Agenda 21 and the Green Meanies Part 14

This is Part 14.

And the Kenyan people know how to respond to Agenda 21:



Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Why buying a house Will NEVER be the same again… This will begin in California and swipe across our country. Mark my words on that.. There is a new California Senate bill proposed and it goes into effect July 1st. Senate bill AB968
What this does is very simple when you purchase a home you have to disclose all the work[ remodeling] which was done to it in the last 18 months. You’ll have to make a list of all the improvements you made and you will have to provide all the building permits for all the wok which was done. You will have to provide all the contractors names and their phone number for everything which was done on your home. . , This will cause a nightmare
California AB 968 introduces crucial regulations for individuals selling homes purchased within the past 18 months. This bill ‘presumes such sellers to be flippers’ and mandates them to disclose extensive details about property improvements. This includes a description of the work performed, the contractors involved, and the permit status of each project

PLUS if you walk into an Open House you have to sign a document just to walk around in that house if you don’t have an agent.
Prices on homes are high but LOTS of banks have 100s of foreclosures on homes in the back log…. .
There will be serious problems merging from this that we have NEVER seen before………. Plus throw in Commercial Real Estate ….


Here is a post from a friend of mine:

Denmark to Tax Emissions From Farmers in Pioneering Move
Denmark will introduce a levy on farm emissions in what is set to be one of the world’s first carbon taxes on agriculture, helping the Nordic nation reach its 2030 climate target with backing from key industry and environmental groups.
Farmers will be taxed 300 kroner ($43) per ton of CO2 equivalent emitted from 2030, the government said on Monday. Five years later, the tax will rise to 750 kroner per ton, though farmers will benefit from higher tax deductions.
Denmark is set to become one of the world’s first nations to introduce such measures. New Zealand, whose proposed levy had inspired the Scandinavian country, said earlier this month it would delay its plans to introduce farm emissions pricing to 2030 at the latest.

And another post from her:

I am suggesting everyone read this..


“I’m a rancher and here is why ground beef is on sale right now: Most ranchers are dumping all stock because we’re hearing new bird flu regulations are coming that will require much higher individual testing and new USDA fees. Most of my neighbors, who are ranchers are just getting out. The age of the common man eating beef is about to come to an end.”


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