.

I have been trying to figure out how on two occasions that I am certain of, where I saw a certain something with my eyes only, made a quick observation in my mind, spoke NOTHING of what I saw, wrote nothing of what I saw, had no phone near my being at the time, and when I get to my phone, that particular “product” shows up on my social media or Pinterest as an advertisement. Not well known products like a bag of chips or a box of cereal, but very odd, random products that I had never seen before, like “barley pond treatment” or a one of a kind designer vest with a certain sun pattern on it. Can you tell me more or give me resources that might explain further? I do not consent! But by using my phone, is that consent? I do not consent to my phone being an extension of me or visa-versa.

Biometrics became a thing the moment we added pictures to Google photo app…if you notice it knows the faces of all the people in the pictures and puts them in folders accordingly…this was testing…it has now perfected it…all the so called “cool” apps are testing grounds…

It has. Location detection and proximity to places.
For example: I stop at a 7-11 to get coffee. It is just before my job site. Simple, easy.
My phone stays in the car because I am usually blasting rock tunes or Talk radio on the Blue tooth. Now my phone is sending me coupons for 7-11, BOGO deals, etc.

Digital IDs, surveillance, Smart Cities, transhumanism, etc Stories Part 9

This is Part 9.


Here is a post from my friend from Canada:

Is everyone enjoying the blockchain beef?
Blockchain beef is part of the Internet of Food and Farm 2020 | IoF2020 | Project | Fact sheet | H2020 – CORDIS
Internet of Food……
Better hope the Internet doesn’t go down since these freaks claim that algorithms are going to control our food supply.

Here is a post from another friend of mine:

The World Economic Forum:
Tokenization Economy


Clarifying data = this is HERE. PERIOD.


9 Jan
14 Jan
15 Jan
16 Jan
17 Jan
18 Jan
19 Jan
sessions by the World Economic Forum team
Press Conference: UpLink Mobilizes CHF 38M for #SDGs
Public Speakers: Suzanne DiBianca, Sundar Mahalingam, Sarah Chapman, Olivier M. Schwab, Nidhi Pant, Kwasi Mitchell


🔑 The #Tokenization #Economy 🔑
Public Speakers: Matt Turner, Lieve Mostrey, Jeremy Allaire, Denelle Dixon, Cina Lawson
Centre for #Financial and #Monetary #Systems
A Key Moment for Latin America
Public Speakers: Raquel Peña, Marisol Argueta de Barillas, Marcos Bulgheroni, Luís Roberto Barroso, Ilan Goldfajn, Gustavo Petro, Gabriela Sommerfeld
Centre for Regions, #Trade and #Geopolitics

Supply #Chains of the Future

Public Speakers: Tobias Meyer, Kathy Wengel, Jagjit Singh Srai, Bandar Alkhorayef
Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Supply Chains

Resilience: What It Means and What to Do About It

Public Speakers: Odile Françoise Renaud-Basso, Nonkululeko Nyembezi, Mohammed Al-Jadaan, Jim Hagemann Snabe, Børge Brende, Bob Sternfels
Centre for Regions, Trade and Geopolitics
Defending Europe’s United Front
Public Speakers: Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Roula Khalaf, Katalin Novák, Dmytro Kuleba, Andrzej Duda, Andrej Plenković
Centre for Regions, Trade and Geopolitics
🔑 Putting a Price on Nature 🔑
Public Speakers: Uyunkar Domingo Peas Nampichkai, Ronald W. Hovsepian, Nick Studer, Marina Silva, Hubert Keller, Gretchen Daily
Centre for Nature and Climate
Thinking through #Augmentation
Public Speakers: Saadia Zahidi, Paul Hudson, Nicolas Hieronimus, Joe Ucuzoglu, Francine Lacqua, Christy Hoffman, Azeem Azhar
Centre for
🔑 the New Economy and Society 🔑

Recharging #Growth in #China

Public Speakers: Zhu Min, Tian Wei, Kevin Rudd, Jin Keyu, Jia Shaoqian, Belen Garijo
Centre for Regions, Trade and Geopolitics
Mindfulness in Continuum
Public Speakers: Krista Kim, Joseph Fowler
Pulling Debt back from the Brink
Public Speakers: Vera Songwe, Ranil Wickremesinghe, Mehreen Khan, Laura Alfaro, Kenneth Rogoff, Kashim Shettima
Mapping Solutions for: #Extreme #Weather
Public Speakers: Naomi Oreskes,
🔑 Al Gore
Open Forum: Speaking Truth to Power
Public Speakers: Jane Goodall, Fareed Zakaria
Open Forum
🔑 A Conversation with Antony Blinken, United States Secretary of State
Public Speakers: 🔑 Thomas L. Friedman,
🔑 Klaus Schwab,
🔑 Antony Blinken
Centre for Regions, Trade and Geopolitics

TradeTech’s Trillion-Dollar Promise

Public Speakers: Vincent Clerc, Thani Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Megan Davies, Doris Anite, Deemah Al Yahya, Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar
Centre for Regions, Trade and Geopolitics
Middle East Conflict: What Is the #Endgame?
Public Speakers: Vali R. Nasr, Masrour Barzani, Karin von Hippel, Aidarous Al-Zubaidi

Tax in Motion

Public Speakers: Teresa Clarke, Situmbeko Musokotwane, Amitabh Behar, Allison Schrager
Centre for the New Economy and Society
Leading in the Pacific
Public Speakers: Michael Froman, Kajsa Ollongren, Javier González-Olaechea Franco, Jaime Ho, Han Duck-soo
Centre for Regions, Trade and Geopolitics
Diversity in Practice
Public Speakers: Mina Al-Oraibi, Michael Ensser, Lorenzo Simonelli, Caroline Casey, Anne-Laure Malauzat
Centre for the New Economy and Society
🔑 Where Is Freedom of Expression Going?
Public Speakers: Tirana Hassan, Taghi Rahmani, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Manuela Kasper-Claridge, Joseph Kahn
A Conversation with 2024 Crystal Awardee Francis Kéré
Public Speakers: Nzinga Qunta, Francis Kéré
Mapping Solutions for: Energy
Public Speakers: Melissa C. Lott, Francesco La Camera
🔑 Special Address by António Guterres, Secretary-General,
🔑 United Nations
Public Speakers: Børge Brende, António Guterres
Centre for Regions, Trade and Geopolitics
🔑 Addressing the North-South Schism 🔑
Public Speakers: Paul Kagame, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Martin Wolf, Mark Rutte, Gustavo Petro,
🎯Bill Gates🎯
🎯 Preparing for Disease X 🎯
Public Speakers: 🔑 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,
🔑 Shyam Bishen,
🔑 Roy Jakobs,
🔑 Preetha Reddy,
🔑 Nisia Trindade Lima,
🔑 Michel Demaré
🔑 Centre for Health and Healthcare
Avoiding a Crunch in Critical Minerals
Public Speakers: Zeng Yuqun, Sumant Sinha, Leila Benali, Jason Bordoff, Benedikt Sobotka
Centre for Energy and Materials
🎯 Are Banks Ready for the Future? 🎯
Public Speakers: Slawomir Krupa, Sergio P. Ermotti, Sara Eisen, Mary Callahan Erdoes, Gita Gopinath
Mapping Solutions for: Trade and Investment
Public Speakers: Douglas L. Peterson
🔑New Apps for Climate Adaptation🔑
Public Speakers: Naoko Ishii, Levent Cakiroglu, Laura Alber, Hiroaki Kitano, Gail Whiteman
🎯 Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Lifting Up Local Economies
Public Speakers: Yusuf Tuggar, Sonsoles Garcia, Fabricio Bloisi, Dolf van den Brink, Adam Posen
🎯 Centre for the New Economy and Society 🎯
🎯 🎯 🎯 Quantum’s Black Swan
🎯 🎯 🎯
Public Speakers: Joël Mesot, Jean-Noël Barrot, Jack Hidary, Brad Stone, Ana Paula Assis
Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
🎯 Cybersecurity Futures 2030 🎯
Public Speakers: Ken Xie, Ann Cleaveland
Centre for Cybersecurity
Open Forum:
🔑 Sustaining Life on Earth
Public Speakers: Xiye Bastida, Ursula Schneider Schüttel, Sabrina Soussan, Maria Susana Muhamad, Deep Saini, David Obura
Open Forum
Press Conference: 🔑 Swiss Supercomputer for the SDGs 🔑
Protecting the Vulnerable Online
Public Speakers: Shereen Bhan, Maurice Lévy, Julie Inman Grant, Jean-Noël Barrot, Helena Leurent
Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
🔑 360° on AI Regulations
Public Speakers: Vera Jourová, Josephine Teo, Ian Bremmer, Brad Smith, Arati Prabhakar
Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
The Race to Reskill
Public Speakers: Saadia Zahidi, Jeff Maggioncalda, Doris Anite, Denis Machuel, Claudia Azevedo, Asheesh Advani
Centre for the New Economy and Society
Climate and Nature: Seed Capital Needed
Public Speakers: Ray Dalio, Makhtar Diop, Mafalda Duarte, John F. Kerry, Desmond Kuek, David Gelles, Badr Jafar
Centre for Nature and Climate
🎯Fixing Healthcare, Digitally🎯
Public Speakers: Stella Kyriakides, Shyam Bishen, Sara Kehaulani Goo, Revanth Reddy Anumula, Paula Ingabire, Gianrico Farrugia, Christophe Weber
Centre for Health and Healthcare
🔑Taming Competition in Low and High Orbit🔑
Public Speakers: William Marshall, Josef Aschbacher, Guru Gowrappan, Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Alison Snyder
Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
🎯 🎯 🎯 Does Finance Benefit People?
Public Speakers: Xiaoyan Zhang, Stephanie Flanders, Robin Vince, Klaas Knot, Allyson Tucker
Centre for Financial and Monetary Systems
🔑 Town Hall: How to Trust Technology
Public Speakers: Mustafa Suleyman, Ben Thompson, Ayanna Howard
A Conversation With Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of
🔑 the Islamic Republic of Iran
Public Speakers: Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Fareed Zakaria
Centre for Regions, Trade and Geopolitics
🎯 🎯 🎯 Ukraine: Unity of Purpose
🎯 🎯 🎯
Public Speakers: Rebecca Anderson, Dmytro Kuleba, David Cameron
A Conversation with Mohammad Mustafa, Chairman,
🔑 Palestine Investment Fund
Public Speakers: Mohammad Mustafa, Børge Brende
Climate and Nature: 🔑 A Systemic Response Needed
Public Speakers: Kristalina Georgieva, Katharine Hayhoe, Jesper Brodin, Hilde Schwab, Gim Huay Neo, Chief Putany Yawanawá, Andre Hoffmann, Ajay S. Banga
Centre for Nature and Climate
🔑 The Battle for Chips 🔑
Public Speakers: Nicholas Thompson, Micky Adriaansens, Chris Miller, Ashwini Vaishnaw, Arati Prabhakar
Learning from ASEAN
Public Speakers: Srettha Thavisin, Pham Minh Chinh, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Julia Chatterley, Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez
Centre for Regions, Trade and Geopolitics
Tripling Renewables: Make It Rapid and Responsible
Public Speakers: Kadri Simson, John F. Kerry, Jennifer Morris, Ignacio S. Galán, Arunabha Ghosh
Centre for Energy and Materials
A Conversation with 2024 Crystal Awardee Nile Rodgers
Public Speakers: Rebecca Anderson, Nile Rodgers
Town Hall: How to Trust Governance
Public Speakers: Rebeca Grynspan, Niall Ferguson, Mark Rutte
🎯 🎯 🎯
Net Zero Industries
Public Speakers: Petra De Sutter, Martin Lundstedt, Juliet Mann, Holger Klein, Gwenaelle Avice Huet, Brand Cheng
Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Supply Chains
What to Expect from the Labour Markets?
Public Speakers: Robert Fico, Gilbert Fossoun Houngbo, Cina Lawson, Amanda Drury, Aiman Ezzat
Centre for the New Economy and Society
Ethics in the Age of AI
Public Speakers: Michael Sandel
🔑 Out of Balance with Water
Public Speakers: Ulrik Gernow, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Roshni Nadar Malhotra, Mariana Mazzucato, Kirsten Schuijt, Joyeeta Gupta
Centre for Nature and Climate
🔑 The World in Numbers: Gender Parity 🔑
Public Speakers: Laura D’Andrea Tyson, Arancha Gonzalez Laya
Centre for the New Economy and Society
Why Social Innovation Matters for Business?
Public Speakers: Sabrina Soussan, Ruchika Singhal, Raj Kumar, Julia White, Hilde Schwab, Geoff Martha, Dan Viederman, Benoit Bonello, Anna Marks, Ajaita Shah
Towards a Lead-Free Future
Public Speakers: Samantha Power, Lucy Perez
🎯 🎯 🎯
Special address by Javier Milei, President of Argentina
Public Speakers:
🎯 Klaus Schwab,
Javier Milei
🎯 🎯 🎯
Centre for Regions, Trade and Geopolitics
Live from the Deep Sea
Public Speakers: Samuel Jacobs, Ray Dalio, Mattie Rodrigue, Jennifer Morris, Diva Amon, David Obura, Andrew Forrest
Centre for Nature and Climate
Building Trust through Transparency
Public Speakers: Michael Miebach, Helena Leurent, François Valérian, Bronwen Maddox
Centre for Regions, Trade and Geopolitics
Closing the Gender Gap in Health
Public Speakers: Zeina Soufan, Smriti Zubin Irani, Shyam Bishen, Per Falk, Bernd Montag, Anita Zaidi
Centre for Health and Healthcare
🔑Investors of First Resort: Government Inc.🔑
Public Speakers: Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Scott Sandell, Saadia Zahidi, Mariana Mazzucato, Kai-Fu Lee, Faisal Alibrahim
Centre for the New Economy and Society
🔑 Manufacturing’s Moonshots Are Landing . . . Are You Ready for the Next Wave? 🔑
Public Speakers: Vimal Kapur, Revathi Advaithi, Michael Süss, Li Xin, George Oliver, Ashwini Vaishnaw
Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Supply Chains
🎯 🎯 🎯 A Conversation with Pat Gelsinger and Klaus Schwab
Public Speakers: Pat Gelsinger, Klaus Schwab
Town Hall: How to Trust Economics
Public Speakers: Michael Sandel, Martin Wolf, Christine Lagarde
Thinking Big on Digital Inclusion
Public Speakers: Robert F. Smith, Paula Ingabire, Nonkululeko Nyembezi, Julia Chatterley, Hans Vestberg
Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Calming Green Trade Tensions
Public Speakers: Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem, Siyu Huang, Rachel Kyte, Juan Carlos Mathews, Espen Barth Eide
Centre for Regions, Trade and Geopolitics
🎯 🎯 🎯
UAE: Navigating a Fragmented World
Public Speakers: Thani Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Richard Quest, Omar Sultan Al Olama, Ngaire Woods, Anwar Gargash, Abdulla Bin Touq
Centre for Regions, Trade and Geopolitics
Special Address by Pedro Sánchez, Prime Minister of Spain
Public Speakers: Pedro Sánchez, Børge Brende
Centre for Regions, Trade and Geopolitics
Faith in Action
Public Speakers: Randall Lane, Pinchas Goldschmidt, Peter Kodwo Turkson, Hahrie Han, Al-Mahfouz bin Bayyah
🔑 🎯 🔑 🎯
Special Address by Emmanuel Macron, President of France
Public Speakers: Klaus Schwab, Emmanuel Macron
Centre for Regions, Trade and Geopolitics
🔑 Bold Steps for a Sustainable MENA
Public Speakers: Said Mohammed Ahmed Al-Saqri, Rafael Mariano Grossi, Noor Ali Alkhulaif, Nadine Hani, Marco Arcelli, Adel bin Ahmed Al Jubeir
Centre for Regions, Trade and Geopolitics
Energy Transition: Leaving No One Behind
Public Speakers: Veronica Nilsson, Roberto Bocca, Omar Andrés Camacho Morales, John Defterios, Jennifer Morgan, Gurdeep Singh, Andrés Gluski
Centre for Energy and Materials
Fighting the Obesity Epidemic
Public Speakers: Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Shyam Bishen, Nancy Brown, Mads Krogsgaard Thomsen, Glen Tullman, Amy Bernstein
Centre for Health and Healthcare
Working in Harmony with Nature
Public Speakers: M. Sanjayan, Joseph Fowler, Cameron Saul
Beyond the Sustainability Metrics: The Burden of Proof
Public Speakers: Peter Reinhardt, Laura M. Cha, Emmanuel Faber, Carmine Di Sibio, Amanda Drury
Landing an Ambitious Global Plastics Treaty
Public Speakers: Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, Leila Benali, Jim Fitterling, Javier González-Olaechea Franco, Inger Andersen, Hein Schumacher, Douglas McCauley
Centre for Nature and Climate
Advancing Racial and Ethnic Equity
Public Speakers: Shamina Singh, Robert C. Garrett, Luana Marques Garcia Ozemela, Angela Williams
Centre for the New Economy and Society
Modern Supply-Side Economics: Two Years On
Public Speakers: Rachel Reeves, Michael Strain, Jennifer Harris, Gerard Baker, Blake Moret
Women’s Rights in Iran
Public Speakers: Taghi Rahmani
Latin America’s Economic Realism
Public Speakers: Mauricio Cárdenas, Mario Marcel, Marina del Pilar Avila Olmeda, Luis Henrique Guimarães, Julio Velarde, Diana Mondino
Centre for Regions, Trade and Geopolitics
Press Conference: Business Case for Disability Representation
Public Speakers: Silja Baller, Christophe Catoir, Chantal Gaemperle, Caroline Casey, Alex Liu
Open Forum:
🔑 A Primer on AI
Public Speakers:
🔑-> <-🔑
Himanshu Gupta, Haslinda Amin, Axel Oster, Alexandra Reeve Givens
Open Forum
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting
15–19 January 2024
Strategic Intelligence
Global Shapers
Young Global Leaders
Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship
Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
New Champions
© 2024 World Economic Forum
🔑 🎯 🔑 🎯
Preparing for Disease X
January 17, 202411:30–12:15CET
With fresh warnings from the World Health Organization that an unknown “Disease X” could result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic, what novel efforts are needed to prepare healthcare systems for the multiple challenges ahead?
This session is linked to the Partnership for Health System Sustainability and Resilience and the Collaborative Surveillance Initiative of the World Economic Forum.
Simultaneous interpretation in English and Portuguese
Centre for Health and Healthcare
The Centre for Health and Healthcare is committed to improving global health outcomes by addressing trust issues, closing the gender gap in healthcare, and leveraging technology to transform healthcare systems. The Center is also working to improve health security through public-private collaboration.
Explore more
Public Speakers
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO)
Shyam Bishen
Head, Centre for Health and Healthcare; Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum Geneva
Roy Jakobs
President and Chief Executive Officer, Royal Philips
Preetha Reddy
Executive Vice-Chairperson, Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd
Nisia Trindade Lima
Minister of Health, Ministry of Health of Brazil
Michel Demaré
Chair of the Board, AstraZeneca Plc


Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Almost 4 days ago my daughter and I were talking about Mikasa dinnerware. We were talking in person. Not via text or messenger. Not on the phone. Guess what just came through my newsfeed. This is getting to be too much.

And some replies to this post:

We were on a walk and saw a white pigeon, we thought he was a pet bc he didn’t fly away, or maybe hurt, me didn’t look anything up.and I didn’t even have my phone on…. next day got ads for pet pigeon stuff.

Our phones are always listening . Not only that but it takes pictures throughout your day and my sons friend proved that to him. He can’t remember how the guy got to them, it was many steps but it freaked him out. And I did have one occasion where I was just thinking about something and it came up in ads. Our phones are not our friend .

One time [name redacted] and I were talking about buying a new mattress. We were in the car and both our phones were on airplane mode. That night while watching Youtube, on a different device- my computer, first thing we saw was a mattress ad.

Years ago my friend [name redacted] and I were discussing favorite vehicles mine is a Range Rover hers is a jeep…talking not texting or phoning and the next few days Range Rover ads filled everything!! Mail words with friends ads etcetcetc!! Yup it’s criminal!!

It’s 24/ 7 surveillance. Check out Lookoutfa Charlie.

they can pick up sounds – speech and transmit it all via the grid. It’s all crazy but
now I realize why I noticed the quite was noisy, ringing and noise in my ears since I was a teen.

I think the installation of the LED streetlights has upped their ability. There was an apt I lived in several years ago. I always read late at night and sometimes I would catch odd sounds, like distant whispers or hints of music. In the place where I’ve been for 6 years that infernal high- pitched sound gets going. I never noted it til they installed the smart meters ( I’m surrounded by 100s of them). When the sound is absent it is obviously absent. I ve used a tone generator to match the frequency to try to cancel the sound. I probably need an EMF reader. Might not be able to match it anyway. I’ d bet NEXRAD towers play into this, too. The snow this past week has been that insane stuff that looks like it is encrusted with diamonds ( or quantum dot tech 🧐🤔).

New leds also on most cars now, they’re blinding when they come from the opposite way. They want led in our homes, doing away with incandescent light bulbs. When I returned from England late June 2015 they had installed new lights in Oak Sq, Brighton, on the street, I don’t know what they were, they were very dim barely any light from them. When I was there they were haunting me to install a smart water meter as well I’d make an appointment then cancel it, put them off for a while. They’re all dreadful things. I have 2 smart meters for the electricity in this place, as well, the previous owner was so annoying constantly saying no it’s just one meter when it was clearly two, some racket they posed as a discount for the hot water tank, so they know every time it’s used – do you have smart meters? The snow here was stupidly shiny as well, more so when very cold, I should of grabbed some in the jar to look under the microscope.

here’s a good one. my laptop can ‘update’ when NOT connected to internet. How does that happen??

I believe it. They can totally control our devices. After giving permission to Verizon to control my device while I was watching I was dumb- founded. I said, ” So this is what hackers can see and do!” Yep. So I know they can turn stuff on and off.

I personally like when our systems are horrid at work–at first we’d think it was our system–in reality when I talk to other people outside of our company–many of them have problems with the internet to which tells me when the former prez O sold the internet to whoever he sold it to–they control whether to pull the plug

It was ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). However, the transfer was already being talked about in the days of George W Bush, so it can’t all be blamed on Obama.

I can’t tell you how many times we had been talking in the car or at the kitchen table and things came up on the phone–It first started on [name redacted]’s phone–he had an android and things would pop up for things we discussed IN PERSON–then it started on my phone. I’ve tried to shut off things on my phone but those evidently don’t work. I’d be at work looking at the internet for things to purchase and would get home and my facebook would be swamped with ads for the things I looked at on the internet–there’s very few places for true privacy unless you’re in an area that does not have cell phone coverage–like in the middle of no where and you have ZERO electronics on you during that conversation. My friends son was in the military–came home to visit–went and turned off his dad’s phone, his phone and sat them on the table where they left them and unplugged the TV’s and computers and wrote on a piece of paper he needed to get in the car–they got in the car, turned off the radio and he wrote on paper where to they were going to eat. When they finally got to this little diner–he told his father he couldn’t have a conversation with him with the tracking of those things. Said their conversation might get picked up a bit on others electronics but would be hard to identify it’s them–that said plenty to me!


Here is a post from my friend from Canada:

The Emergency Measures Act was only called for one reason. The ones at the top of the Freedom Convoy were in cahoots with Justin Trudeau so the government of Canada could introduce WEB3 governance. That’s why bank accounts were frozen & ,more importantly, Crypto accounts seized.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, it means you’ve been lied to.



Here is a post from a friend of mine:


And another post from him:

The man who created the email wants to sell you Nutraceuticals and Electroceuticals…lol.
Every single time Dr Shiva says ” A SYSTEMS APPROACH ” he’s really referring to computational biology and systems engineering in regards to Biodigital Convergence. In Shiva’s case, he owns Cytosolve a biotech company that provides the world’s first computational systems biology platform.
PS. When he claims there’s no animal testing, it’s because you’re the guinea pig now.







Here is a post shared by a friend of mine:

Did you know about geofencing in smart cities?
The sunshine coast is working on introducing geofencing.
See article here:

This is how Sweden describes geofencing:
“Geofencing is a virtual fence that controls vehicles’ movements within a geographical area. By restricting vehicles from moving outside specific areas and control the speed limit.”
To read about more sinister ways geofencing tracks and monitors your every movement eg “Geofencing system can easily track elderly people and kids that might be wearing GPS bracelets. Parents, guardians or family members can create a geofence around a child, elderly person or a pet so whenever they move out of the designated area the system generates an alert.”
Read this article:

Here is a post from a friend of mine:

New screenshots from a paid advertisement. Your streetlights are spying on you. Measure, Manage, Monetize.

Here is a post shared by a friend of mine:

I’ve been telling people in persons not on any social media platform that those who will rent you the automated systems of the 4th and 5th coming phenomenon own the codes to a blockchain. Everything man made is man-hackable. All they want is your TRUST and COMPLIANCE so as they got you trapped in this AI-driven-debt-based quantum financial system with coordinated movements (trackable, monitored, measured and managed) on a digital ledger.

People need to learn the truth about the science and technology employed, and not the way the science is presented to you under the label of revolution.

We aren’t evolving naturally, but technocracy is revolutionising the natural world and its habitants with the evolution of intelligence design to have it surpassed any limitations of human cognitive abilities and natural behaviours of other living organisms through interconnectedness of the ecosystem, synergetically connecting it to the AI-powered-automated/electronic grid.

It’s a development of a Quantum Bio-digital Artificial Intelligence based on Telepathy, Quantum Internet, Brain-Brain Interface, and the Connection between Biological and Artificial Neuron.

In this 4th and 5th coming phenomenon, the natural behaviours of every living organisms cannot be predicted by the behaviours of their biological parts, but by the coordinated movements that will be read, processed and programmed in a nano-bio-info-cogno automated system.

Why nano? Because everything will be reduced down to the nanoscale.

Why bio? Because it is the synthetic biology with integrated nano bio bots.

Why info-cogno? It’s the bio-digital convergence where all the information collected or harvested through the integration of nano bio robots interacting with human cells, sensors, and cameras will feed the cognitive intelligence of the AI-powered-automated system to be read and performed by robots in e-healthcare, smart homes and smart appliances, industries, workplaces, churches, schools, businesses, finance, e-commerce, in any natural habitat of any living organism to monitor their behaviours and in every aspects of life especially in humans where our natural behaviours will be instructed by bio-printers with everything programmed in the web 3.

So if one still thinks he/she is cyber-secured, with his/her works safely encrypted, isn’t tracked/monitored 24/7, with such technological revolution is of life transforming to him/her, PLEASE learn the science, technologies involved and try viewing things in a more critical manner with reasoning.









Here is a post from a friend of mine:

xAPI (Experience API), also known as Tin Can API, is a technology standard that allows for the tracking and recording of human learning experiences and activities in a wide range of contexts, both online and offline.
It is used by the DoD’s Advance Distributed Learning Initiative | Defense Human Resources Activity | Defense Support Services Center, Which provides Total Learning Architecture (TLA), TLA enables personalized, data-driven, and technology-enabled lifelong learning. The xAPI is now an IEEE standard, becoming the first open source standard in IEEE’s history!
In addition, it is used by the military, educational schools systems, universities, corporations and online e-learning organizations.
It works by enabling systems to communicate and exchange data about learning experiences and activities through structured statements, providing a more flexible and comprehensive approach to tracking learning than previous standards like SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model).
The (Learning Record Store) LRS as a standalone system
An LRS within an Learning Management System (LMS)
Multiple LRSs can communicate with one another
Here’s how xAPI works with examples:
Statement Structure: xAPI statements follow a simple structure of “Noun, verb, object” or “I did this.” For example:
Noun: “John”
Verb: “completed”
Object: “the online course on cybersecurity.”
Statement: “John completed the online course on cybersecurity.”
Learning Record Store (LRS): When a learning activity needs to be recorded, such as completing a module in an e-learning course or attending a workshop, the application or system involved sends a secure statement to a Learning Record Store (LRS). The LRS acts as a repository for all the learning statements made. For example:
John’s completion of the online cybersecurity course is sent as a statement to the LRS.
Statement Freedom: xAPI offers freedom in the structure of statements, allowing for the recording of almost any learning activity. This includes not just traditional e-learning activities but also interactions with simulations, games, physical objects, and more. For example:
John’s use of a CPR dummy during a first aid training session can be recorded as a statement: “John practiced CPR on the dummy.”
History Freedom: xAPI allows LRSs to communicate with each other, enabling data sharing and transfer of learning records between different systems or organizations. This means that John’s learning experiences can follow him from one organization to another, providing a comprehensive view of his learning history. For example:
John’s completion of the cybersecurity course at one organization’s LRS can be shared with another organization’s LRS when he applies for a job.
Device Freedom: Any enabled device can send xAPI statements, including mobile phones, tablets, computers, wearables, and even physical objects equipped with sensors. This means that learning activities can be tracked anywhere, regardless of the device used. For example:
John’s completion of a safety training module on his smartphone while commuting to work can be recorded as a statement: “John completed the safety training module on his smartphone.”
Workflow Freedom: Tracking learning events with xAPI doesn’t have to start or end in a Learning Management System (LMS). Learning experiences can begin wherever the learner is and on whatever device they choose to use. This flexibility allows for a more seamless and integrated approach to tracking learning activities. For example:
John’s completion of a hands-on workshop can be recorded directly in the workshop’s mobile app, bypassing the need for an LMS.
In short, xAPI works by enabling the recording, tracking and sharing of learning experiences through structured statements sent to Learning Record Stores.
In an authoritarian world, xAPI can be used to track a wide range of action-experiences beyond just learning-activities. While xAPI was initially developed with a focus on learning, its flexible structure and capabilities make it suitable for tracking various types of interactions and experiences. Here’s how xAPI could be used to track action-experiences in an authoritarian context:
Social Interactions: xAPI statements could be generated to track social interactions (using AI recognition, sensors and digital ID), such as conversations, meetings, or gatherings, providing insights into individuals’ social networks and behaviors.
Workplace Activities: xAPI could be employed to track work-related activities (using AI recognition, sensors and digital ID), such as tasks completed, projects worked on, or time spent on different assignments, allowing for monitoring and evaluation of productivity and performance.
Health and Wellness: xAPI could be utilized to track health and wellness activities (using AI recognition, sensors and digital ID), such as exercise routines, medical appointments, or dietary habits, providing data for surveillance and control measures related to public health.
Consumer Behavior: xAPI statements could be generated to track consumer behavior (using AI recognition, sensors and digital ID), such as purchases made, websites visited, or products searched for online, enabling targeted marketing and consumer profiling.
Travel and Movement: xAPI could be used to track individuals’ travel and movement patterns (using AI recognition, sensors and digital ID), including locations visited, modes of transportation used, and frequency of trips, facilitating surveillance and control of population movements.
Political Activities: xAPI statements could be generated to track political activities (using AI recognition, sensors and digital ID), such as participation in protests, attendance at political rallies, or interactions with political content online, enabling monitoring and suppression of dissent.
Criminal Behavior: xAPI could be employed to track criminal behavior (using AI recognition, sensors and digital ID), such as suspicious activities, illegal transactions, or interactions with known criminals, aiding in law enforcement and crime prevention efforts.
Environmental Impact: xAPI statements could be generated to track individuals’ environmental impact (using AI recognition, sensors and digital ID), such as energy consumption, waste production, or carbon footprint, informing authorities of behaviors.
Entertainment and Leisure: xAPI could be used to track individuals’ entertainment and leisure activities (using AI recognition, sensors and digital ID), such as movies watched, games played, or music listened to, providing insights into preferences and behaviors for targeted content delivery.
Personal Development: xAPI statements could be generated to track personal development activities (using AI recognition, sensors and digital ID), such as self-improvement initiatives, skill-building exercises, or mental health practices, supporting surveillance and control measures related to personal growth and well-being.
In an authoritarian world, xAPI could serve as a tool for tracking a wide range of action experiences beyond learning, enabling comprehensive surveillance and control of individuals’ behaviors and interactions.
The integration of xAPI with other oppressive systems such as AI, blockchain, surveillance, social & carbon credit systems, digital ID, biometrics, CBDC, smart-contracts, etc., would enable the authoritarian regime to extensively track and control both the learning experiences and actions of citizens for the purpose of subjugating and oppressing humanity. Here are 50 examples:
Learning Content Surveillance: Employ xAPI to monitor citizens’ interactions with educational content, identifying dissenting or subversive ideologies for suppression.
Behavioral Profiling through Learning Data: Analyze xAPI learning data to create behavioral profiles, enabling targeted surveillance and manipulation.
Blockchain-linked Learning Credentials: Issue blockchain-linked learning credentials based on xAPI data, controlling access to employment and opportunities.
AI-driven Learning Path Personalization: Utilize AI to personalize learning paths based on xAPI data, reinforcing indoctrination efforts.
Surveillance-backed Learning Environment Adaptation: Adapt learning environments based on real-time surveillance data and xAPI statements to reinforce obedience.
Social Credit-based Learning Rewards: Reward compliant behavior with access to exclusive learning resources based on xAPI data and social credit scores.
Learning Progress Contracts on Blockchain: Enforce learning progress contracts stored on blockchain, tied to individuals’ xAPI data, ensuring compliance.
AI-curated Propaganda through Learning Data: Curate propaganda messages based on xAPI learning data, maximizing effectiveness of indoctrination.
Digital ID-linked Learning History: Link xAPI learning history to digital ID profiles, enabling comprehensive surveillance and control.
Behavioral Modification via Learning Simulations: Develop AI-driven learning simulations to condition desired behaviors using xAPI data.
CBDC-based Learning Transaction Tracking: Track learning transactions using CBDC, tied to individuals’ xAPI data, for auditing and control.
Surveillance-driven Learning Peer Monitoring: Monitor interactions during learning activities using surveillance data and xAPI statements, encouraging conformity.
Smart-contract enforced Learning Obligations: Enforce learning obligations through smart contracts linked to xAPI data, penalizing non-compliance.
AI-generated Learning Content Manipulation: Dynamically manipulate learning content based on AI analysis of xAPI data to reinforce indoctrination.
Biometric-linked Learning Performance Monitoring: Monitor biometric data during learning activities, tied to xAPI statements, for performance assessment.
Surveillance-backed Learning Social Norm Enforcement: Enforce social norms within learning environments using surveillance data and xAPI statements.
Carbon Credit-based Learning Access: Restrict access to learning resources based on carbon credit scores derived from xAPI data, limiting dissenters’ opportunities.
Digital ID-based Learning Space Restrictions: Restrict access to learning spaces based on digital ID profiles and xAPI data, segregating non-compliant individuals.
Blockchain-tracked Learning Attendance: Track learning attendance on blockchain using xAPI statements, ensuring participation in indoctrination sessions.
AI-enhanced Learning Assessment Automation: Automate learning assessments using AI algorithms analyzing xAPI data, identifying non-compliant behaviors.
Surveillance-backed Learning Performance Surveillance: Monitor learning performance in real-time using surveillance data and xAPI statements.
Social Credit-linked Learning Space Allocation: Allocate learning spaces based on social credit scores derived from xAPI data, segregating dissidents.
Digital ID-based Learning Content Censorship: Censor learning content based on digital ID profiles and xAPI data to suppress dissenting ideologies.
Blockchain-tracked Learning Achievement Badges: Award achievement badges stored on blockchain based on xAPI learning records, signaling compliance.
AI-driven Learning Intervention Strategies: Develop AI-driven intervention strategies based on xAPI data to target dissenters effectively.
Surveillance-backed Learning Progress Tracking: Monitor learning progress in real-time using surveillance data and xAPI statements, identifying resistance.
Social Credit-based Learning Opportunities: Provide learning opportunities based on social credit scores derived from xAPI data, rewarding compliance.
Digital ID-linked Learning Environment Manipulation: Manipulate learning environments based on digital ID profiles and xAPI data to induce obedience.
Blockchain-tracked Learning Resource Distribution: Distribute learning resources on blockchain using xAPI data, prioritizing indoctrination efforts.
AI-powered Learning Experience Optimization: Optimize learning experiences using AI algorithms analyzing xAPI data, maximizing indoctrination effectiveness.
Surveillance-backed Learning Peer Surveillance: Monitor interactions with peers during learning activities using surveillance data and xAPI statements.
Social Credit-based Learning Progress Penalties: Penalize slow learning progress based on social credit scores derived from xAPI data, incentivizing compliance.
Digital ID-linked Learning Transcript Verification: Verify learning transcripts using digital ID profiles and xAPI data, ensuring adherence to regime narratives.
Blockchain-tracked Learning Achievement Certificates: Issue achievement certificates on blockchain tied to xAPI learning records, validating compliance.
AI-enhanced Learning Content Personalization: Personalize learning content using AI algorithms analyzing xAPI data, tailoring information to reinforce indoctrination.
Surveillance-backed Learning Social Credit Rewards: Reward high social credit scores derived from xAPI data with access to exclusive learning opportunities.
Digital ID-based Learning Performance Rankings: Rank learning performance based on digital ID profiles and xAPI data, influencing social status.
Blockchain-tracked Learning Progress Contracts: Enforce learning progress contracts stored on blockchain, tied to xAPI data, ensuring compliance.
AI-driven Learning Content Manipulation: Manipulate learning content dynamically based on AI analysis of xAPI data to reinforce indoctrination.
Surveillance-backed Learning Space Adaptation: Adapt learning spaces based on real-time surveillance data and xAPI statements to reinforce obedience.
Social Credit-based Learning Rewards and Penalties: Reward compliant behavior and penalize dissent through incentives and punishments tied to social credit scores derived from xAPI data.
Surveillance-driven Learning Environment Manipulation: Manipulate learning environments based on real-time surveillance data and xAPI statements to induce desired behaviors.
Blockchain-tracked Learning Credential Issuance: Issue learning credentials stored on blockchain, tied to individuals’ xAPI learning records, controlling access to opportunities.
AI-curated Learning Paths: Curate personalized learning paths for individuals based on AI analysis of their xAPI data, guiding them towards obedience.
Surveillance-backed Learning Performance Rankings: Rank individuals’ learning performance based on surveillance data and xAPI statements, influencing social status.
Social Credit-based Learning Space Allocation: Allocate learning spaces based on social credit scores derived from xAPI data, segregating dissidents.
Blockchain-tracked Learning Achievement Certificates: Award achievement certificates stored on blockchain based on xAPI learning records, validating compliance.
AI-enhanced Learning Content Personalization: Personalize learning content using AI algorithms analyzing xAPI data, tailoring information to reinforce indoctrination.
Surveillance-backed Learning Social Credit Rewards: Reward high social credit scores derived from xAPI data with access to exclusive learning opportunities.
Digital ID-based Learning Performance Rankings: Rank learning performance based on digital ID profiles and xAPI data, influencing social status.
These examples illustrate the extensive ways in which xAPI technology could be harnessed by a authoritarian regime to surveil, control, and oppress humanity, when integrated with other oppressive systems and technologies.

Here is a post shared by a friend of mine:

This is for your health



Here is a post from a friend of mine:

PALM PAY WITH FACIAL RECOGNITION: Local Whole Foods now expects you to pay with your PALM while on camera. I took this photo yesterday and I asked the shop worker about this and he said they will move to PALM PAY only eventually. See the upper right corner for the camera they have on each customer that films you. For fb privacy I edited the photo and covered my face with the blue color but you can see the camera was recording me. Yes, you can cover it with a sticky note but soon you won’t be allowed to when facial recognition is required. There is a Whole Foods in CA that watches you through the shop and knows the prices of the items which do not need scanning therefore. Payment sensors taking it out of your bank account as you leave the shop.


And another post from her:

Drivers licenses have already have given your biometrics away and stored them. I had to have a surgery on a bone in my nose at one point (very slight) then left the country for a while to live in another country. Came back to the original country (after the surgery) and had to get a new DL. The photograph for the DL sent a warning to the staff that I was not the same person and I had to get a supervisor and offer proof of the surgery on the bone to proceed. Facial recognition at its scary finest.


Here is a post from my friend from Canada:

ALL the foolish online bills in the Canadian government are really surrounding 1 bill called Bill C-27/ Digital Charter Implementation Act from the Centre of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. 🙄

Ask yourself why nobody is talking about this bill.


Click to access How-Federal-Law-Enforcement-Commandeered-Financial-Institutions-to-Spy.pdf


Agenda 21 and the Green Meanies Part 13

This is Part 13.

Here is a post from my friend from Tulsa:

This must be stopped.

And another post from her:


Please support his efforts! The Resetters will bring all their resources against this bill – and against him too. He is putting it on the line for us!

Oklahoma House of Representatives Banner

Communications & Public Affairs

Jan. 9, 2024


Contact: Rep. Tom Gann

Phone: (405) 557-7364

Gann Files Bill to Protect Oklahomans from Overreaching ‘Road User Charge’ Plan

OKLAHOMA CITY – Rep. Tom Gann, R-Inola, has filed what he called “a pivotal bill aimed at safeguarding Oklahomans’ freedom and privacy.”

House Bill 2970 comes in response to what Gann termed are growing concerns over the Oklahoma Road User Charge (RUC) Task Force’s controversial “Road User Charge” proposal.

“Under their Orwellian proposed plan, Oklahomans would be monitored on every mile they drive, and pay a tax for each of these miles,” Gann said.

He said he believes this could lead to excessive government control over personal travel and play, and that he is echoing the worries that many citizens have expressed. He sees the proposal as unfairly penalizing motorists, especially those in rural areas of the state who do not have alternative options for commuting.

“It’s quite inconceivable to me that in the near future, motorists might face variable-rate, per-mile fees for driving beyond a government-approved limit,” Gann said, highlighting his concerns about the recommendations’ potential to put government in charge of every motorist’s driven mile.

Gann also raised alarm over the suggested requirement for surveillance infrastructure to track mileage. He said he fears this system could be exploited by state and federal authorities for various oppressive purposes, including targeting individuals with differing political views.

Gann said the first stage of the Oklahoma version of the Road User Charge plan – a pilot program and a task force established in 2021 by House Bill 1712– is already in motion. He said the next phase – voluntary participation – has been recommended by the task force for legislative consideration in 2025.

He said he believes a third phase – mandatory participation – may soon follow. He said he bases this observation on Oregon’s version of the plan, where that state initially created a volunteer plan, but discussion in their Legislature has since turned to mandating participation.

Gann’s bill seeks to repeal House Bill 1712, halting any future advancement of this initiative.

Gann, who voted against House Bill 1712 in 2021, said he believes the bills implications were not fully understood.

“House Bill 2970 is about reassuring Oklahomans that their Legislature won’t enforce a socialist, Orwellian green agenda and a surveillance state here,” Gann said. “This is also a chance for the Legislature to correct its course, realize its mistake and repeal House Bill 1712.”

Gann said he also intends to update his bill in committee to withdraw Oklahoma’s membership from the Western Road Usage Charge Consortium, in opposition to that organization’s efforts to promote the road user charge system in Oklahoma and other states.

“House Bill 2970 represents a crucial step in protecting the rights and privacy of Oklahomans and ensuring government policies reflect the will of the majority of the people,” Gann said.




Here is a post from the anti-bright LED group:


Here is a post from a friend of mine:

French farmers love cow manure- They love it so much they are sharing that love on government buildings and giving a dose of that love to police





Here is a post I found on FB:

This is a map of our National Trail System. It is an interactive map. You can find the link at the bottom of this post.
What is not shown on this map is all of the proposed National Trails. I know of 5 trail proposals for Texas. 2 for Oklahoma and 4 more for Kansas.
When all of the country is frozen in National Park Service Units such as National Trails, then what? What happens to the economy that is frozen and preserved in time? What happens to our food production and transportation? How large of a burden will we have through the taxes that are dedicated to preservation? How much preservation can we afford?

Finding the links for these, I just found another one for Texas. That makes 5 more proposals for TX instead of 4.

And the Cherokee Trail which is an expansion of the Oregon and California Trail:
You will notice that it is a different route than what is noted by historians here:

And some replies to this post:

As much of a concern as these historic trails are, I’m more concerned about the network of new trails that are being created under eco-tourism. Little concern is had for private property owners who’s land is bisected by these trails. No concern was shown locally when farmers expressed their opposition due to the risks arising from people traversing these trails and the threats to their property that were posed. Trespassing, thefts, litter. The list goes on and on. Who pays for the loss of a standing crop when a hiker inadvertently starts a fire? Who is responsible when a hiker is exposed to freshly applied ag chemicals? Insurance costs are based off risk and farmers are left to cover those costs. Is that right or fair?

we have been involved in a lawsuit for over 20 plus years on one of these trials. Essentially as a landowner you are stuck with it and have to deal with it according to local officials and the courts. We are trying everything we can. In the appeals courts, the state Supreme Court, and even trying to take it to the federal level. This all stems from a federal law back in 1984 and 1986 that deals with rail banking. Essentially it allowed rail road easements to be used as walking trails. We literally have a judge right now seeking punitive damages against a landowner for trespassing on his land which is in an easement that he is the fee simple landowner.

Trails are set up just like a highway system. You have federal, state Rail to Trails, ect. ect. ect.
They are all tied together. One ties into the other, just like our roadway system.
One is not “more concerning” than the other. They are equally concerning.
MAP21 and now Safe Passages to Schools and other similar legislation passed by Congress, funds the building of all of these trails all over the country.
Just to be clear — they are all already funded in their entirety. That money is earmarked in state and federal Department of Transportation accounts.
What is not funded, or only partially funded based on implementation of new trails and trail expansions, is maintenance. The local municipality has been getting stuck with that bill.

All of which — is part of the Buffalo Commons Plan — now rebranded as 30×30.
That plan calls for the elimination of agriculture production and industry in the plains states and replacing that economy with energy production and tourism.

It’s no accident that all these Metropolitan Planning Organizations, such as MARC have transportation committees.

Kansas does have 2 bills up for consideration:

so as it is now, Governor Kelly can push this forward WITHOUT going through State’s legislature if these bills DON’T pass?

Excellent question! Congress makes these designations, not the state.
This legislation would require that state legislators vote on any designation.
If they fail to gain the legislative majority, then no state funding can go to that designation.
This will help force the NPS and their special interest partners to follow the federal law. Those laws require them to be supported and wanted by the people and off the taxpayers budget within 15 years.
Currently, most people and legislators do not know these boundaries exist. NHAs for example, apply for state funding through state DOT and Parks and Wildlife/tourism grants and then get federal matching grants.
So far, not one NHA has ever become self-sufficient and all of them just got renewed for another 15 years.

I hope it’s a stand alone vote on these bills, not bundled with the usual BS PORK!

I thought this Natural Heritage stuff was killed by the counties or is this something new ?

something new.
This is legislation I wrote. To keep them from coming in without the people knowing or being consulted.

Here is a post from someone from Kansas:

The bad news:
The District Chairs stacked the deck with alternates who would object to everything, stretching the state GOP meeting to prevent resolutions from being introduced.

They successfully killed the Resolution objecting to 30×30.


And another post from this person:

Action needed now!!!
This is asking states to help fund 30×30.
Get involved.
Click on the article. You will see a link that will allow you to send an email to members of the Committee.
Action needed NOW!
The Hearing is Monday afternoon!

Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Italian farmers have joined in with the spreading of love – to show their appreciation to the government they are now lovingly blocking the motorway toll booths in Rome and Milan. Love is just wonderful, isn’t it?


Here is a post shared by a friend of mine:

While you were hot, with the nights being up to 30c, 100% humidity, and days around 35 > 38 with 95% humidity and no wind – so, quite oppressive ok, your sneaky power supplier (if you were one who took advantage of that $400.00 rebate for them to stick one of those meter things in your house, Energex practiced their rights and TURNED DOWN THE AIRCON REMOTELY ON 170,000 people’s homes, without notice, 6 times in a month.
Doesn’t affect you? You didn’t sign up to this deal, well, that’s because the tech is not in place yet, but they’re coming for you, your smart meters and trackable stuff and wait until ESG bites you – you go to buy something to find that you used that aircon just a wee bit too much, nothing for you to buy. This is the insidious connection big tech makes on your big data.
You are just a number to them actually 2 numbers 0 and 1. 😉
I remember reading in 2014 that air conditioners were not allowed to be imported into AU unless they had some remote tethering. I used to tell people this and they thought – what a conspiracy nut. Why would the government do this… I dunno, what do you reckon.

Here’s some of what it says<< Queensland’s state-owned power grid remotely turned down almost 170,000 air conditioners six times in the past two months as part of a scheme to protect the electricity network. Key points: Energex and Ergon can remotely turn down air conditioners People signed up to the PeakSmart program have a small device installed on their unit for a cash rebate Some mechanics have raised concerns about the devices, and the way they can be controlled Some installers said they were wary of the PeakSmart scheme, which was introduced by the Newman government in 2012, because the guidelines regarding air-con control were not clear. Energex and Ergon access air conditioners through PeakSmart meters, which are controlled via power lines, usually in return for access to a cash rebate of up to $400. The goal of the meters is to reduce pressure on the network at peak times, often on hot days. “The signal tells the air conditioner to drop into an energy efficient mode, similar to an economy setting,” an Energy Queensland spokesman said. “The fan keeps running but cycles the compressor down 50 per cent. “The technology is designed to be ‘set and forget’, so you won’t have to do anything, nor should you notice any significant difference to your comfort.” A person’s thumb on a button on an air-conditioner remote. Energex and Ergon can remotely limit units during periods of high power demand.(ABC News: Conor Byrne) Signing up to the government scheme also allows Energex or Ergon staff to visit properties occasionally. Residents or workers are given five days’ notice. Users are not told when their unit is affected, but installers and repairers are given notice in case customers report what they think is a malfunction. Renters or new property owners may not realise their units are fitted with the device. Multiple installers contacted by the ABC said they were wary about the meters and the potential for the government and energy providers to control an appliance in the home. An Energex sign on a wooden fence. Energex does not inform people when their air conditioners are limited, but says most people do not notice the change.(ABC News: Curtis Rodda) ‘Just doesn’t make sense’ Todd Christie, the owner of Sunshine Coast business Salty Air, said he urged clients to think twice about having a PeakSmart meter installed, because it meant Ergon or Energex could take control of their units on the hottest days of the year. “It just doesn’t make sense — to what extent [is it controlled] and how often do they use it?” he said. “It’s just not really worth the risk of wiring that up when you want to obviously put an air-con in for those hot days when you need it. “Just from that advice, nobody I’ve ever installed [for] has ever said ‘I still want to do it.'” YouTube How does PeakSmart work? Ergon and Energex said PeakSmart limiting should only occur “a few times” per year. There have been six events since December 1 and nine in the last year — the highest rate since the program began. On Monday and Saturday last week, Energex used its remote access to limit 169,490 air conditioners to run at 50 per cent power between 4:20pm and 6:50pm across the south-east. The energy network of the future Instead of building expensive new power stations, the energy sector is increasingly focused on trying to get households and industries to cut back on electricity use when demand is high. Peter Casey turns on one of his PeakSmart air conditioners. Read more At 5pm on the Monday the network experienced record demand for power as temperatures soared into the mid-30s with drenching levels of humidity. It applied the same limits between 5:20pm and 7:20pm on December 16, 17, 28 and 29, and once each in March and February 2023. The caps were only applied once to 14,462 PeakSmart air-con units in regional Queensland in November last year. According to the Energex website, a survey of users found 70,000 people using the device did not notice any difference when the the measure was activated. Energy Minister Mick de Brenni said the scheme made for a “smarter grid” that worked better when demand was high, including during extreme weather. <<< End of Article >>>
Link to article

Here is a post from a friend of mine:


“I live in Louisiana. my husband’s truck has been in the shop for repairs since December . The mechanic can not find parts. The mechanic told my husband Ford is no longer making parts for older vehicles. A friend of ours, who owns a jeep vehicle, was told by the jeep dealership they no longer will work on vehicles which are 10 years old or older . The dealer stated dealerships are going to push EVs “



Here is a post from a friend of mine:

On Tuesday, March 15, 2022, President Biden signed the FY 2022 Omnibus Appropriations legislation. This legislation included the designation of the entire Ports-to-Plains Corridor in Texas and New Mexico as a Future Interstate Highway. The Alliance and its partners continue efforts to obtain highway construction funding for both the Future Interstate and expansion to four-lanes along the entire corridor.
Ports-to-Plains System in Texas
The Ports-to-Plains System in Texas is a 963-mile corridor and will connect four interstates, 24 state highways and 17 U.S. highways to enhance statewide and rural connectivity. The new system intends to support a growing population, economic centers of West and South Texas, facilitate the movement of goods, international trade and key industries supporting national defense along the corridor.
The 86th Texas Legislature passed
Bill 1079 (HB 1079) relating to a study by TxDOT of the Ports-to-Plains Corridor, including an evaluation of the feasibility of certain improvements to Interstate Highway 27 (I-27). The governor signed the bill into law on June 10, 2019. The creation of an I-27 Advisory Committee was a policy recommendation from the Ports-to-Plains Corridor Advisory Committee as part of the Ports-to-Plains Corridor Interstate Feasibility Study completed in 2020.

Texas Smart Cities Summit
Next Texas Smart Cities Summit:
April 26th, 2023
We develop transformative technologies to achieve resiliency and sustainable growth in urban communities.

On the agenda ‘smart cities’


Here are some posts in response to this video:

UGH!!!! The frigg’n bike lanes in Seattle. Even where next to NO bicyclists go! Along a main neighborhood through street here, they put the bike lanes by the curb. Then large plastic planters. Then the parking lane. With those dang poles all along too, so you can’t open the passenger door, and there’s not enough space for delivery box trucks. I find expecting all to ride bikes in hilly mostly rainy Seattle is very EXCLUSIVE, to all who are not very fit mainly young able bodies, that don’t need to haul anything like groceries, children, or need to go further than a few miles or so.
Then there’s all the “Healthy streets” closed off except for residents. I have to drive through all of these. Theme there’s the ever increasing amount of speed humps and bumps. And the speed limit reduction to 25 everywhere, some places 20! Then all the lawn type signs with slogans like “20 IS PLENTY”, SLOW DOEN”, DRIVE LIKE YOU LIVE HERE”, and the newest with a cute little ducks crossing Arron, saying “SLOW THE FLOCK DOWN! “
They are INSANE here, with the King of Smug Governor J. Inslee.
LOTS of the ridiculous wind turbine here in Eastern WA.

Same thing happening in Oregon. I wrote to the city’s mayor about what they’re doing with wasting money on bike lanes when nobody even rides bikes here. It’s rainy 9 months of the year . It’s bs.

I just watched a news video from one year ago where they talked about making Ft. Myers, FL a 15 minute city. They destroyed Ft. Myers with weather weapons as well I believe. Now, a condo complex that never flooded before this was flooded out. They are selling renovated 2/2 units for the low 200’s but now flood insurance alone is 3600 a year on the units, not to include regular insurance cost.

Let me just say that, as a Texan in the Dallas/Ft Worth metroplex, people are moving in from out of state faster than anything I’ve ever seen. When I say that everything is changing, and quickly, I mean everything.

The once small, country-setting style town that I live in just to the north of Ft Worth is becoming a concrete parking lot. Apartment complexes are being built in record time, and new neighborhood editions are sprouting up in every direction. Our two-lane, barbed wire, pastures full of livestock and sunflowers are all gone. We now have 2 lane roads with center turn lanes, no pastures, livestock, or sunflowers. Literally, every square inch of our town is being built on. Pastures, trees, all gone! There was once a day when we could leave our windows open and doors unlocked (even open) all night without a second thought. Today, we lock our doors and windows and every house has cameras watching their driveways because of late night/early morning attempts to find cars with unlocked doors to be burglarized. Traffic at all times, morning, lunch, and 5p rush-hour, is not the least bit tolerable. Traffic is packed bumper to bumper trying to get in or out, or to lunch and back to work. It is absolutely miserable and I can’t help but wonder if this is all a result of pushing from the other end under the WEF and NWO initiatives. I’m concerned that these are all blue voters (or at least many of them) and have not made the connection between how they vote and the reasons why they left wherever they came from. If so, an overwhelming surge of blue votes could indeed royally screw our state and everything else really.

Couple this with our illegal alien problems, and this here: last night I believe I may have found out where this sizeable chuck of people who would otherwise not reside in my area but rather in those communities with those most like them (as we all tend to do, naturally). Apparently, there are some 5,000+ homes on foreclosure in my zip code. I guess they are absorbed by FHA and can be purchased for just $1.00. No, that’s not a typo. One whole dollar. But they are importing those who have the highest rate of criminals into our communities. I wondered how that was occurring until I saw thos about the one dollar hones. And it was an intentional, coordinated undertaking. It’s like they weren’t here one day and the next, they were all here and being hired into many of our fast food establishments and groceries. And I’m not just saying this to be a jerk but I mean they are bringing in many of those who are not necessarily good people. They look very questionable.

I believe the agenda is to destroy our town. It may well be a part of bringing us down to third-world status. I’m any event, we aren’t moving in a good direction. I cringe at what we may be looking forward to in the medium to long term.

Since last Spring the Amarillo skies have definitely changed. Everyday we have the milky skies. The clouds rarely produce rain, and increasingly more and more spraying, especially a week before the fires.

Thank you Peggy for your investigations into what these evil doers have planned for us. It is very disturbing ! Having the information helps to fight back. I live in Ohio and in the past few years I see more and more round a bouts. I wonder what this is costing taxpayers and what is really behind all of them.

Same in WA state.

With more planned.

They can become very congested and backed up.

I live in Phoenix (same neighborhood for 25 yrs) and they started building massive highrise apt complexes (very cheaply made too )a couple years ago. Literally tearing EVERYTHING down and putting them everywhere and sometimes whole complexes are up in a couple weeks. One of the 700 plus apt complexes near my house has in their rental agreement that renters are NOT allowed to own a car. It has destroyed the look and feel of the neighborhood. And of course they are all “luxury living” which means the people who have lived her for decades can no longer afford to live here. Rent has gone up like 400 percent over the last few years. And they building them everywhere. Scottsdale, Mesa, Tempe, ect. It makes it ugly and crowded and sometimes I can be driving down the street and all the sudden feel like I’m lost as NOTHING looks familiar anywhere

Thanks Peggy, just wanted to let you know that I live in rual america and our small town recieved funding to rebuild 2 bridges and redo a couple of our main roads. When this happened they also installed bike lanes that also are not used. we also have the cameras on every corner and who knows what other big brother devices. If anyone thinks moving rual is the answer your wrong. And don’t forget trump promised to get 5g to our rual areas first. Thats a check as we now how 5g as well and every house in and outside the city limits were automatically upgaded to a dumb meter. We are now offically a small smart city and most people here do not even know what a smart city is. They said in agenda 2021 that they would start the proccess with cities, counties and municipalities as well as our police and fire departments. As you know, we are being betrayed by our own city councils and boards to implement these NWO agends.

Yes, you are describing the exact blueprints that cities and towns are following all over the country.

Peggy, here’s one for you. The City of Wheeling in WV seems to be in the crosshairs for these agendas! The small downtown area looks like a bomb went off due to all of the infrastructure development that has been ongoing for about 5 years. Multiple ‘high rise’ apartment housing complexes have been constructed to house a population that doesn’t seem to exist at this point. In addition, it’s impossible for small businesses to operate due to the havoc that has been created through this development. It’s really sad. You can’t get into the establishments due to the never-ending construction carnage.
And what do the city leaders say to any blowback from the community: “it’s really going to be great when finished” whenever that will be.

I know the “housing developments” are quite prolific in Ann Arbor Michigan, and roundabouts in all neighboring towns.
The rural areas still don’t have much, but they’re spraying the crap out of them and adding more towers. One very rural town not too far from me is quickly becoming a smart city. There’s pot shops and growing facilities everywhere too. Ugh


Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Trump’s call for investments in vertical-takeoff-and-landing vehicles, which he says could transform transportation and connect rural and urban America, is part of a “major initiative” focused on lowering the cost of a new car and creating new transportation methods. It comes as companies like Boeing and Honda are currently spending billions to develop and test electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicles that operate like giant drones for humans.

Envisaging the Future of Cities

The architect and influential urban planner Eugène Hénard was arguably the first to publicly discuss “future cities” in Europe during his 1910 address to the Royal Institute of British Architects in London. His vision anticipated the technological advances of the future, such as aerial transportation. This approach, prioritising technology, was also evoked in cinema in Fritz Lang’s 1927 film Metropolis.
To provide a safe and sustainable world for present and future populations, we need to think beyond “solutionism”. This is the idea that every problem we have has a technological fix.

proposal- a competition to design up to 10 state-of-the-art “freedom cities” — roughly the size of Washington — on federal land.
WEF This is what the cities of the future could look like


Here is a post from an anti-ULEZ group:

All those who have ULEZ exempt car’s, you were warned & will STILL have to pay!!

Here is a post from a friend of mine:

The Bezos Earth Fund is pouring $60 million into revamping alternative proteins as part of its push to make food more sustainable. The Jeff Bezos-backed philanthropic organization will put money into establishing university research centers that will work on improving the taste, texture and nutrition of meat alternatives.


Here is a post from another friend of mine:

Another Trojan horse (Safety + Security) for Northwest Montana. Here come the federal grants to further implement the United Nations Agenda 2030 and Smart City plans for Sustainability.

And some replies to this post:

this “local” MT Conservation Voters Education (programming) Outfit is likely funded and programmed by same source as the outfit that funds and trains (programs) your newly “elected” State and local public officers. I think I saw Barney Fife and Aunt Bea comment over there…the “voter ed” obviously running smooth as Mayberry. Nice work if you can get it, ay?

It’s funny that some people still think that all this infrastructure has nothing to do with permanent surveillance and is only for security and reducing crime. Yet every life satisfaction study in various places around the world where it has already been installed clearly shows that it does not work, does not reduce crime or does not increase the sense of anyone’s security.

In Australia it’s all about data collection, and I actually can’t see any ‘success indictors’ that actually measure ACTUAL decreased injury/fatality (other than for Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders).

I wonder if the Road Safety Action plan is related to the various Vision Zero efforts to supposedly get rid of all auto accidents or something.

Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all. First implemented in Sweden in the 1990s, Vision Zero has proved successful across Europe — and now it’s gaining momentum in major American cities.,injured%20using%20our%20road%20networks.

Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Biden rolls out ‘strongest-ever’ vehicle emission standards to ensure most new cars are electric by 2032 | Blaze Media

Here is a post from my friend from Tulsa:

And some replies to this post:

900$ a month!!! Too much for that! Should be 400$ a month! Argh

That much closer to the stacks from Ready Player One

And they aren’t even considered “low-income” housing. At 906$ for a cubbyhole of a space, I think not! While this is far better than sleeping in a tent or on the streets, it isn’t even intended for the otherwise homeless. They fully expect working class to live like this — and with nowhere to keep your things. Brutal! It’s a cramped motel room for 900$

Here is a post from a friend of mine:

As Oregon enforces its water use requirements, small farmers face the consequences
For seven years, del Campo has used well water to grow vegetables here, which she’s sold at farmers markets and to her neighbors. She said that’s been her primary source of income.
“It’s like a convenience store,” said del Campo. “People can stop in. I see a lot of people come on Sunday mornings to grab fixings for breakfast.”
However, everything changed last September. That’s when Oak Song Farm received a letter from the regional office of the Oregon Water Resources Department. It was a notification that the farm couldn’t irrigate its commercial crops without a water right.
Del Campo said this came as a complete surprise. Today, she said her business has been essentially destroyed.
“I don’t know why growing food is illegal,” she said. “That’s what doesn’t make sense to me.”

Here is a post from my friend from Tulsa:

Educating #Michigan on the big plan. A 27-min overview by a sharp lady who’s figured it out. I think it’s helpful – especially for those who are just learning about these machinations- to see that every city across the country and all over the world is following the same template. We need to develop networks of support for each other – to extend the reach of our efforts so that the general population recognizes the gravity of the situation and understands that doing nothing is not an option.

Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Cattle-Tracking Provision That May Limit Beef Supply Passed In Omnibus Bill

And another post from her:

New York City is making progress towards meeting its obligations to the C40 City Initiative that were outlined at the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, COP26.
The concept of 15-Minute cities, introduced by the WEF as part of C40, aims to create a similar system to London’s ULEZ zones, with the new toll to enter the city being the first step in implementation

Here is a post from an anti-ULEZ group:

15 minute cities are on the way!

Here is a post from a friend of mine:

CHICAGO (Reuters) – Migratory waterfowl are to blame for widening avian-flu outbreaks in Texas cows and poultry, and wild birds carrying the virus should be heading north soon, state Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller said on Tuesday.

The U.S. government since last week has reported cases of the disease in seven dairy herds in Texas and one person who had contact with cows, making it the state most affected by the country’s first-ever outbreaks in cattle. Texas is the biggest U.S. cattle producer.

The cases in dairy cattle and the second human case in two years in the United States renewed concerns about the virus, which has been infecting poultry flocks and a growing number of other species globally since 2022.

A positive test at a Texas egg farm led egg producer Cal-Maine to cull 1.6 million laying hens, the company said on Tuesday. Texas had never before suffered such a major outbreak at a commercial poultry facility, Miller said.

“This is spread by waterfowl,” he said in an interview. “It’s migratory season.”

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) first reported on March 25 that a cow and milk from two dairies in Texas tested positive for bird flu, with along milk from two dairies in Kansas. The agency later confirmed positive tests in additional dairy herds in Texas, New Mexico, Michigan and Idaho.

The strain of the virus found in the subsequent states is very similar to the strain confirmed in the initial cases in Texas and Kansas that appear to have been introduced by wild birds, the USDA said.

“We’re ready for the ducks to head north to their nesting grounds,” Miller said. “We think within a week or a little longer they’ll all be out of Texas and we’ll be out of the woods.”

USDA said that transmission of the disease between cattle cannot be ruled out.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention considers the risk of bird flu for humans to be low. The Texas patient’s only symptom was eye inflammation, according to the state’s health department.

Richard Webby, a virologist at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, said testing for flu in cattle is not routine and that it was important to establish the connection between the sickness in cows, and ducks and cats on the farms.

“Some smart people made the link and actually tested them for flu,” he said.

With these cases, people will start looking for similar events in Europe and Asia, said Webby, director of the WHO Collaborating Center for Studies on the Ecology of Influenza in Animals and Birds.

The Texas outbreak may have started about a month ago when a mysterious illness affected about 40% of the state’s dairy herds, Miller said. He said he now suspects it was bird flu, though officials did not know it at the time and can’t confirm it because the animals recovered.

“We were testing for every cattle disease we could think of and then somebody said, ‘What are all these dead birds doing around the dairies?'” Miller said.

(Reporting by Tom Polansek; Additional reporting by Julie Steenhuysen; Editing by Aurora Ellis)


And a reply to this post:

They’ re so full of it. The better to destroy the global food supply.






Here is a post shared by a friend of mine:

coming to every city and town –
Closed streets


And some replies to this post:

So they are using bikes to restrict cars and pretending this is all about cyclists and making streets more cyclist friendly.

Authoritarianism with a smile. Basic necessities and provisions will be fought for

genpops in the many cities who enforce frequent street closures do not see what is being rolled out. Indeed, they see it as cheerily as the Press given

Yes this is also the way it’s being done in montpellier France

They have been whittling down the size of lanes for cars and the number of lanes for cars for almost a decade now near me. Putting in bike lanes both directions, putting in additional street parking and making prior parking that was parallel into perpendicular parking now taking up far more of what used to be lanes of travel and now making it so bikes have full access to the traffic lanes as well as their own bikes lanes. Traffic is horrible and the lanes are so narrow it is dangerous now. It is obvious what the plan is.

Here is a post from an anti-LED group:

It’s a start…. However, LED is harmful, whatever the Colour Temperature, due to its SPD (Spectral Power Distribution). LED Lights are far too intense and they have a higher Electromagnetic Radiation output than incandescent lighting. Incandesent is more benign to Health and Ecology. Then, the LED roll-out has nothing to do with the Environment, it is the precursor of so-called “smart” towns and cities, which are anything but smart for Health or Environment….


Here is a post from a friend of mine:

“The White House is now considering declaring a national climate emergency.”

“If Joe Biden declares a national climate emergency, he would have CO-VID-like powers.”


Here is a post from a friend of mine:

State of Michigan offering $50 rebates for households that install a device that allows the utility company to remotely disable the temperature control of the house.
This $50 program is a good investment cause that behavioralsurveillance data gathered from each household w the Smart Thermostat is worth WAAY more than $50.
Very good ROI.

Here is a post shared by a friend of mine:

When a trial balloon comes your way – do Not gaze upon it, do not give it any consideration: IMMEDIATELY
pOp it.
Trial balloons
are Test runs for
plans in motion –
they are a working out of any kinks


Here is a post from my friend from Tulsa:


And some replies to this post:

UK’s total global emissions of CO2 are 0.9%, same as Poland’s.
Even if both of those countries will commit that expensive economical suicide, this will do didly squat to the global emmisions.
It is just self imposed torture and slavery.

More EVs? Like many are awake to the fact EVs are horrible for the environment. They know that. Theyre not going to let us have cars and drive. Its 15 minute prisons and total control.

Do the math: Calculate the CO2 reduction in the U.S. alone if they set all traffic lights to be timed properly AND sense when there are few to no cars on the perpendicular/opposite route. Meaning, how many times have we slowed down and stopped for a red light, waited a minute or so, ZERO other cars, but have to wait…and when light turns green again we accelerate again to go. All this churning out billions of excess pounds of CO2 every year in the U.S.
If it was really about CO2 reduction this is the fastest, almost instantaneous way to reduce it substantially.
But its about control, ‘green’ scams and suckering humanity into 15 minute prisons.

In Boulder, Colorado where I live the speed limit on residential streets was recently lowered to 20mph, and robotized radar enforcement has been increased. Some of the arterial streets have had their four lanes reduced to two, with a middle turn lane, and bike lanes expanded with curbs between them and the car lanes. Boulder is an example of liberalism run amok, and is often in the avant-garde of social changes.

The Military uses way more oil than everyone else put together. The US has 800+ overseas bases and fleets all over the world poking their nose in everyone else’s business. Why not abolish all that first?
And EVs? Give me a break. They’re a white elephant and a toxic, highly flammable one at that.

Here is a post shared by a friend of mine:

Starting July 6, 2024, all new cars and trucks sold in the European Union and Northern Ireland will be required to come equipped with safety technology that alerts drivers when they are speeding. This technology can beep, vibrate, or even slow down the vehicle to help prevent accidents.🚗

And some replies to this post:

Last summer we were given an electrical Ford Mustang SUV ( the car rental didn’t have the gas car we had asked for). Driving on a small Norwegian road it beeped constantly when it came over the speed limit. It felt like torture. Finally we were able to turn it off. It also wrestled with you every time you passed the median line. The car killed the pleasure of driving, made it impossible to drive smoothly and efficiently.

And insurance companies will be able to deny coverage if the car records you speeding.

Pretty well fits the description of what used to be called “a racket”. I dont think people recognize them anymore, since so many fall for them.

Help to spy on you, more likely

very likely…

Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Many Americans do not realize………….
Please Pay Attention To This American Farmer Sharing Concerns About What’s Coming Due To The New Mandated EID Tag On Cattle

Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Average newer car has 40 internal and external cameras. My client works for insurance and can download every single thing in newer cars about an accident. Your car will become your judge and jury along with AI. And having an older car is not going to help….see article.

Here is a post from the anti-ULEZ group:

Has anyone else heard of this

And some replies to this post:

Don’t surprise me at all, as the commies ie China have about 15% of volvo .

Volvo cars is majority owned by Chinese motor manufacturer Geely.

Yep just the jobbie … go out side you allotted zone and it’ll shut down, go above your allotted milage for the month it’ll shut down….. yep that’s the future folks

Not if you keep your older car!

older cars will be taxed off the road… this whole thing stinks.

Apparently all cars sold in uk after June this year(new cars) they come compulsory fitted with live speed limitersand all will be limited to 70 mph max

That’s the whole point of the electric push. Kill off petrol/diesel sales, watch them shut those down and be replaced with charging points, so eventually you can’t actually fill up your older car any more.

the EU had a new mandate under debate that any car over 15 years old will not legally allowed to be repaired.
In a “nudge” to push you towards a more connected and therefore remotely controlled vehicle.

Introducing geofencing… how to keep you in your 15 minute city apart from 100 permitted days leave.
Oxford, Lancaster & other UK100 cities have already have put up their ANPR cameras.

BMW hybrid already do this. I had a hire car and when I drove into the CAZ in Birmingham it kicked into EV mode, I literally switch it off and that was it.

Lots of “connected” cars have this capability. I noticed that the latest Toyota CHR showed geofencing as a positive feature in the blurb…..

Here is a post from a friend of mine from Scotland:

Outside the UK Parliament right now. A tractor convoy and protesters fighting on YOUR behalf. No farmers. No food.

[Twitter link killed]


And another post from him:

Depending on who you read, Oxfordshire Council is either imposing a ‘Climate Lockdown Trial’ or a ‘Traffic Management Strategy’.
The truth of the matter, as far as I can discern, is that car users will have to apply to the council for passes to go through certain traffic lights more than 100 times in a year. They will be free to travel through these lights using other modes of transport.
I don’t think that this amounts to a climate lockdown, where no one can leave their homes – but I do think that it amounts to a huge invasion of privacy, whereby Oxfordshire car owners will have to register their vehicles with the council, who will then use number plate recognition technology, to fine them if they exceed their 100 trip quota.
It also amounts to a restriction on people’s freedom of movement – which is a slippery slope, one year you won’t be able to drive through the threshold because your car is generating too much pollution, the next year you won’t be able to walk through it because you are exhaling too much CO2.
Link to both perspectives in the comments.


Economic Evils Part 8

This is Part 8.

Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Yesterday I experienced NEW AI SOFTWARE FOR SELF-CHECKOUT THAT SHUTS YOUR ABILITY TO PURCHASE DOWN: I found this out because I changed my mind on an item I picked up and I didn’t scan it and set it on a shelf nearby to get it out of the items to be rung up (since there is no one to hand it to in self check out). AI watches your hand movements. If you move your hands in any way other than to scan one item in the correct scan motion resulting in bagging it, the transaction is frozen and it calls the ‘babysitter’ (shop attendant) over. That person then watches a replay of your every movement which automatically starts playing on a mini tv screen at the self-checkout stand. And a number of items it saw you bring up to the till pops up and asks the attendant to count what is in your bag and any items you have not rung up yet. Its only after this that the attendant can punch in a code and re-start your ability to self-check out. In all my life if I change my mind on something at the till I simply handed it to the person ringing me up and said I don’t want this. Now I’m treated like a feckin criminal for changing my mind thanks to AI. And there is no way to put a piece of tape over the camera because the new systems have the camera high over your head. Its wrong.

Unfortunately no food shops are offering a check out person anymore around me. Maybe 1 check out person in rush times for seniors who can’t manage.

And some replies to this post:

You know how we protest this…other then not using them at all? Ill tell you how.
Go in with 10 people and everyone of you intentionally trigger the system at the same time. Just as they start to clear the tills trigger it again.
Act apologetic and continually say sorry to the workers.

in France they are getting groups of up to 50 to fill carts and all of check-out. When they say no cash they all leave the carts there and leave the store

Many times for us shopping at WalMart..they have a price on the item marked on the shelf,that is quite different at the till ring up..which is why we “change our mind” on the purchase. This is often enough as are the lines long enough to want to use “self check out” and this problem occurs at both.

that’s one aspect of the whole AI / digital convergence thing…..guilty by default.

All y’all thinking avoiding ‘self checkouts’ is somehow gonna derail/delay their agenda are completely wrong and making fools out of yourselves.
If you want to intelligently and effectively disrupt or even force them to rethink their tyrannical methods you need to change your lifestyle & habits and where & how you spend your money.
They’re basing their control methods on your behaviour & habits not theirs.
You have one ‘power’ they don’t have and they fear you using it.., the power of absolute basic consumerism.
Cancel every ‘nice to have’ subscription in your life, cancel your amazon & alike account, cancel your streaming accounts, stop buying or subscribing to their shit.
You’ll be saving and they’ll be going bankrupt.
Learn how to live on a need to have not nice to have basis.

Unfortunately, this is the truth of our lives now! I had the exact thing happen to me at self checkout and I had to stand there while the employee watched the replay. It was embarrassing and infuriating at the same time.

Ha ha. Firstly. Thank you for sharing & I will share. But was furious last time in Morrisons. Not one manned till. Granted.bits was 10pm. They close at 11. I lost the plot. Ran my stuff reluctantly thru till only to get “” This is card only 😡 . Called kid assistant over. Asked if I have a Card – YES. I have 2. BUT. IM PAYING CASH – She started smiling. Nope. I WONT change my mind. So she took my things to a til opposite & scanned them. Couldn’t keep my mouth shut 🤭 told her. im protecting your Jobs. Silly child said ” Doesnt matter to me. I’m a student. It’s just my pocket money 😡Even worse. After hoping her parents work there & won’t have a job soon. I wished her Grounded with No money. Fumed ll the way home. Then laughed at MYSELF. Kid is Dumb. Not gonna wake up this lifetime

I had a similar thing happen. I scanned two bottles of soda water and for some reason the second bottle didn’t register even though it beeped through. Talk about an open air prison. 👿👿

Yeah I had some packages from the post office in my trolley and it alerted the system saying that I had not scanned everything and a video of me played too

You know, I bet this is one of the reasons that the Left is pushing all these things that make cities so crime ridden, so that the Right can then come in and offer all these surveillance things as the “solution”.

Woolworths have had this for a long time. And it’s glitchy as all hell. Often treated like a criminal.

The Aldi by me is about all self-checkout (save maybe one lane) and cashless too. And I’m in a town of about 10,000 too, not a big city.


Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Data shows that in November of 2023, the percentage of U.S. employees who are working remotely or have a hybrid working arrangement is sitting at just under 42% and has been sitting at roughly that level since 2021.
Many bustling hubs are now starting to look like ghost towns as office occupancy in the 10 largest U.S. metro areas has been hovering at around 50% this year, according to Kastle data.
“We are three and a half years in, and we’re totally stuck. It would take something as extreme as the pandemic to unstick it,” Bloom recently told CNBC.
Return to office is ‘dead,’ Stanford economist says. Here’s why

Office vacancies on a national level hit a 30-year high of 18.2% in the second quarter of 2023, according to CBRE data — with empty offices or “ghost towers” cropping up from coast-to-coast.

And another post from her:

We now spend more on interest to pay the national debt than anything else in the budget except Social Security and Medicare. Entering 2024 we are now at $34 trillion in debt and over $1 trillion per year in interest on the debt. The debt is growing at well above $2 trillion per year, piling on even more interest payment obligations. If we have a recession, the deficits will be even larger and make these numbers even more ridiculous.


Here is a post from a friend of mine from Canada:

While Steve Kirsch pushes his anti-vax shtick, he’s working with Central banks behind the scenes to bring in CBDC.

Listen to it come out of his own mouth in the videos in the links below.




Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Driverless truck companies plan to ditch human co-pilots in Texas in 2024

Here is a post from my friend from Tulsa:

More people seem to be realizing the danger of CBDCs – that they will become a way for the government* to dictate what you can or cannot do and a means to control all aspects of your life. But let me suggest that this realization has been allowed to occur in order to catalyze public demand for private digital currencies, which are likely even worse in terms of using your data against you and implementing the new international economic order (NIEO). The NIEO is a globalized, privatized, data-driven system for measuring, managing, and monetizing your behavior – a social engineering program of epic proportion. Private-sector-issued stablecoins have all the programmability of CBDC – but without any accountability to the public. They are in the custody and under the management of the banking cartel and will have the same ESG-strings (or the right-leaning counterpart) attached to them as those which are ubiquitously promoted throughout the corporate sector. The Reset intends to eviscerate nation-states of any and all authority to affect the global economy, to do away with representative government that (on paper and in theory) must respond to the will of the people, and to place unelected, unaccountable stakeholders at the helm of a global, programmable metaversal Skinner box.
The narrative patterns in the press releases, whitepapers, and marketing materials are clear: governments lack the speed, expertise, and agility to navigate digital transformation and Globalization 4.0 – therefore, the private sector must step up to the plate just as it did during the public health emergency of 2020. Enter the public-private partnership to accelerate the change to a more sustainable and inclusive world.
The same banking cartel that feigns to support CBDC (and controls the criminal lackeys who hold positions in government) is behind private digital currencies. Neither is an acceptable option. But because the latter does not seem to evoke the same level of suspicion as as the former, I consider it the more ominous of the two.
Check out this post from Circle USDC stablecoin for an example of the narrative spin that is used to steer the public toward the NIEO.
*Of course, the Federal Reserve is not a public entity, but for the purpose of this post, I link it to government. It is (on paper) subject to some public oversight, which is not the case for Blackrock, which manages the Circle USDC.

Here is a post from a friend of mine:


“I just got my order from Walmart and they had to substitute 18 items. The man that picked and delivered them said they just didn’t have the groceries I ordered. He mentioned no chicken broth since Thanksgiving. He had never seen anything like this is America before”.


And another post from her:


“At my neighborhood Walmart in Olathe, KS there was no flour, no sugar, and hardly any canned meat, canned chili. There was one gallon whole milk left, I took that one. All other milk was very sparse, except for the very expensive milk.”


And yet another post from her:

“Many shortages in New Smyrna Beach, Florida,- Walmart. dairy is short, as dog food, pasta, potatoes, fresh vegetables. My livestock feed bill doubled this month from $490/month to $ $980/month. as did my house insurance (increased from $465/month to $755/month). -There isn’t enough money to go around.”

And yet another post from her:

“I live in Germany -The train drivers in Germany have decided to join the strike no rail travel or movement of goods for a week”

And yet another post from her:

” Central Texas -Walmart stores are beginning to have gaps of chicken broth and fresh vegetables and fruits in their stores “

And yet another post from her:

“My son is an inventory manager at a Walmart store in Texas – Walmart corporation is pulling inventory from Sam’s Club to stock the shelves at Walmart stores. Different brands from where ever Walmart can get it are being used to cover gaps of shortages. GV and Equate brand makers are beginning to walk away from contracts [ breaking contracts] with Walmart Corporation because there is not a profit margin any more. Employees are being limited on some purchases now as cans of tuna , sugar, and pasta. There are shortages. The general manager of my son’s store told him not to discuss shortages because it is bad for moral. “

And yet another post from her:

“Central Alabama. I went to my local Walmart today with my grocery list of 92 items . I had to make a lot of substitutions or go without. Milk was almost gone, lots of people have discussed the lacking of milk at other grocery stores across this country.
You could see stockers standing in the cooler areas because there wasn’t anything to do . Bread and tortillas were non-existence. Fresh veggies can’t roll my eyes hard enough concerning how bad they were . The displays of food items on shelves are continuing to shrink in size. Are we now living in a communist country?”

And yet another post from her:

“No butter at Costco in Montgomery, Alabama none in the dairy refrigerator section. Costco put yogurt in its place.”


Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Food items which are to sky rocket in price / if you can find them in grocery store……………

















Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Utility Bill Debt For Americans Hits Record As Heating Homes Now Seen As Luxury

And another post from her:

Comment from an employee, who works for Wally World Distribution Center in the mid west
“We are running out of trailers to unload . We only had 20 trailers to do today and now the corporate office is asking for volunteer time off from lack of supplies coming in. We do not have enough supplies coming into the distribution center. We have not had Coleman 1 pound propane tanks for 4 weeks to come into the distribution center . We were also told its not going to get better for months if not longer. I recommend buying bug spray, fishing gear, anything you might need or use this summer because we were told prices are going up. Rough road ahead. “

And yet another post from her:

Comment from employee , who works at an electrical parts company in Wisconsin

” I work at an electrical parts manufacturing company.. For the past three months we have had shortages on the machinery parts inside the factory. This past month the shortages have become sever, the company is sending employees home early because the factory shuts down due to lack of parts. This is a serious problem for our country.”


Here is a post from a friend of mine:
A dear friend from the UK brought ONE SMALL TOWN (OST) to my attention a few weeks ago and asked me to weigh in on it. It is an initiative being pushed as an alternative to the globalist agenda by building local solutions via #CONTRIBUTIONISM and #TOKENS. A way to thrive locally by starting businesses in small towns and communities via business models that do not rely on value creation, but rather, contribution of one’s time/labour. Whether the initiators and founders of this effort know it or not, it is a #TrojanHorse for #COMMUNITARIANISM and also, the #DigitalID.
My commentary and initial analysis:

  • OST is incorporated in South Africa and is being pushed as a global movement
  • Monthly basket of goods (UBI = Universal Basic Income)
  • Monthly cash dividends – EQUAL share of 60% net profits from ALL businesses (equalization of the proletariat)
  • ONE INFINITY TOKEN for every three hours of LABOUR
  • OST Model requires individuals of the “community” to sign up and donate THREE HOURS of their time PER WEEK (No qualitative or quantitative measures of the output)
  • LABOUR in itself does not equal VALUE CREATION
  • FREE labour = Slavery (Cost basis for the business is computed as ZERO)
  • 3 hr shift Infinity Token deposited directly to their DIGITAL WALLET (Trojan horse for a Digital ID)
  • Community MUST CREATE a legal CORPORATE ENTITY – all corporations have bylaws and charters and ultimately must align with the communist charter of the parent corporation (Note: UN SDGs)
  • Net Profit Revenue Split:
    — 60% to community co-op
    — 30% to investor (This is ludicrous as there is no discussion of the pre-money valuation of the business and the people; no discussion on how much money will be invested; to give away 30% of the business share to an investor without value judgment or negotiations is essentially enslaving the community) -> STAKEHOLDER CAPITALISM
    — 10% to OST head office for operational costs (Royalties, IP use, land rentals etc.)
    Economic model that follows UBUNTU fundamentals:
  • Unity in the community (any individual or group of individuals who don’t align with the equalization aspect will be ostracized).
  • Creating and sharing abundance for all (equalization; inversion in “abundance”)
  • (Any form of) CAPITALISM replaced by CONTRIBUTIONISM (Value Creation replaced by hourly labour)
  • OST is a BLOCKCHAIN platform (see my Facebook post on blockchains and how they will be used to enslave society)
  • “A successful team is a group of many hands and one mind” – AI controlled (HIVE MIND) – master with many slaves


  • “Competition does not help people” (Michael Tellinger video on YouTube)
  • Participating in joy of what we create COLLECTIVELY
  • All good things should be available to us all the time!!!!
  • Abundance + Prosperity by working 3 hours/week!
  • All Business profits (and losses) will be put into one pool and then distributed EQUALLY amongst all members -> EQUALIZATION OF WEALTH/OUTCOMES regardless of merit, value creation and creativity. Labour hours driven metrics.
    One Small Town ➡️➡️➡️ ONE BIG LIE!

And some replies to this post:

An “alternative” to the Globalist Agenda? It IS the Globalist Agenda. I’m not sure how this is any different than what I’ve heard so far. It sounds like a repackaging of public/private partnership/Digital ID/surveillance economy, and the usual 15 or however many minutes cities that they want to keep us corralled in, (thus, the ‘One Small Town’ branding). This so-called “Infinity Token” will have a quantitative value, I don’t care how they want to spin it. All time and labor creates value if a transaction of wealth occurs (in this case, a credit). I think the Globalist marketing department is working overtime to find new ways to lipstick the 4IR pig.

How would a true local economic and infactstrucure system work? What would the political architecture and mechanisms to inculate and protect it look like?
On what principals would they have to be based?
I submit that they must at their core, be anti-globalist, and anti-oligarchic.
These days, it would also have to be a challenge to the authority of the technocrats (all so called experts)
So for being anti globalist, the accusations would be that you are anti “free trade”.
For stepping on the toes of corporations and billionaires, you’d be a “Communist”.
And to challenge the experts, you’d have to be tagged anti-science.
The general population are dependant, on ever more elaborate and constricting outside systems controled by a “hidden hand”. They are primed to attack any alternatives because they can’t define or properly identify the real enemy.
We need to strip it all down with simple principals clearly defined. Political mechanisms are tools for supporting ideologies. They don’t necessarily belong to any particular one.
A manifesto would be apropos.
We have the right to provide our own food and create our own houses and shops under LOCAL regulation exclusively.
The regulation must be transparent, minimal and subject to input and directed by and for each neighborhood without outside interference.
NGOs, “charities” foreign governments, corporations, ect should be forbidden from participation.
Officials, moderators, judges etc. Should be vetted and examined for drugs, criminal history, former employment, membership in secret societies and familial connections (don’t put a Podesta in charge of the henhouse).
Vetted hopefuls could be chosen by lot.
These are just some examples of what could be promoted that would appeal to everyone that just wants to be left alone to enjoy the fruit of their own labor and the pursuit of happiness.
Takeaway is this.
All economic and political mechanisms must be LOCAL, TRANSPARANT, ANTI-OLIGARCHIC, and ANTI-TECHNOCRATIC. (against outside experts.)

Thank you for looking into this! Awhile back, I was actually invited to help startup a local community currency that sounded a lot like this. At the time I was clueless. It never came into fruition, thankfully, but this type of thing IS coming and going to deceive a lot of freedom loving people. I wrote this in a post awhile back…
Here, we see in the WEF whitepaper on CBDC, that they are considering both centralized AND decentralized styles of architecture (top down or bottom up) for CBDC. This means we shouldn’t just assume that the final global financial system that the WEF promotes, will be one with “top down” controls, as I hear many who are opposed to CBDC claiming the WEF is trying to implement.
EITHER centralized or decentralized format can be utilized and desirable to meet the Agenda 2030 goals, and possibly both types will have a place in the future global economy.
So for everyone excited about Bitcoin and other decentralized crypocurrencies, web3, NFT’s, local tokenized currencies, tokenization based on human capital or nature capital, to use in a “parallel society”, thinking it will give you freedom, please realize that the WEF you despise is considering the same decentralized options for use to meet their 2030 goals. They just care that you go digital.
Who started the whole assumption that WEF is all about “top down” control anyway???
If you read their own whitepaper closely, you will see that you cannot make this assumption.
I’ve said it before and I will say it again…
DIGITAL IS DIGITAL, no matter how you play the game!!!
[Dead link]

Decentralized DeFi

Thanks. Digitalization is about CONDITIONAL ACCESS. It is implemented by the five pillars of the Digital Transformation. The prison guard is ZERO TRUST (Default Deny).

I live near an environmental green based community, years ago chatting to friends that lived there they told me how the community was run, I was a little shocked at the self imposed lifestyle restrictions they had put on themselves to help SAVE THE PLANET, they were basically CARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKING each other, you could only travel abroad when you had enough carbon vouchers and you had to input 18hr of labour per week for the community including a mealtime rota where you had to cook for the whole community. It ain’t easy being green!

I will need to reread this after a cup of coffee, but in first glance reminds me of what William Bradford and his group already tried in On Plymouth Plantation, and failed. Betting many aren’t taught about that part of the mayflower story. This new plan is just updated with shackles to keep us from getting out once we take the plunge. Thanks to tech. But I’ll re read and try to wrap my head around it.

decentralized currency is fine (as long as it’s not digital), and actually state banks could be a way around digital cashless society by issuing state issued paper scrip, and have exchange agreements with other states. I think it has been discussed in Tennessee (state senator Frank Nicely is an advocate of it). Actually if people want to put together a community or do a business as a marxist co-op its fine as long as it’s voluntary. The problem comes when globalists push initiatives on us through municipal governments through the back door as was brought to light by the work of the late Rosa Koire.

fyi, 2012.

Here is a post from another friend of mine:


.” I’m in a small town in CO near Wolf Creek pass. I’ve assisted with food pantry here for over 5 years. The last 6 months I’ve seen a HUGE increase in people going to the food pantries. New cars. Old cars all kinds of folks now. I personally did not take for myself till the last few months. It’s a humbling experience to stand in line to be able to make it with the rising cost of everything. I can tell you as a person with inside knowledge and personal need there has been a huge shift in people needing food pantries”


And another post from her:

First year Interest costs on a new typical mortgage have SURGED to over 41% of median wages under Biden. Up from just 16.6%

Reckless federal deficits with a debt that’s $260,000 per household now and set to go to $380,000 in just 10 years The more the uniparty spends our money, the more it drives inflation and interest costs through the roof!


And yet another post from her:

We are now officially in the process of collapsing – National debt is 34.2 trillion thanks to the political uniparty in D,C,, I have stated since 2009 the political pendulum swings both ways

Debt to GDP IS 1002.27% . We have 43.4 million Americans now living in poverty We have 127 million people not in the labor force . U.S. unfunded liability is $212 .7 trillion What is owed into .Social Security $26.6 trillion. Medicare liability $49.7 trillion. We have a trade deficit over $1 trillion. We are importing over $250.4 billion in oil . Student loan debt per student $.30.8 thousand. Credit card debt $1,378 trillion.

Tell me if you think we are not collapsing …


And yet another post from her:

I stated yesterday food prices will continue to go up and I meant every word I have stated including 2024 and 2025 is going to be h*ll for Americans .. We will see millions of families struggle and do without

Inflation: Consumer prices rise 3.1% in January, defying forecasts for a faster slowdown


And yet another post from her:

A German bank says it’s preparing for the worst property crisis since ’08 as commercial real estate distress spreads

And yet another post from her:

it’s transitory, they said

“Car insurance premiums rose 20.6% in January from a year earlier”

The Cost of Car Ownership Is Getting Painful


And yet another post from her:

It seems 2024 will be the year of food recalls, besides the [cough/cough Avian bird flu

Updated List of Products Linked to the Rizo-López Foods, Inc. Recallópez-foods-inc-recall/ar-BB1i4FMR


And yet another post from her:

Speaking from my heart – Everyone needs to cut as much that is not necessary as we can out of our lives . Powell stepped forward with insiders and stated regardless of what is happening with inflation we are going to cut rates at least twice this year.. If they do cut rates every one of us is going see such an inflated stock market it will become utter cha-os [ think of 1929 ] and eventually what will happen inflation will go through the roof . Powell is talking about a June and September rate cut . If this is true and if he’s going to do this it will be built into the stock market we will see the market run up on this news and with that news it will be overinflated. .
The lay off spree which is happening now is a kitten to what will happen – A person , who works in the manufacturing business stated “their company is having such a difficult time because the entire industry is down basically 25% of sales right now- off 25% and the manufacturing sector and businesses are not finished with layoffs…-

And yet another post from her:


‘ I own a small machine shop in Columbia South Carolina, 2 days ago my credit card machine had an update notification, A customer now can chose ‘credit, debit, or cash. I called the credit card company and was told the update is for the ‘new’ system which will go into effect in a few months We will be required to type in the amount of cash payment. This will be a requirement and there will be a 4% charge to use cash I have come to the conclusion this new system which is being implemented its purpose is to help ban cash” .


And yet another post from her:


“I work at UPS in Minneapolis we have been getting old coins especially pennies as well as older dollars. I have not seen any new one dollar bills for quite awhile now. “


” I live in mid-west coast of Florida . My roommate works at Dollar General. She has been noticing an increase of customers paying with change jars. Customers are only purchasing necessities and often they remove items because they don’t have enough money.”.



Digital Currency Dialectic


Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Americans spend more on food than they did 30 years ago. Government statistics keep telling us everything is fine, but the facts on the ground say we’re going backwards. Not just on food: shrinking homes, falling home ownership, and even falling life expectancy paint a picture of a generation of Americans who, for the first time since the 1930’s, are poorer than their parents.
Food costs hit 30 year high.
Between ongoing inflation and shriveling real incomes, we’ve lost a generation of prosperity.
For centuries each generation of Americans was richer than their parents — often twice as rich. This has now broken, whatever happy-talk government statisticians feed us.
From food costs to life expectancies to home size and home ownership, we are going backwards for at the fastest pace since the 1930′

And another post from her:

Japan is no longer the world’s 3rd largest economy. Japan has officially entered into a recession . Of course, recession doesn’t count here in Amerika. Amerika’s government and the news media has changed the definition of recession to avoid bad headlines. They’ll do everything they can to hide it, including kicking the can down the road until we run out of road.


And yet another post from her:

Federal spending hits the loot-the-treasury stage, with debt soaring $100 billion in just 4 days. It only took them 100 days for a cool trillion — an annual rate of nearly $3.7 trillion. Now even mainstreamers are warning of a “meltdown” as early as 2025 as federal debt swamps financial markets. One prominent economist thinks it could look like the 2022 UK crisis, which threatened to topple banks and even pension funds, crashed the pound, and toppled the government.

———-Federal debt is up $100 billion in just 4 days. We’re on track for $37 trillion by the end of this year. And $40 trillion by the end of next. Now a prominent Wharton professor is warning of a “meltdown” as early as 2025 as debt swamps financial markets.


Here is a post from a pro-cash group:

Went into a Barclays Branch in Livingston shopping centre (Scotland) to pay cash into my Credit card. Was advised that the Branch would be closing soon and that the new branch would be Cashless!
Went into Bank of Scotland in same centre. Was advised that their flagship store in the St James quarter was Cashless!
The Banks are forcing us into a cashless situation!

And some replies to this post:

had same needed to pay £5 ground rent every 3 years. They won’t take cash had to use card all to do with money laundering they told me. Total joke

so I think the reason for all this is the fact they havnt got our money. They run their banking on a Ponsi system, so if we all withdrew our money they would collapse & need prosecuting for fraud!

I thought the Gov bought in a law last year that no one must be more a a certain distance from a cash point ?
August 2023
le › government-acts-to-protect-access-to-cash-throughout-the-uk-a8BIU3I1Hemh
Government acts to protect access to cash throughout the UK
As hundreds of free cash machines and bank branches vanish from UK high streets, the government has today announced a new committee to ensure Britons remain able to access cash. The government’s latest move is welcome news, following Which? findings that around 3,000 cash machines vanished in the last year

Getting ready for their great Reset when millions want to get their hard earned cash out of the criminal gambling banking system. It will be made worse when they find out the entire banking shite show is bankrupt and worse these same criminals in suits have full access to your savings and balances to bail themselves for their part in this world wide Globalist Coup of all democracies of the world. Will this corrupt Government even have the promised money to pay out their bank guarantee arrangement should Banks default?

That is, of course, a cunning ruse by HM Gov… an act of pretending to have your back when they simply don’t on all fronts. So you’re a shopkeeper (Veg shop, Fis&Chip shop, Pub, you name it) and you today accept cash. Where though tomorrow do you deposit those takings at the end of the day/week/month if banks don’t accept that cash? It’s a cashless society by subterfuge, because they could never get backing for it honestly. But sure… YOU can get cash out (say they, with feigned concern)… but to then spend ….WHERE??? Eventually! Well nowhere… eventually.

I tried to pay money into someone’s account to pay for New Year’s Eve party tickets and was told by Nat West it was considered to be money laundering. Absolutely ludicrous.

I had the same at Barclays but I used to put cash into my metro account so 😕

And yet the true money launderers are constantly working their way around the system

It’s much worse in the Uk than anywhere else looks like we’re the gineau pigs yet again. Had family in Poland this weekend and it’s nearly all cash. Shops and businesses prefer it there but we seem to just accept everything 😢

That’s because the unelected Sunak is a WEF puppet and he is pushing this 🤬

Yes!! Someone close to me works for this bank and has confirmed all branches are closing and everything is going digital! There we have it from the horses mouth. I dont know what we can do about it now in all honesty. Its happening whether we like it or not!

It won’t matter how much more we use cash from now on, once the time is right to implement full cbdc, it will go ahead and your cash will be worth nothing. Writing to your mps? forget it

The ANZ bank in Australia is becoming cashless over the counter. My local branch is that way, with all transactions required to take place via the ATM. Which is fine except when one has an account for an amount like $424.50 to pay and coins can’t be put into nor given as change from the ATM


Here is a post from a friend of mine:


” I am a cashier at Winco grocery store. 75% of the customers I am checking out now is using food stamps to purchase groceries. This 8 out of 10 customers are having to use government subsidy to pay for their food. This is not normal.”


And another post from her:


” Southeast Alabama. Just spoke with local butcher. He stated that it’s getting harder and harder to get local beef, The price has been slowly rising. “


And yet another post from her:

A third of American adults in Northwestern Mutual’s 2024 Planning & Progress survey said they don’t feel financially secure. That’s up from 27% in 2023 and the highest measure going back to 2012.


And yet another post from her:

” I live in southern Virginia . I went to purchase groceries, two employees told me prices were to increase on food items. One of the employees stated a tremendous price increase was coming. and they were concerned how customers were going to be able to purchase food. . “

And yet another post from her:

” I leave in Australia . Bank West is informing customers they will be closing all branches and going digital”

And yet another post from her:

” I live in New York state , I was informed by a State Farm rep. car insurance premiums was going up 25% the next renewal. I was also told by the rep. other insurance companies was implementing similar increases. “

And yet another post from her:

As Argentina food prices soar, more people scavenge to survive
Sandra Boluch, a fruit and vegetable seller in Buenos Aires, is seeing a worrying trend as inflation soars over 250%: sliding sales and more people scavenging for what she throws away, hoping to find enough for a meal.

And yet another post from her:

Japan enters stagflation for the first time in 40 years as unions force double-digit wage hikes on giant companies representing millions of workers. This could send the Bank of Japan into panic-hikes. Given Japan’s recession, that could set off a financial crisis with Japan’s national debt almost 3 times GDP. In US terms, that would be like a national debt of $60 trillion. The dominos are falling for a worldwide stagflationary crisis. We could get 2008 and 1970’s all rolled into one — something that hasn’t happened worldwide since the 1930’s.

And yet another post from her:

Which major country will first to financial collapse?
Germany Is Running Out Of Money And Debt Levels Are Exploding, Finance Minister Warns

And yet another post from her:

Two-thirds of your income taxes now go to debt service.

Meanwhile, the federal government is spending twice what it takes in taxes, and the deficit is the second-highest on record after only the Co-vid lockdowns. Washington is eating the people alive for wars and importing millions of voters in training. How will it end? How it always ends: inflation, mass default, and sovereign debt crisis. The only question is when.

The federal government now spends twice what it takes in tax revenue. While debt service alone eats nearly 2/3 of individual income tax.
So when you write that check to the IRS next month, rest easy knowing most of it is going to Wall Street and China.
The federal spending borg is eating everything in sight, crapping out wars and welfare for migrants. And leaving the people they serve to fight over the crumbs.

The Invasion of the American Borders Part 2

This is Part 2.

Here is a post from a friend of mine:

There is money being made on the “border crisis.” Check out the grants made by the Oklahoma Bar Association.




Southwest too it looks like:





The tyrants in the mainstream German parties may be plotting to criminalize a new party that is opposing the influx of over a million refugees into Germany in 2023 alone, citing supposed Russian collusion, among other things:


Here is a post from a page called The Conservative Hammer:

BREAKING… Siding with the Supreme Court’s leftists, John Roberts and Trump appointment, Amy Coney Barrett, have ruled that the Biden administration can REMOVE the fencing Texas has placed on the border and continue to aid illegal crossers. INSANITY.





Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Congress is trying to pull a fast one with a trojan horse bill that has nothing to do with the name. The title of the legislation claims it is tax relief, but it is really just $155 billion for illegal aliens to get welfare benefits and also corporate giveaways to the clients of lobbyists.
Republicans are trying to sneak in a $155 billion bill that combines welfare for illegals with crony corporate tax cuts. All disguised as “tax relief for families” Dems, of course, are only too happy to play along and fleece the voters. Welcome to America’s ruling coalition: illegal immigrants and corporate lobbyists. Two parties, united


Here is a post from a friend of mine:

The city of Denver would rather cut services to their own citizens.
Why won’t they call for deportations and a change in Biden’s open borders policies? Because that is against the ideology of the left. The left wants to destroy the cities and the country. The elected leaders of cities like Denver would rather die than oppose radical leftist ideology.



Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Massachusetts is spending $64 daily to feed each migrant: Report

And another post from her:

Inside Mayor Adams’ migrant debit card boondoggle — no-bid bank gets $50 million, border crossers up to $10,000 each

And yet another post from her:

Can the situation in our country become worse? The answer is yes
New York Governor Kathy Hochul Now Pushing to Allow Illegal Immigrants to Take Government Jobs





Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson refuses to say how much migrant crisis costs city after report reveals $1M spent on hotels weekly



Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Anyone living in Tenn.? Your state is next in line for the D.C. Clown’s replacement plan. Letters were sent to mayors of cities of Tenn. from our government to get ready and prepare for influx of migrants from countries as Guatemala, Venezuela , ,Mexico , and Honduras.


Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Listen to this ,,,,,,,,,

An elderly lady in UK was told homes are needed for “asylum seekers”.




At a time when we are witnessing the highest ever recorded figures for homelessness in Ireland, the government is seeking expressions of interest from multinational corporations, property owners, developers and businesses to sell or lease their properties for international protection applicants, 85% of which entered Dublin Airport without passports or identity last year. As far back as June 2022, Carol Nolan TD was accused by Minister O’Brien of raising Parliamentary Questions that posed a “risk to social cohesion” and was threatened she “walked a very fine line” simply because she asked the State about their capacity to “to deliver housing to its own citizens in light of the enormous rise in inward immigration, international protection and asylum applications.”

Our Irish society is at tipping point. The State’s mass immigration policy has directly led to sky-rocketing rents and a shortage of housing, forcing more and more Irish people out of their homes. The State’s immigration policy serves the interests of global financial corporations, Bankers and greedy profiteers as it accelerates debt, rent and house prices and drives down wages. It is a race to the bottom and the Irish people are suffering the consequences.

The political establishment have no democratic mandate to continue to pursue immigration policies that are destroying our social cohesion, country and the future of our children. The overwhelming majority of Irish people are against what is happening YET the government continue to attempt to shut down any national debate. All they have is the same old tired rhetoric that “migration is good for Ireland” and those that raise legitimate questions are labelled as “racists”, “far-right” and “fascists”. They are only doing this because they know the game is up. In cities, towns and villages across Ireland people have seen through the lies and deceit of the corrupt political establishment including FG, FF, SF, PBP, Labour, Greens, Social Democrats and Independent Socialists. We are witnessing the coming together of communities like never before. The traitorous political establishment will not worm their way out of this. The political establishment and their lying media are the enemy of the people.

True democracy is being born, rule by the people is taking shape. We are witnessing the Dawning of the Day. Ireland Belongs to the Irish. Nothing can stop what is coming.


And another post shared by my friend:

Why are Ukrainian students in Ireland entitled to maintenance grants for PLC courses and third level education WITHOUT a means test AND at a rate three times higher than Irish students when Section 60(10) of the International Protection Act 2015 clearly states that a ‘displaced person’ accessing education should be treated the same as an Irish citizen? Why did the Department of Education flagrantly disregard our national legislation? The Temporary Protection Directive 2001/55/EC was activated in 2022. At Art. 14 children under 18 years enjoying Temporary Protection are entitled to access education under the same conditions as nationals of the host Member State. There is no such legal obligation entitling adults enjoying Temporary Protection access to education as it is up to each Member State. The Directive was adopted into Irish law by Section 60 of the International Protection Act 2015 and provided the right for a ‘displaced person’ to access education ‘in the like manner and to the like extent in all respects as an Irish citizen’. Nearly €20 million has been paid to date to Ukrainian students studying for PLC courses and third level degrees in Ireland. WHY did the Department of Education flagrantly disregard our national legislation by implementing a two-tier system? The Irish taxpayer is footing the bill, many of whom are struggling to put their own children through third level education. The two-tier system must stop 🛑 and the Department of Education must be held to account for their actions in failing to adhere to our national laws. 👇



Crimes of the Covestapo Part 15

This is Part 15.









Found this from a while back:






Russia/Ukraine Clone Wars Report Part 4

This is Part 4.


Here is a post on the wall of a friend of mine:

You bought the last Zionist utopia with your tax money and you will buy the new one. In fact, the west has already paid for the extermination of the region’s very real Nazis and many other soldier-aged men who would have opposed the theft and occupation of Ukraine by WEFfians and Zionists.
The eastern part of the region which includes Donbass was indeed old Khazaria, the actual original “homeland” of the Zionists and many Ashkenazi Jews. This is in no way to insinuate people of Ashkenazi or any other Jewish heritage support Zionist imperialism in any way. Indeed, I suspect most people of Jewish heritage are appalled by modern Zionism and AngloZionist imperialism.

And some replies to this post

[removing taking God’s name in vain]

will this MKUltra kook just go away???!!!! He is a real “I can’t”:


She’s obviously an important “spiritual” leader to the globalists, seemingly a gloating Satanist.

Here is something very interesting to consider (from 16 min:49 secs until 32:13), though the entire interview is interesting . . .

Yes, I’ve seen that interview and it’s interesting. The interviewer isn’t terribly sharp, however. Yes, Epstein was a “construct” of the hereditary monarchs, overt and cryptic (and their various capos/barrons, etc.). No doubt about it.

Bobby Kennedy’s absurd support of Israel, a creation of these very same people, BTW, reminds me of his longstanding relationship with Ghislaine Maxwell, herself a longstanding agent of the Anglo-Zionist global plutocracy.

Atlantic Council… straight from the mouth of the snake itself. I think that the Khazaria stuff does not serve much purpose in explaining things… Jews were only there a relatively short time more than 1000 years ago. Real roots of our powerbrokering overlords are in the scheming globalist elitism coming from the regions of the Rhine and Rhone rivers, the superhighway of global trade going back to the early Bronze Age. These extend north to the North Sea and south to the Mediterranean from Geneva and Bern. When the Roman Empire fell to Germanic barbarians, the Merovingians and Carolingians became power brokers and it was within their culturally diverse Burgundian kingdoms along the Rhine and Rhone that the Ashkenazi crystallized culturally. Their real power is in being globalist racketeers through partnerships with Jesuits and freemasonry…






Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Dec. 17, 2023- WSJ published an editorial piece which describes describes Yemen’s military efforts is creating “the most significant threat to global shipping in decades.” Numerous shipping industry behemoths have been forced to suspend journeys, mask maritime positions, or reroute their fleets from the Red Sea and Suez Canal to the Cape of Good Hope route around the southern tip of Africa.
Houthis vows more Red Sea attacks… “The conflict has spread beyond Hamas-ruled Gaza, including into the Red Sea where Iran-aligned Houthi forces have been attacking vessels with missiles and drones… ‘Our position will not change in the direction of the Palestinian issue, whether a naval alliance is established or not… Our position in support of Palestine and the Gaza Strip will remain until the end of the siege, the entry of food and medicine, and our support for the oppressed Palestinian people will remain continuous.’” – Reuters, Dec. 18

And a reply to this post:

I thought that the Saudis more or less controlled Yemen.


What a mess, the Western/Israeli backed Saudis have put their puppets in Yemen and some other group called Houthi is backing the Palestinians/Hamas.

Here is a post from another friend of mine:

BREAKING HERE IN WASHINGTON: A Pentagon Report Just Out reveals $1 billion worth of weapons Sent to Ukraine Unaccounted For, and nearly 40,000 weapons have not been properly monitored, Even As Congress Debates Whether The U.S. Should send more money to Zelensky.

NOTE: In plain language, the report By Defense Department’s inspector general exposes a lapse in tracking over $1 billion worth of weapons, including shoulder-fired missiles and kamikaze drones, sent to Ukraine while nearly 40,000 weapons have not been properly monitored, raising fears of potential theft or smuggling, intensifying the debate on additional military aid to Kyiv.

Simon Ateba

Chief White House Correspondent at Today News Africa in Washington


The globalists have taken WWIII to Yemen, involving a fight in a territory supposedly controlled by Zionist puppets the Saudis, against the allies of the Zionist and CIA created Hamas, the Houthi.










Here is a post from a friend of mine:

(Fell under a mild binge on U.S. Supreme Court justice Louis Brandeis 😏, and ran across this. I’m not so sure about everything in this accounting of history. Still, thought provoking. I’m fairly certain from what I’ve read of relatively recent DNA testing that Anastasia, Czar Nicholas II youngest daughter did not actually survive…)
The Rothschild 1901 – 1919: The secret creators of World War 1
1901: The Jews from the colonies set up in Palestine by Edmond James de Rothschild, send a delegation to him which tell him, “If you wish to save the Yishuv (The Jewish settlement) first take your hands from it, and for once permit the colonists to have the possibility of correcting for themselves what needs correcting.” Edmond James de Rothschild is very angry about this and states, “I created the Yishuv, I alone. Therefore no men, neither colonists nor organisations have the right to interfere in my plans.” The Rothschild banking-house in Frankfurt, Germany, M. A. von Rothschild und Söhne, closes as there is no male Rothschild heir to take it on. 1902: Philippe de Rothschild born.
1905: A group of Rothschild backed Zionist Jews led by Georgi Apollonovich Gapon attempt to overthrow the Tsar in Russia in a Communist Coup. They fail and are forced to flee Russia only to be given refuge in Germany.
The Jewish Encyclopaedia (Vol. 2, p.497) states, “It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time the latter are the guardians of the papal treasure.”
1906: The Rothschilds claim that due to growing instability in the region and increasing competition from Rockefeller (the Rockefeller family are Rothschild descendants through a female bloodline) owned Standard Oil, this is why they sell their Caspian and Black Sea Petroleum Company to Royal Dutch and Shell. This is another example of the Rothschilds trying to hide their true wealth.
1907: Rothschild, Jacob Schiff, the head of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., in a speech to the New York Chamber of Commerce, warns that, “Unless we have a Central Bank with adequate control of credit resources, this country is going to undergo the most severe and far-reaching money panic in its history.” Suddenly America finds itself in the middle of another typical run of the mill Rothschild-engineered financial crisis, which ruins as usual ruins the lives of millions of innocent people throughout America and makes billions for the Rothschilds.
1909: Jacob Schiff founds the National Advancement for the Association of the Coloured People (NAACP). This was done to incite black people into rioting, looting and other forms of disorder, in order to cause a rift between the black and white communities. Jewish historian, Howard Sachar, states the following in his book, “A History of the Jews in America,” “In 1914, Professor Emeritus Joel Spingarn of Columbia University became chairman of the NAACP and recruited for its board such Jewish leaders as Jacob Schiff, Jacob Billikopf, and Rabbi Stephen Wise.” Other Ashkenazi Jew co-founders included Julius Rosenthal, Lillian Wald and Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch. It was not until 1920 that the NAACP appointed its first black president, James Weldon Johnson. Maurice de Rothschild marries Ashkenazi Jew, Noémie Halphen….
“…1912: In the December issue of, “Truth,” magazine, George R. Conroy states of banker Jacob Schiff, “Mr Schiff is head of the great private banking house of Kuhn, Loeb, and co, which represents the Rothschilds interests on this side of the Atlantic. He has been described as financial strategist and has been for years the financial minister of the great impersonal power known as Standard Oil.” He was hand in glove with the Harrimans, the Goulds, and the Rockefellers in all their railroad enterprises and has become the dominant power in the railroad and financial power of America.”
1913: On March 4, Woodrow Wilson is elected the 28th President of the United States. Shortly after he is inaugurated, he is visited in the White House by Ashkenazi Jew, Samuel Untermyer, of law firm, Guggenheim, Untermyer, and Marshall, who tries to blackmail him for the sum of $40,000 in relation to an affair Wilson had whilst he was a professor at Princeton University, with a fellow professor’s wife. President Wilson does not have the money, so Untermyer volunteers to pay the $40,000 out of his own pocket to the woman Wilson had had the affair with, on the condition that Wilson promise to appoint to the first vacancy on the United States Supreme Court a nominee to be recommended to President Wilson by Untermyer. (Who was in fact Brandeis) Wilson agrees to this. Jacob Schiff sets up the Anti Defamation League (ADL) in the United States. This organisation is formed to slander anyone who questions or challenges the Rothschild global conspiracy as, “anti-semitic.” Strangely enough, the same year that they do this they also set up their last and current central bank in America, the Federal Reserve. Congressman Charles Lindbergh stated following the passing of the Federal Reserve Act on December 23, “The Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs this Bill, the invisible government of the monetary power will be legalized…….The greatest crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency bill.” It is important to note that the Federal Reserve is a private company, it is neither Federal nor does it have any Reserve. It is conservatively estimated that profits exceed $150 billion per year and the Federal Reserve has never once in its history published accounts…”

1914: The start of World War I. In this war, the German Rothschilds loan money to the Germans, the British Rothschilds loan money to the British, and the French Rothschilds loan money to the French. Futhermore, the Rothschilds have control of the three European news agencies, Wolff (est. 1849) in Germany, Reuters (est. 1851) in England, and Havas (est. 1835) in France. The Rothschilds use Wolff to manipulate the German people into a fervour for war. From around this time, the Rothschilds are rarely reported in the media, because they own the media.
1916: On June 4, Ashkenazi Jew, Louis Dembitz Brandeis is appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States by President Wilson as per his agreed blackmail payment to Samuel Untermyer some three years earlier. Justice Brandeis is also the elected leader of the Executive Committee for Zionist Affairs, a position he has held since 1914. The middle of World War II Germany was winning the war as they were being financed by the Rothschilds to a greater extent than France, Italy and England, because Rothschilds, did not want to support the Tsar in Russia, and of course Russia was on the same side as France, Italy and England. Then a significant event occurred. Germany, although they were winning the war and not one foreign soldier had set foot on their soil, offered armistice to Britain with no requirement of reparations. The Rothschilds were anxious to make sure this didn’t happen as they were expecting to make far more money off this war, so they played another card they had up their sleeve.
Whilst the British were considering Germany’s offer, Rothschild agent Louis Brandeis sends a Zionist delegation from America to Britain to promise to bring America into the war on the side of the British, provided the British agree to give the land of Palestine to the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds wanted Palestine for the following reason: They had great business interests in the far east and desired their own state in that area along with their own military which they could use as an aggressor to any state that threatened those interests. The British subsequently agree to the deal for Palestine and the Zionists in London contact their counterparts in America and inform them of this fact. Suddenly all the major newspapers in America that up to that point had been pro-German turned on Germany running propaganda pieces such as: German soldiers were killing Red Cross Nurses; German soldiers were cutting off babies hands, etc, in order to manipulate the American public against the Germans.
This same year, President Woodrow Wilson, ran a re-election campaign under the slogan, “Re-Elect The Man Who Will Keep Your Sons Out Of The War.”
On December 12, Germany and her allies offer peace terms to end the war.
1917: As a result of Germany’s offer of peace the Rothschild war machine goes into overdrive in America, spreading propaganda which leads to President Wilson under the instructions of American Zionist leader and Supreme Court Justice, Louis Dembitz Brandeis, reneging on his promise to the electorate and taking America into the first world war on April 6. As per the Rothschild Zionist promise to the British, to take America into the war, they decide they want something in writing from the British to prove that they will uphold their side of the bargain. The British Foreign Secretary, Arthur James Balfour therefore drafts a letter which is commonly known as the, “Balfour Declaration,” which is reprinted below.
Foreign Office November 2nd, 1917
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.
His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.
Yours sincerely,
Arthur James Balfour
The Rothschilds order the execution by the Bolsheviks they control, of Tsar Nicholas II and his entire family in Russia, even though the Tsar had already abdicated on March 2. This is both to get control of the country and an act of revenge for Tsar Alexander I blocking their world government plan in 1815 at the Congress Of Vienna, and Tsar Alexander II siding with President Abraham Lincoln in 1864. It is extremely important for them to slaughter the entire family including women and children in order to make good on the promise to do so made by Nathan Mayer Rothschild in 1815. It is designed to show the world what happens if you ever attempt to cross the Rothschilds.
U.S. Congressman Oscar Callaway informs Congress that J. P. Morgan is a Rothschild front and has taken control of the American media industry. He states, “In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press… …They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers…An agreement was reached. The policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month, an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers.”
1919: In January, Ashkenazi Jews, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, are killed as they attempt to lead another Rothschild funded Communist coup, this time in Berlin, Germany. The Versailles peace conference is held to decide reparations that the Germans need to pay to the victors following the end of the first world war. A delegation of 117 Zionists headed up by Ashkenazi Jew, Bernard Baruch, bring up the subject of the promise of Palestine for them. At this point the Germans realised why America had turned on them and under whose influence, the Rothschilds.
The Germans, naturally, felt they had been betrayed by the Zionists. This is because, at the time the Rothschilds made their deal with Britain for Palestine, in exchange for bringing America into the war, Germany was the most friendly country in the world towards the Jews, indeed the German Emancipation Edict of 1822 guaranteed Jews in Germany all civil rights enjoyed by Germans. Also, Germany was the only country in Europe which did not place restrictions on Jews, even giving them refuge when they had to flee from Russia after their first attempted Communist coup failed there in 1905.
Nevertheless, the Rothschilds had held up their side of the bargain to spill the blood of millions of innocents and as a result, Palestine is confirmed as a Jewish homeland, and whilst its handover to the Rothschilds takes place it is to remain under the control of Britain as the Rothschilds control Britain. At that time less than one percent of the population of Palestine was Jewish. Interestingly, the host of the Versailles peace conference is its boss, Baron Edmond de Rothschild. The Versailles peace conference is also used as an attempt by the Rothschilds to set up a world government under the pretext of ending all wars (which they create). This was called the, “League of Nations.” Fortunately not enough countries accepted it and so it soon died.
On March 29th The Times of London reports on the Bolsheviks in Russia,”One of the curious features of the Bolshevist movement is the high percentage of non-Russian elements among its leaders. Of the twenty or thirty commissaries, or leaders, who provide the central machinery of the Bolshevist movement, not less than 75% were Jews.” It is reported that the Rothschilds were angry with the Russians because they were not prepared to allow them to form a central bank within their nation. They therefore gathered groups of Jewish spies and sent them into Russia to drum up a revolution for the benefit of the common man, which was actually a takeover of Russia by a Rothschild-controlled satanic elite. These Jewish spies were, in age-old deceptive Ashkenazi tradition, given Russian names, for example Trotsky was a member of the first group and his original name was Bronstein. These groups were sent to areas throughout Russia to incite riots and rebellion. The Jewish Post International Edition, week ending January 24th 1991, confirms Vladimir Lenin was Jewish. Lenin is also on record as having stated, “The establishment of a central bank is 90% of communizing a nation.” These Jewish, Rothschild funded Bolsheviks would go on in the course of history to slaughter 60 million Christians and Non-Jews in Soviet controlled territory. Indeed the author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in his work, “Gulag Archipelago, Vol 2,” affirms that Zionist Jews created and administered the organized Soviet concentration camp system in which these tens of millions of Christians and Non-Jews died. On page 79 of this book he even names the administrators of this the greatest killing machine in the history of the world. They are Aron Solts, Yakov Rappoport, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Genrikh Yagoda, and Naftaly Frenkel. All six are Zionist Jews. In 1970 Solzhenitsyn would be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for literature.
N. M. Rothschild & Sons’ are given a permanent role to fix the world’s daily gold price. This takes place in the City of London offices, daily at 1100 hours, in the same room until 2004.

And a reply to this post:

James Corbett has a good documentary video on WWI. It’s on YouTube but hard to find in search.



